Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd December 2024 2:57pm
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Poem of the Month - December 2024

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17510

Poetry Contest

Three weeks to nominate your favorite DUP poems!
Welcome to December's Poem of the Month, the final of 2024!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to a personal issue, Luna will no longer be able to host this fabulous competition! We'd like to take the time to thank her for doing such a fabulous job as hostess and will be sending her loads of positive energy and love.

Beginning next month, January 01, 2025, Mel44 will be assuming the position of hostess to kick the new year off right! We want to welcome Mel and thank her for serving DU in this capacity!


Please note the following guidelines when making nominations:

The voting for this competition is anonymous; therefore, spoken word nominations will be disqualified.

1. Self-nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme.  This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.

2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.

3. No DUPLICATE NOMINATIONS. If you nominate a poem that has already been nominated you will be asked to replace the nomination.

4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.  

5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to winning will be automatically disqualified.

6. One win per member per calendar year, beginning with the month they win.

7. Please notify your nominee they have been nominated. Please make sure your nominee has not won within the last 12 months.

This comp will run three weeks followed by a week of voting

Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:

January - Styxian
February - Confluence
March - Thor_Azine
April - Indie
May -  LjDynamic
June - WillowsWhimsies
July - Nixprty
August - Shilohverse
September - Her
October - Wallyroo92
Nov - AfterSexDilemma
Dec - SeaCat

January - Styxian
February - Daniel Christensen
March -  Betty
April - DaisyGrace
May - Northern_Soul
June - Neves
July - Razzerleaf
August - _feral
September - Adelphina
October - Cipher_O

January - Luna Greyhawk
February - AspergerPoet
March - Relic-54
April - Alan-S-Jeeves
May - _feral
June - Nevermindthegaps
July - Indie
August - inechoingsilence
September - Rianne
October - Bluevelvete
November - Honoria
December - KristinaX

January - brokentitanium (k.)
February - SatinUgal
March - X
April - RiAN
May - DaisyGrace
June - Bluevelvete
July - Jemac
August -  Northern_Soul (-Missy-)
September - Joshsam
October - cold_fusion
November - Buddhakitty
December - Particles_of_HerII

January - New Beginnings
February -  Edible Words
March - Madame Lavender
APRIL - Monkeyman
MAY - Timagination543
JUNE - Lepperochan ( Craic-Dealer
JULY - Strangeways_Rob
August - Daniel Christensen
September - Aspergerpoet
October - Lunagreyhawk
November - Kristinax
December - Ahavati

January - Daniel Christensen
February - Sophie_Ericson
March - AudioHarleea
April - From the Ash
May - Miss_Sub
June - Naajir
July - Layla
August - Ahavati
September - Miss_Sub
October - Howling_Whelms
November - Johnny Blaze
December - Rachel_Lauren

January - Lady_of_the_Quill
February -  ( Craic in a box )
March - Tinabubuya ( Tee Mali )
April - Crowfly
May - AtomicBomb
June - Miss_Sub (Missy)
July - Meadowsweet
August - Layla
September - Cold Fusion
October  - Todski28
November - TheMuse22
December - Bender

January - Vee
February - Crimsin
March - Onefiftysix
April - Daniel Christensen
May - Alexander Case
June - Aemelia564
July - The Silly Sibyl (Jack Thomas Heslop)
August - Quietusquill
September - Shadoe
October - Poetsrevenge
November - Naajir
December - Poetspeak

November  - John Feddeler
December - Ahavati

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17510

White lines and asphalt

I felt it yesterday evening,
standing at the edge of the village.

No cars, no people, no sun -
no interesting clouds.

An empty chill
as creeps from Summer’s far edge,
when bonfires burn
and leaves turn to blue smoke curls.

A curlew call would not be out of place
in the wide, airy stillness,
magnified with the distant hushed rush
of unknown travellers.

It was like a condensation of forgotten memories
from long, long ago
superimposed on the road.

I felt a question, unspoken words
from the winding asphalt and white lines.

I asked “What?” I said
“Where ...?”

