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Are You An Evolutionary Revolutionary Or Just A Wimp ?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

Crowned by democracy

no grins or funny laughs    
but the things they say are    
stupidly hilarious    
no  horns, no make-ups    
but their actions are    
scary and delirious      
a mindless audience…    
victims to cheer      
an ideology of corrupted minds    
merged to forge a mechanism,      
to suck the energy of the poor  
to feed the bellies of these clowns  
crowned by the democracy
unfathomable concerns
rise and fade away  
without a solution  
while the society is
spinning inside a carousel
riding puppet horses  
and you search  
for the puppet master  
behind the horse
and fail to see the
ropes attached  
to the carousel
Written by dejure (vick)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879

…And the Horse You Rode In On 

How the fuck did we end up here? 
How are morons and greedy bastards in power? 
Did the world just decide to bend over and fuck itself? 
Did we just give up and cower? 

Fuck you motherfuckers, 
For driving companies into the ground, 
For losing people’s money, jobs and livelihoods, 
Bringing up misery as you walked away, 
With your fucking golden parachutes. 
Where did your sense of social responsibility go? 
Was corporate profit always the priority up front? 
So to all you CEOs who walked away with millions, 
Fuck you, you fucking cunts. 

Don’t get me started about global warming, 
Because idiots in power are denying it all, 
Oh wait, they’re in cahoots with corporations, 
So go choke on a bag of dicks and hairy balls. 
How the fuck can they be rejecting this shit? 
Oh yeah, these stupid ignorant bastards are corrupt, 
Acting as if nothing is the matter with the world, 
You’re all a bunch super mega thunder cunts! 

How the hell is a fucking moron in charge? 
This motherfucker can’t have that much luck! 
Oh yeah, it was with his devious past and shady deals, 
Fucking orange cheeto, how many dicks did you suck? 
You sound like an incoherent babbling idiot, 
But then again, you must have shit for brains, 
You fat bitch, you fucking orange cunt, 
I can’t wait till they take you away in chains. 

Although the word cunt in this contest context is used as a derogatory and offensive term (insulting men) in no way I’m putting down women or mean to disempower them. I support women in their effort for equality and  representation. Although society has oppressed women throughout human history, my use of the word cunt here is only to add levity and rage against known bastards and douchebags. 
Addendum to Disclaimer: 
The female reproductive organ is one of the strongest, resilient most beautiful wonders of the world.  All of us came from one, therefore I worship it and hold it to the highest regard. 

And to those sons of bitches who preach hatred, 
You’re a bunch of cunty cunts who have no idea, 
You pieces of shit will have your judgement day, 
But in the meantime, 
I hope you get explosive diabolical diarrhea. 
What kind of demon semen nut up in your mouth? 
Ignorant fucks, read a book instead, 
But for now, go suck each other off you fucking cunts, 
Maybe your mothers dropped you on your heads. 

Flat-earthers and bullies, suck it, 
Assholes, fuck ‘em without restraint, 
Lobbyists, you motherless fucks have a special place in hell, 
Right in the devil’s smelly sweaty taint. 

So to all the dumb fucks who think their shit don’t stink, 
Who have taken advantage of others, one day it will dawn, 
A revolution is coming, you moronic imbeciles, 
So fuck you…and the horse you rode in on. 

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 28th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 26

"A Snake in a Suit"

Cattle eating cattle.
What a stupid fucking joke.
There's nothing to fight for these days
We've lost all the townsfolk
The people who live are the people who hide
The people who stand up are always the first to die.
There's nothing to do
The fire has gone cold.
That fascist in the faux hair-piece
has lightened the load.
Says the government,
we're better off dead.
Exterminate the lowest class
Turn them into subordinates
We're drowning the rich
and they're starting to notice a change
Make these peasants fight to the death
Whoever wins is our new slave
Passionless, emotionless, colorless people
Run the entire world from the highest steeple
And when election comes again, and Trump has had his run-through,
just remember, even a fucking bloodthirsty vampire looks good in a suit.
Don't join with the masses, because when all is lost, they'll eat you.
Cattle eating cattle.
What is this world coming to?

poet Anonymous

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Prayers Hurt the Ears of Our Puppeteers

Press me - pared by pitch lines
burning beneath searing, slicing ink
amendment headings, heedless shredding
needless schemes sync and stink

Cheeks sop up spit, shouted from the silenced
voices stifled
spoken woken rifles shriek
Abject, abject...only lowly objects
we drink our bile in the streets


Evil - updrafts, born in buzzards wings
The carrion, they ferry
cold cartels of skins;
clipping our colors before they clash

Bodies stowed for savage shows
minions made of molting pinions
piercing us with hollow pinions;
mind your ties to those marionettes
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

There are just too many great works here , by great poets !

Thank you for all the entries , and powerful words !

I have some favorites , but I am asking for the community's

assistance !

Please , take the time , and read these , then cast your vote !

Remember what this is about...not pretty poetry , but rage

and angst , and hope and dreams , but that tear down the

walls revolution mentality is vitally important !

Thank you for the help !

We have quite a task , to choose !

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

With a nod of appreciation to our host Blackwolf who gave everyone the opportunity; I thank those that participated in the voting process during these past three weeks. There were many fine efforts offered; the results up in the air till the final ballot was made.

Everyone is to be congratulated. And I bow to my fellow podium poets who I’m honored to stand with:
runners-up runaway-mindtrain and Lyrically_Inclined!

We thank you - ALL.

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