Poetry competition CLOSED 31st December 2024 2:59pm
View Profile Poems by ThePalestRider
RUNNERS-UP: O_Dee and Rew

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I know what you did last Christmas

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Poetry Contest

Share a bizarre, Strange, Weird or Scary Christmas Past

Share an experience during Christmas or thereabouts. It could be strange, funny, Scary or weird.
1. Any Length
2. Two Poems per Poet
3. No AI generated entry
4. No extreme content
5. No commenting on competition thread
6. No collaboration

is my kitten sucking its thumb

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119


kisses and hugs exchanged
wishes in christmas cards
mine were unsigned
was it someone I knew

taking a shower after midnight
washing off the weariness
of a Christmas Eve party
I felt watching eyes

and knew who it was
someone nobody saw
even as he walked
in  a crowded thoroughfare

-not an entry-

Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Thank you for for your participation, PAR

Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 605

Run, Run, Rudolph..

So Rudolph ran through Christmas snow            
nostril's flared, foam flecked, nose aglow,            
frantic clangs from his cracked brass bells            
spooked by oaths, blows, jeers, kicks and yells,           
of indignant brat's harsh bellows.            
" Don't want dolls, trains, but, gun ammo!          
an' guns, Glock'n Colt, duh!, Dumbo! "            
The deranged mob chased him pell-mell            
so, Rudolph ran...            
"It's kill or be killed, you Dodo! "          
they screamed, debased by gun agro,            
trapped in drug and gun seller's hells           
he heard shots toll peace's death knell            
no appeal, full of dreadful woe,            
so, Rudolph ran...
Written by Rew
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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 605


There are no silent holy nights  
the songs of xmas ring out false,  
just rattling tills at shopping sites  
there are no silent, holy nights.  
Traffic noise reaches dreadful heights  
from shopping site to shopping mall,  
there are no silent holy nights  
the songs of xmas, ring out false.  
The Minster choir sings xmas hymns  
ringing this dead stone hollow hall,  
raising voices in praise of him  
the Minster choir sings xmas hymns.  
The congregation moved to sing  
but I utter sweet bugger all,  
the Minster choir sings xmas hymns  
ringing this dead stone hollow hall.  
When my parents were above ground  
magic bells rang in Christmas nights,  
Carol singer's sang joyful sounds  
when my parents were above ground.  
Untill that silent night crashed down  
and crushed the fairies and their lights,  
when my parents were still around  
magic bells rang in Christmas nights.
Written by Rew
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Thank you for your entries Rew

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Last Christmas

the old house as it was
saw it in my waking dream
mother getting ready for Christmas
mass in our little church

her nine children running around
getting their clothes on
their dresses pants and shirts
made from the same fabric

mother bought a bolt of cloth
measured us and did her sewing
tears falling on needle pricked fingers
I saw her again last Christmas

-not an entry-

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 167

The Drifted Snow (The Dark Secret of Santa)

      “There are things of this world that not even Santa can eliminate
That he had to sentence to a different fate,  
      “No matter how evil the creature, or item it still breaks his heart
To confine whatever it is eternally to the dark,  
      “The prison is removed from space and time within drifted snow
Which is a maze of the first winter confusing those on where to go,  
      “The key resides within a random child no older than the age of eight
Whose happiness and innocents unknowingly prevents a prisoners escape,  
    “Each is locked away in their own personal cell  
Forever denied heaven and too good for Hell,  
      “Feed milk and cookies poisoned with all that is good and right
Once eaten it causes nightmares of lost joy that is hard to fight,  
      “Death is not an option since The Drifted Snow is existence eternal
Containing unique prisoners whose reality is an appetite for murder,  
        “There is the Eater of Children that do not consume the young by mouth
But feed off their dreams, leaving them brain dead and hollowed out,  
      “The abomination known as the First Holiday
A future anomaly that can wish all entertainment of the world permanently away,  
       “Prisoner A.H. who’s rhetoric threatened nations worldwide
That was instrumental in a failed genocide,  
      “A God known as The Orphan of They who lives in scorn  
That is continuously murdered by the life of humanity and painfully reborn,  
      “Sgt. Lee Cook a solider transformed into a being of energy and war in Vietnam  
Becoming the only living known component of today’s nuclear bomb,       
      “Other beings and items imprisoned like The Rainbow Library and Evil Rudolph
Are twisted things that Santa considers forever an unforgivable lost,  
      “Guarded by demi-god elves not only divine but considered insane
Psychotic fanatics against evil who execute punishment without shame,  
      “Everyone imprisoned, redemption and hope is lost like freedom
Even for those drawing breath-air is sometimes a privilege from the lung,
      “The Drifted Snow is a dark secret created by Santa with regret
An undesirable home of the greatest threats to humanity evil will never forget”.
Written by CasketSharpe
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Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 167

