Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd September 2024 10:31am
View Profile Poems by Her
RUNNER-UP: dimpy


Poem of the Month - September 2024

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 921

Poetry Contest

Three weeks to nominate your favorite poems!
You have THREE weeks to nominate no more than THREE of your favorite poems from another DUP poet!

Please note the following guidelines when making nominations:

The voting for this competition is anonymous; therefore, spoken word nominations will be disqualified.

1. Self-nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme.  This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.

2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.

3. No DUPLICATE NOMINATIONS. If you nominate a poem that has already been nominated you will be asked to replace the nomination.

4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.  

5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to winning will be automatically disqualified.

6. One win per member per calendar year, beginning with the month they win.

7. Please notify your nominee they have been nominated. Please make sure your nominee has not won within the last 12 months.

Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:

January - Styxian
February - Confluence
March - Thor_Azine
April - Indie
May -  LjDynamic
June - WillowsWhimsies
July - Nixprty
August - Shilohverse

January - Styxian
February - Daniel Christensen
March -  Betty
April - DaisyGrace
May - Northern_Soul
June - Neves
July - Razzerleaf
August - _feral
September - Adelphina
October - Cipher_O
November - no comp
December - sophos

January - Luna Greyhawk
February - AspergerPoet
March - Relic-54
April - Alan-S-Jeeves
May - _feral
June - Nevermindthegaps
July - Indie
August - inechoingsilence
September - Rianne
October - Bluevelvete
November - Honoria
December - KristinaX

January - brokentitanium (k.)
February - SatinUgal
March - X
April - RiAN
May - DaisyGrace
June - Bluevelvete
July - Jemac
August -  Northern_Soul (-Missy-)
September - Joshsam
October - cold_fusion
November - Buddhakitty
December - Particles_of_HerII

January - New Beginnings
February -  Edible Words
March - Madame Lavender
APRIL - Monkeyman
MAY - Timagination543
JUNE - Lepperochan ( Craic-Dealer
JULY - Strangeways_Rob
August - Daniel Christensen
September - Aspergerpoet
October - Lunagreyhawk
November - Kristinax
December - Ahavati

January - Daniel Christensen
February - Sophie_Ericson
March - AudioHarleea
April - From the Ash
May - Miss_Sub
June - Naajir
July - Layla
August - Ahavati
September - Miss_Sub
October - Howling_Whelms
November - Johnny Blaze
December - Rachel_Lauren

January - Lady_of_the_Quill
February -  ( Craic in a box )
March - Tinabubuya ( Tee Mali )
April - Crowfly
May - AtomicBomb
June - Miss_Sub (Missy)
July - Meadowsweet
August - Layla
September - Cold Fusion
October  - Todski28
November - TheMuse22
December - Bender

January - Vee
February - Crimsin
March - Onefiftysix
April - Daniel Christensen
May - Alexander Case
June - Aemelia564
July - The Silly Sibyl (Jack Thomas Heslop)
August - Quietusquill
September - Shadoe
October - Poetsrevenge
November - Naajir
December - Poetspeak

November  - John Feddeler
December - Ahavati

Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 271

You have cute cuticles

She was a cutie
Young, hot and had an extraordinary appetite for sex
She knew her way around my body and knew what I enjoyed
There was just one problem...
She had a disgusting habit of frequently and repeatedly gnawing on her skin
Most of the time it was her cuticles or her hand
The area would become red & raw
Many times the affected area would bleed
She had a disease called Dermatophagia
In the beginning of our time together it wasn't bad
After several months her hands looked like someone cut & chopped her skin up with a small blade or knife
It was to the point that I encouraged her to seek help or wear gloves when we were together
I didn't want her mangled hands all over my body or member
She eventually became more self aware and began gnawing on her arms, her ankles and once tried to bite me!
I told her this relationship isn't going to work
She began to get upset & cry
I explained that I could try & help with this issue
She smiled and was full of joy
I used a new pair of cooking scissors and cut off her left ear
It took a few moments
I told her, chew on your ear and stop ruining your hands
She was in pain but understood and appreciated me helping her out
Were still together, minus two ears, part of her cheek & nose
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 73

Old El Paso

It's a little chilly.
Tacos, making me feel things.
A lot of spicy green things.
Burnin' up the weak things.
I see the ceiling.
Falling through the floor.
Just a weakling.
On a tour, in the evening.
Burnt to the core.
These cacti keep stinging.
Born again.
The bells are ringing.
Cronos swallowed.
Can't stop drinking.
I'm off the wall.
A little green thing.
Satan called.
Thought I was dreaming.
Gave it my all.
This mountain is beaming.
No more balls.
Just receiving.
Written by AfterSexDilemma
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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 9th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 174

there is a world beyond understanding

darkness is traditional
it will haunt you
everywhere in the
form of person or time,
n you will have to face it,
n it will be your own quest
to bring light everywhere...
Written by dimpy (dimpsmoon)
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Damian DeadLove
Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 2nd June 2024
Forum Posts: 49

witch by moonlight

she came
out tonight,
her breast
of youth
and glowing
to the
of a
full moon
with soft
but sure
voice and
subtle hands,
whirled in
an open
fire of
Written by goodwolf1966 (jimmy)
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Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 244

It's No Sonnet!

