The Seven Deadly Sins

Poetry Contest Description
Your take on one of the seven deadly sins, it could be your most indulged in, it could be one of your bad habits. Any way you want to write about it is welcome, but only one not collectively. One entry per person, two weeks.
Joined 10th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 11
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 11
"uncontrolled sexual pleasure"
Lust causes cheating
Lust causes broken hearts
Lust are inhibited by FUBUs(
), and Porn

"uncontrolled sexual pleasure"
Lust causes cheating
Lust causes broken hearts

Lust are inhibited by FUBUs(

Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
6. invidia (envy)
Oh, Eve!
You know not how you’ve offended me
So happily married
Living by the sea
With two children
Ages one and three
Eve, must you be
So ostentatious flamboyantly
Go-lucky carefree?
Caring-on without
Any sense of humility
Nor decorum or dignity
Eve, don’t misconceive
You will not provoke my jealousy
For its not you I wish to be
It’s your husband Steve
That I envy
Because you married him
Instead of me
6. invidia (envy)
Oh, Eve!
You know not how you’ve offended me
So happily married
Living by the sea
With two children
Ages one and three
Eve, must you be
So ostentatious flamboyantly
Go-lucky carefree?
Caring-on without
Any sense of humility
Nor decorum or dignity
Eve, don’t misconceive
You will not provoke my jealousy
For its not you I wish to be
It’s your husband Steve
That I envy
Because you married him
Instead of me
Joined 15th Feb 2016
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Dangerous Mind

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Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1541
"Pride Is One Seed"
One seed is masked in infancy
With its intoxicating allure
Its sexy remedy
Impersonating ones esteem
Inseminating the mind with arrogance
An artificial substitute for confidence
Yet this sweetener tastes un-Equal
Stroking the ego
Through external heights that excite
Attempting to ascend it's slippery slope
Each icy step slides one down tenfold
Leading to a bitterness deep within
Fueling a growing resentment
For all that is physically different
Forgetting that at the core we are One
We are the same
Letting go of who you are not
Is the key to setting us all free
As part of you is a part of me and we
And in One we are all together
Our commonality is the seed of our equality
Yet in the end to ascend in parallel
Imperious souls must atone and reparate
In ways silver pieces cannot compensate
For the shame I carry for four hundred years of hate
Cannot be let go of by one alone
It must instead be released by One together
(JJ Johnson)
One seed is masked in infancy
With its intoxicating allure
Its sexy remedy
Impersonating ones esteem
Inseminating the mind with arrogance
An artificial substitute for confidence
Yet this sweetener tastes un-Equal
Stroking the ego
Through external heights that excite
Attempting to ascend it's slippery slope
Each icy step slides one down tenfold
Leading to a bitterness deep within
Fueling a growing resentment
For all that is physically different
Forgetting that at the core we are One
We are the same
Letting go of who you are not
Is the key to setting us all free
As part of you is a part of me and we
And in One we are all together
Our commonality is the seed of our equality
Yet in the end to ascend in parallel
Imperious souls must atone and reparate
In ways silver pieces cannot compensate
For the shame I carry for four hundred years of hate
Cannot be let go of by one alone
It must instead be released by One together
(JJ Johnson)

