Competition Ends 6th November 2024 4:49pm

Día de los Muertos - 2024

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16507

Poetry Contest

Day of the Dead


2023: crimsin


1. Describe your opinion and/or experience regarding this observation. This can be literal or imaginary. For example, how you would like to observe but have not had the opportunity.

2. Write from the perspective of a dead soul rejoining their family. What would you say to your loved ones?


• From the above guideline topics, you may enter ONE poem for EACH topic.

• List which topic you've chosen for which poem in the author's note.

• New writes only.

• Spoken word permitted.

• Visual entries permitted ( keep in mind that the more words you use for a visual the more difficult it will be to read. Not being able to easily read it will be a deal-breaker. ).

• Let's limit this to around 150 words ( I mean if it's 160 I'm not going to disqualify you ).

I will be selecting the Winners. Best of luck to each of you. More information below.

The Day of the Dead (el Día de los Muertos), is a Mexican holiday where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink and celebration.

A blend of Mesoamerican ritual, European religion and Spanish culture, the holiday is celebrated each year from October 31-November 2. While October 31 is Halloween, November 2 is All Souls Day or the Day of the Dead. According to tradition, the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31 and the spirits of children can rejoin their families for 24 hours. The spirits of adults can do the same on November 2.

According to Mexicans, the Way to Mictlán (Place of the Dead) was a four-year crossing that the dead should make; it consisted of going through nine levels full of obstacles to finally free themselves from their tonalli, their soul, and achieve the longed rest. This course didn't distinguish social classes.

Read more here:

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 25th May 2020
Forum Posts: 28

Next November

Although I’m in a better place, I wish that I was here to stay.
'Cause even with eternal bliss, heaven doesn’t have your kiss.
When I look down and see your cries, I wish that I was by your side.
But don’t be in a rush to leave. You have both our dreams you must achieve.
And never feel you’re on your own. My love for you is set in stone.
So if you need to carry on, I know that you’ve been very strong.
So live and love, and just remember, we’ll catch up again next November.
Written by tomgoonery (Tommy.)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 19awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 282

sixteenth arcane

In the field of black sunflowers
the night hides.
There's a party around the bonfire
where the mystery reveals itself.
Headless rabbits dance, shadows move.

The half-breed incarnation of maleficence, with shining eyes,
walks through the flames.

Around the bonfire the night unfolds
a theater of shadows.

A newborn being drinks the tears of the red moonlight.
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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16507

Thanks for kicking us off, gentlemen! Enjoyed the reads!

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16507

Dia de Muertos, Day of the Dead, the beautiful honoring of our ancestors is nearing, and as I do every year, I am sharing my reflection on Mexican Dia de Muertos.

Leading up to the days of remembrance and celebration, I will share some of my previous DDM posts to help followers of this page better understand and prepare for these holy days. You are invited to look at previous years’ DDM posts for information I might not share this year.

I share this reflection because observance of Dia de Muertos, which is held throughout Mexico, is being increasingly adopted by people of other ethnicities and backgrounds who lacking a ritual of their own have found in our Dia de Muertos a heart home where they can honor their ancestors and other loved ones who have crossed over.

While we are happy to share our beautiful ritual, Dia de Muertos must be treated with respect, reverence, lightness of spirit, and an understanding that Dia de Muertos is not Halloween but a remembering and sacred witnessing of the joys and sorrows of our ancestors, and a celebration of the strength of spirit of we, their descendants, to preserve the soul of this pre-European contact tradition.

As a result of the European/Spanish invasion, forced conversion to Christianity (Catholicism in particular), and ongoing colonization of what today is known as Mexico, Dia de Muertos now takes place on November 1 and 2, having merged with the Catholic All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day.

Typically, November 1 is to honor children and infants, known as Día de los Angelitos (Day of the Little Angels). November 2nd honors adults and is known as Día de Muertos.

Indigenous peoples in Mexico (and in other countries in what is now the Americas, where Indigenous people’s traditional territory extends beyond contemporary borders, such as our Maya relatives) have been holding these celebrations for 3,000 years. In 2003, UNESCO proclaimed Mexico’s Dia de Muertos Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Before Mexico’s invasion by Spaniards, these holy days for the Mexika (Aztec) took place in the month that approximates today’s August/September. They were celebrated for an entire month: the first half of the month as Miccailhuitontli, the feast of deceased children, and the latter half as Huey Miccailhuitontli, or Feast to the Greatly Revered Deceased (adults). Some say the festivities were dedicated to Mictecacihuatl known as the "Lady of the Dead," and that she corresponds to the modern-day Catrina, today's iconic character created in 1910 by famous Mexican printmaker and illustrator José Guadalupe Posada. Although it is possible that Mictlancihuatl was his inspiration, no one really knows, and La Catrina has her own interesting story as a truth-teller and social justice warrior.

It's important to note that there are regional differences as to how it is celebrated and that how it is observed is influenced by a family's religion or tribe-specific history and customs. For example, members of the Yaqui Tribe begin their tribe-specific Animam Mikwame Taiwae, Dia de Muertos, observances on October 1st.

In my circle of family, friends, and community, we prepare for weeks to properly host relatives who have walked on before us: our tatas, nanas, tias, and tios, and other relatives who will return to this realm to visit us during Dia de Muertos. As you begin your preparations, please source your Day of the Dead items from Mexican artists, bakers, and artisans.

