Poetry competition CLOSED 24th February 2012 4:12pm
diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
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Time Stands Still

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Poetry Contest

Read the passage below, create a story around it and tell it in a poem..
She stood by the window looking out into the night. She could no longer see anything but the gathering darkness. She had not switched on the light, allowing herself the comfort of darkness’ embrace.  She felt the tears flowing down her cheeks but ignored them. What were tears compared to the sharp pain in her chest? She stood there almost all evening and much of the night, like a sentinel; hoping that this little childish act of standing and waiting would make everything come back to what it had always been.

1: Poems not more than 200 words
2: Two entries per participant
3: No examples: Just your creativity in story telling through your poems.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Captured By The Past  (SP Summercales)

A girl stands at a window
pale , unphased , alone
without a halo
lost but in her home .

It's a long time since she walked
the crumbled floors
an after image stalks
the castle doors .

Captured by camera
never before seen
she looks like a Hannah
maybe eighteen .

Many years have passed
outside the walls
clouds conspire to an overcast
to trap her in those halls .

I see the image and wonder
why was she so young
back then it was easy to go under
death so often sprung .

Now I think what was her name
and what a pity
what a crying shame
she was so pretty .

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1404

Hi! donn know if it complies to a story told..but sure a situational analysis sort

Time and Wait

Time stands still- is  the
unshaken  myth holding her,
Game of fate, she stands
alone to a spanless wait ,
Tears of pearls rolling down
her pale yellowed cheeks,
Each has a painful tale
screaming in silent peaks,
All too short,  just lost her
loved  soul,  many out there-
Just like her, who too wait
for a long long haul,
Which even the timeless
wait too weeps and envy!

Wait my mind, let me
wonder what is ‘wait’,
Hope and time,- both
of abstract extremes
Well-knit intimate
in a frame and theme,
Time runs wild with
no stops and stones,
Hope unstunned remains
to make the wait-
Just elongate and reach
almost infinite,
A wait like a tabulated
anorexic diet,
So severe, crude and a
life-taking ticket,
A wait so obscure still
it promulgates,
Its longevity, leading to
its calm continuity,
Starting like an instant
sneeze of a heart burst,
Catching up memories
firmly like severe viral cold,
Losing lively moments  
at  cellular levels to a cureless  
pining affinity, enormously
self-swallowing is  this wait
of hope-a lifeless existence.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Thank you so much Paul for being my first in this competition and for Umarani Jayaraj for participating!!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Daughter of the Night -

Behold you now me…
This is who I am and who I have always been!
Just a girl by the window: waiting for midnight,
Deep in silence, bearing a cross of others’ sin.
Gazing to darkness, ignoring all evil and spite!
Craving no light, for the cruel used it against me.
Only night could offer comfort yet to my soul!
I stand revealed: by the window, for all to see.
My feet do not waver, the dark does console…
Comforting, washing away the tears of the past.
Daughter of the Night I became; cry no more!
My breast feels no pain, my voice must laugh…
Once I was broken beyond, to my very core.
Now I stand like a sentinel, surveying a world,
Which must accept me; my will demands this…
Once childish, now I walk a beautiful course.
I became an ideal, of glory, and of pure bliss…
One day all will be as it was when I was loved.
When the ancients called goddess and queen!
Beyond black skies that gather so near above,
My will goes forth, to create my noble dream.
I am eternal, for I am She!

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 416

Everyone can see this girl,
Who is unphased by time-
Unmoved by calls.
For there by the window,
she sits and waits,
foever in the dark-
Crying with salty tears,
naive as a child-
Hoping it will be okay.
even if the walls wereto burn,
the world is already black,
as she waits for
her time to come back.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Kou_Indigo, Wow!! Thanks..and Shinsoku, thank your for participating.

poet Anonymous

Keeper Of The Candle Flame
She stood by her window looking out into the night,
some people said she was insane
but she knew down deep in her heart she was the
keeper of the candle flame.

