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Poem of 2024

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

💘 Cupid's Revenge. 💘

Well, our girl's tucked up fast asleep in bed.
She's snuggled down and feeling warm and nice,
with dreams of licking ice-cream in her head – she's never tasted such a lovely ice!
And our boy's walking dreaming through the trees
and gazing skywards at the shining moon.
If it were ice-cream he would say, 'Yes, please!'
and then he'd eat it with his favourite spoon.
But Cupid, meanwhile, has a fiendish trick,
to gain revenge for what they did to him.
They stung him, kicked him, made him feel so sick,
and now the plans he has for them are grim.
He places two sharp arrows in a case,
and one is labelled 'ajay', one marked 'Grace'. 🙃



🍦👒 🌛

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16914


...as sure as the arrows fly

Cupid with his bow
with arrows sharp
and heart-shaped tips
he aimed for the two
who gave him pain
their quills were hot and sharp
their merciless ridicule for his winged self
irked him still
though many moons had passed

he aimed the arrows
fast and true
towards Ajay's beating heart
but failed and hit his pipe instead
sending it flying, making sparks
much to his annoyance
Cupid turned to the sleeping Grace
who was snoring a symphony
he stumbled and missed again
hitting her sleeping cat
it woke up and purred
falling in love with a puzzled mouse
Cupid fled in horror
into the moonlit night

Dangerous Mind
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1854

Cat and Mouse 🐱🐁 (From an Idea Inspired by Grace's poem above☝️.)

The arrow of Cupid, that sweet poisoned dart,
had struck that poor Cat and gone deep in his heart,
and then that poor Cat had set eyes on the Mouse
who lived with our girl in her nice little house.

The Mouse and the Cat then fell madly in love,
were perfectly matched like a hand in a glove,
and all through the night with a runcible spoon
the two would eat cheese by the light of the moon,

and when in the morning the night became day,
the pair in the garden would happily play,
the birds would be singing their favourite song,
and nothing at all in the world could be wrong;

but into their heaven a shadow came black,
the Mouse and the Cat then came under attack
from Monsters who lived in the dark of the Wood
and feasted on mouses and  drank all their blood.

'Don't worry, dear Mousie,' the Cat bravely said,
'I won't let those Monster Men make you all dead,
I'll battle and fight them and chase them away
and then here in love we can happily stay.'

'Oh, thank you, dear Cattie,' the Mousie replied,
'I'm glad that I have you, so strong, by my side,
the Monsters would kill me and gobble me up
and drink all my blood in their favourite cup'.

The Cat then unsheathed all his terrible claws,
and faced all the Monsters with slavering jaws.
The Monsters were fearsome, the Mousie felt ill,
and then the mad Monsters moved in for the kill.

The Cat with a screech and a hideous cry
then sprang at a Monster and clawed out its eye.
The Monster collapsed and quite soon it was dead
with torrents of blood gushing out of its head.

The Monsters all roared and then charged at the Cat,
who slashed with his razor-sharp claws and then spat
and leapt on the back of the biggest one there,
then scratched out his eyeballs and tore out his hair;

but soon all the Monsters were winning the day,
it seemed with his life that the brave Cat woulld pay
for fighting the Monsters to keep safe the Mouse
who lived with the Cat in the nice little house.

Then into this story came our boy the Bold
who grabbed every Monster his strong hands could hold,
and soon every Monster was living no more –
he stamped on the heads of a few to make sure!

Then our girl appeared, in a bit of a state,
(a typical woman, arriving too late 🙃)
and cried, 'Oh, my hero! You've saved my poot Cat!
Oh, how... how can I ever thank you for that!'

'Oh, shucks! It was nothing,' he said with a grin.
'I just saw the Monsters and kicked their heads in.'
'I'll love you forever!' our girl then replied,
and grabbing our boy quickly dragged him inside!

Our boy and our girl and the Cat and the Mouse
together lived happily there in the house,
and Cupid was watching, there's no need to say,
he'd known that his arrows would find the right way. 💘 🙃

The End. 🐱



Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16914

...have you ever won a lottery?

halloween and tricks a'treating
house prayers and rosaries
autumn leaves a'falling
thinking now of christmas trees

how time flies
when in the autumn years
the rolling wheels
as spinning tape-reels

one day it will stop
the spool quiet

her reflection danced on the window pane
as she looked out into the dimly lighted garden
soft and low the bird’s call
in twilight embrace

she stepped out to the balcony
she listened so patiently
as night whispers secrets
so gentle and sweet

she turned to him
said come with me
join me in this time
of stories told freely

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