I remember long ago  
When the first snow fell  
When my cheeks blushed from a glance  
As time went by  
That was the moment  
Where my hopes were big  
My eyes glazed over
And his love was a fairytale -
Meant for another!
I wanted to believe in fairytales  
I was no Princess  
But he...  
Definitely a frog!
Written by fianaturie8 (Fia Naturie)
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Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 244

The Unlikely Church

In a rustic western bar nestled in the heart of Oklahoma City, the night was in full swing. Wooden floors, worn smooth by countless boots, creaked softly under the weight of the evening crowd. A country guitar hummed in the background, providing a comforting soundtrack to the low buzz of conversation and laughter. The air was thick with the scents of aged whiskey and fried food, the dim lighting casting long shadows across the room.

At the far end of the bar, a young woman named Sarah, barely in her twenties, perched on a stool. She wore a modest dress and carried an air of innocence that seemed out of place in the bar's seasoned atmosphere. Her skin was fair, and her shoulder length hair flowed gracefully down each side of her round-cheeked face. A coffee rested in her hand, and every so often, her eyes darted to the door with a look of guilt in her eyes. She’d made a last-minute decision to stop into this bar that she’d driven past many times on her way home from school where she was studying elementary education.

Beside her, leaning with casual ease against the bar, was Jake—a man of about thirty-five with a smile that could disarm. He'd been sharing small talk with Sarah, trying to coax her out of her shell with his smooth talk and easy confidence.

Finally, he decided to confront the hesitation he sensed in her. "You know, Sarah," Jake said, his voice as casual as his posture, "life's too short to be spent in constant worry about what we should and shouldn't do. I’ve made mistakes in my past but all in all, it’s been a good life.”

Sarah turned to him, her expression a blend of curiosity and caution. "I was raised to believe that every decision we make matters in the eyes of God. That we should live righteously..." She blushed at her boldness. Her voice was soft, reflecting the depth of her conviction.

Jake nodded, showing a flash of understanding. “That’s admirable, Sarah. You’re a good girl and I can respect that.”

Sarah blushed. “It feels strange to be in here and I have friends who’d be horrified to see me in here but it’s nice. People have been nice to me.”

Jake studied Sarah’s hands cupping her coffee. They were soft and natural like the hands of a child. Her nails weren’t acrylic like he normally saw on women. Hell, he thought, there’s no acrylic anywhere on this pretty girl.

He reached out and pointed at the ring she wore. "That's a beautiful ring. Where'd you get it?"

"My daddy gave it to me when I went to college," Sarah said.

"That's sweet. He must love you a lot," Jake said growing quiet.

After a long pause, Jake put down his glass and turned to Sarah. “For me this place is sort of like a church. I confess my sins to old Joe there behind the bar and his lips are sealed. Then I meet up with friends here for fellowship. Sometimes I run into an angel,” he said looking directly at Sarah.

Sarah laughed and looked away. “Oh, I’m no angel.”

“Well, you look like an angel to me,” Jake said tapping her forearm lightly. “Just checking to see if you’re real,” he said with a smile.

Sarah drew the coffee to her thin lips and took a sip, feeling the warmth in her mouth. She saw herself in the mirror behind the bar and thought to herself, I am pretty, just like my daddy used to say. He always called her his little angel and she remembered how he cried when she went down to profess her faith one Sunday morning. Tonight, that time seemed so long ago.

She whispered, “Only ten years ago.”

“Only ten years ago?” Jake questioned.

“Oh nothing, I was just remembering something that seemed long ago, but it was only ten years."

Jake just looked at her and then took another sip of his beer. “Yep. Life flies by fast.”

They both sat quietly for a minute and Sarah felt strangely close to Jake, like he wasn’t that different from the people she grew up around.

The music stopped and Jake leaned in close to Sarah, his voice dropping to a whisper that held the weight of a secret. "What pleasure would it give the Almighty if you were righteous? What would he gain if your ways were blameless?"

The words struck a chord within Sarah. She must have heard them read during her childhood. Her eyes widened as she remembered sitting quietly staring at the stain glassed windows.

Jake, sensing her inner conflict, pressed on with a gentle urgency. “That was from Job when he was struggling a long time ago. We're all just passing through, Sarah. One day, we'll both return to the dust from which we were created. We need to enjoy the limited time you have in life. I think God would approve.”

