Kitty's Korner
Forum Posts: 2186
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2186
Well you certainly raised several factors, my poet, I will try to address some of your concerns since you were generous enough to provide me with mental information originating from your thoughts.
As a Professional Nurse of Mental Health, I have seen the statistics when it deviate from the norm, my poet and as I stand here today, yes, the European Race, are more prone to receive Mental Therapy, and I do not say that to be bias, my father, mind me in mentioning, is of French European descendants, therefore, I am relating to the percentage of what I see, who seek counseling , and report to you, without comprising my integrity or subjecting myself to breaking HIPPA violations, who are receiving some form of mental counseling, the media has a way of influencing the dynamics of the mind, resonating the half of a truth.
My poet, you are the passenger in my vehicle, my foot is the one on the gas pedal, in simplistic terms, you have no idea, or can you even imagine the complexity of the mind. In addition, this has nothing to do with race therefore, it is a fact, I am the counselor behind those encounter forms for billing purposes and what society are led to believe are false perceptions. I do not embellish the truth, I can only give you my research, my findings, and as I stated there are more, Europeans who receive counseling than any other ethnic groups.
Yes, you may have to consider some of the variables; such as African Americans or any other ethic non-European group of people , we are the cornerstone of post-emancipation, and I give spiritual credence to any darker hue person who withstood that type of detrimental mistreatment, to be enslaved in a toxic environment and upheld under a Master’s whip, tar and feathered, lynched, or hunted, and here today, harmonic intellect are still intact to continue on that generational life journey, is spectacular and quite moving .
The sins upon the father shall and will be visited upon the children.
You have children and well as four years old on medications, because the child cannot sleep, lack of focus, disruptive in school, I was home schooled by my grann, however, if that behavioral was ever display, oh my goodness a stern beating with a ruler, and that shit hurt just to recall those times when I sassed her for not learning English fast enough.
Here today, the system has taken these measures out of school, therefore, the educators, are the mouth of the cradle, per say, the authority figure who tells the parents, their child cannot return to school, until they have sought counseling, and that is a tender age group, whereas, most ,not all, will be prescribed Melatonin, the first form of defense when a child is suffering from insomnia, or night terrors., then as that child matures, and become socially disruptive, due to a brain chemical unbalance from being introduced to medications that did not inspire a mind to learn, to harness a natural reaction to become self- discipline.
Then you have the teenagers, who need counseling, and I have noticed there are more women depressed than men, once again, more Europeans in this age group; counseling for self-mutilation, suicidal indentation, no mental energy to want to inspire, whereas depression as manifested.
I do not every look upon my professional as being black, white, native...etc. I have to triage, asses, then properly diagnose, and I have never placed any stipulations on the progress or misdiagnosed any patients. There are no relative theories here, in my profession, it is what my eyes have seen and continue to see on a daily basis.
Take into consideration, African Americans do not seek mental therapy as quickly as non-European, it is more of a burden of time, the embarrassment, and the lack of access to the quality care offered in their community based medical facilities, no insurance as times, no transportation, or those are for white folks, or what would people think.
Let my voice be heard, and from here it shall remain as following
I am spiritual, and the divinity of my roots is of the old West African Ideology, sanctified from my grann, and after the rituals of a female birth, my great-grann, my grann who are High Priestesses, performed it is referred to in Haitian as, “Lave Tet”
My path was already preordained, and under no circumstances in this lifetime or the preceding next, do we or will we ever stray from Allah’s covenant and that is stated below.
Matthew 19:4-6 (NIV): He replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.’"
He did not say, cleave unto another man, he did not say, for a woman to cleave unto another woman, Allah did not say alter your lifestyle, He did not say remove, or replace your sacred body parts, He made a female as woman, and a male as man, to entwine as one, the man shall release his seeds, as a woman climaxes to receive the insignia of his future generations, this is a spiritual gift as a Nubian Queen, unto a Hebrew King I submit unto him… oo.. that even sound so sexy, so realistic, spiritual, is for me, and will always be for me, the biblical way, and it has never deviated and never will I, and that is my assessment in light of gay people or who is living an altered lifestyles, and I do not condemn anyone’s existence, we are all human, however, you asked, and I told the truth, as I just do not embrace neither.
Thank you, my poet, because you were brave enough to come all in my hive, for the truth, I admire you for that, God, I do, and thank you for allowing me, to remain to stand my ground in my silent observation from what my eyes, have seen and one day at a time, may I always, find the common ground of myself, to see and listen to the thoughts of others.
Love and Hugs, to you, always,
As a Professional Nurse of Mental Health, I have seen the statistics when it deviate from the norm, my poet and as I stand here today, yes, the European Race, are more prone to receive Mental Therapy, and I do not say that to be bias, my father, mind me in mentioning, is of French European descendants, therefore, I am relating to the percentage of what I see, who seek counseling , and report to you, without comprising my integrity or subjecting myself to breaking HIPPA violations, who are receiving some form of mental counseling, the media has a way of influencing the dynamics of the mind, resonating the half of a truth.
My poet, you are the passenger in my vehicle, my foot is the one on the gas pedal, in simplistic terms, you have no idea, or can you even imagine the complexity of the mind. In addition, this has nothing to do with race therefore, it is a fact, I am the counselor behind those encounter forms for billing purposes and what society are led to believe are false perceptions. I do not embellish the truth, I can only give you my research, my findings, and as I stated there are more, Europeans who receive counseling than any other ethnic groups.
Yes, you may have to consider some of the variables; such as African Americans or any other ethic non-European group of people , we are the cornerstone of post-emancipation, and I give spiritual credence to any darker hue person who withstood that type of detrimental mistreatment, to be enslaved in a toxic environment and upheld under a Master’s whip, tar and feathered, lynched, or hunted, and here today, harmonic intellect are still intact to continue on that generational life journey, is spectacular and quite moving .
The sins upon the father shall and will be visited upon the children.
You have children and well as four years old on medications, because the child cannot sleep, lack of focus, disruptive in school, I was home schooled by my grann, however, if that behavioral was ever display, oh my goodness a stern beating with a ruler, and that shit hurt just to recall those times when I sassed her for not learning English fast enough.
Here today, the system has taken these measures out of school, therefore, the educators, are the mouth of the cradle, per say, the authority figure who tells the parents, their child cannot return to school, until they have sought counseling, and that is a tender age group, whereas, most ,not all, will be prescribed Melatonin, the first form of defense when a child is suffering from insomnia, or night terrors., then as that child matures, and become socially disruptive, due to a brain chemical unbalance from being introduced to medications that did not inspire a mind to learn, to harness a natural reaction to become self- discipline.
Then you have the teenagers, who need counseling, and I have noticed there are more women depressed than men, once again, more Europeans in this age group; counseling for self-mutilation, suicidal indentation, no mental energy to want to inspire, whereas depression as manifested.
I do not every look upon my professional as being black, white, native...etc. I have to triage, asses, then properly diagnose, and I have never placed any stipulations on the progress or misdiagnosed any patients. There are no relative theories here, in my profession, it is what my eyes have seen and continue to see on a daily basis.
Take into consideration, African Americans do not seek mental therapy as quickly as non-European, it is more of a burden of time, the embarrassment, and the lack of access to the quality care offered in their community based medical facilities, no insurance as times, no transportation, or those are for white folks, or what would people think.
Let my voice be heard, and from here it shall remain as following
I am spiritual, and the divinity of my roots is of the old West African Ideology, sanctified from my grann, and after the rituals of a female birth, my great-grann, my grann who are High Priestesses, performed it is referred to in Haitian as, “Lave Tet”
My path was already preordained, and under no circumstances in this lifetime or the preceding next, do we or will we ever stray from Allah’s covenant and that is stated below.
Matthew 19:4-6 (NIV): He replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.’"