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Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 218
seven deadly sins
lust is mine
because of you
in the morning
at dawn
in the first light
silhouetted against the window
left leg slightly bent
hands gripping the curtains, about to open them
the sun rises between your legs
at breakfast
short robe, loosely tied
front hangs nearly open
off one shoulder
tan skin shows
legs up to there
glimpse of breast as coffee is poured
at noon
straight light brown hair down
tied around your forehead with a narrow ribbon
shirt tail tied in front
only the middle button buttoned
breasts pressed against fabric
jeans worn low and tight
waist button missing, zipper closed
in the evening
shirt knot untied
navel ring flashes
cleavage allows nipple glimpse
zipper part way down
thong shows above jeans
butt sways and wiggles when you walk
glance over your shoulder, wink
that night
ceiling light is off
bed side lamp is dim
bed is turned back
baby doll covers nothing
scent of roses
hand rests on the bed beside you
eyes meet mine
smile beckons
lust is mine
because of you
in the morning
at dawn
in the first light
silhouetted against the window
left leg slightly bent
hands gripping the curtains, about to open them
the sun rises between your legs
at breakfast
short robe, loosely tied
front hangs nearly open
off one shoulder
tan skin shows
legs up to there
glimpse of breast as coffee is poured
at noon
straight light brown hair down
tied around your forehead with a narrow ribbon
shirt tail tied in front
only the middle button buttoned
breasts pressed against fabric
jeans worn low and tight
waist button missing, zipper closed
in the evening
shirt knot untied
navel ring flashes
cleavage allows nipple glimpse
zipper part way down
thong shows above jeans
butt sways and wiggles when you walk
glance over your shoulder, wink
that night
ceiling light is off
bed side lamp is dim
bed is turned back
baby doll covers nothing
scent of roses
hand rests on the bed beside you
eyes meet mine
smile beckons
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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Joined 7th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
When you go
Truth be told it can control
Life love hate your soul
What's your status where you stand
slave to the grind or the fucking man
Waste of skin without a clue or
Fuck you money neck tattoo
Whatever you're chasing is driven by greed
The rich need more
The poor just need
But remember this at the end of the day
When the banks are closed and its all tucked away
We're all gonna die just so you know
And you can't take it with you When you go
Life love hate your soul
What's your status where you stand
slave to the grind or the fucking man
Waste of skin without a clue or
Fuck you money neck tattoo
Whatever you're chasing is driven by greed
The rich need more
The poor just need
But remember this at the end of the day
When the banks are closed and its all tucked away
We're all gonna die just so you know
And you can't take it with you When you go
Written by LBV
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Deadly Sins No Longer
Take me to hell where I lust over your physical attributes
And the way your body is made perfectly for mine
Like a puzzle piece. I appreciate all of your delicate fruits
When you pour yourself down my throat and intertwine
Around my soul as I am overstuffed with sweet liqueur.
My stomach is too empty for gluttony, but I have greed
For you far beyond money. I am a sloth, forgetting
About everything else for a moment. We both bleed,
Feeling the wrath boil and rise to the surface, wetting
Everything that gets in its pathway. I envy everyone
Else who gets your attention because I want to keep
Everything you to myself. It has always been your sun
And its bright light I want to borrow because deep
Down, I know that is what saves us. Love has no pride
Or selfishness. We have sins that are not so deadly
Anymore. They are not something we should hide
Because we are what keeps us alive in the medley.
And the way your body is made perfectly for mine
Like a puzzle piece. I appreciate all of your delicate fruits
When you pour yourself down my throat and intertwine
Around my soul as I am overstuffed with sweet liqueur.
My stomach is too empty for gluttony, but I have greed
For you far beyond money. I am a sloth, forgetting
About everything else for a moment. We both bleed,
Feeling the wrath boil and rise to the surface, wetting
Everything that gets in its pathway. I envy everyone
Else who gets your attention because I want to keep
Everything you to myself. It has always been your sun
And its bright light I want to borrow because deep
Down, I know that is what saves us. Love has no pride
Or selfishness. We have sins that are not so deadly
Anymore. They are not something we should hide
Because we are what keeps us alive in the medley.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2278
The pride
of believing
that we care
for the children
that we are
a better way
of living
in this concrete
that we allowed
to be
this is the most deadly
of them all
of believing
that we care
for the children
that we are
a better way
of living
in this concrete
that we allowed
to be
this is the most deadly
of them all
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 286
The Eighth Deadly Sin
They've taught me to worship
Behind holy walls
They've warded off demons
From satanic halls
I've read the good book
My sins are wiped clean
Not one of the seven
Ever went unseen
What lies I've been taught
How purely I thought
That the deadly seven
Was all to be
For there's still one deadly
No bible once noted
No pastor once preached
Of this heresy
I cannot repent
I cannot be free
For God only knows
That the eighth deadly sin
Is me.
They've taught me to worship
Behind holy walls
They've warded off demons
From satanic halls
