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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594

Mstrmnd1923 said:I would like to make a statement about being harassed..I was working retail during covid..our company policy was for masks to be worn by our employees as well as our customers..company decision..I was threatened and as well had some of my part timers(some of whom were minors) that were also aggressively verbally attacked/abused etc because of the mask policy..I also had someone threaten they were gonna personally kill me after my shift because of a "political" decision our company made on product..I of course politely responded and said when my shift was over and when I would be in the parking lot..they never showed..but it shows hate and rage some ppl have..I could go on and on..I usually told ppl if they don't like the policy write the company or go to the local representatives office vs harassing ppl that are just trying to work and help ppl..but the insanity on 1 side has far surpassed The insanity on the other side in my personal experiences

I chose to wear masks long after the mandate because I have asthma and am immunocompromised. You wouldn't believe the dirty looks and snide remarks I received.

Aggression was and is from BOTH sides because no human is above any behavior. The moment they say they are, they'll be tested on their resolve.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3056

Mstrmnd1923 said:I would like to make a statement about being harassed..I was working retail during covid..our company policy was for masks to be worn by our employees as well as our customers..company decision..I was threatened and as well had some of my part timers(some of whom were minors) that were also aggressively verbally attacked/abused etc because of the mask policy..I also had someone threaten they were gonna personally kill me after my shift because of a "political" decision our company made on product..I of course politely responded and said when my shift was over and when I would be in the parking lot..they never showed..but it shows hate and rage some ppl have..I could go on and on..I usually told ppl if they don't like the policy write the company or go to the local representatives office vs harassing ppl that are just trying to work and help ppl..but the insanity on 1 side has far surpassed The insanity on the other side in my personal experiences

Do you remember the Pfizer documents? There is a thread I created regarding  them. I got called a conspiracy nut job and dangerous person for posting such things. It was obvious in the thread who ACTUALLY  read the documents and those just had a mindless automaton response.

Funny how people like to think that they wouldn't be nazis during ww2 , they would resist and fight.
Wrong , those who advocated for lockdowns, masks and the injections of (safe and effective) experimental medical procedures.  Showed themselves for who they actually are.

Give someone a uniform and a slight notion of power. Look out

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3056

"I chose to wear masks long after the mandate because I have asthma and am immunocompromised. You wouldn't believe the dirty looks and snide remarks I received."

Yet you more than likely never wore a mask up until the TV told people who are incapable of thinking beyond a few key buzz that it was a virtuous thing to do.
Same reason you felt the need to virtue signal .
Slava Ukraine and all. You are aware its your grandson that will be doing the fighting,  not you.

Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2275

Sperm swimming


Men with higher-quality sperm live longer than men whose sperm quality is poor, recent study finds

Danish scientists analysed samples from nearly 80,000 men and found that men who produced more than 120 million swimming sperm per ejaculate lived two to three years longer than those who produced fewer than 5 million.

The scientists stress that men with poor-quality sperm shouldn't panic. (Phew! That's a relief.)

Read the full exciting story here:


Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 218

I had to wear a mask (as it was company policy)so I could work and provide for my family..I feel regardless if I wanted to wear a mask or not which I did not mind doesn't give any body the right to threaten me or my workers that were all just trying to work during an unusual time..that's all I am saying..no I'm not familiar with your thread you posted in regards to the Pfizer documents..I was just making a statement that harassment comes from both sides..some ppl have an inability to think for themselves or the compassion or empathy for others and like to justify their hate and rage on others when those others shouldnt be the target..

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 218

I totally agree no human is above any behavior..and it comes from both sides..and the aggression is uncalled for..the aggression is fed to us to keep us divided..its sad that we have come to that

Surprise guest
Thought Provoker
Australia 1awards
Joined 11th June 2024
Forum Posts: 120

I don't understand how you're missing my point?
You keep bringing this back to politics.
I'm trying say overall the stuff you're talking about is a symptom of a broken system everywhere in one way or another. If you put a monkey in office and they shit thats going on would still happen.
I get this world is complicated i get there are grey areas i know about quite a lot of things in one way or another, while i understand these things mean something too you I'm not saying they shouldn't.
You see it as dems vs reps that is misdirection its adversarial by design, they tell you whats hot and whats not and you all argue and that makes it so much easier to get away with stripping everyone of liberties restricting our movement deciding how we live our lives and all they gotta do is point to the other side and you all fall for it everytime.
Why are things like this?
Perhaps the people at the top dont give a fuck at all about any of us they're towing the line for the people telling them how things will be, they do it because they're comfy.
Everyone loses their minds over whatever they're told to think,  better wear a mask and do other pointless shit, "ok no problem", clap like trained seals for the nurses "you got it". Don't ask about the side effects of the vax we'll say its from having covid anyway "We wont"  There are young dying in droves from heart conditions or clots etc from what I've heard is a result of having covid what if you weren't sick but got the shot?
Anyone asking for actual evidence or were in a medical position to legitimately question the veracity of (some of) their claims got ridiculed, some died mysteriously. But you better listen to their nameless faceless experts whenever  they need to tell you what you gotta believe or do.
Sustainability is a crock of shit too (I don't mean lets fuck up the planet) its a lie its not sustainable its terrible for the environment and its going to culminate in outright control over everyone.
The writing is on the wall when they slip microchips in kenyan babies, or creating a central bank controlled digital currency, we are heading to a world with no freedom and this is far from hyperbole its happening no one will have rights.
You're the only country I've noticed that constantly brings up race like they're black or white, what a way to keep any potential resentment fresh lets keep reminding them they're different from each other for any and every reason all the time. It's brainwashing this vs that blah blah blah. Any good "leaders" (if that is actually possible) would try quelling these things with reason not complicit in perpetuating it none of them have they've had a lot of time. I think its more likely neither side really cares they're not working for you anyway that should be known by now. Its not like there haven't been glaringly obvious signs for decades over and over.
But no lets keep blaming the other side because we were told its their fault.
So dont be surprised nothing changes or gets worse when you keep trying fix a broken system with a broken system.
I'm not saying you shouldn't care about what you care about at all.
Believe it or not im not actually trying to argue nor am i trying to change whats important to you.