He did not say, cleave unto another man, he did not say, for a woman to cleave unto another woman, Allah did not say alter your lifestyle, He did not say remove, or replace your sacred body parts, He made a female as woman, and a male as man, to entwine as one, the man shall release his seeds, as a woman climaxes to receive the insignia of his future generations, this is a spiritual gift as a Nubian Queen, unto a Hebrew King I submit unto him… oo.. that even sound so sexy, so realistic, spiritual, is for me, and will always be for me, the biblical way, and it has never deviated and never will I, and that is my assessment in light of gay people or who is living an altered lifestyles, and I do not condemn anyone’s existence, we are all human, however, you asked, and I told the truth, as I just do not embrace neither.
Thank you, my poet, because you were brave enough to come all in my hive, for the truth, I admire you for that, God, I do, and thank you for allowing me, to remain to stand my ground in my silent observation from what my eyes, have seen and one day at a time, may I always, find the common ground of myself, to see and listen to the thoughts of others.
Love and Hugs, to you, always,
Ok thank you clarifying the Europeans bit,
I just wasn't sure.
I'm not what my background I consist of or weather or not I have convict roots or settler (possibly settler simply cause my state i live in didn't have convict settlements, though I'm bad with our history not my subject nor does it bother me either way) I'm not entirely sure what to answer with. Throughout history everyone has subjugated everyone. i guess UK was just more prolific, leading to what happened in both our countries. Slavery genocide, etc will likely never stop just due to human nature and/or people with means believing they can do what they like.
You don't have to answer more if you don't want too, i like philosophical conversations and i have a tendency to question things. I don't mean any disrespect or anything.
I am not a fan of religion, its complicated to explain but I'm not disagreeing that there may be a god i just dont think religious texts are describing god(s).
So people are born how they're born because our genetics mutate creating beneficial or non beneficial traits or i guess neutral too.
So in regards to what texts say about men and women only bedding. If this entity is omniscient (omnipresent and omnipotent).
Why would it allow for a deviation to occur in the creation? It would know it was going to happen before it did it, therefore if it were a problem wouldn't do it. There wouldn't be any need to punish anyone because it knowingly made humans able to evolve leading to conditions that would likely cause people to have propensities that ran counter to its will.
So i think those texts are describing something more advanced, that we saw as gods.
(I've thought this for a long time its not because of all the stuff going on now).
Anyway, thank you for the initial reply.
Your line of work is interesting.
Humans are extremely complex and the mind is fascinating.
I just wasn't sure.
I'm not what my background I consist of or weather or not I have convict roots or settler (possibly settler simply cause my state i live in didn't have convict settlements, though I'm bad with our history not my subject nor does it bother me either way) I'm not entirely sure what to answer with. Throughout history everyone has subjugated everyone. i guess UK was just more prolific, leading to what happened in both our countries. Slavery genocide, etc will likely never stop just due to human nature and/or people with means believing they can do what they like.
You don't have to answer more if you don't want too, i like philosophical conversations and i have a tendency to question things. I don't mean any disrespect or anything.
I am not a fan of religion, its complicated to explain but I'm not disagreeing that there may be a god i just dont think religious texts are describing god(s).
So people are born how they're born because our genetics mutate creating beneficial or non beneficial traits or i guess neutral too.
So in regards to what texts say about men and women only bedding. If this entity is omniscient (omnipresent and omnipotent).
Why would it allow for a deviation to occur in the creation? It would know it was going to happen before it did it, therefore if it were a problem wouldn't do it. There wouldn't be any need to punish anyone because it knowingly made humans able to evolve leading to conditions that would likely cause people to have propensities that ran counter to its will.
So i think those texts are describing something more advanced, that we saw as gods.
(I've thought this for a long time its not because of all the stuff going on now).
Anyway, thank you for the initial reply.
Your line of work is interesting.
Humans are extremely complex and the mind is fascinating.
Forum Posts: 2186
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2186

My poet, I do believe, you asked me a question, and I pondered enough and answered it, truthfully and without sounding obtuse or biased.
Henceforth, I am a Board Certified APRN licensed by the state of New York, and I thoroughly understand the dynamics, as so, the scientific biological structures of the human body, and that further extends to the chromosomes' actions/role in plays in genetics, not to negate, the practice of ancient gene splicing and I have made my stance clear, and I could accept some of your points, whereas, others I will try to classify.
What Is Gene Splicing
Gene splicing is a process used in genetic engineering to manipulate and modify an organism’s DNA. It involves cutting a gene from one organism’s DNA and inserting it into another organism’s DNA. This technique allows scientists to study the functions of genes, produce genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and develop new medical treatments.
Here’s a simplified overview of what I mean in reference to gene splicing from a medical/scientific viewpoint.
Isolation: The desired gene is isolated from the DNA of an organism.
Cutting: Using restriction enzymes, the gene is cut out from the DNA.
Inserting: The isolated gene is inserted into the DNA of another organism, often using a vector (like a plasmid or virus).
Joining: The DNA fragments are joined together using DNA ligase, creating a new, modified DNA sequence.
Replication: The modified DNA is replicated within the host organism, leading to the expression of the new gene.
Gene splicing has many uses.
Agriculture: Creating crops that are resistant to pests, diseases, or environmental conditions.
Medicine: Developing gene therapies to treat genetic disorders or diseases.
Research: Studying gene functions and interactions in various organisms.
Therefore, I do not blanket anyone with my quiet, reservation, however you mentioned slavery, nevertheless, please be advised there are variations of that detrimental term, and the era for which it became a human burden.
Yes, slavery has been around far too long, and be advised every race, has been enslaved, therefore, you must always research your history as well as others, it makes it more appropriate when you are conversing, debating, or just making a valid point.
Let me be clear in my analogy, I am not against anyone’s lifestyle, I am not the Heavenly Creator, and if you are born with certain emotions, it is not my vow, or the crest of my Haitian culture, to denounce, however, I prefer, and will always accept my culture ideology, of a Biological Man to a Biological Woman nuptial, and if a person, is committed to their lifestyle, and debating for their sense of freedom to accept, it gets the intellect, nowhere, and to me, a waste of my mental energy.
The mind becomes fickle and reducing its tenor to become one-sided, which, I prefer not to entertain the notion, I respect your assertions, to address, in essence of that, you have to learn to respect mine, as long as we can agree and disagree in a healthy conduit manner.
The world is too vast, surviving is too costly for me to profess this world moves in the oracle of black and white, being in the medical profession, there are no blinders on, you must think in the shades of gray to treat everyone accordingly. With that being stated, I choose not to covet other’s opinions, not until I am asked, or provoked, more so to defend my opinions, whereas, I try never to lessen anyone else’s.
In regard to slavery as you’ve mentioned, in your opening remarks, yes, our ancestors as well as yours, once upon a time in history, has given free labor of hands, or the women held against their will and offered in exchange for sex trafficking.
Yes, white people have also been enslaved throughout history. The term ‘white slavery’ refers to the enslavement of European ethnic groups by non-Europeans and other Europeans.
For example, during the Arab slave trade, Europeans were among those captured and traded. European women were often sought after as concubines in the harems of many Muslim rulers.
In medieval Europe, various forms of slavery existed, including serfdom and indentured servitude. Additionally, during the Barbary slave trade, many European Christians were captured and sold into slavery in North Africa.
It’s important to recognize that slavery has affected people of all races and ethnicities throughout history.
“White slavery” refers to the enslavement of Europeans by non-Europeans or other Europeans throughout history. This unfair treatment of any human practice was prevalent in various regions and periods.
Ancient Rome: Slavery in ancient Rome often included European slaves, depending on their socio-economic status and national affiliation.
Arab Slave Trade: Europeans were among those traded by Arabs, with European women often sought as concubines in harems.
Barbary Slave Trade: From the 16th to the 18th centuries, European Christians were captured and enslaved by Barbary pirates along the North African coast. Estimates suggest that between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were enslaved during this period.
Feudal Europe: Various forms of unfree labor existed, including serfdom and slavery.