I've read the good book
My sins are wiped clean
Not one of the seven
Ever went unseen
What lies I've been taught
How purely I thought
That the deadly seven
Was all to be
For there's still one deadly
No bible once noted
No pastor once preached
Of this heresy
I cannot repent
I cannot be free
For God only knows
That the eighth deadly sin
Is me.
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 231
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 231
Dazed with educational terms,
Seduced by knowledge's stem.
They put on the regalia:
The most deadly of all desire.
They weighed the content of the world,
Drink from indecisive gourd.
Poured out from the vessel
Of abstracts,ate the heathens morsel.
They argued on talks even more:
They have many words in the store.
They have all to beat them all:
For even their points made them fall.
The most deadly of the seven sins,
Is one being an atheist.
(For your end you cannot tell:
Maybe or not you'll be caught in a spell.)
Dazed with educational terms,
Seduced by knowledge's stem.
They put on the regalia:
The most deadly of all desire.
They weighed the content of the world,
Drink from indecisive gourd.
Poured out from the vessel
Of abstracts,ate the heathens morsel.
They argued on talks even more:
They have many words in the store.
They have all to beat them all:
For even their points made them fall.
The most deadly of the seven sins,
Is one being an atheist.
(For your end you cannot tell:
Maybe or not you'll be caught in a spell.)
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 141
Tristitia (Sloth)
Far less than eighteen hundred
Venetian red threads
count these languid
thudding confession
into my kindly
tender bed
arrest me
in manners of undress
Transgressions impress spurs
kicking a misplaced conscience
as depression represses
each hint of a prick
Rousings spill
& slump
off bowed shoulders
in this haven;
My hole - my hold - my hovel
Following the teasing temptings,
I shovel further
into pretty
pending dreams
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Joined 20th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 1
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 1
I just want to be like them.
They walk the halls with such confidence
And such pride.
They all seem to have such luscious hair that falls so perfectly in place.
My hair always seems nice when I leave the house, but whenever I get the chance to glance into a mirror I regret ever getting out of bed.
They all own the wardrobe of a celebrity, one that I could never afford.
The makeup that they all plaster their faces with looks like artwork that’s been hung up at a gallery.
When I put on makeup I look like a clown on Halloween night.
All the boys at school like them.
There’s not one boy who can’t say that they haven’t liked them at least once.
Boys don’t look my way, better yet they look away when I try and maneuver myself through the crowded halls.
Why do they get to be so perfect?
And why am I forced to be such a walking disaster.
I have tried to fix my hair to make myself look a little less messy then I usually do
But that never works for me. I could use all the hairspray in the world and my hair would still stick up out of place, making me a walking static ball.
I have spent tons of money on clothes and shoes that I don’t even like just so that I could try and fit in.
Everything is so uncomfortable, yet I still wear it everyday because hey, if that is what’s going to give me a shot at being pretty like them then its worth it.
Beauty is pain, and I’m willing to die if it means ill be beautiful.
I have tried to wear makeup the way that they do, but all that has done for me has made me the laughing stalk of the school because I forgot you need to hide your face in the rain.
I just want to be like them.
I just want to be beautiful.
I just want to be pretty.
I just want to be popular.
I just want to be liked.
I have broken the best parts of myself while trying to be perfect
And I don’t know what to do anymore.
They walk the halls with such confidence
And such pride.
They all seem to have such luscious hair that falls so perfectly in place.
My hair always seems nice when I leave the house, but whenever I get the chance to glance into a mirror I regret ever getting out of bed.
They all own the wardrobe of a celebrity, one that I could never afford.
The makeup that they all plaster their faces with looks like artwork that’s been hung up at a gallery.
When I put on makeup I look like a clown on Halloween night.
All the boys at school like them.
There’s not one boy who can’t say that they haven’t liked them at least once.
Boys don’t look my way, better yet they look away when I try and maneuver myself through the crowded halls.
Why do they get to be so perfect?
And why am I forced to be such a walking disaster.
I have tried to fix my hair to make myself look a little less messy then I usually do
But that never works for me. I could use all the hairspray in the world and my hair would still stick up out of place, making me a walking static ball.
I have spent tons of money on clothes and shoes that I don’t even like just so that I could try and fit in.
Everything is so uncomfortable, yet I still wear it everyday because hey, if that is what’s going to give me a shot at being pretty like them then its worth it.
Beauty is pain, and I’m willing to die if it means ill be beautiful.
I have tried to wear makeup the way that they do, but all that has done for me has made me the laughing stalk of the school because I forgot you need to hide your face in the rain.
I just want to be like them.
I just want to be beautiful.
I just want to be pretty.
I just want to be popular.
I just want to be liked.
I have broken the best parts of myself while trying to be perfect
And I don’t know what to do anymore.
Written by sydney19
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