Competition Ends 20th March 2025 10:00am

Threads of Imagination

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Poetry Contest

A fantastic Journey

Write about a fantastic journey you have experienced or one you wish you could experience. It can be entirely fictional. Points for creativity.
New writes only
two poems per poet
any length but not too long
no collaborations
no extreme contents

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 647

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Thank you for your entry Adagio.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96

Endless Bus Stop

In a risk not worth taking      
In gear one, I ignited and took the road with some folks      
Road too poor with huge bumps      
In gear two, I drove into many corners      
Too fast over speeding making jumps      
Riding unsteadily changing gears non stop      
Among the people riding along with me in a Toyota bus who took some turns on the steering wheel      
Not one of us know how anyone among us feels   We discussed and finally decided to reach an endless bus stop      
Beyond any reasonable doubt the costs are higher  I went out with my head held high in my heart I know I am a fighter      
I'm too tired even before they got me fired      
Was too long a fact even back at home      
Accelerates over speeding with no horn      
Let's be honest I am one of your most reliable drivers in the long run      
We don't do things just by flipping coins      
We only ride along the long road taking turns      
On the wheels, my ink spills on so many papers      
Picking points from many soothsayers      
Making fortune from natural buyers      
In a writing journey I am destined for an endless bus stop      
You need a second thought before calling me a liar      
My leg full on the throttle for many hours all I can see before me is fire    
In a risk not worth taking..
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Numer90 thank you for your entry.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 9

The Celestial Harmonizer!

Oh, immortal mother! Guide me!
Why are you, the purity of my innocence?
Why are you, the essence in my conviction?
And the divine force that lights my path to growth and truth?
Yet why, though blessed to see your radiant light, I must live in the shadows of despair.

Oh, immortal mother! I beg you to apprise!
Why does your heart seem distant from mine?
Do you seek the surrender of my will?
Or is it my soul, which only you command,
That longs to bow at your divine glory!

Oh, immortal mother! Have mercy on me!!
Let me bask in your divine grace and lift the curtains of my ignorance...
And submit my innocent heart, at your lotus feet!!!!
Written by Soulesslywhole
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 9

The Power of Your Soul!!!

The valley of flowers, will bloom..
When the climate of your perception aligns with your inner being!!!

No one other than you who could accept your soul as it is...
As the power to harness its true will,
Flows within you!!!

Open your eyes and look within, the power of your light...
Piercing the mountain of burden, with beauty and divine!!!

Written by Soulesslywhole
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Soulesslywhole thank you for your entries

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

My Awesome Journey Through the Bermuda Triangle

I once sailed the deep in a ship of dreams  
there I heard the ocean's eerie whispers
the swirling waters of the unholy triangle
sailed I so brave and bold in sea of wonders

shimmering tails of a luminous fish  
danced around me in a glistening trail  
mermaids sang about secrets untold  
the krakens wake from legends of old  

my vessel in thunderous storms tossed
I never backed out courageous was I
amidst the storm I rode its tail
and here I am to tell my tale.

-not an entry-

Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 362

Earth Heart

Beneath the world's great surface
far from the sky's embrace.
Two hearts embark on journey's path
in Earth's secret place.
Hand in hand, they venture deep,
where shadows softly fall.

Through subterranean labyrinths,
they boldly forge ahead.
With every turn a new delight by curiosity led.
A voyage to the center of the earth (or heart)
marks a tale both rare and fine.

Rising to the daylight,
hearts enriched and bright.
Memories of their journey spark
like a lantern in the night.
In Earth's deep caverns
love found where shadows bide.
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Thank you for the second entry PAR

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6090

Dear Indestructible

undo the idea
that we must be fixed
to live the days we deserve,
that breathing requires bandages
as we suck down lungfuls of hope
into our last remaining fuck

healing was never the journey,
existing was

it was listening
to the blunt struck chords
of your nervous system
to hear distorted music
as you shuffled to the sound

it was the dawn silence
as you placed one shuddering foot
in-front of another, out of alignment
longing for the earthly warmth
of a prayer-soaked sun

healing was never the journey,
howling was

it was the skin clutch
beneath dirt-stained fingernails
that knew nothing of grace,
only how to plunge hands
into what calls us home

it was Ophelia floating
on her deathbed of tears
pivoting perfectly between
gasping and eternity
as those clouds rolled on

healing was never the journey,
living was

because we are all
fragments of endless suffering
piecing together jigsaws of pain
without a box to view
that bigger picture

and you never needed saving,
never needed rapture daily,
no warnings, or fanfares
or that idea that to be loved
your heart must be forgiven
to be solid

to be one

Written by Northern_Soul
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Northern_Soul, thank you for your entry

Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1882

The D.U. Trip

What an amazing ride the Deep Underground has been
Finding a community where we came to share poetry
Connecting with poets, writers, romantics and dreamers
Watching the fruit of our labor grow on the tree of…artistry

For all the themes and challenges we faced and created
For all the people I spoke with and connected along the way
I’m thankful that I was able to meet other likeminded souls
Who inspired me even when the days seemed dark and grey

What a brilliant and wonderful flight of fancy this has been
To have laughed and felt respected by so many peers
Knowing that although the roads may diverge at some point
I’ll be able to carry the love and memory for so many years

It’s been a fantastic journey, writing and sharing with others
No matter what corner of the world or internet they may be
The D.U. trip gave me a chance to make friends out of strangers
The experience of lifetime that will always stay with me
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17136

Thank you for your entry Wally.

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