In the darkness the demons would creep into the
minds of those young and old, stirring up hell within their thoughts.
And her job was to light a candle flame because she was the
keeper of the candle flame.

Tears of confusion would trickle down her pale face,
in dis-pear reach out to hold a broken dream,
she would never dare to share.
Her life was a living nightmare, caught between
heaven and hell.

Tonight she would light the candle flame one last time,
and sacrifice her life to the deadly demons,
the untruth now spoke on her tongue.

Soon she will become one of them,
as she hissed and drew her breath in.
Demonic cherubs in white marble crypts
started howling in the walls,
seemed fainter as if the entombed were listening in spite of their pain.
Wearing masks of hate.
Her white teeth flashed through the filthy veil of her snarled hair.

The keeper of the candle flame,
will never light the candle flame,
not ever again.
Because now she is one of them.

Twisted Dreamer
New Zealand
Joined 14th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 71

My attempt...

Remembering a time before the pain,

Darkness preys upon her
No shadow by the window
As she stares silently into the night
She won't sleep tonight
Memories of lost love take her closer to the edge
Knowing shes lost the passion for life
Tears begin to fall
No sign of a rainbow they form a waterfall
She gasps desperately for breath as she chokes on the pain
Feeling her past rushing to the surface
She tries to stand staunch
Staying just enough in control of her emotions
Knowing if she lets this drag her down
She might not be able to stagger back up
Wishing that dawn will bring her another chance
To remember a time before the pain...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

starstruck13, wow! Thanks for taking part in this competition. you_read_I_write, you told that so well!

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

I Still Wait  

Is the day
still dark
is there no way
of coming back
even today
I backtrack
from the grey
of the now black .

I want
to hope
I used
to dream
I can't
now cope
with what
has been .

Have you lost
your way
in the dark
of yesterday
the cost
is here to stay
in the frost
of frozen days ,
love lost
again I pray
is  now my brain
broken pictures
are still framed
token fixtures  
in my pain ,.

The raw hurt
is so unkind .
my poor eyes hurt
and now are blind
this burned
into my mind
the time
you turned
wrong into right .

You used to
always say
to go back
there is no way
but I have
to maybe pray
to hear you laugh  
inside the craze
the years have passed
a mental maze
you were my staff
that's why I wait .  

poet Anonymous


Dark house, dark night, looking out the window

Standing and waiting for hours, for what?

For long time ago....When she was the Queen of all that is here

Her husband a doctor, her three children near

The house with the staircase out of GONE WITH THE WIND

In Thornhill, a good neighborhood,

He has come to pick up the kids for the weekend

As he said he would....she had loved this man for 16 years

Bore his children, kept the house, was a somebody

Not the mouse who cries at the window remembering the time

When life was bigger and she was not broken

Oh to be given a second chance - would anything have changed?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Kitty: Amazing! Thank you for participating. And thank you Paul for your second entry.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 4

Strike me with the lowest blow
Kick me when I'm down
Whip me as I get up
Slowly off the ground

Snap the bones within my neck
Spinning it around
Rip my flesh away from me
The Ripper would be proud

The words I hear you shouting out
Are sharper than a blade
The only weapon you will need are
Words that you can say

Devestating misery
Enveloping your soul
Spreads across the galaxy
And reaks it's ugly toll

Dismal darkened dampened damage drawing deep desire
Treat the trifled trixters till the talons tear the trail
Baffled by bubonic blackness brought back by the beast
Eating every energy emmitting empty air

Beat me to a pulp and I will Surely start to grin
Cause as you're causing damage There is nothing you can win
Despair and misery are a hole That never fills
Surrounding you with melancholy Suffering and ill

Your dismal life will bear you All the fruits of your ill will
It almost satifies you As it sickens swifter still
Nothing fills your appetite Malnourished to the grave
For a Vampire's hunger can't compare to the Thirsting of Dismay

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Wow...pizzarella! Thanks for participating...

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