The term ‘white slavery’ was also used in the 19th century to describe the forced prostitution and sexual slavery of girls in European brothels.
It’s a complex and often overlooked part of history that highlights the widespread nature of slavery beyond racial lines.
If you do not know your history, my love, you are doomed to repeat it.
Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely
Smile and please enjoy the remainder of your Thursday
Love and Universal Hugs, always,
SKC Interim DON, APRN🪽
Forum Posts: 2186
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2186

That Our Flag Was Still There.. Oh, Say... Does That Star Spangled Banner Yet Wave
You gave us the throne of the universe
Love and honor unto mankind as we daily converse
The storms, the sun, the rains
Manmade emollients to ease the discomfort of our pains
The window of opportunity to ensue at our feet
Life, liberty, and the pursuit as great minds greet
You thou I walk through the valley of the shallow of death
Labored breaths, that beaming light casted on my soul in the moment of time I felt
A promise from Your son, You, we shall divinely meet
The bombs are still so loud
Faces eradicated as citizens who once stood begging for freedom in crowds
Does that old star spangled banner still wave
How many more lives to be taken before been lowered in graves
We gave you the oath of our loyalty by countless votes
You stand as Commander In Chief, have you forgot about the rite of passage from our ancestral’ s boats
The separatism of walls has been infringed upon, humans in search of peace have flooded in
So many stood in line on the promise America will be fair for all, as a nation we’re make it great once again
The journey to heal will start from reparations of the forefather’s sin
My eyes have seen the coming of glory for others
Not for the Moorish generation, or for the systematic burdens of a brother
Is the demoralizing propaganda of fixing our grievances with a venomous injection
The same as a Tuskegee trial without medication, without any government hesitation, no interference, no scientific rejection
We stand hand in hand to uplift
The democracy of this country is not forgotten upon hard times, courts now in favor to evict
Yet, welcoming others whose lands we’ve taken, homeless rings, the true patronage of this country is legit
On your word, withdrew troops, diplomatic and servitude Americans still intact
The victors are now the prey, time is running out POTUS, weapons, which we left behind by our faux pas are now pointing at our backs
Media’s translation of births and deaths fixated by uprising numbers
If you do not know your science, your biology, anatomy and physiology, or chemistry then your mind is in slumber
Inhale and exhale, why? The air is cloud seeded, environmental polluted
The water has fluoride and lead in it, and is never entirely diluted
Die for a country as a hero, kinfolk given a folded flag, for classified or black ops military's secrets not mentioned when that serviceman or servicewoman saluted
Th soils are being invaded
No one is talking, hushed deals occurring, some not even government regulated
Policies, Laws, political chaos from emotions of crying souls
Prepare to stand as the gust of winds blows
The King and the Pauper upon the poor, their tenacles deeply hover
No home, no food, and you ask we the people to make what great again, most are laying on a cold bed, when you have taken away the warmth of its covers
And that is Another Straight Talk Live For You
Picture From Pinterest
Forum Posts: 2186
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2186

Detoxing The Mind And The Body
I wrote this piece regarding a medical condition that effects so many people.
Being an Interim Director of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner and within my field, I have witnessed so many patients succumb to this illness or have a slew of medications in their medicine cabinet they must daily take to keep their hearts functioning properly.
Detailed medication for water retention is usually (Lasix/HCTZ), various HTN medications, and a low dosage of daily ASA (Aspirin) a regiment to reduce hypertension.
That list does exclude any medications for secondary heart problems, heart palpitations, your arrhythmias, and tachycardias.
Hypertension, if left uncontrolled can lead to several heart diseases or a CVA: Ischemic cardiomyopathy or coronary artery disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, valvular disorders such as aortic stenosis and at times it can lead to Sleep Apnea.
Various lab studies and scientific experiments have shown these two substances can alter the body’s DNA that may in turn, increase the risk of cancer. In addition, AICR (American Institute If Cancer Research) does highly recommend limiting or just avoiding processed meat at all costs, subsequently, always choose only a limited portions of red meat because even small amounts of processed meat, when eaten regularly, will always increase risk for colorectal cancer.
This medical condition, I speak of crosses the borders of ethnic groups, genders, and does pertain to its citizens of all countries. Known as the silent killer, this is what we as medical profession refer to as Hypertension (HTN).
Let’s delve farther into what exactly is Hypertension.
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common condition in which the long-term force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease.
Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries.
Please be advised most people are more attuned to hypertension, alternately, there are causes as being classified as having hypotension to causes just as many complications.
The medication(s) a physician will prescribe comes in many factors to combat high blood pressure.
Beta blockers, helps in reducing the heart rate thus decreasing the blood pressure.
Most African Americans will be prescribed beat blockers.
A diuretic, such as HCTZ/Lasix will increases urination which in turn reduces the sodium and fluid content resulting in decreasing blood pressure.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors will widen the blood vessels thereby assisting in easy blood flow and can reduce the blood pressure.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs,) will help relax the blood vessels to lower the pressure.
Calcium channel blockers, medically reduces the amount of calcium entering heart muscles thereby reducing the heart rate and controlling blood pressure.
Alpha blockers, when prescribed by your physician, will sing these types of medical the muscles of arteries and veins are relaxed thus reducing the blood pressure.
Then you have your Renin inhibitors, the sole purposes of this medication is to inhibit the enzyme that favors the production of angiotensin and regulate blood pressure which constricting blood vessels.
If you suffer from hypertension and you are taking medication(s), inquire with your physician to see what classification your medication falls under. For some unknown reason, and it occurs quote a lot.
When more than one family member is on HTN medication and if one person runs out, most will share, however that is not a wise ideal, and even if that person is on the same medication, do not share.
Make sure if you are seeing a Cardiologist, you need to stay well aware of your EKGs, to get a Stress Test, and an Echocardiogram, or if you have stents, or a pacemaker, make those apportionment and please keep it!
High Cholesterol
Most statins are commonly prescribed to help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of future cardiac events. For women, the choice of statin can depend on various factors, including individual health conditions, cholesterol levels, and potential side effects.
The "bad" cholesterol is called Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL). High levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to the buildup of plaque in your arteries, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
On the other hand, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is often referred to as "good" cholesterol because it helps remove LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream.
The first line of defense to bring down LDL is Atorvastatin (Lipitor)
Rosuvastatin (Crestor)
These two high-intensity statins are often recommended for individuals who have had a heart attack. And make sure your always follow-up with a Cardiologist.
If you are Diabetic II with High Cholesterol, I would say take Metformin under your Doctor/Cardiologist, to add, it is for diabetes however, there are just too many side effects, and there was a recall on that medication.
Nutrients and Minerals to Control Blood Pressure
Food with potassium is best for high blood pressure. As per a study, potassium can reduce high blood pressure levels. You can take it through food or supplements. Potassium helps blood vessels to relax and promotes sodium excretion through urine.
Studies show that magnesium increases the production of “nitric oxide”, a molecule that helps relax blood vessels.
Vitamin D
People with hypertension lack vitamin D. Therefore, foods containing vitamin D can reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
It is an amino acid supplement that improves blood vessel function. As a result, it eases blood flow and reduces hypertension.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C-rich foods include citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and some supplements. People with optimum levels of vitamin C show less risk of high blood pressure.
You can generally find probiotics from yoghurt. They are beneficial bacteria that have many health benefits. For example, one of their health benefits is lowering blood pressure.
If you have high blood pressure levels, you find sleeping difficult. Lack of melatonin aggravates this issue. So, supplements containing melatonin can lower blood pressure levels.
Make sure you check with your physician, before taking any vitamins supplements just in case it interferes with other medications, allergies, or for a medical condition, whereas any nutrient supplements will most likely not be beneficial, and I expressed that moreso, with melatonin.
Make sure you are exercising in moderation, and drinking water, to keep the body hydrated.
And that is your medical summary to the road for a healthier and vibrant you before the Spring Solstice.