The Storm of Christmas (The Dark Secret of Santa)

      “December 24th. Across the world gifts are given to the good
From the privileged rich to those living dirt poor in neighborhoods,
      “Upon all the major continents and places forbidden, seen and unseen
Bringing joy to loved ones, creating smiles and making children’s eyes gleam,

      “On line shopping is bleeding the Christmas magic by small amounts
That has the Empire of Christmas worried about being completely drained out,
      “But systems are in place to protect goodness, and Christmas at all cost
Before a unique and ancient tradition is completely lost,  

      “Unknowingly, while deliveries are made Santa releases a secret treat
Merging with the world’s weather that is infectious to evil and the sadistic weak,
      “Santa’s sleigh ride gives a twisted meaning of the word slay
Activating immediately after the end of the Christmas day,

      “Worldwide a red transparent colored storm forms and spread
Magically affecting true evil in different ways until they are dead,
      “Some brains become hard like Peppermint and begin to break
While others hearts freeze solid and instantly melt like a snowflake,

      “Those who are the sickest and the worst of mankind
Die from an incurable ravaging cancer and become blind,
      “Foul pastors who maliciously twist the word when they preach
Their tongue become a flesh eating parasite whenever they speak,

      “Even in death their evil souls do not transcend to the afterlife
But towards a greater cause that fuels Christmas and for all that is right,  
      “Northward the evil soul travels, being absorbed by candy-shaped domes
Transformed into magical energy that powers the belief in Christmas all year long,

      “A final purpose for the evil soul before it is forever destroyed
As annihilated dust that drifts endlessly throughout the dark void,
      “This is only a continuing ending cycle that never sleeps
Which causes Santa at times to uncontrollably weep,

      “Santa knows this deed he does is a form of evil within itself
That is why every year he ceremonially purge himself,
      “On New Year’s day after Christmas Misses Clause ritually sacrifice his life
Only to be reborn as the Christmas champion to fight for what’s right”.  
Written by CasketSharpe
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

CasketSharpe, thank you for your entries

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

The Eternal Season

- The Eternal Season -

I watched the snow as it had cascaded down,
Tumbling with a dancer’s grace to the ground…
And it seemed to me to be not so cold at all,
As towards the earthen mother it did thus fall.
Rather, it seemed a thing of ethereal design,
Fit to immortalize in such an elegant rhyme…
As wouldst please the ear of angels on high,
To warm the heights above the winter sky!
And so I put my pen to page, to make eternal,
The glories of this season, this time supernal.
To sing of love and laughter and joyous hours,
Wrought by light and by all the bright powers.

“Eternal is the season, that lasts forever,
In the hearts of all who forsake love never.
So cherish the joy of this hour and this time,
For eternal is the season, the season sublime!”

By my art was crafted this bit of warm cheer,
As Christmas cometh upon this season dear…
And upon my hearth shall blaze hot flames.
Whilst outside mayhap playing their games,
Might be some fair folk out of ancient lore…
To make of the season something even more.
For joy added to joy makes merry most fair!
And such glory therein is something to share.
How couldst I resist the chance to so create?
Some pleasant offering and thus participate…
In making warmer the hearts who thus desire,
To warm themselves all: by my generous fire.

“Eternal is the season, that lasts forever,
In the hearts of all who forsake love never.
So cherish the joy of this hour and this time,
For eternal is the season, the season sublime!”

Come lovers and loved ones, and friends too,
And family and colleagues, and others true…
Poets and artists and dreamers such as we are!
Come hear ye my song; be warm at my hearth.
No lass of elfin blood or celestial spirit so fine,
Could do aught less with so splendid a wine…
As is poured from good times passed this way.
So Merry Season to ye, unto New Year’s Day!
And let us keep the spirit alive, eternally ideal,
So that we might be warmed by what we feel…
For all this year and all the years that lie ahead.
Joy is like a filling meal; so satisfying a bread!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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The weirdness comes with the presence of the Fair Folk who may or may not have been playing outside.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

The Seed of Joy

- The Seed of Joy -
A Poem of Christmas

There was a place in olden times, where children used to play,
In the forests of our land, where many a river wound its' way.
I recall where we skipped stones upon the water, hearts light,
And the rocks where we sat, watching the sky, as fell the night.
Innocent times for innocent hearts, every walk a noble quest...
For young fools whose hearts beat madly, when life was best.
The songs we sang, the games we played, the mess we made,
And yet I long for those days, as this age is cast in such shade!
Light is scarce, and I seek it where I may, even in bygone days,
When the world was simpler, and nobler were all human ways.
With the eyes of a child, I try to see the world as once I'd done,
And the light is still there, beckoning to me both fair and so fun!

