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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 930

The Hanged Man - Surrender to the Process

The Hanged Man is quite often considered one of the most mysterious and intriguing cards in the tarot deck. Depicting a figure hanging by one foot from a branch, with a serene expression on their face, the card symbolizes surrender, sacrifice, and letting go.  Drawing this card in a reading can suggest that there may be a situation in your life where you feel like you’re in limbo or suspended, waiting for things to change or for a solution to present itself.  

So, what personal lessons can we take from this somewhat enigmatic card? Here are a few I’ve gathered over time:

1. Surrender isn't weakness.  The Hanged Man reminds us that surrendering to a situation doesn't mean that we're giving up or admitting defeat. Instead, it can be a powerful act of strength, allowing us to let go of our resistance and open ourselves up to new possibilities.

2. Sometimes, the only way out is through.  The Hanged Man also teaches us that sometimes, in order to move forward, we need to pause, reflect, and look at things from a different perspective. By surrendering to the present moment and reflecting on our situation, we can gain new insights and find a way forward.

3. Letting go can be liberating.  When we hold onto things too tightly, we can become trapped and restricted by our own fears and insecurities. The Hanged Man encourages us to let go of our attachments and embrace the freedom that comes with surrendering to the unknown.

4. Sacrifice can be a powerful act of love.  In some interpretations of the Hanged Man, the figure is seen as a martyr, sacrificing themselves for a greater cause. While this may not always be necessary or desirable, the card does remind us that sometimes, we need to put the needs of others or a higher purpose above our own desires.

The Hanged Man is a powerful reminder that surrender, sacrifice, and letting go can be transformative and liberating acts. By embracing these ideas, we can find new perspectives, discover new possibilities, and move forward with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570

Pisces Season

We are currently in the midst of the Second Decan of Pisces.

Planetary subruler: Moon

The receptive Moon combines with the spiritual influence of Neptune and heightens your awareness of others. You have an uncanny way of knowing what those around you think or feel and can use this power on a much wider scale.

You are or have the potential to become well known not only in your circle but in the larger world. Your observations are keen; you are able to gather ideas or art forms and transform them with your own unique vision.

Social occasions enable you to display your special charm with people and a knack for witty conversation that is one of your strong points. You are a romantic at heart, and love is a transforming experience for you. Unfortunately, you don't find love easy to hold onto.

During this phase, don't be surprised if these topics float to the surface for other zodiac signs.

🪞Aries: Acceptance
🐂Taurus: Slowing Down
👯‍♀️Gemini: Honesty
🦀 Cancer: Attraction
🦁 Leo: Romance
🥂Virgo: Ambition
⚖️Libra: Money
🦂Scorpio: Starting New
🏹 Sagittarius: Intuition
💸 Capricorn: Abundance
🏆 Aquarius: Achievement
🐟 Pisces: Options

For Decan information regarding your own zodiac sign: http://inspiritualservice.com

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570

📍Note: Moon & Mars Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

❣️Venus Retrograde in effect: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2025

🚨Mercury preshade in effect: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2025

🌓First Quarter, Gemini: http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Thu, Mar 06, 2025: Stumbling blocks are simply an opportunity to reveal to yourself how much you've grown. Remember a time you would've given up? Look where you are now, and envision where you can be.

West Coast & beyond friends and followers will experience a lovely sextile between the OOB Gemini Moon and Venus Rx in Aries tonight. This will be all about action, relationships, passion, romance, amusements, and general fun. Singles could meet their soulmate, and couples could deepen or expand their commitments.

East Coast early birds will rise to a continuation of the above via an OOB Lunar conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini. Follow any creative urges you have today because they will pay off, especially in the areas of theater and literary/artistic ability. Socializing and/or networking will be beneficial. Life feels good.

Late morning the OOB Moon square the Sun in Pisces. This is a grand opportunity to transform stumbling blocks into steppingstones. It will take dedication, commitment, and focus on what we truly want beyond what we currently see.  Avoid escapism and don't eschew reality for illusion.

Tonight, the OOB Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries square Saturn in Pisces. Healing through a higher lesson is indicated but requires the work. Intuition coupled with structure are key components. Pay close attention to your diet and guard against overindulging, as health and work are closely linked here.