Love and Hugs, always
SKC, interim DON, APRN
Farther reading information
Forum Posts: 2186
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2186

Loving The Skin You Are In Black And White
I wanted to take the time to address a disorder that I think is on the silent up rise.
I am bringing this this disorder due in part, I was out to dinner just the other day, and my Goddaughter and I were discussing, the world, and how does a fourteen your old view it, then we were discussing her schooling, just typical talk, I do when she is ordering, if not, I will be paying for food that remains uneaten, and restaurants in New York, are not inexpensive, and we were celebrating me losing my pounds, right in time for the final weigh in for February, and yes, I have lost those last two stubborn pounds.
I will be running in March, with my running crew and I will be live streaming from the starting line.
Then out of the blue, my Goddaughter asked me how I got to be thin from one month, she does not understand I am a vegan, and I eat next to nothing, and I fast until sundown, however, her next words concerned me, she said there is a club, are you hearing me, a club , whereas these teenagers lose weight, I allowed it to slide, then you know how silence lingers and you have time to process words, so I began to delve deeper into the meaning behind my Goddaughter’s words.
I found out, yes, these three teenager girls, may or may not have all the triaging symptoms of being Anorexic or may be suffer in silence, Bulimia Nervosa.
My Goddaughter states, she has to hold these same three teenagers' coats, and book bags while these girls go to the bathroom, I asked are they placing on lip gloss, doing their hair, discussing boys in privacy, do you know what they are doing in the bathroom. She said racing to see who can get food up quicker, so non-chalet now I am a slightly chagrined, for how long this has been occurring in school, does these same teenagers due this at home, due in part, their behavioral have somehow, mentally conditioned my Goddaughter to accept the fact if she does not look like a model, her body is unacceptable to society, by her just witnessing this and knowing what is occurring.
My appetite had diminished, and I am now peeved, and followed by a hefty bill and I have been waiting it seems like forever to eat my sushi.
I suppose God works in mysterious way, had we just ordered out, I may never have found out about this information.
However, I felt reassured once my Goddaughter asked for me to order her a slice of cheesecake and soda, but what truly happens when you do not speak to your teenager daughter(s), and they are placing the welfare of their health at risk in silence for what, approval from their peers to aspire to be a certain body type.
I had to call three parents once my bestie returned to pick up her child, some parents were receptive with learning there could be a problem with their daughter’s self-esteem, then I had to call my Goddaughter’s school and Mental Counselors and speak to the Principal, then I had to confer with their school’s Guidance Counselor, to advise her this could ongoing potential problem, I suggested maybe in the future a school auditorium presentation of teenagers, with an open discussion of not falling or becoming a victim to peer pressure to take drugs, have unprotected sex, or vamping.
I am waiting for the School Guidance Counselor to return my call, if not, then my profession places me in the dire position whereas, I will have to contact the School Board.
I even offered to come to my Goddaughter’s school and put on a PowerPoint Presentation; she advised me she will have to get approval.
I checked on Tick Tock, Facebook, and Instagram, to make sure this was not a tread for teenagers, thank goodness to learn it was not, and that tells me those teenagers have bene doing this for quite some time.
Here’s a brief overview of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, two serious eating disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia is characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted body image. People with anorexia often severely restrict their food intake, leading to extreme weight loss and malnutrition. This condition can result in serious health complications, including heart issues, bone loss, and even death if untreated. It’s not just about food—it’s often linked to psychological factors like anxiety, low self-esteem, or a need for control.
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia involves cycles of binge eating (consuming large amounts of food in a short time) followed by purging behaviors, such as vomiting, excessive exercise, or misuse of laxatives, to prevent weight gain.
Unlike anorexia, people with bulimia may maintain a normal weight, but the disorder can still cause severe physical and emotional harm, including electrolyte imbalances, digestive issues, and heart problems.
Online cited (SKC-02-28-25). This was not my topic I wanted to discuss, however, reach one, and teach one.
I will keep you updated on this development, and my progress in this matter, Parent(s) please speak with your children, ask them what is going on in their life, I know there is such thing as giving our children privacy, subsequently, please ask them how was their day, has anybody tried to get them to take any drugs, smoke, or to try to vamp for the first time.
It is always better to know then to be in the blind. My Goddaughter’s mother was so upset, because she stated she and her daughter have a great relationship and why didn’t she come to her.
This is what we must take into consideration, children believe they have dominance over their world, they have to find coping mechanism to fit in, to be accepted.
This type of loving contact modifications should be rendered at home, where that same child can blossom with what positive parents have mentally stored, not what technology can teach them, or tell them what needs to be done for that child to fit in or be accepted among his/her peers.
Bonding with our children should always be a blessing where our ears need to be more tuned to their voice, the silenced of their internal woes.
These are private talks you should have with your children, reassure them they can come to you, as their parent for anything.
If you think you have an eating disorder, get help. If you're thinking about suicide, contact a suicide hotline. In the U.S., call or text 988 to reach the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Or use the Lifeline Chat. Services are free and confidential. The Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in the U.S. has a Spanish language phone line at 1-888-628-9454 (toll-free).
Love and Universal Hugs, always,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
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Loving The Skin You Are In Black And White (Part II Of Part II)
Is the greatest reward to accept one’s fate as we bow unto the carnal pleasures of sin, we give our hearts and our minds unto another, the lending of our flesh, the gratification felt within the sole act.
Is it better to love with your mind than with your body, giving unto another your deepest thoughts, which the subconscious covets, yet your heart refuses to adhere.
Where the liaison of the mind becomes obsessional, the journeys to merge thoughts co-mingling, whereas the truth of the heart refuses to stop the course of the mind’s serendipity actions; rather it is found to be right, or an injustice behind the lewdness.
In ancient days when love letters were such beautiful thoughts upon their written context, sprayed, with our sweetest perfume scent, and then whisked out of our hands to our awaiting lover.
Bated breaths in anticipation to read the reflection of the heart it feels, the mind in silence it has wished upon.
Eager eyes reading feverish thoughts, our wants, our hidden desires, heartbeats pounding in the replacement of pounding within our naked soul, leaving our hearts to bleed once the mind is no longer in sync to comply, to soar off its beautiful melodies.
Is there a lost art of passion due to the emergence of technology, have we conditioned, and then surrendered our minds to have forgotten the heart rules the mind, once upon a time, where we showed less skin, more intellect ruled, chasten thoughts was in giving of the degree by the heart.
In this day and in the new age of social engagement, whereas we no longer place our most sacred heart upon a pedestal, for the right person to capture it, cultivate it, and nourish the crown of our Charkas, the depth of our psyche when in the alliance of reaching the heart.
Mentally making love in the dark, forsaking the appearance of human touch, words lavished in the role play of skin-to-skin contact, the absence of that which speak truth from our lips, could ever be measure in sound, it must be felt in vibration.
Most would say if it isn’t broke don’t fix it, however, how do you even attempt to repair something that will never break, when all logical of the mind relates to the heart’s complexities, its passion, the circumvent of lust, the self-made concepts to love entirely with the mind, and delaying the emotional grandeur of the heart, however, this concept may appeal to a wide range of believers.
In addition, it does venture into several sectors; you have your muse love, your crushes, your sacred Chakras, someone else feels too psychologically engaged, explore with sight unseen. the pause, of the human mind and the correlation when trying to upkeep its lack of emotional aggression, the misgiving will always leave the mind to wander and the heart to shadow, in the end, leaving the person, emotionally depleted, with vague thoughts one must contend with, a bad cloud of judgment of what could had been, which was never was, summing it up to only an alluring mind affair and your heart was only present for the voyage.
As humans we tend to indulge by the mind, declare love by simply sharing our most trusted and sacred emotions, which over time become more lucid, more pronounced, whereas we learn to accept the fruitlessness of its bearing giving our mindset a false sense of love, in as much, it becomes the worth of our value.
Creating the temperament ideology to engage in online sexual prowess, which does at times entail many variants of porn.
