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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16223

Solar Eclipse New & Moon in Libra tomorrow afternoon ( Wed ) 10°03', 10th House @ 2:49 PM EDT. This post focuses mainly on the Annular "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse. A more detailed post of the New Moon in Libra will be published tomorrow, or you can find it here: inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Eclipse season is accompanied by intense and often accelerated peaks of action, so don't be surprised if hear about or read about escalating global tensions or weather. The Lunar aspects will contribute a heightened emotional element.

When accompanied by a New Moon, especially in the sign of Libra, representing social and relationship balance, it's the perfect time for manifesting, we can all set intentions for PEACE.

This Eclipse and New Moon are a powerful combination to pave the way for a new social consciousness and personal beginnings. The "Ring of Fire" has always reminded me of a Universally controlled burn. Just like on Earth, fire departments initiate controlled burns for new and healthier growth.

If you've ever witnessed this event as I have ( in a park when young ) you can see the beauty of it crawling along the ground in a unified action, burning away the old and infirmed patches of unhealthy growth to make way for the new.

Imagine this "Ring of Fire" burning from within our heart and through our bodies, minds, particularly thoughts, even homes as we rid ourselves of clutter that hinders our development. Behind it comes the cooling spray of water to fertilize the growth of new beginnings.

Then imagine it spreading away from us, crawling across the globe - across every country, burning away outdated philosophies and militant regimes of oppression.

Imagine the cooling rain fertilizing healthy beginnings representing unity and love.

Change begins with us, and this Annular Eclipse and New Moon provide the perfect celestial opportunity to join a collective of like-minded souls to plant the seeds of new growth in outdated patches of dirt where nothing healthy seems to survive.


The “ring of fire” solar eclipse closes out the 2024 eclipse season and will only be visible the south of Hawaii in the North Pacific Ocean and will set north of South Georgia in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Notable Aspects:

With the Moon conjunct the Sun, Mercury, Lilith, and Astrea, this energy emphasizes our desire for balance and harmony and, with Lilith involved, justice for some past circumstance where our voice was silenced, or our gifts were taken for granted or capitalized on by others.

Pay very close attention to triggers, they are there to reveal where we need healing. Tracing the source of these triggers provides a timeline in which to review all the times we've felt that same trigger and how we've reacted. Now it's time to respond differently and close that wound right along with eclipse season.

Dedication and commitment to this task is favored and will produce desired results. With Mercury involved, short-distance travel may arise. As Mercury ( ruler of Virgo, Healer Archetype ) also symbolizes healing, now is a perfect time to communicate our needs through journaling or speaking with someone we trust.

***Important: this is not a total eclipse. And the first thing to remember, at no time during this eclipse will it be safe to look at the sun without proper eye protection.

Image: Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #eclipse #solareclipse #ringoffire #RingOfFireEclipse #annular #annularsolareclipse #newmoon #newmooninlibra

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16223

#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Oct 02, 2024, EDT: Intense energy can produce fluctuations in mood and outlook. The cure at the end of such a day is luxurious self-care.

Solar Eclipse | New Moon 10°LIB04': http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Midmorning the Moon in Libra sextile Pallas in Sagittarius and Mercury square Ceres in Capricorn: Utilizing our higher wisdom to objectively evaluate our patterns can avoid frustrations associated with limitations. Pay particular attention to the words we tell ourselves—they could be our undoing.

Midafternoon the Moon in Libra conjunct the Sun in Libra: This energy emphasizes our desire for balance and harmony in the workplace. Dedication and commitment to a task is favored and will produce desired results.

Late afternoon/early evening the Moon in Libra square Ceres in Capricorn conjunct Mercury in Libra: Squares provide the biggest opportunity for spiritual advancement when we let go of how we think things should go and follow the trail of universal breadcrumbs to our goals.

Tonight, the Moon in Libra inconjunct Saturn Rx in Pisces: Forgo work and worry for fun and romance or luxurious self-care this evening. After the intense energy of the day, we deserve a break. Commitment and dedication aren't just reserved for work, but our personal needs as well.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):

Moon: 07LIB42, 12
Pallas: 07SAG42, 2
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 10:00 AM

Mercury: 11LIB14, 12
Ceres: 11CAP14, 3
Aspect: Square
Time: 10:43 AM

Moon: 10LIB03, 10
Sun: 10LIB03, 10
Aspect: Conjunct
Time: 2:49 PM

Moon: 11LIB17, 8
Ceres: 11CAP17, 11
Aspect: Square
Time: 5:19 PM

Moon: 11LIB48, 8
Mercury: 11LIB48, 8
Aspect: Conjunct
Time: 6:22 PM

Moon: 14LIB13, 5
Saturn Rx: 14PIS13, 10
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 11:17 PM

#art Georges Antoine Rochegrosse

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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16223

New Moon in Libra, 10th House @ 2:49 PM EDT

This afternoon, we welcome the first Autumnal New Moon! Libra is the Cardinal sign of the West, and here to assist our balance as we enter a new season. Cardinal signs are called such because they govern the changing of the seasons.

A peace-loving diplomate, Libra is companionable, refined, judicial, artistic, and more. This lunation highlights the importance of collective connections, especially as we descend into the shadow aspect of the year and ourselves.

Resources are growing less abundant, especially following the harvest. So, we seek balance between the light and dark— beginning within ourselves. Considering the cosmic chaos right now, balance is much needed.

We’ve got for planets currently retrograde: Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. Jupiter will be joining them next Wednesday, increasing the total to five. Additionally, four asteroids: Chiron, Eris, Hygieia, and Sedna are also retrograde.

The Lunar conjunctions were discussed in yesterday's Solar Eclipse post as well as last nights #AspectingtheCosmos report, so make sure you read those along with this one.

It will be the perfect time to focus on our own shadow aspects of imbalance, doubt, and fear in order to integrate and thus create a sense of harmony that we desire. Spending time in nature will facilitate this integration process, particularly under the New Moon.  

The energy of new beginnings is especially strong at this time, so don't underestimate your ability to guide yourself though the chaotic energies. Just as you would take shelter from a storm, so must you take shelter within yourself in order to weather these transits.

Focusing on how far you've come while looking ahead at what you want to accomplish during the next two seasons is the BEST course of direction if you feel overwhelmed or confused. If you feel you need ore support, reach out to your circle for a dose of spiritual love.

Just as Autumn Equinox rituals, you can also work with specific crystals and seasonal symbols for the New Moon too. Charge them with your intentions or meditating with them to help you connect with the seasonal shift and tap into the natural New Moon magic, as well as answers deep within the darkness of yourself.

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #moon #mooninlibra #newmooninlibra #Libra #lunarphases #mooncycles #lunarcycles #newmoon

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16223

Starry Night Reminder: New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse today @ 2:49 p.m. EDT, visible in the eastern and southern Pacific Ocean regions only.

Since the moon will reach apogee only an hour after that, it will be farther from the Earth and too small to completely block the sun’s disk, resulting in an annular, or “ring of fire”, solar eclipse.

The narrow track where annularity will be visible will begin about 1,000 miles (1,700 km) south of the Hawaiian Islands at 16:54 UT or 7:54 a.m. Hawaiian time.

From there, the moon’s shadow will sweep southeast across the ocean, reaching greatest eclipse, with 7.4 minutes of annularity, at 18:45 UT, and then 6.4 minutes of annularity on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) at 2:07 p.m. EASST or 19:07 UT.

The eclipse will reach the mountainous Patagonian coast of Chile at or 5:22 p.m. CLST or 20:22 UT, then the eastern coast of Argentina six minutes later at 20:28 UT. The eclipse will end 340 miles (550 km) north of South Georgia Island at 20:36 UT.

A broad region surrounding the annularity track will see a partial solar eclipse. Exact times for your location can be obtained from astronomy apps like Starry Night and SkySafari.

Proper protective solar filters will be required to view any part of this solar eclipse.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16223

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