I'm not saying there aren't white supremacist im saying news will spin things, fear sells.

These are mechanisms for control how they speak what they say who they target.
Keeping people afraid is a means of control who do you look to for answers?
The people in power and they'll keep doing it to people over and over and over because people keep falling for it.

You don't need that no one does.

I'm stopping now for a lot of reasons.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594

This is a picture of a happy, healthy family who are proud to call North Dakota home. The guy on the right is the world's best dad AND an incredible Class B music teacher. The little girl in the middle is the happiest, naughtiest, sweetest little girl living her best life. The dad on the left, is me. Growing up in the small town of Napoleon, I was unsure of what my future would look like, wondering about my place in this state and whether I’d be accepted for who I am. Though it took some work, I'm grateful and fortunate I found my place here.

Tonight, I’m kept up because our state stands at a crossroad. HCR 3013 passed the house and is heading to the Senate. This isn’t just about legislation; it’s about the kind of community we want to build and the values we want to uphold.

The North Dakota I know and love is known for its warm hearts and strong communities. But this resolution challenges what it means to be welcoming and supportive. We do our best when we embrace everyone, giving each person and family a chance to help our state grow. But right now, there's a kid in a small town in North Dakota staying up late, feeling uneasy, wondering why there’s so much hate around. They're questioning if this is normal, questioning if they belong. We owe it to them to do better.

Here’s what North Dakota needs from you and me:

1. Find your Senator's contact information and reach out to them: https://ndlegis.gov/ Let them know we expect more and believe in a North Dakota that values every family, no matter what. Urge them to oppose HCR 3013.

2. Make sure to keep your tone respectful and objective.

3. Encourage others to speak up, too. This is important. Our voices are really needed right now.

The North Dakota I love is full of folks who look out for each other. Right now, we have a chance to show that, despite what happened in the House, that’s not us. Let’s remind every family, no matter how different, how important they are.

Thank you for standing with our family and for believing in a North Dakota that we all can be proud of.

EDIT: North Dakota House Concurrent Resolution 3013 is a resolution that asks the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. This decision legalized same-sex marriage.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594

Oh, and, just as an FYI -

Psychologists Jillian Jordan and David Rand argue that virtue signaling is separable from genuine outrage towards a particular belief, but in most cases, individuals who are virtue signaling are, in fact, simultaneously experiencing genuine outrage. Linguist David Shariatmadari argues in The Guardian that the very act of accusing someone of virtue signaling is an act of virtue signaling in itself. Zoe Williams, also writing for The Guardian, suggested the phrase was the "sequel insult to champagne socialist".

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3056

Look an appeal to authority fallacy

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594

Mstrmnd1923 said:I totally agree no human is above any behavior..and it comes from both sides..and the aggression is uncalled for..the aggression is fed to us to keep us divided..its sad that we have come to that

It stems from a deep-seated fear ( or too many drugs ) and the need to control others to feel safe and justified in a methodology. I could care less if anyone wore a mask or not. It was their choice. This reiterates my statement about freedom of choice without persecution regardless of what that choice is: religion, belief system, political affiliation, tolerance, diversity, bodily autonomy, voting rights, you name it. There is ALWAYS some group fighting the choices of others - many through violent means just to feel safe in their environment.

And that is sad that we have come to that.

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 218

Absolutely spot on

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594

Divided Supreme Court rejects Trump bid to freeze nearly $2 billion in foreign aid.


Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 610


In case you missed it.

According to scientists males (of all species) will go extinct
in about 75000 years. I read that a long time ago so, there's
not quite 75000 years left...

Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 610

In case you missed it

Jimmy Kimmel found an unflattering analysis of President Donald Trump and his relationship with Russia from an unexpected source: Grok, the artificial intelligence tool on X that’s backed by Elon Musk.

Musk and his DOGE unit, Kimmel noted, have reportedly been using AI in its attempts to fire thousands of federal employees as it looks to dramatically shrink government departments and agencies.

But Kimmel spotted a report that Musk’s own tool doesn’t seem to think very highly of Trump himself.

That came from Arizona Republic columnist EJ Montini, who wrote that he asked Grok:

“What is the likelihood from 1-100 that Trump is a Putin-compromised asset? Use all publicly available information from 1980 on and his failure to ever say anything negative about Putin but has no issue attacking allies.”

Grok estimated 75-85% likelihood that “Trump is a Putin-compromised asset, leaning toward the higher end” of that range.

“Well, if that’s good enough to fire somebody, Grok him up,” Kimmel said. “Because 85% is very high.

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