The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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Tyrant of Words

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Love the Uranus/Jupiter Ginseng, Luna.
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🚨 Mercury storm in effect:
❗️Mars Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❣️Venus Retrograde in effect:
🌔Waxing Gibbous, Leo:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Mon, Mar 10, 2025:The only way out for good is through.
Late morning through early afternoon the Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries inconjunct the Sun in Pisces inconjunct Saturn in Pisces, indicating a deep wound may be triggered. Anxiety and repression will only fuel the emotions. The only way out of the intensity for good is to sit through it. What karmic lesson is it trying to prevent you from repeating it?
Late afternoon the Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, heralding potential upheavals of plans and/or surprises, pleasant or otherwise. This challenge holds the secret of growth in its center: awakening to a new way of doing or seeing things.
Tonight, Mercury conjunct Venus Rx in Aries, intensifying the energy of communication and desire. With Mercury in his storm and Venus retrograde in fiery and impulsive Aries, we're apt to step on toes if we fail to guard our words. Seek out the pre-spring beauty the world has to offer!
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
10:54 AM: Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries @ 21°09'
11:10 AM: Moon in Leo inconjunct Sun in Pisces @ 21°17'
12:32 PM: Moon in Leo inconjunct Saturn in Pisces @ 22°00'
4:16 PM: Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus @ 23°57'
6:55 PM: Mercury conjunct Venus Rx in Aries @ 08°47'
#Art: Agnieszka Lorek
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🚨 Mercury Storm in effect:
❗️Mars Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❣️Venus Retrograde in effect:
🌔Waxing Gibbous, Leo -> Virgo:
🚨Void-of-Course time: 4:16 PM (Tue) - 3:56 AM EDT (Wed)
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Wed, Mar 12, 2025: We will never be free in current circumstance if we cannot release the past through forgiveness.
Early morning the Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces, emphasizing the energy surrounding our foundations and possessions. Finances and karma may come into play. Intuition and the Teacher's guidance can establish security through structured planning.
Midmorning the Moon in Virgo quincunx Pluto in Aquarius, increasing our analytical and reasoning abilities to get to the bottom of a situation, transforming it in our favor. Children and love affairs are featured here. Adjusting our perspective and taking an amusement break will increase our vibration.
Tonight's energy entails the Virgo Moon quincunx Venus Rx in Aries quincunx Mercury in Aries. With Venus in retrograde and Mercury in his storm, adjustments need to be made in our relationships. Avoid impulsivity and knee-jerk reactions that may produce future regret. Releasing the past in forgiveness frees us from the constraints of a rocky history.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EDT:
6:29 AM: Sun in conjunct Saturn in Pisces @ 22°05'
10:05 AM: Moon in Virgo quincunx Pluto in Aquarius @ 03°10'
08:10 PM: Moon in Virgo quincunx Venus Rx in Aries @ 08°20'
9:55 PM: Moon in Virgo quincunx Mercury in Aries @ 09°14'
#Art: Delawer Omar
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Two of Wands and Coca (Foresight):
The Two of Wands represents a pivotal moment of planning and decision-making, highlighting the intersection of intuition and foresight. This card depicts an individual standing at a crossroads, contemplating future paths while holding the world in their hands, symbolizing the potential that lies ahead. It signifies a time of reflection and assessment, encouraging one to consider both short-term and long-term goals. In this context, foresight becomes essential as it requires the ability to envision potential outcomes and the implications of choices made today.
In moments represented by the Two of Wands, foresight is not merely about predicting the future; its about preparing for it. The card encourages individuals to look beyond immediate desires and to weigh the consequences of their actions. By analyzing their current situation and seeking out new possibilities, they can create a roadmap toward their aspirations. Embracing foresight allows individuals to identify risks and opportunities, making informed decisions that align with their overall vision.
Moreover, the Two of Wands embodies the proactive aspect of foresight, urging one to take the initiative rather than waiting for circumstances to unfold. This proactive mindset involves setting clear intentions and strategically moving towards goals, all while being adaptable to unexpected changes. By harnessing the energy of the Two of Wands, individuals not only cultivate foresight but also empower themselves to take meaningful action that shapes their future, ensuring that they are not merely passive observers of their journey but active creators of their destiny.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Ohhh Uranus and Venus ( Rx )! The awakener and the Goddess of Love. Surprises are in store - be prepared. . .
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🚨 Mercury Storm in effect:
❗️Mars Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❣️Venus Retrograde in effect:
🌔Waxing Gibbous, Virgo:'
💫 Thu, Mar 13, 2025: Polarizing energy can paralyze any forward movement, but creativity has the power to release stress.
