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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

lepperochan said:To be fair, i dont think either of you actually understand why there is a war going on in ukraine.who started it, and when

Honest to god, its unreal the amount of ignorance going on

IF you're referring to me.

I understand more than you think, Craic. Including the reason for the war and all the countries who perpetuated and have since facilitated it. That was established in the censored and now hidden threads of yesteryore.

Is it okay for me to say I don't give a rat's ass what Trump is doing in Ukraine to make himself appear the big heroic negotiator as long as he's throwing the U.S. under the bus just like we knew he would.  That was my point.

If you can't understand that or where Rew is coming from, maybe you're the one who's displaying ignorance.

P.S. Spoiler alert: The plan is to throw Ukraine under the bus.

Hope I didn't ruin it for you.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14628

Im sorry, was busy editing  didn't know you had replied

Not much of a Spoiler alert, Lady. They done it to the Kurds the last time

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

lepperochan said:Im sorry, was busy editing  didn't know you had replied

Not much of a Spoiler alert, Lady. They done it to the Kurds the last time

Apology accepted. I'll post more on this tomorrow when well-rested. I did read your edited post and basically understood the agreement between NATO and Russia. That's just not what I'm focused on. I'm focused on what's happening to U.S. citizens and this country as a whole as the "Saints" come marching in. . .wearing ( vs carrying ) their crosses in plain clothes ( vs white robes ).

Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 614

Like trumpy just another perverter of truth

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

lepperochan said:Im sorry, was busy editing didn't know you had replied

Okay, nice, hot cup'o tea and biscuit break ( first since 4:30 AM ). Much misunderstanding comes from the inability to view something or at least consider that we may not be viewing something from another's perspective; thus, may have a tendency to label their perspective as ignorant because it doesn't align with ours.

You're viewing through the lens of who perpetuated the Russia/Ukraine war and why it even exists, while Rew and I were focused on what war is metaphorically: a rapist of a country's sovereignty and innocent civilians of their lives, women of their rights, LGBTQ+ of their identities, and so on and so forth.

It's the classic matriarchal ( nurturing care ) vs patriarchal ( aggressive defense ) viewpoint. Astrologically, these can be described as characteristics of Cancer ( divine feminine ) and Aries ( divine masculine ).

One perspective is cause, the other effect.

[ As an aside, Aries' ruler, Mars, is currently transiting Cancer as I type this, which makes all this energy more interesting to observe and experience. Mars is also OOB, which means he becomes his own warrior, leaving the Sun's battlefield and rules in search of his own.]

While I understand Russia's viewpoint on constitutional breach, when does Ukraine get to become a sovereign nation out from under Russia's thumb? The inability to decide one's own country's direction or fate is not freedom but oppression, imho.

President Trump has said that Ukraine may end up Russian, and that he wants American money returned. That doesn't make him a hero in my opinion, especially in light of what's happening here in the U.S.

I am so relieved that countries like England are ensuring Ukraine receives the support it needs to establish sovereignty. Freedom and democracy are vital to any country attempting to distance from authoritarian regimes, such as Russia, China, and Hungary ( whose PM just met with the head of far-right German party, calling her "the future of Germany" ).

[ As another aside, Trump, Orbon, and Xi Jinping are all Geminis, and Putin has a Gemini Moon, whose most negative characteristic is scheming, which I think most will agree that is exactly what is happening with these four meeting with world leaders and those who could further their own personal interests. Astrology is fucking literal, but that's for another discussion or essay. ]

I nailed this years ago in the HCR threads, whose truths are now closed and hidden, when I said the vehicle being used to drive this scheming was "Christian" nationalism accompanied by the rise of male-dominated white supremacy.

We're not ignorant because we choose to view things through a different lens, and neither are you. With that said, I am hoping this thread doesn't descend into the pits of labeling as the others have, only to see it closed and hidden.

Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2316

lepperochan said:To be fair, i dont think either of you actually understand why there is a war going on in ukraine.who started it, and when

Honest to god, its unreal the amount of ignorance going on


So there's the whole NATO agreement not to expand close to Russian borders. Agreement was broken by NATO 13 times

Obviously there's the whole cold war saga where the US administration figured it was ok to try start WW3 because Russia / Cuba missiles (hold this thought)

Around 2013 Ukrainian president was asked of he would like to have a trade deal with Europe instead of Russia. Having thought about it he publicly declined in 2014, the then president maintained the trade deal Ukraine already had with Russia was much more amicable and better in the long run for Ukraine. most analysts would agree with that

However, the decision sparked a protest in what is now Freedom Square. The president was pushed to resign, and free elections were to be held

In the meantime a regime change was 'supported' (placed). An interim government who were openly Nazi lovers (couldn't make it up)  who threatened to attack Russia with chemical weapons

having witnessed a Nazi government installed into Ukraine two regions of Ukraine declared independence. I think Lugansk and Donnesk. These two regions were immediately attacked (shelled) by Ukrainian forces and are still being shelled to this day

Russia did not immediately recognise the independent states, it took 10 years

Then the talk about Ukraine joining NATO started floating about I dunno if you understand what that would mean. Ukrainian government  used to. So much so that it was enshrined into their constitution that they would always be independent of both NATO and Russia

So, in 2019 /20 the Russian government asked NATO to clarify position in writing, and give an assurance Ukraine was not going to become a member of NATO among other things

There was no assurance given.  you'd have wonder why not.

So that is the basics as i understand it.