✨Aspects/Degrees/Time EST: http://inspiritualservice.com

#Art: Collette Crutcher et Aileen Bart

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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570

First Quarter OOB Moon in Gemini - Turning toward the Light of Self

This is a mutable square — Gemini Moon to Pisces Sun that occurs @ 11:31 AM EDT this morning. It's a day to be adaptable to situations or circumstances in order to rise above them if necessary ( read today's 'Aspecting the Cosmos for more info: inspiritualservice.com ).

As the sun sets in the west, we can observe the Moon directly overhead. This phase of the cycle is often referred to as a 'crisis of action,' where we must consciously strive to actualize the new 'seed' and prevent the nascent impulse from fading.

It's time to take action and not allow insecurities to hinder our progress. If our desires or needs align with our destiny, things will unfold, and whatever has begun will continue to flourish. Now is the moment for us to exert our will and realize the intent of the new 'seed.

Whether outward and chatty, or withdrawn and introspective, we should keep nurturing our dream, even when all we can see is half-light.  

This phase is a crucial phase for growth, which takes strength for a plant to break through the earth; or a human to break through a challenge. Being it's the phase after setting New Moon intentions, it's a reminder that light is inching its way across the horizon of circumstance and will soon fully illuminate the situation.

It can be compared to Yang energy - a determined resolutely to acquire those intentions set during the New Moon phase. The moon is moving towards its full brightness in this “yang” phase of its development. It is determined to get from where it is now to where it finally wants to be - full of potential.

Inch with the light and ask for strength, not just physical strength, but the spiritual strength to believe in the manifestation of your intentions despite only seeing half the light. This will take not only strength but focus and determination. Pull in that Yang energy to compliment the Yin.

View this phase as a training ground, one that gauges your resolve in reference to your desires. Are you willing to do the work required to attain your goals? Are you influenced by those around you, or do you follow your heart?

Lastly, the inching light is not a sudden flash, blinding you on your path. It's a slow, steady process that allows you time to contemplate your next step.

Whether that next step is a sacred pause to check the compass and gauges of your heart, or a clear and resolute knowing the direction to turn, both are considered moving forward.

Only disbelief in yourself and/or your ability will render you frozen and helpless.

This phase is one of energetic action! Wield it wise and resolutely! Rest cometh with the Waning Moon.

#art Laura Makabresku

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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 930

The Emperor - Structure, Order, and Authority

While Tarot cards have been used for divination and spiritual practices for centuries, their rich symbolism and archetypal representation also offer important lessons for life as well. The Emperor card, in particular, offers wise guidance on how to achieve success and security in our lives.

At its core, The Emperor represents structure, order, and authority. In traditional Tarot decks, The Emperor sits on a throne, clad in a suit of armor and holding a scepter. He represents the male archetype of the father figure and embodies qualities such as strength, stability, and leadership.

The Emperor's message is simple: to achieve success and stability, we must plan, structure, and organize our lives. We must take on the mantle of leadership, both of our own lives and of those around us. This card reminds us of our ability to be in control, to take an active role in shaping our own destiny.

Let's take a closer look at some of the lessons we can learn from this card:

1. Creating structure and boundaries - The Emperor reminds us of the importance of creating structure and boundaries in our lives. By doing so, we establish a sense of order and control, which can lead to greater productivity and success.

2. Taking ownership and leadership - The Emperor card encourages us to take ownership of our lives and to become leaders in our spheres of influence. This requires us to take charge, to make tough decisions, and to be accountable for our actions.

3. Building stability and security - The Emperor represents stability and security. By embracing the qualities embodied in this card, we can build a firm foundation for our lives and create a sense of safety and security for ourselves and those around us.

4. Balancing masculine energy - The Emperor card represents the masculine archetype. While this energy can be powerful and productive, it can also be domineering and overly controlling. The key is to balance these qualities with gentleness and understanding.

5. Embracing responsibility - The Emperor card reminds us that with great power comes great responsibility. By taking on the mantle of leadership, we must also accept the responsibility that comes with it. This means making tough decisions, being accountable, and always acting in the best interest of those we serve.

The Emperor card offers wise guidance on how to achieve success and security in our lives. By creating structure and boundaries, taking ownership and leadership, building stability and security, balancing masculine energy, and embracing responsibility, we can become the powerful and confident leaders that The Emperor embodies.

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