Is that allusion of perversion a scapegoat for the mind, does the person’s inner connection lay within that mental comfort, if you guessed right, you are correct.
In my field, of studying the mind, I have bear witness to several sessions of someone's mental cognitive awareness placed under psychoanalysis of the brain... a fascinating experience and be advised this person had a higher-than-average IQ.
Therefore, this brings me to the summary of my conclusion, no matter what state the mind is stabilized in, it is your sole responsibility to maintain its potential growth, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.
As of late, I have noticed more citizens have become depressed and are making new patients apportionments for anxiety, or are showing signs of depressive behavior, and more anger.
School age teenagers are being seen for home outbursts, and disruptive behavior in the classroom, the ages are ranging from eleven to sixteen, and then a drop off, and the older adults.
My profession is seeing these segments of the population, personally, I cannot break it down into any variables, as to why.
Those are just a few to name to take into consideration when thinking this could be some of the reasons society is becoming more aggressive.
Mass shooting has been on the upraise, and some of these suspects have histories of Mental Health Illness.
I am an advocate of Mental Health, Breast Cancer, and Childhood Cancer, if you suffer from any form of mental illness, and you have taken it upon yourself to seek counseling, I applaud you, with the most humbling respect.
It was once categorized as hearsay, looked upon as witchery, when villagers were having schizophrenia deviations.
Mental Illness has come a long away through modern science, where the person can discuss openly his mental concerns, without any stigmatisms, no guilt, no shame.
However, if you conceal behind your darkness and create the illusion of your mental hell, do not become chagrined because higher intellects do not want to become a member of it, and why is that, it is detrimental to the chemical balance of those beautiful neurotransmitters that fires to gives that boost to the energy of our two brain hemispheres, right and wrong, left and right.
The mind needs to be pampered in a state of positive animation, it draws in that je ne sais quoi, that spiritual caress to your soul, with a truthful kiss, therefore navigate in the warmth of its generosity.
When the intellect is deprived of cognitive awareness the creativity oxygen dies of its elevation, always remember that.
Everyone must strive to get, and then keep the mind and heart in alliance, once blended, that spiritual awareness is a calming effect. You think it, you feel it, therefore, you become it.
Never lean toward negativity energy it has no light, it is dark, keep that light, the world is already daunting, and smile, and keep stepping forward, do not look backwards, it is not called the past for nothing, stay on your journey,
Therefore, enjoy, inhale, exhale, find that good energy, smell some roses, bow to yourself, and walk away in spiritual grace, and never allow anyone to steal your joy.
Be blessed on your revolving journey of self-mental care, or if you on taking some form of mood-altering prescribed medication(s) from a licensed physician or therapist may it keep you encouraged to be your best every day.
Be good to yourself and to others, and until the core of our mind fuse, stay safe, live, laugh, and please love self above all.
Love and Hugs, always,
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
This was a weigh in zoom shot for my first official marathon run this month in March,
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
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An Introduction To The Celestial Whisper Of A Twin Flame
As he sits to ponder his mind is an open cocoon
An intellect portal to my invitation, trekked the globe, from a begotten land of sand dunes
I bring captivating melodies upon my arrival, the soothing sounds of Heaven’s Bassoon
Reaching through the gateway of time
In reminisce as you made love to me in the Garden of Eden near infinity’s grapevines
Sweeping me up into your strong arms
My back greeting the softness of green moss, comforted by the bed of earth, languish in its warmth
Whispering in your ear the secrets of the stars
In the twilight of night, I am your beautiful Venus who has traveled by light years, so far
Kissing you tendering among the wonders of the constellations
Close your eyes and feel my sacred gratifications
Inscribing on the door of your heart, I am the mother of all creations
To bring forth Kings, Queens, foretold by divine nations
You sink deeper inside me
Blending into my soul as wisdom from my lip's reeks
The solace of my voice transporting you to a faraway time
When the Sun kissed our skin as we frolicked in the Blue Nile like two Gemini’s
Jupiter and Mars in union eclipsed
The Hunter Moon, illuminated as my tongue over your hard physique aimlessly drift
You’ve glimpsed past reincarnations in the mirror of my seductive eyes
As a muse, sailing the seven voyages of the sea’s mysteries, worshiping your mind as lust slowly capsize
Sensuality of the galaxy I lay at the helm of your feet
Beyond Orion’s Belt when earth and forevermore meet
An enchantress to gently guide Cupid arrow’s when orbiting from outer space
Giving you the hushed inspiration when you see blank scrolls and the mind falls under grace
Within the nestle of my warm bosom you quietly seek
Reality of the mind, my heart gingerly foresees, as our souls bespeak
Upon the eight planets, my cosmic serenades with beliefs you shall faintly hear
The guardian of the solar system, the resonating voice of a truth seer
This will be following in more depth, just what is considered a twin flame, who constitutes you as having a twin flame, the Runner/Chaser role of being a twin flame, it is sexual, it is mental, can you have a twin flame while you are in relationship/married, can your twin flame be the same sex as you. I will be exploring the analogy in its entirety. I will delve into the realm, and for the segment of society who thinks along this spiritual journey.
Love and Hugs, always,
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
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The Twin Flame Union Part II Of Part V
The union in a twin flame relationship is often described as a profound and transformative connection between two individuals who are believed to be two halves of the same soul.
This union represents the culmination of a spiritual journey where both individuals have undergone personal growth, healing, and on the pilgrimage to self-discovery.
The concept of Union is deeply rooted in spiritual growth and personal development. It’s fascinating how it intertwines with various aspects of our being, from energy work to emotional healing. I will explain to you the five levels of union in detail.
Therefore, you will get a better picture regarding the spiritual union between twin flames, then my next segment will be twin flam versus the dynamins of soul mate, or soul ties, the emporium of that is a mental awakening.
The level of twin soul ascending relies on the basis embryonic of what I call embryonic spiritual, energetic, mental, emotional, and physical fusing.
During the Spiritual Union, this is the stage of connecting with your higher self and aligning with your soul’s purpose.
This union is about recognizing the divine connection between you and your twin flame.
Spiritual unions help you understand the deeper meanings and lessons of your journey together. I would say, meditation, prayer, and spiritual practices can enhance this connection.
The Energetic Union, this union involves harmonizing all your energy fields with those of your twin flame, if you are a female, hopefully, your twin flame is humble and not arrogant.
This divine measurement means aligning your vibrations and removing energetic blockages that may hinder your progress.
There are various mental soothing techniques you can utilize to bring the temple spiritual balance such as, like Reiki, for me, personally, I prefer, Chakra balancing, and only positive energy healing can facilitate this process.
The spirituality is about creating a harmonious energy flow between you and your twin flame.
Then you have the Mental Union, this complex union emphases aligning your thoughts and beliefs with those of your twin flame.
You will be surprised to find someone with a like-minded individual, as you own, and you can softly siphon that energy, whereas, you can mentally understand each other’s perspectives, fostering open communication, and breaking down limiting beliefs.
This level requires mental clarity and the willingness to see things from a higher perspective. Mindfulness and cognitive practices, as well as awareness, which, can be a valuable benediction unto the greatness of two intellects.
The Emotional Union simply means involving the deepening of your emotional connection with your twin flame.
This means being vulnerable, expressing your true feelings, and resolving any emotional wounds. It’s about developing empathy, compassion, and emotional intelligence. Building trust and emotional intimacy is key at this level.
This is the stage a lot of woman, become confused in this spiritual journey, they begin to doubt the process or they forgo going forward, however the Twin Flame Union is sanctioned by Allah/God Himself, and yes, it does become a tad emotional terrifying to place your emotions, in a complete stranger where you become the runner or the chaser.
I will explain those loose terms and why and how it correlates in this amazing, pilgrimage or two earthly souls.
It's as if you are coveting, propelling, pushing, pulling the opposite of yourself to a harmonious glory.
Within the Physical Union, it is usually the final level, the stage where you and your twin flame come together in the physical realm.