So many eyes are dulled with time, but mine sparkle with mirth,
For why must we age ourselves so far beyond our mortal birth!
Surely the gods must laugh, for we deprive ourselves of glory...
Every time we forget a happy season, or a once-beloved story.
I remember every game I played, every book I have ever read,
For in golden memories we recall the taste of jams and bread...
Or cookies baked fresh upon the stove, one chilly autumn day.
Cast not aside your happiness nor what made it feel that way!
The touch of silk upon the skin, the sound of leaves that rustle,
Each can be soft and soothing to the soul, each a dear time...
When life was unhurried and yet we went about with a bustle,
Running with the energy of youth, never seeing it as sublime.

Too soon we grow old, and all too soon a mortal must perish...
But what defines a life is what we keep eternal: all we cherish!
So much living I must do, so many hours yet to fill with mad joy,
And I will love each hour as I did, as a child with a favorite toy.
Why do we no longer walk in the woods, or play in the leaves?
What makes those joys for childhood alone, nobody ever sees!
Because joy is for everybody, and no age can take it from you,
Unless you will it, so walk in joy my friends and laugh ever true!
Sadness will come in its' hour; seek it not, for no good lies thus,
In making of life a torment, and of every difficulty so much fuss.
Christmas is nigh; let your hearts unburden themselves anew...
Let us join hands like little children, so each dream comes true!

Glory, glory let us sing, each girl a queen and each boy a king...
Gather all around the tree, and count each and every blessing!
Soon we'll hear the sound of music, and the ringing of the bells,
Perhaps we'll forget the logic of the years, and believe in elves!
Oh gods to know such joy again, this world has so much need...
So let us mortals do our part, and in each heart plant this seed!
The seed of joy for Christmas time, from which new joys spring,
Glory, glory, let us sing, each girl a queen and each boy a king!
Dance and let loudly your voices proclaim the happiness within,
For which we have longed throughout the year, with such vigor.
In mad abandon, let us forget the darkness of sadness and sin…
That can ensnare the will like some terrible and ferocious tiger!

Outside, the trees may sway with the wind and cold may come,
But within each heart that is content, the chill may be undone...
Remember the angels we made in the snow in yet another age?
They are only gone when we forget, and fill our souls with rage.
Remember the pets we loved so much, the faithful dog, or cat?
Their spirits are still with us, and the memory of where they sat.
Even loved ones lost to time, can share with us in joys unborn,
So let us be joyful upon this season and have us a merry morn!
Somewhere elves are singing with us, and pegasi are flying high,
Somewhere beyond the northern lights, even beyond the sky...
That is where our dreams can soar; we need only let them go,
To gain the wings of angels, and fly where gentler winds blow!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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This deals, in one part, with the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets sharing in the Christmas season's joys with us.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119

Thank you for your entries, Karam

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 20th June 2024
Forum Posts: 3


The spirit of each Day
wakes one Morning
having slept the best part of a Year.

And the Morning is the same for each of them -
so much to do, having done so little,
and all in a few hours.

But for Christmas it’s different.
For Christmas it comes hard.

The other days are merely birthdays or anniversaries,
a holiday here and there.
There may be more important times of the year
but for Christmas we are always counting down.

But Christmas finds it easy because Christmas doesn’t care.
And all the other Days are rooting for him, knowing it isn’t fair.

He sees himself that Morning
through the tiny drops of water
that would make a ghost of him.

He wipes the glass
and smiles
and doesn’t bother to shave.

Because Christmas doesn’t care
lending him an air of generosity.

Because he knows that none of this Day matters
and when he’s done he can get back

to stopping by sleepers in deserted doorways;
to covering with white gauze an open wound;
to sitting at bedsides pushing silver hairs away from tired eyes;
to boiling kettles and listening for cries:

A stranger, a medic, a parent, a child -

bringing hope, affection, or simply witness
kneeling, there, where the light has failed.

And never yet has he slept a whole night through.
Written by O_Dee
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