The bar seemed to fall silent, the patrons' laughter and chatter dimming as if waiting for Sarah's response. She sat motionless, the struggle between her upbringing and the temptation of Jake's words playing out in her gaze.

After a long moment, Sarah stood up, her decision clear in her determined face. She took a deep breath, her beauty and virtue still evident, but now there was a spark of boldness in her eyes. "Maybe you're right, Jake.”

Jake extended his hand with a knowing smile, which Sarah took, her palms moist and warm. Together, they headed toward the exit. As Jake opened the door and held it for her, she walked through, as if leaving behind the familiar confines of her old beliefs. Tonight would be a time of discovery.

The bar door closed behind them, and the music picked up once more. The story of Sarah and Jake would be added to a long list of couples who’d found each other in this little neighborhood place of worship and celebration.  
Written by Nizana (Lauryn)
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 37

King of Humility

Grateful coasting immaculate early dawn morning currents  
blown gingerly wayward on daily life routines
Aloft to powerful graphic roars of hot air balloon thoughts
in colorful regal daybreak scenes serene  
Gazing across magnificent woven wicker basket
beyond to dark volatile horizons cloaked in hunger of light
Days before easy living cursed livid night  
wreak circumstance of sore scab estrange fights
Under siege walking familiar fog of destructive brimstone  
carnivorous blades reign storms from foe
As bleak jagged paths on soles no one wished  
to switch impale flesh melee in wrath to worn hole
Tempers sowed in pride of yesteryear grew tumultuous
& tempest as maelstrom rifts rip to juxtapose
Humbled is knowing weathered intricacy of daggers  
gouge to be the man I am none foregoes
Seasons muddled profoundly made my soul thicker  
word to coarse arrogant centerfolds reap on foot bottoms
When lawyer fees were the judicial way  
of countlessly solving problems  
Chasing cold spirited darkness away as motivation  
of rising sun shows brazen footsteps of intense power
Time stands still in praise crystallized in memory  
but stubborn shadows retreat in grudge of that darkest hour
Before faith ascension to this eagle’s crest  
I witness carnage in gruesome putrid stench on numerous landfill
Knocked around in forced pottery stature  
is how bog clay molds await appeal
Only reward to appraise was blood ruby stress marks  
pound to broaden yoke of shoulder bone  
Waited heavily on for series of burden to lift  
below the jeweled crown has turned stone
Written by Duice
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Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 244

A Solitary Daisy

Planted along a worn rickety fence    
In the front yard of a paint peeled white house      
Stands a solitary daisy    
Among blades of grass taller than she    
A waft of her feint cheerful scent    
Carried by the warm summer morning breeze    
Brushes past me as I bend to bend to pick her    
I am amazed at the simplicity she radiates    
Graceful, dainty petals swaying    
Strong, rooted stem giving way    
I tenderly place her in my long, curly fire hair    
Humbled by her innocence    
I seemingly become to be as pure as she

Written by Her
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Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273

The rose

Renewal is abound
Rising up from the heels of decay
to carry the life of the ancients
where beauty prevails as a constant
I ride the wind with the wren
as a seed, soliciting the fray in the womb
Flitting from mountain to valley
before settling on a parcel
unblemished by the relics of the departed
I’ve readied my roots  
to release the lore of my existence  
Seducing the fragments of design  
to imbue my soul to the soil  
Tendrils of resilience weaving my foundation  
I forge my stalk with vigour
direct and unswerving  
A stalwart soldier rising and courtly  
with a foothold in the bounds of supremacy
My thorns are persuasive
Gestures of scathe and scar
deter the elite from ending my reign
Unfurling my leaves
I tickle the layers of tempests
fondling the zephyrs that press me to dance
I am composed in the compass of tranquility  
Rising like an emerald sceptre  
I’m stretching my neck for a view  
beyond the grasses in the meadow
to absorb the verve of the orb laced of saffron
Enchanted by its essence
I rile the lilt of desire
to compose a bloom
on the cusp of uncut grace
Inhaling its rays  
I unfold my sheath  
to release the splendour of the hue of carmine saturating my petals
with a fragrance reminiscent of Queens in coronation
With poise
I’ve sown my value among the flora  
In time, I will wither
leaving my seed to renew my spirit
In the fertility of the sediment
containing the jewels of the fore
Written by Everavalon
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Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273

Great nominations!

DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Rew, LunaGreyhawk, Nizana, SonderNinja, Her, fianaturie8, dimpy, Duice, Nixprty, Honoria, Grace, Vision_of_insanity, WillowsWhimsies, MadameLavender, Adelphina, Marks, Tallen, Phantom2426, mel44, deadwolf, Shilohverse

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 921

Congratulations, Her!

Fia Naturie
Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 134

Congratulations on your win, HER

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 244

YES! A big heartfelt congratulations to you, Mary. Commiserations to everyone else, of course! 😊🥇🏆

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