This may involve aligning your physical lives, including practical aspects such as living arrangements, careers, and daily routines.
The physical union is the manifestation of your spiritual, energetic, mental, and emotional work. In some cases, not all twin flames will reach this level, and that at times depend on the necessity and the circumstances of the twin flame all over involvement; you cannot marry your twin flame if you are married.
With that being said, it does not lessen, diminish, or denounce your twin flame.
This is the union process and supposedly the beginning of a shared life journey.
Please keep in mind, the union is a vibrant course. Each stage overlaps and impacts the others, and progress is often ongoing.
It’s important to be patient and compassionate with yourself and your twin flame as you navigate this divine journey together.
Love and Hugs, smile, have faith, and have a spiritual day.
This is a book chapter unedited picture from, A Thousand Years From Forever
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Tyrant of Words
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The Twin Flame Union Part III Of Part V
The evolution of a twin flame connection is often described as a profound spiritual journey. It usually unfolds in distinct phases, each bringing its own challenges and rewards, and it’s on complexities.
Recognition (The Encounter)
This is the moment twin flames meet, often described as intense, magnetic, or even life-changing. There’s an immediate sense of familiarity and a deep connection, as though you've known each other forever. This phase ignites the spark of the twin flame bond.
Testing (The Dance)
After the initial connection, both individuals begin to test the dynamics of their relationship. This phase often involves emotional highs and lows as twin flames reflect each other's strengths and weaknesses. It’s a period of self-discovery and growth.
Crisis (The Challenge)
This phase is marked by emotional challenges, misunderstandings, and even separation. It arises because twin flames act as mirrors, revealing unresolved wounds and fears.
I have to say, this calamity phase is necessary, due in part is brings about healing and personal revolution.
Separation (The Runner and Chaser Vibrancy)
In many twin flame journeys, one partner (the “runner”) distances themselves while the other (the “chaser”) seeks to maintain the connection.
This stage is often emotionally painful but serves as a critical time for self-work, reflection, and spiritual growth, I have to concur… and you begin to ask Allah, why me, and why him, then you ask, it this all worth, it. However, in that frame of mind, and by a twin flame connection being based on the theological of all its divine and cosmic related theories, you must walk through the fire, the storms, and the uncertainty.
During this time, and as the chaser, you must still maintain that rite of passage with the Creator and never forsake your faith.
The twin flame eventually, will seek his/her own path, yet, blending that esoteric divinity always feels self-reassurance, thank goodness my twin flame is spiritual and intellectual.
Surrender and Acceptance
Once both individuals have undergone a significant personal growth, they reach a point of surrender. This phase involves accepting the connection as it is, without trying to control or force the outcome. It’s a time of inner peace and balance.
Reunion (The Union)
The final phase is the union, where both individuals come together in harmony, having healed and grown individually. This phase represents a deep spiritual partnership, often aligned with a shared purpose or mission.
Each twin flame journey is unique, and while not all relationships reach the union phase, the connection often leaves a lasting spiritual impact.
I will delve more into the Runner/Chaser role, I have been both, and my twin flame is arrogant, very stubborn, royal status, in and out of time, and can be quite smooth, but he is who he is, and if you are truly, and I mean truly in a twin flame union, it can become daunting, you must be strong for this journey, Allah makes no mistakes, and my twin flame is universal, and who constitute as a twin flame, this is so interesting, at times.
I hope I have given you wisdom for thought.
This chapter unedited picture is when The Black Panther Queen's spacecraft lands in the Waterloo (A Thousand Years From Forever)
I will post some chapter unedited pictures throughout this Twin Flame posting
As Above, So Below
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Tyrant of Words
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Today I would like to explore on the difference between twin flames and soulmates, at times they can become interchangeable, however, and they have distinct differences.
A soulmate is someone with whom you share a deep connection and a lasting bond, with that affirmation, you will feel, as if, you’ve known this person forever. A soulmate can be a can be a friend, a truth worthy family member, or your romantic partner.
I thought I should explain a family member when it constitutes them to be considered a soul mate for more clarity and understanding.
A family member can be a soulmate if you two share a deep, meaningful connection with each other that goes beyond the typical familial bond; that favorite auntie, your older wiser cousin, this connection often feels destined, like you’ve known and understood each other on a reflective level, even before birth. Subsequently, you might feel an unspoken understanding, mutual respect, and an unconditional love with this family member.
That person may help you mental and spiritual aspire to be the best you can be, this person, rather they are a male or female soulmate, that positive energy is there to support you during tough times and encouraging you to be the best version of yourself.
Twin Flames
A Twin Flames, on the other hand, is believed to be two halves of the same soul, destined to meet and grow together. This relationship is often intense and transformative.
In a twin flame relationship, you have the “runner” and “chaser”. As I was researching the divinity behind this ordained union, I had to silently asked Allah, why if you place two people together who are destined to be this unity, why is it so complicated at times, the dynamic is common, but allow me to explain from my heart, mind, body, and the rewards for the soul.
The runner is usually the one who feels overwhelmed by the intensity of the connection and tries to distance themselves, while the chaser is more aware of the spiritual significance and tries to maintain the relationship.
Usually, the runner is the male in the beginning, mm... made in the perfection of Allah’s image. In addition, is it insufferable enough for a man to give up his liberties, his mental conquests, the compass of his intellect, for a complete stranger, someone, who his heart has entwined so many moons ago, a rite of passage you are both traveling, and somehow that equates has become misplaced, and this is the homage of any Twin Flame pilgrimage.
This push-and-pull of unchanneled feelings can be emotionally challenging, at times, mentally draining, confusing for both parties, and what makes this the Yin and Yang, neither can ignored, if you had a twin, I am sure you will always oversee the growth and develops, it’s no difference, if you are blessed to ever encounter someone, who the Divine whispers in your ear, to place the energy of a twin flame’s energy in your heart, your twin flame, which one to lead, one to follow, and then at times it is vice versa, no instructions, no heart menu, as I am sure Allah, is saying to Himself, let’s me see how these two navigate a spiritual alliance through the trepidation of earthly chaos, oh my goodness, I would tell you and my words are speaking truth, just hold on to your faith, and upraise the beliefs, you both shall arrive as Allah had ordained.
This is the biggest question everyone wants to know, and that is, are Twin flame relationships are based on sex. No, it is not, in a twin flame relationship the union will encompass a profound mental, emotional, and spiritual connection.
While physical attraction can be a part of it, the bond goes much deeper, focusing on personal growth and self-discovery.
Are you truly ready for a Twin Flame relationship, here are eh necessities one must take under consideration.
Identifying a twin flame connection can be both intriguing and challenging. Here are some common signs that might indicate if you’ve indeed found your twin flame. Please keep in mind the spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, it’s often thought that the amalgamation of twin flames is part of a divine plan or cosmic destiny.
The idea is that twin flames are two halves of the same soul, separated and destined to reunite for personal growth, healing, and spiritual evolution. This reunion is believed to be orchestrated by a higher power or the universe, rather than something that is “picked” or chosen by a specific entity.
Intense Immediate Connection- When you first meet, there’s an overwhelming sense of familiarity, as if you’ve known each other forever.
Deep Emotional Bond- The emotional connection is profound and intense. You feel a deep empathy and understanding of each other’s feelings and thoughts.
Mirroring-Twin flames often mirror each other’s behaviors, fears, and insecurities. This can be both comforting and challenging, as it forces personal growth.
Synchronicities- You experience a lot of meaningful coincidences or synchronicities, such as seeing the same numbers repeatedly or having similar life experiences.
Push-Pull Dynamic- The relationship can be tumultuous, with periods of intense closeness followed by distance. This is often referred to as the “runner and chaser” dynamic.
Unconditional Love-Despite the challenges, there’s an unwavering sense of unconditional love and acceptance between you.
Personal Transformation- Meeting your twin flame often triggers significant personal growth and conversion, helping you become the best version of yourself.
