The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

The Hanged Man - Surrender to the Process
The Hanged Man is quite often considered one of the most mysterious and intriguing cards in the tarot deck. Depicting a figure hanging by one foot from a branch, with a serene expression on their face, the card symbolizes surrender, sacrifice, and letting go. Drawing this card in a reading can suggest that there may be a situation in your life where you feel like you’re in limbo or suspended, waiting for things to change or for a solution to present itself.
So, what personal lessons can we take from this somewhat enigmatic card? Here are a few I’ve gathered over time:
1. Surrender isn't weakness. The Hanged Man reminds us that surrendering to a situation doesn't mean that we're giving up or admitting defeat. Instead, it can be a powerful act of strength, allowing us to let go of our resistance and open ourselves up to new possibilities.
2. Sometimes, the only way out is through. The Hanged Man also teaches us that sometimes, in order to move forward, we need to pause, reflect, and look at things from a different perspective. By surrendering to the present moment and reflecting on our situation, we can gain new insights and find a way forward.
3. Letting go can be liberating. When we hold onto things too tightly, we can become trapped and restricted by our own fears and insecurities. The Hanged Man encourages us to let go of our attachments and embrace the freedom that comes with surrendering to the unknown.
4. Sacrifice can be a powerful act of love. In some interpretations of the Hanged Man, the figure is seen as a martyr, sacrificing themselves for a greater cause. While this may not always be necessary or desirable, the card does remind us that sometimes, we need to put the needs of others or a higher purpose above our own desires.
The Hanged Man is a powerful reminder that surrender, sacrifice, and letting go can be transformative and liberating acts. By embracing these ideas, we can find new perspectives, discover new possibilities, and move forward with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17561
Tyrant of Words

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Pisces Season
We are currently in the midst of the Second Decan of Pisces.
Planetary subruler: Moon
The receptive Moon combines with the spiritual influence of Neptune and heightens your awareness of others. You have an uncanny way of knowing what those around you think or feel and can use this power on a much wider scale.
You are or have the potential to become well known not only in your circle but in the larger world. Your observations are keen; you are able to gather ideas or art forms and transform them with your own unique vision.
Social occasions enable you to display your special charm with people and a knack for witty conversation that is one of your strong points. You are a romantic at heart, and love is a transforming experience for you. Unfortunately, you don't find love easy to hold onto.
During this phase, don't be surprised if these topics float to the surface for other zodiac signs.
🪞Aries: Acceptance
🐂Taurus: Slowing Down
👯♀️Gemini: Honesty
🦀 Cancer: Attraction
🦁 Leo: Romance
🥂Virgo: Ambition
⚖️Libra: Money
🦂Scorpio: Starting New
🏹 Sagittarius: Intuition
💸 Capricorn: Abundance
🏆 Aquarius: Achievement
🐟 Pisces: Options
For Decan information regarding your own zodiac sign: