
What is your favourite DU poem ever

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6101

A thread that may well help Case’s anthology project. That and for my own reading pleasure.

What’s your all time favourite DU poem if you could only choose one?

What poem shaped you?

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6101


i'll leave you with this.
everything i see in my sleep,

changed my mind and my life, so i keep it to myself.

spiny fish
i was swimming in dark murky water, with my father and someone else i can't remember who it was but they were a complete stranger anyways. all i remember was trying to avoid these spiny fish, boney, real skeleton like, skinny, with gray scales that matched the water, and big black eyes. i spotted one small, glowing gold fish too, but i kept trying to swim away from it.

something about water
we stole a real nice red sports car, the hills were too steep to explain, down curves too sharp to maintain, you yell at me like any man would at a women driving like this.

then all of a sudden i stood alone on this cliff maybe 15 feet high, over a deep, still ocean of dark blue. a man i have never seen before stood beside me, he had thick framed coked bottled glasses, a kind of a grayish face and almost white blonde, stringy hair in kind of a bowl cut, down to his eyes. we were jumping off the cliff into the water below, where there was two alligators trying to eat us, we nearly missed their open, gaping mouths, a few times but kept testing our luck, until my last jump, and i think i land in it's teeth.

something about coke bottle glasses or whatever they call them
i was in the balcony of a concert hall, i could see the stage, down below me, and a whole crowd of people causing a lot of commotion. a car pulled on the stage, but i couldn't tell you what it looked like. a creepy guy got out of the car, maybe 35 or 40 years of age, he had thick rimmed coke bottle glasses, he was wearing a black leather jacket and skinny pants with no shirt, as he was slamming on an electric guitar,

but the real point here, is i was terrified of him
truthfully frightened.

violent with strangers
all that matters is there was a girl with the face of a horse and a girl with the face of a pig.

left untitled
i was canoeing down a very flat, greenish body of water
perhaps you could call it a river

when my father caught up and put me to work in his shop as punishment.

the dead baby mouse
i was hiding, in my father's trailer and i had to convince you this was a good place. i panicked to the bathroom, and looked in the porcelain sink, as i turned the fosset on, i watched as it slowly pushed out a dead and bloodied baby mouse, still pink with new birth.

i kind of just ran away.

employee of the month
is just a white rabbit, so perfectly placed in a picture frame, with no background
just sitting there.

is the most mortifying thing, i've ever seen.

the end of the world
the sun at least 10 times larger in the sky, with two revolving flares, sort of like fireballs, going around and around it. standing on the earth, you could feel the heat, just staring up, knowing it's the end


the prophet
he said he was the prophet, a man with brown hair, brown eyes, and a brown beard riding a brown horse, under the starry midnight sky.

bullet in my temple
my skin had been pierced over 100 times, with little diamond studs, when i looked in the mirror in the back of the trailer, one was sticking an inch out of my temple. i went to pull it all the way out, and when it finally came, it was an entire knitting needle, and a hole was left in my head so big you could put at least 3 fingers in there.

is too weird to even title
when my mom defecated on me out of her belly button.

inside out girl
a young girl of about 8 or 9 was dancing naked in my backyard, so of course off the bat i felt awkward. i turned my head for only a second, to come back to her skin, yes just her skin, laying on the ground, not bloodied or broken, her hair was still attached, and everything still sort of had it's shape, if i had to say, it looked like a deflated human, yes it. empty holes for eyes, no bones, organs, or anything inside.

an old women mourned over the girl's mutated appearance, and she looked at me like she wanted my help. all i could say was "that's not your loved one, it's just a body" and i believe the old women agreed.

twenty first
the real point is, if your still reading, then i own you a lot more then two words.

josh parks death
where she just had to keep retelling me over and over again.

you want to know who the acrobatic boy is?
he was shot out of a firetruck 50 feet in the air, and broke his spine bouncing back on my roof in his little blue pajamas, did i mention he was really a boy?

conversations with your friends while i'm naked, and they trap me behind a blue couch.

giant waves like hundreds of feet tall, and giant fish, like bigger than cars.

something about auditoriums
and all the kids i used to go the school with.

like the kind you used to date.

something about auditoriums and competitions.

erik's death.

luke's death.

and airplane rides to florida.

now all that's left
is the rest

i guess.
Written by laceyspacey
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I’ll start with the poem I come back to time and time again. Even after all this time.

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2115

I’ll be back… I’ve gone back to my reading list… got some reading to do… I know I’ve left my favourite somewhere… 😕

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