Competition Ends 26th October 2024 4:16pm

The Golden Tear

Fia Naturie
Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 132

Poetry Contest

Make me Feel

Hello everyone. This is called The Golden Tear because I want you to take me there. Where? That part of you that I will stop and feel caught up in the emotion.

This competition has a special twist to this. I have created a magazine that I have been gradually hinting to called, Hypo Frost Magazine. The first issue will be out in December. You maybe contacted by me to be in the first edition. The theme is fall to winter. If you want to know, more feel free to reach out to me.
It is a free magazine. You own your rights to your work.

Now what are the Requirements to this Competition?
1 Love, loss, romance, regret
2 Any style poetry
3 Short story please no more than 2 1/5 pages long.
Good Luck

Sam Nash
Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th July 2021
Forum Posts: 24

Never Know

They will never know  
The feelings I hide inside  
They will never know  
Friends may come  
Friends may go  
But they will never know  
I will never show  
The pain I keep inside  
They will never know  
Will they see it in my eyes  
Will they know from the lies  
I scribble in the snow?  
Will they feel the heat  
That burns with every sigh  
I tried to hide long ago?  
I will never tell  
How everything befell  
They can never know  
What life did foretell  
That I remain in hell  
They can never know

Check out this song on Suno
Written by Samnash (Sam Nash)
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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 24


In shadows deep and still
Where echoes dare not creep
The wind, with mournful thrill
Doth sing the souls to sleep

The stars, like tearful eyes
Watch over graves of stone
As dreams of broken skies  
Wander the dark alone

The moon, a pale-faced bride
Her veil of clouds does wear
In whispers lost, she cried
A wail of cold despair

Yet still, beneath the gloom
A beauty strange and rare
The flower in the tomb
The rose in silent air

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