If you are responsible for putting together a Dia de Muertos educational program or special event, please do your best to consult with and employ Mexican/ Indigenous people rather than someone who is not part of our culture and community -- and consider giving back to our community in tangible ways as a way of showing your appreciation for us sharing our culture, food, music, and spiritual traditions.

For many, Day of the Dead celebrations begin on October 31st, the night Mexicans remember deceased children, while the night from the 1st to the 2nd is dedicated to the adult dead. A pathway of brilliant marigold flowers will guide them to our home to enjoy some time with us, within whose hearts they yet live. They'll be knocking at midnight, looking at their photos on our altar, smelling the aroma of their favorite food, and cleansing themselves with the smoke of copal incense.

We build ofrendas (altars) to their memory at home and sometimes in public places. Some altares are simple and some are elaborate. Often, we hold vigils at the cemetery, taking our time to lovingly clean headstones, place candles and bouquets of cempaxochitl (Aztec marigolds) on graves, toys for children, delicious pan de muerto, tamales, drinks, and incense burners filled with fragrant copal. It is not uncommon for us to take lawn chairs to the cemetery and sit for hours, sometimes all night, recounting favorite anecdotes and memories of special days gone by. We might hire a small Norteño or mariachi to play favorite songs that our beloveds enjoyed when alive. It's both a sad and joyful time as we pray, sing, laugh, and reminisce.

In the days leading up to Dia de Muertos, I will be posting photographs, videos, and articles on Mexican Dia de los Muertos and hope that what is shared helps you celebrate the life of your loved ones while at the same time respectfully preserving and honoring this important tradition that is the religious and cultural legacy of the ancestors of Mexihca, Maya, Tlaxcaltec, Chichimec, and other Native peoples of what is today known as Mexico, as well as Indigenous traditional territories that today may overlap adjoining countries.

With respect, I ask that you please keep in mind that Mexican Dia de Muertos is rooted in culture-specific spiritual/religious observances.

I realize that there are other countries (e.g., China and Celtic, among others) that observe what may appear, on the surface, to be a similar custom. Still, those observances do not have the same origin and unique expression as ours. Used out of that context, as in dressing up as La Catrina for a summer or winter solstice celebration or other non-Dia De Muerto event, could be considered disrespectful, especially when done by someone not a member of the Mexican / Indigenous community. By this, I mean taking one or more elements of this cultural-spiritual ritual and using them in a different context than for which it was intended.

When changes are made arbitrarily to a tradition, or worse, it is misappropriated, those changes begin to erode its power and its beauty. The same power and beauty that first drew you to it. Help protect this sacred observance.

As neither forthcoming posts nor this one are meant to be scholarly articles, please understand that not every detail or aspect of Dia de Muertos is addressed. I encourage you to empower yourself by researching your family stories and delving more deeply into the origins and history of Dia de Muertos.

Con respeto y aprecio,
Maestra Grace Sesma

Curanderismo, the Healing Art of Mexico

#Art: Rick Ortega,

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 847

Your coming from beyond the grave

The grave with bars interred.
your life was taken, just removed.  
my prayers with longings more than words
to meet again, stand in your shoes.
My brother Roger was taken by suicide eight years ago, before covid was invented, before the epidemic of Woke generations mental trauma. A hard-working man, but always an enigma. Artist, collector, avid car boot sale attendee, the main Manchester to Coventry line was closed at rush hour to remove his body from the line, hit by the 08:10 express.
Each year we lay the table with an empty seat, light black candles, turn the sideboard into an altar of photographs, our hall a shrine to his art, so many question without answers, eat a vindaloo and angel cake.
 Strewn with the bouquet of memories that never die, the welcome mat hovered, an anticipation of his sprit, welcoming the chill of a presence from beyond our earthly bounds.
To leave without a note, the presents unopened around the Christmas tree, desperation that each family member and friend a smattering of guilt for the emotional void
It’s a long journey back according to Mexican folk law.
no longer hidden in plain sight.
 breeds like cancers cells, that vacancy
looking for a return ticket
that depression denied
 coldness, conceals longings  
but mortals hold the keys  
November’s windows are mostly
fully booked
needs and desires, ladders and shortcuts  
clean hovered welcome
the purr of the cat
Mariachi band a little off key
disable the deadness!
 just temporarily
Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16507

Thank you for your heartfelt entry, slip.

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 28th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 198

Dia de los muertos

The time is coming,
The loves gathering,
The veil becomes thin
The time is here
Dia de los muertos,
The day of days
I am waiting for you
my love to come back to me
even for just a day
Come back
Your picture is on the mantle
my ring is still on,
It never leaves
It will always be part of my destiny
candles are lit upon the table
I have prepared yours and our favorite food
The path is clear,
and am waiting on our wavelength for you
I am playing guitar
singing my songs for you
the babies are all here,
waiting with me
to cross upon the threshold
and bring me out of darkness
When your presence brings me into light
Out across the burning grounds

Written by deadwolf
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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16507

Thank you for a very moving entry, deadwolf.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16925

OOps..old write. Withdrawn

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16507

Well shoot! I was looking forward to reading this. If you can get a new one written, please feel free to edit your comment and paste the link to it! xo

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