The road did not reply, but the White lines and asphalt

Written by SeaCat
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17510


The slow roll of the twilight gray
comes to kiss the day away
in nimbostratus billow sky
and silhouettes for every eye

of leafless branch and naked twig
in lumber slumber for the sprig...
we hope to see, come what may,
after winter has had its say.
Written by MidnightSonneteer
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17510

alcoholic poet(ry)


a man of letters,
who pens
upon the trivial

in convivial
inns and dens,
where his life is spent invariably
in tatters  

Written by dartford (Paul S...)
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Damian DeadLove
Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd June 2024
Forum Posts: 88

And Now, Here They Are...

Lennon and McCartney, Harrison, Starr
Drums and bass, electric guitar
Epstein, Cavern, sixty-two
John's harmonica, love me do

Movies, songs, hard day night's
Me to you, duo writes
Yesterdays music, help at hand
Screaming hysteria, devoted fans

Ed Sullivan, The U.S.A
Beatlemania, rocked away
Revolving Rigby, rubber soul
Sergeant Pepper, fixing holes

Roll up, roll up, the mystery tour
Step this way, the trippy four
India, sitar, album white
The Maharishi, inner light

Producer Martin, Abbey Road
Let it be, the music rolled
Swinging sixties, ticket rides
Ninety-seventy, music died
Written by Pete_25
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359

Searchin for death

I've been looking for you
I have choked life
Shook it by it's scrawny neck
Fucked the taste out of it's mouth
Made it scream
Making it want to die
Now I'm walking alone on the cinder trail
Come on
Show me what you got!
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 122


Look, don't turn your head when you pass me,
unless you want me to break your neck
so you can always walk
with your chin up and your nose to the side...

Look, don't pretend you don't know me,
that you never touched my hand
and that we were never together
in a public restroom on the side of the road
or on the edge of the abyss.

Think about it, we ate the same food
and we drank the same drink
and I never stopped supporting your forehead
by the toilet for the rest of the lost night,
sometimes we even dreamed the same dreams.

So, don't look crooked so you don't see me,
Don't change sidewalks just to lose sight of me,
because you know that your skin
It still smells deeply like me.
Maybe I don't even love you anymore.
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Strange Creature
Joined 23rd Oct 2024
Forum Posts: 2

The Doom of Progressive Anatomy

Extending the life of those trapped in subjugation,
Agonizing torment—the modification of the enslaved.
Haunting vibrations echo through the air,
Pleading for mercy, but suffering is the only way.
Contorting bodies—the ramifications of despair,
Malevolent scenes, a choir of shrieking flesh.
A grim sight to take in,
The dawn of a new existence—
In control of soul and body,
Genetic reconstruction—the future in mass production.
A mind without emotion, to fulfill the maker's decree.
Instruments of destruction—entities devoid of personality.
Once human, now bound to utilitarian realities,
A daunting breed of apathetic, mechanical monstrosities.
Written by Forcubanlinx
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Damian DeadLove
Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd June 2024
Forum Posts: 88

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 122

To Go Above

In a race with shadows,
Surging forward to go above,
Only to stumble back and collapse.
Obsidian murkiness looming over
My crawling reptilia,  
Engulfed by an umbra,
Its tendrils of twisting billows
Invading me whole.
In the palm of its hand, consumed,
Lacerated from within.
Raising a white flag to this futile defeat.
Written by Lilliputian
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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 9th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 180