I've written my understanding in my own words as I understand it. without resorting to name calling n such

i would be more than happy to read other people's understanding

Well said, Lepp.👍  It's good to see NATO coming into the conversation.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

Ahavati said:

[ . . . ]

P.S. Spoiler alert: The plan is to throw Ukraine under the bus.

[ . . .]

And here we go.

Trump implies that since Russia "fought for that land" in Ukraine "and lost a lot of soldiers" doing it, that Russia should keep it.


Dangerous Mind
Palestine 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2316

Ahavati said:
And here we go.

Trump implies that since Russia "fought for that land" in Ukraine "and lost a lot of soldiers" doing it, that Russia should keep it.

It's not about throwing a country under a bus; it's about stopping both sides sustaining any further horrendous casualties. Tens of thousands of conscripted working-class Russian soldiers and tens of thousands of conscripted working-class Ukrainian soldiers have died for the sake of imperialist war games since the fighting began. Soon it will end, thanks to Donald Trump. Have you no compassion? It's not your children who are dying and coming home in bits in a box, though, is it, so I don't suppose you have.

Also, the very real possibility of the conflict escalating into one of nuclear proportions has now ended. I'm quite pleased about that too.


Conscription in the Ukraine:

Wider analysis:


Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2685

I see some shit hasnt changed since I last popped into certain threads.   Denial is huge.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

They're coming for ya vote, Ladies. Slowly but surely.

"Americans would need to appear in person, with original documentation, to even simply update their voter registration information for a change of address or change in party affiliation. [ . . . ] Additionally, driver’s licenses—including REAL IDs—as well military or tribal IDs would not be sufficient forms of documentation to prove citizenship under the legislation.”

The SAVE Act would not allow proof of name change or a marriage certificate as acceptable proof of identity, impacting anyone with birth certificates that don't match their current legal names.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

They're com'n after freedom of expression, slowly but surely!

Why Trump’s Takeover of the Kennedy Center Will Reverberate in Hollywood and Beyond

Over a matter of days, the President dismissed Kennedy Center board members appointed by Joe Biden to six-year terms, named himself the chairman of the governing body, and installed a loyalist, Richard Grenell, as its interim leader. On Wednesday, his total takeover of that institution seemed complete: a board entirely of Trump appointees unanimously made him the chairman, empowered, in effect, to police the artistic choices being made on the de facto national stage.

“We took over the Kennedy Center. We didn’t like what they were showing and various other things,” Trump said Monday. “I’m going to be chairman of it, and we’re going to make sure that it’s good and it’s not going to be ‘woke.’”

“We will make The Kennedy Center a very special and exciting place!” Trump posted on his social media platform.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

Happy Valentine's Day & thank you for serving our country but we good now!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

In 3 days, the number of measles cases in a highly unvaccinated area of Texas has doubled. There are now 48 cases, all of whom are unvaccinated, and 13 of whom have been hospitalized so far, for a hospitalization rate of 27%. This is huge figure in epidemiology. This outbreak will keep spreading.

The confirmation of RFK to lead HHS is simply going to accelerate these types of outbreaks as vaccination rates fall. 82% vaccinated seems like a high number, but it’s not. The target for herd immunity is above 90% for measles. ~ Elizabeth Jacobs, PhD


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

Thank you, England and Germany.

I am incandescent with rage right now. I feel sick to the stomach. A US Vice President stood today on the soil of where so many Americans gave their lives to defeat fascism in Europe. He delivered a disgraceful speech that spat on their graves. Not that we should expect any different, given his boss skipped visiting the graves of fallen Americans in Europe for fear of getting his hair wet. The same man who called the same fallen heroes suckers and losers.

As a Brit that loves America and the American people, I am deeply disturbed at the insults delivered by a man who once described Donald Trump as an “idiot" and said he was "reprehensible." Privately, comparing him to Adolf Hitler.

How times have changed. Vance is now part of the most authoritarian administration in American history. An administration actively seeking to deny bodily autonomy to women. An administration pursuing the same mass deportation of immigrants that Europe witnessed in 1930s Germany. Vance is a man that his own president doesn’t even  see as his successor.

He came to Europe to vomit his Christo-fascist bile on leaders from the UK and across Europe, in what appears to be a retribution tour designed to assert American power.


Vance's Speech:


Never have I been so fired up to help you guys defeat your new tyrannical leadership. Let me say unequivocally I’m prepared to die on this hill.

JD Vance gave a speech to European leaders today that has quite literally destroyed transatlantic relations. This was a disgusting, arrogant insult to every European and British leader. It was a MASSIVE mistake that WILL hurt America.

If the intention was to wake Europe up, then mission accomplished, but he’s just blown Trump’s Ukraine peace deal completely out of the water. Europe now sees Trump as aligning with Russia and that represents an existential threat to Europe. He has completely overplayed his hand.

This is a 20 minute video. I have included it because I believe people should bear witness to the day America declared war on Europe.

If you’re a MAGA, no point engaging because it will earn an instant block. I’m really not in the mood for your knuckle dragger shit today.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17682

Hey Seniors! They're coming for ya social security!

"At this point, I am 100% certain that the magnitude of the fraud in federal entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Disability, etc) exceeds the combined sum of every private scam you've ever heard by FAR. It's not even close."

It follows another post from February 8 in which Musk said he was told there are currently over $100 billion per year of entitlements payments to individuals with no Social Security Number or "even a temporary ID number."

According to the official Social Security Administration website: "You need an SSN [Social Security number] to work, collect Social Security benefits, and receive certain government services."


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