East Coast early birds may feel a restrictive energy when the Moon in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini. Transforming our perspective from resistance to acceptance alters a somewhat somber mood to one of amusement. Afterall, have you even had your coffee/tea yet?
Late afternoon the Moon in Virgo sextile OOB Mars in Cancer, shifting the focus to domestic responsibilities and property. The tax deadline is looming. The Moon is at her most analytical and adaptable in this sign, so it's the perfect time to demonstrate patience by slowing down and get organized to avoid overwhelm.
Tonight brings a quincunx between the Moon in Virgo and Chiron in Aries. This aspect indicates wounds involving relationships, current or past. Avoiding the emotional risings will only prolong the healing. Let them be heard through conversation with someone you trust or journaling to clean out the wound so it can heal.
East Coast night owls and West Coast nights will experience an opposition between the Moon in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces. Polarizing energy can paralyze any forward movement. Reconcile doubt and insecurity by seeking amusement: A movie, a game, or admiring the beauty of art and/or song. Creativity releases us from any stress of the day.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EDT:
6:13 AM: Moon in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini @ 25°36'
4:45 PM: Moon in Virgo sextile OOB Mars in Cancer @ 18°49'
9:38 PM: Moon in Virgo quincunx Chiron in Aries @ 21°16'
11:40 PM: Moon in Virgo oppose Saturn in Pisces @ 22°18'
#Art: Hu Jun Di
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The Magician and St. Johns Wort: Balanced Manifestation
The concept of as above, so below in relation to The Magician tarot card reflects the idea that the spiritual and material realms are interconnected. It suggests that what happens on a higher, metaphysical plane has a direct impact on the physical world, and vice versa. The Magician embodies this principle by holding a wand pointed toward the heavens, drawing down the energy and inspiration from the spiritual realm, while simultaneously grounding it into the earthly plane with the tools laid out before him. This symbolism emphasizes that the power to manifest lies within ones ability to align mind, body, and spirit. The Magician teaches that by mastering this connection between the inner and outer worlds, one can bring their desires into reality, bridging the gap between thought and form.
St. Johns Wort: Radiance
Guidance: The Midsummer Goddess celebrates the multifaceted elements of life in a state of joyous abundance, reminding us that the wellspring of true wealth and healing is within. Saint John's Wort is here to remind you to cultivate practices deep within yourself to experience this enlightening truth. Avoidance and distraction from this great knowing are unconscious habits that build up and manifest as scarcity, fear, and low moods that inhibit you from walking your truth.
Saint John's Wort grants us the spiritual courage of fire needed to navigate the death of the old self.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Total Lunar Eclipse | Full Blood Worm Moon in 23° Virgo 57' occurs overnight @ 2:55 AM, ED Friday.
Last September's Penumbral Eclipse and Full Moon on the Virgo/Pisces axis was the first in decades and was considered a preview for the following 24 months.
The balance between practicality ( Virgo ) and spirituality ( Pisces ) was highlighted, with an emphasis on reasoning ability, healing, service, and harmonizing aspirations with reality in the coming two years. This eclipse series continues to encourage a path of self-exploration, concentrating on personal identity, health, employment, and our service to others.
This period is poised to foster substantial personal development and transformation, particularly for individuals with prominent mutable signs in their astrological charts. The Lunar Nodes currently stationed on Virgo/Pisces axis; therefore, there's an increased emphasis is upon this lunation.
The NN in Pisces is about releasing the desire to control others and/or circumstances. It involves an inward focus rather than outward for what we desire. The SN in Virgo can be highly critical of themselves and others but aren't overall content. This tendency for perfectionism keeps them from losing control.
The arrival of the total Lunar Eclipse and Full Blood Moon in Virgo also brings strange things, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac. Did you know that frost occurring in the dark of the moon kills fruit buds and blossoms, but frost in the light of the moon will not?
According to the Farmer's Almanac, this lunation assumes the name "Worm Moon" because it was thought this moniker referred to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring, inviting robins and other birds to feeda true sign of spring!
However, more research revealed another explanation. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver visited the Naudowessie (Dakota) and other Native American tribes and wrote that the name Worm Moon refers to a different sort of wormbeetle larvaewhich begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time.
If you have just a bit of rain on either of these nights, you may even get to spot a rare phenomenon called a moonbow. A moonbow is just like a solar rainbow but is created by moonlight (rather than sunlight) when it is refracted through water droplets in the air. Moonbows only happen when the full Moon is fairly low in the sky, so look for one in the hours after sunset when the sky is dark.