Rest Softly, Lori

In the rain of your eyes,
Ocean spray bursts up towards heaven
falling back with tears as leaves of a tree.
Love flew out of your mouth in hieroglyphics  
like an invitation to a sky wedding
writ on the wrists of kites.
Dawn ghosted,
as a ship’s prow through windows
tangled in curtain rigging
in the way silence enters an empty room
sunrise gallows hang
heavy in your absence.
Tightrope of lips
taut between our secret space
and pavement cracks where rain survives.
Hands prayed down to the bone, but
darling, night arrived without you.
A phone call now will never wake you.
On the banks of Llyn Llydaw
rain fell like Nick Cave’s tears,
we sat down and pulled wings from angels
broke the bread of an unforgiving harvest.
Pass me that gun my darling one
we’ll shoot  away the cruel history
which sits at the end of the sundawn path
across water to the dark hills.
As the sunset came to meet
the evening on the valley,
stripes stitched falling stars
across bows of sinking ships
and you were left with the  
moon on your dress.
The snow will soon return….
that’s all we seemed to know
tracing footsteps of the lonely climbers  
leaving traffic breaths in scree cradles.
Universe do as you wish.
Streams of your womb’s river
broke the bracken veils,
maternal sunlight sings thru’
shingle of your every shore.
And the sea will always know your name.
Cymru skies bleed over American earth
I am a son of the soil, the toil of hand over heart,
even skeletons feel naked.
Sonnet of third finger left hand
symphony of bones, secrets of our wedding verse,
let’s sleep until Jesus closes our eyes, forever.
You knew my cynicism about bullshit of poetry
but sweetheart, we were my greatest poem.
Ar hyd y nos, the lighthouses blinks secret language
pillow tides washed on my morning shores
semaphores  for weeping wives, dead to oceans slumber,
our love may have tamed a tsunami.
Marsh land and the skies are distant
the God who invented rainbows
please take away your pallet.  
Curved rib of bird song
feathered our swallows to piano wire,
violin string, the state we’re in,
and what lies beyond
love, hope and faith
sits on the edge of a hospice bed
where I whispered goodbye.
Written by Strangeways_Rob
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1404

I'll Play That Fiddle For You

As odd as it may seem
This reality is only a dream
Like millions of insects freezing to death
Sociopath is my mathematics
The final answer is zero
C'mon, you'd love to be the superhero

The processed foods of your labors
Have decayed into disease
And the sweat you are dripping
Is the milk you consume with ease
Pick the peddles off of my flower
I'll reveal the lies you told during the last hour
Your passion is sour
My control is power
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 13th July 2020
Forum Posts: 29

Pretend There's A Cure

Welcome !!

said the big fat slug
slimy ugly bitch
her trail along
corridor walls and floor

be well....

watch ice cream tubs
bouncing on trampiline covers
a medicated dance
for all to witness

never say

about the voice
or those invisible poems
writings in eyelids
avoid prying eyes

conform worm

wriggle on bait hooks
iet us enjoy the show
we love a struggle
it appeals to our sense of care

Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17510

Thank you for all your entries. I have updated the comp to reflect AfterSexDilemma as November's winner. Congratulations, ASD! Well-deserved!

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 122


in the heart of auburn equatorial sun      
drumming wild with wet thunderbeats    
of shrinking craniums & surfacing    
uraniums- with  winking tricky glints      
of golden diamonds, busy feeding      
the bloodied cartels      
where also the social bonobos      
still thrive in the feminine reigns    
enriched by the gushing wide      
riverine Congo & the falling high      
Zongo in sand~ slurried screens      
i stand    (fading pale and blinded      
as a frailly miniature grouped out ant      
in crying out nictitating membranes      
pressed hard out of many droplet tests      
for glaucomas and deficient sunlights      
strange.     yes, where sun screams      
in summer for almost all round the year      
I dwell in generous cellular cubicles      
with absolutely      
no time to breathe      
no time to die even      
stuck somewhere      
between them      
as a viral mess)    

still stand there, waiting for my turn      
outside the chest scanning room. in      
a clinical matte green oversized gown      
d e v o i d      
of my clinking metal locket      
and the ever gripping inners      
still stand there, a sense      
of being made semi nude      
to utterly defenseless      
worsening my stand still, are      
the abrading chill air ballistics-      
over the hit defenseless skins      
in shiver    -in a sadistic laughter      
growing tall and dark… this stand      
like a treacherous drawn death row      
only to feel the generational      
defenselessness & desperations      
  the genocidal plight of a nation      
left to itself to be massacred      
and the endlessly piling up      
pyre of mass burials      
made,   m a d e  unknown      
to the so made up      
selectively fed   histories      
of    (in)humankind      
Written by summultima (uma)
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