Telepathic Connection-You might experience telepathic communication, where you can sense each other’s thoughts and emotions without speaking.
Shared Goals and Values- You have similar life goals, values, and aspirations, which create a strong bond and sense of purpose.
Intense Chemistry- The physical and emotional chemistry between twin flames is often very strong and magnetic.
The question, most ladies, and including myself would like to know, can you have two twin flames at the same time.
Unfortunately, the concept of twin flames mainly involves the idea of two halves of the same soul, which means in lament terms meaning each person only has one twin flame. According to this belief, twin flames are destined to reunite and help each other grow spiritually and emotionally.
I hope I have given you wisdom for thought.
The Next Segment, what if you are in a Karmic relationship, and can you still have a twin flame, very interesting, if I must add
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
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The Twin Flame Union Part IV Of Part V
Today I will elaborate on the dual roles of a twin flame, in case no one has ever explained in its entirety, at times, the roles begin to blur, however, they will never stray from the norms into details in perusing.
Who determines what role, and how does one know when it is time chasing or running.
In the context of twin flame relationships, the terms “runner” and “chaser “actually refer to a vibrancy that often arises during the intense stages of the connection.
Twin flames are believed to be two souls that mirror each other deeply, creating a bond of profound love, growth, and sometimes conflict.
A union, yet ordained, yet honorable from one’s perspective.
The Runner- This is the person who feels overwhelmed by the intensity of the connection and, as a result, may withdraw, avoid, or distance themselves emotionally or physically.
The is the role the man in the twin flame will have, however, those roles will shift as times, and I must admit, this role, 99.99% is held by the man, I know these Kings are out there beating your chest wall, but with that being said, if you are in a twin flame relationship, and as the runner, you latch onto someone in a Karmic relationship, it thrive, however that twin flame relationship cannot be ignored, due in part, it is the other half of your soul.
I want to ask our Creator, what was He thinking, a cosmic relationship built on uprising yourself to a spiritual of seeking self-divinity, now gather that equation, realizes you have to keep another soul about the denial of his divinity whereas, you have to uplift, and cultivating in polishing each other’s soul to reach a mutual understanding, of soul searching, to know the worth of the temple, while infusing it with organic matters, okay, I stuck that insight in to fatty my twin flame, feed you temple with positiveness, it radiates when the gloom fails to shine and the absorption of foods high in nutrients, such as, fatty fish, green leafy veggies, berries, flax seeds, and berries, those food selections are good in reducing inflammation to any joints.
The Runner’s actions are often fueled by fear of vulnerability, fear of the unknown, or fear of facing their own inner wounds that the relationship might trigger.
Oh, my I went totally left field, please excuse my manners.
As I was nearing saying, about the embracement of a twin flame relationship.
The runner’s actions are often fueled by fear of vulnerability, fear of the unknown, or just plain old fear of facing their own unchained inner wounds that the committed relationship might trigger.
Who Determines the Roles Of The Chaser, The Runner
The roles of runner and chaser aren’t assigned but rather emerge naturally based on each twin's emotional state, readiness for the connection, and personal growth journey.
These roles can shift over time as both individuals evolve and learn from the relationship.
The Chaser
This individual tends to actively pursue the connection, he/she is seeking to maintain or restore the bond. The chaser might feel a deep sense of urgency to unite or stay connected and often has a stronger conscious recognition of the twin flame connection.
This role brings such complexities, and if you don’t have a twin flame, with merit, scrupulous, or integrity when sense of balancing, his/her heart, mind, body, and is conscious, for what this person, your twin flame, instills in his/her temple, that it will be an uphill battle, and problematic to trying to maintain the equilibrium.
Emotional Growth for the Chaser
Building Patience and Resilience- The chaser learns to let go of control and understand that growth cannot be forced. This fosters inner strength and acceptance.
Turning Inward-As they shift from chasing their twin to focusing on their own healing, the chaser develops greater self-awareness and self-love.
Releasing Attachments: The chaser often learns the value of detaching with love, finding balance between caring for the connection and allowing space for both twins to grow.
I have learned in studying the universal and just sitting back and watching as it orbits, and defining the four elements, and the fifth, is always wood, however, I have come to the revelation, you cannot mix your energy with every human being.
Shared Emotional Growth
Mutual Healing- Both roles bring unresolved wounds and vulnerabilities to the surface, promoting healing on a deeper level for both individuals.
Alignment with Purpose- This dynamic encourages both twins to align with their higher purpose, which often involves growth, healing, and service to others.
In case you hear me refer to Karmic Energy, and what It Is
Karmic Energy
Energy of Actions- Every action, whether positive or negative, generates energy that contributes to your karmic “balance.”
I will say, positive actions create uplifting energy, while negative actions can create heavier, unresolved energy.
Cycles and Patterns-Karmic energy often manifest as recurring patterns, or what I call, lessons in life.
These cycles are opportunities for growth and development, mediative to healing, and breaking free from negative habits of unresolved issues.
Interconnectedness- It reflects the interconnected nature of life, where our choices not only affect us but also ripple out to influence others and the world around us.
Shared Emotional Growth
Mutual Healing- Both roles of being the runner or the chaser in a twin flame relationship bring unresolved wounds and vulnerabilities to the surface, promoting healing on a spiritual deeper level for both individuals.
Alignment with Purpose- This dynamic encourages both twins to align with their higher purpose, which often involves growth, healing, and service to others.
The last segment, I’ll surprise you.
I hope I've given you wisdom for that.
Unedited Chapter Picture ™(A thousand Year From Forever (Chapter Title, The Queen Is Having A Ball).
A Queen's Crown Apparel™
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
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The live stream video will coming soon...
This is the second run... I ran at 7:30 (15K Mini-Heart Marathon) with my Veteran Runners and the 5K (Heart Run) with my intimidate group, and yes, my feet are sensitive, I am back in New York and soaking my feet in some Epsom Salt.
Eight- Often associated with balance, harmony, and abundance. In many traditions, it symbolizes infinity (∞) and the eternal flow of energy.
In Chinese culture, it’s considered very auspicious, representing prosperity and success.
In spiritual contexts, the number eight can also signify regeneration, strength, and the unfolding of spiritual wisdom.
Nine- Represents completion, spiritual enlightenment, and universal love. It often signifies the end of a cycle, paving the way for new beginnings.
In numerology, nine is viewed as a deeply compassionate and humanitarian number, symbolizing selflessness and spiritual awakening. It’s considered sacred in many traditions, representing divine perfection or higher consciousness.
Hebrew Numerology
Eight (ח)- The letter Chet (ח) represents the number eight. Spiritually, it symbolizes new beginnings, life, and transcendence. It is often associated with the concept of moving beyond the natural order, as the number seven represents completion (like the seven days of creation), and eight signifies going beyond that.
Nine (ט)- The letter Tet (ט) represents the number nine. It is often linked to goodness and purity. In Jewish mysticism, the number nine is seen as a symbol of truth and divine completeness, as it is the last single-digit number and holds a special place in the Hebrew tradition.
Enjoy your evening, everyone and having a spiritual upcoming week
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
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The Twin Flame Union Part V Of Part V
Strengthening the Bond It Goes Beyond Words
Building and nurturing the bond with your twin is an integral part of this journey. The connection you share is unique and multifaceted, encompassing emotional, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions. Strengthening this bond requires open communication, mutual understanding, and unwavering support. As you deepen your relationship, you may experience moments of synchronicity, telepathy, and shared dreams, further affirming the special nature of your connection.
This is the stage whereas you and yor twin flame can stand on your own two feet, encouraging each other, supporting each other.
If you are as to be ordained to have a twin flame who balances out your seven Chakras, it is a match that will always be rebirthed in heaven, time after forever, time beyond eternity, oh sweet mercy yes… As they say, ‘as above, so below’.
Challenges and Obstacles (Never Negate Your Faith Or Ask Him To Denounce His)
While the bond with your twin flame is powerful, it is not without its challenges and obstacles. Differences in personalities, backgrounds, and life circumstances can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.