With the Sun opposing the Moon, we can wrestle with strong urges and blocks. Many of us will experience discomfort, while those of us ruled by Mercury ( Virgo ) and Neptune ( Pisces ), are more used to working with the energy signature. Those with fixed many planets may find our footing a bit more secure. It's particularly important around this lunation to avoid the escapist urge when feeling overwhelmed, as Pisces is apt to do.
Resistance and suppression will exacerbate whatever the situation is. Though endings can seem unnerving, Lunar Eclipses can bring about the ending of a pattern, relationship, or situation that no longer holds relevance in our world. Regardless of how it may feel at the time of separation, knowing that it's separating to make room for the things we seek to welcome into our lives.
This is not a negative occurrence. On the contrary, EVERYONE, whether they show it or not, is being pushed out of their comfort zones by this energy right now. Full Moons represent release and manifestation, particularly of the intentions you set during the earlier New Moon of the cycle. Its an expected full circle moment; however, when an eclipse is involved, the energy can be highly dramatic and overly emphasized.
It's important to look back to September's Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and what we were working on or experiencing at that time. Was there something that imitated a change in our lives then? With change comes release and acceptance.
To many astrologers, Lunar Eclipse energy a powerful teacher, catalyst, and deeply transformative period in our lives. So powerful that the course of our lives can be altered at this time. This can include abrupt and unexpected changes involving beginnings and endings.
And, of course, Full Moons enables us to see things that are normally hidden. This may not feel like a blessing dependent upon the situation; however, it's certainly a pivotal point improving our lives based upon the decisions we make with this revelation.
As a Mutable Earth sign, Virgos are all about improvement ( self or otherwise ). Now's a great time to map out a game plan for the upcoming year! What you can expect depends largely on your rising & moon sign as well as your sun sign.
Well-organized, responsible and altruistic but when expressing their shadow side they can become a perfectionist, critical, and even a bit obsessive and pedantic.
TRUST that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Work the energies of this celestial event with the highest gifts of this Lunar placement in Virgo, ruled by Mercury: Reasoning ability and avenues of communication, practicality and analyzation/organizational abilities.
Industrious or critical, studious or petty, scientific or melancholic, humane or self-centered: These are just a few of the choices we'll have.
Some cultures believe a Lunar Eclipse brings bad luck, so they refuse to eat during the event. They keep their food covered so it will not become contaminated by the bad energy. Others report feeling a greater sense of peace, and a higher overall level of understanding.
In Christianity it was an indication of the end of the world or the second coming of Christ. The connection was made from the Biblical passage of Joel 2:30, which read: "And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness. And the moon into blood Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord."
I believe the Moon controls emotions as it does the tides of the oceans. Many believe that an eclipse can reset our emotions and unleash emotional and spiritual clarity that eliminates past emotional baggage.
Whatever we may individually believe, may we each know that we have the power to respond to any situation by altering our perspective to acceptance and gratitude.
#art Hallelujah (Holy Hell Yes) by @She Who Is
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🌕Lunar Eclipse & Full Blood Moon:
🚨 Mercury Stations Retrograde in Aries ( PACIFIC TIME ) @ 11:46 PM, EDT:
❗️Mars Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❣️Venus Retrograde in effect:
🌕Full Blood Moon in Virgo -> Libra:
🚨Void-of-Course Time: 1:47 - 2:59 PM, EDT:
💫 Fri, Mar 14, 2025: A lovely evening for socializing with family or friends after the Moon enters Libra and trine's Pluto in Aquarius. Creativity and deep/honest conversations are favored.
West Coast night owls and beyond will experience Mercury's station in Aries. Refer to the link above for more information.
East Coast early birds enjoy a lovely sextile between the Sun in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus, enabling us to encounter any sudden changes or upsets with more understanding and compassion on the domestic front. Choosing to view the big picture can instill security and self-confidence in our decisions. Reach out to older relatives.
Midafternoon the Moon in Virgo oppose Neptune in Pisces. Utilizing our analytical and organizational abilities can create structure in the midst of Neptune's hazy illusions. Eschew the rose-colored glasses and ground in the reality of the moment.
Tonight, the Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius, ushering in a lighter and more cooperative energy of new beginnings. The fog is beginning to clear, and we would be best served through creativity or relaxing and enjoying the company of family or friends this evening. Deep and honest conversations are favored.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EDT:
2:33 AM: Lunar Eclipse | Full Moon in Virgo
5:16 AM: Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus @ 24°02'
1:47 PM: Moon in Virgo oppose Uranus in Taurus @ 29°24'
9:27 PM: Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius @ 03°13'
#Art: Agnieszka Banasiak
#inspiritualservice #astrology #Astrology2025 #astrologer #planetary #inspiritualserviceastrology #Virgo #Libra #mooninvirgo #mooninlibra #lunar #mooncycles #lunarphases #dailyforecast #energyforecast #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologylove #cosmicconsciousness #CosmicVibes #planetaryaspects
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🗡"Beware the ides of March" 🗡
🚨 Mercury Stationed Retrograde in Aries ( EASTERN TIME ) @ 2:46 AM, EDT:
❗️Mars Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❣️Venus Retrograde in effect:
🌕Waning Gibbous, Libra:
💫 Sat, Mar 15, 2025: Seeing beyond the frustration of limitation are the key through them. Focus on the light.