Yes, I will agree, the runner and the chaser will somehow reverse this role, in the end, it always reverts back to its stance, of Adam chasing the other half of his whispered soul. who once, Allah, joined from the seam of his soul, the Creator’s assurance in and out of time. I wonder whose soft hands will check over keys, once my twin flame and I ascend higher back to the originality of our divine glory.
Most would say, they had cherished their twin flame connection. If you are in a twin flame union, sometimes eternal love is always best felt then seen, I cannot explain that but when you are in a twin flame pilgrimage, as long as he give meaning and purpose, henceforth, it must be, or you will never complete each in in thought, or assisting each other to a higher elevation of both of your intellect, your Third Eye of perceptions, the universe, and the sacred and giving dynamics of Mother Nature.
A twin flame must bring positive energy, even if it is hidden, concealed, or has not been spiritually tapped into, it must aid in the empowerment of your psyche, the center core of your soul, it gives expressive boundaries to those perpetual sacred thoughts.
Then you must adopt the mindset to navigate challenges, and I will tell you, it does take patience, that requires patience, empathy, and compromise. It is essential to approach these obstacles with a collaborative mindset, focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on problems, it’s difficult and time, I suppose they say eternal love will make the heart surrender to sch blissful dallies, hey, is that even a word?... I know half of your will google that word, let me know, it went so well with my narrative... If it is a word, write it out, be bodacious with it… sedative dallies.. oh, I like that, some chocolate, whipped cream, and some strawberries, softly sour my mind to cloud nine, after that, this Nubian Queen is a goner… sighing here.
Once again, as my Aquarian nature, my water does flow to incorporate everyone and when that occurs, as you can see. I will journey off the subject matter, as I was poetically detailing, just be strong and always encouraging throughout the distance of time, which will never be measured, it just is, in the now moment.
Learning to Let Go
A significant aspect of this journey involves learning to let go of expectations, control, and attachment.
You must embrace be persistent, submissive, surrender, divine other side of that mental equation, spiritual, intellect, flirty for me, giving, it’s the fluidity of a twin flame relationship and allowing you both the space and time to evolve naturally.
The asunder currents for me, this process of letting go fosters trust, acceptance, and unconditional love. It encourages you to release any fears or doubts and to embrace the present moment fully, and I do know once that twin flame has quieted his thoughts, or if you are a male and you have a female twin flame, continue your journey, as you will always look over our shoulder at the path of your twin flame, the awakening is in the journey alone.
Embracing the Spiritual Connection
The connection with your twin often transcends the physical realm, encompassing spiritual dimensions. Embracing this spiritual connection involves exploring practices such as meditation, energy healing, and spiritual rituals. These practices can enhance your understanding of the deeper meaning and purpose of your bond, leading to profound insights and spiritual awakening.
Shared Purpose and Mission
Many twins find that their connection is intertwined with a shared purpose or mission. This shared purpose often involves contributing to the greater good, whether through creative endeavors, humanitarian efforts, or spiritual teachings. Collaborating with your twin on fulfilling this mission can bring a sense of fulfillment, joy, and alignment with your higher self.
I do hope you ladies have gotten a broad view of what is a male to female twin flame union, (the runner/the chaser, what is the difference between a twin flame and soulmates, what to expect, and the spiritual rewards of the connection, and when doubts may surface of its worth.
To my twin flame, look into my eyes, and if you feel the beat of my heart, know it has best in a harmonic Psalms for you a thousand times in this lifespan.
This is unedited novel picture, still in a deciding matter, I will show you the other picture somewhere in time, which will go on the back of my novel, “About The Author”
I will step over to my sacred home and divine dimension and finish out, A Thousand Years From Forever
However, I thought I would give a rite of Hebrew passage to my twin flame, among other noble titles to his insignia.
Enjoy your late evening and thank you, sincerely for walking this enlightening journey with me.
SKC Interim, DON, APRN
A Queens Crown’s Apparel™
Forum Posts: 2186
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2186

I Had A Dream... Cosmic Echoes From Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
From the mountaintops the flow of energy, my ancestors once roamed
To commence me back into a human form, let my voice become your ring tone
This is not what I had in mind
Over the hills over that mountaintop, I have traveled through the portal of time
Let my words be heard for every man, woman, baby boy or every baby girl
The war is not with technology but with the diabolical tongue confessions of society when wickedness unfurls
I stood on the podium to declare my humbly decree
For every nation, every color, every region in the name or destruction who wants to be intellectually free
My wife, Coretta Scott King at my side
A Queen to uphold the laws of peace she stood in my absence until we commenced our souls back unto the skies
To the black man, you must understand
You are going by the way of the Heathen, your dialect is acrimonious, yet, you do not know why your life remains incarcerated under the master’s plan
I gave you the blueprint for a better life
Love from your heart, let it circulate in your bone marrow, rebuke the whips of universal strife
I asked of the Creator’s permission to give me one more breath to seep my words from the clouds of infinity’s portal
To uplift everyone, if you must know there are in Heaven, many great forgotten mortals
The hills of Mt. Zion are in the Moorish man’s bone marrow for him to castrate hatred caused by religions and the ideology of how it divides
A hindrance to his Crown Charka, is the real apple of his eyes
The truth is not found between a woman’s thighs
It is the man, who can create his own destiny on soil and take a Queen’s hand as their spirit's fly
The drift of the winds they can soar, be as one, their footprints embossed in the sands
Their mission of life found in the journey of celestial evolution across the great lands
Take comfort black man, become your own divine Kingdom
I give you my word, what is first, shall be last, shall become again, you are the Melaninated Children Of The Sun
Revelation in the rod of your spine, your body the staff upon the face of the earth
Hold fast, hold on, and hold out, there is glory in the coming of your Psalms, it is the Proverbs of your rebirth
I stand at the helm as my Sacred Orator transpose my words
She is the cradle of life found in the wings of a wise bird
Regain your composure, do not sell the afterlife, which is concealed by the code of your ancient soul
Above the galaxy, forevermore will surely greet your spirit, and then a higher existence you will be consoled
I have seen the discord from above
I have heard the chaos with no embracement of love
This is the chance for you to outline your holy temple with a future home, from where you stand
To give civilization the amendments of growth
Verily. verily, I say unto you, do not allow it to be cast aside upon any command
Your birthright should not be sacrificed by blood by riches as fame will demand
Where Satan rules the day of your heart, and Lucifer rules your cognitive awareness at night
Do not fall unto the deep calling of the darken fiery abyss, your soul will never take flight
Do not allow the darkness to slither inside
You are the Utopia of resilient grace, it is where the Hebrew light of truth and justice resides
My time is fading
Raise your young Kings, to worship the mind, heart, the womb of his Queen, and not systematically degrading
The beast of detriment is in the sinful details
In the afterlife you decide your pilgrimage, Head to Heaven or caught by Hell’s tails
And my Kings, as I look down beyond the clouds, I would like to say, keep your faith, as I wish each and every one of you Hebrew Kings, well
Take my sermon to your intellect
And sow your seeds as furfure enriching roots to sprout forth your lineage, therefore, each generation, shall know peace, and love will be felt
Do not allow this civilization to destroy what my speeches, the civil unrest of segregations, the sit in’s, the water hosed upon the masses, to be in vain
Love thy neighbor throughout the best of times, and always keep an umbrella in your pocket in case of unseen stinging rain
And find that esoteric spirit each day to carry you through
Be kind to self, share your tranquility with others, but never sink below your own philosophical vibration to pity the jackal or the fool
If so, it will, and it shall become wasted energy and bitter swallowed food
Go in peace, may my teachings be taken in the remembrance of me before I turn around
The smoke will be the echoing wishes of my Heavenly hushed sound
The Sacred Orator
Okay, I am down from 2448 to 2421 poems... crawling, but I am softly moving
I will leave your intellect with some spiritual food for thought