Early through late morning the Libra Moon will oppose Venus Rx and Mercury Rx in Aries. Reconciling polarized energy to achieve balance is possible through a reasoning ability and visualization through our higher mind. Don't become your worst enemy by getting caught up on frustrations or limitations - see beyond them to the result. Quiet introspection and analyzation of the situation provides a path to reconciliation.
Early evening the Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini, painting a canvas of energetic socializing sans romantic dates. With both Mercury and Venus retrograde, misunderstandings and/or setbacks could occur. While discussing and planning new ventures is encouraged, initiating them would be better postponed until Mercury stations direct in April.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EDT:
5:24 AM: Moon in Libra oppose Venus Rx in Aries @ 07°11'
10:12 AM: Moon in Libra oppose Mercury Rx in Aries @ 09°35'
6:38 PM: Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini @ 13°46'
#Art: The Key by Miriam Eme
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Hold onto your hats, my Witches! We're only halfway through!
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Aaaand the secong half of March begins!
Mercury stationed retrograde in Aries @ 2:46 AM, EDT.
When stationed direct, Mercury is critical, analytical, and practical whose thinking is cool, logical, and impersonal. However, when Mercury is in Rx, this cool-hand-Luke can be somewhat dazed with mind fog and indecisiveness.
The retrograde motion of Mercury in fire signs encourages us to adopt a more inventive approach to our challenges. It calls for a bold and innovative mindset, one that is both visionary and entrepreneurial.
As Mercury reverses its course in the dynamic sign of Aries, it invites us to revisit previous decisions and concepts from a fresh perspective.
The alignment of Mercury and Aries may heighten our sense of anxiety and impatience, driving us towards seeking instant resolutions and answers. Our manner of communication becomes direct, necessitating caution to avoid statements that could be regrettable in hindsight.
Being an Aries often entails impulsiveness and a preoccupation with progress, yet this position compels us to truly decelerate and refrain from hasty decisions. As Cardinal Aries heralds the start of the astrological new year and governs beginnings, Mercury's strength is exemplified during her retrograde in this sign.
By going back to the fundamental, or root cause of the issue, we can focus on rejuvenating our projects and initiatives, particularly when they appear to have lost their luster. This approach allows us to embrace the lessons from our previous errors and experiences more willingly.
The most significant benefit of Mercury retrograding in Aries lies in the chance it offers us to realign with our purpose. It reignites our long-forgotten passions and reminds us of what fills us with joy and optimism. As Mercury moves backward in Aries, we find the opportunity to reconnect with our confidence, courage, and inner trust by rediscovering our true essence.
Now is the time to question the depth of our commitment to our life's purpose. Are we following the correct path? What ignites our passion?
Some Do's and Don'ts of Mercury Rx
DO Carefully review all contracts and legal documents.
DO Listen earnestly to what others say and pause before speaking.
DO Double-check all correspondence before mailing and insure/track them.
DO Renew commitments instead of beginning new ones.
DO Service your automobile and prepare an emergency kit.
DO Expect travel delays, as Mercury is the Patron of travelers. Leave early.
DO Reconnect with your heritage and fellowship with friends and family.
DO Release old grudges and anger by practicing self-forgiveness.
DO Back up all your digital data and secure passwords.
DO repair what is broken and take baby steps.
DO practice patience, gratitude, and flexibility during this time.
DON'T Purchase new electronics, vehicles, or relocate.
DON'T Sign contracts, leases, legal documents, or make life-altering decisions.
DON'T Jump to conclusions. Utilize patience while investigating.
DON'T Try to revive and old flame or begin a new romance.
DON'T Start new projects, a business, or make agreements.
DON'T Leave late for appointments, travel, or give promises you can't keep.
DON'T Share unreliable information or travel without a backup plan.
DON'T Submit any work without proof-reading first.
DON'T Be overly critical, complain, give unauthentically, or too rigid.
DON'T Blame others for our problems or take reckless actions.
#art Donna Young
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I feel like the Energizer Bunny right now! This energy is divine to say the least! Sneak peak before the new week!