Competition Ends 26th October 2024 5:35pm

Spooky Event

Fia Naturie
Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 132

Poetry Contest

You are the host of a dinner party for all the witches, goblins and goolies etc.

If creepy crawlies are what you desire

Let this competition inspire.

Let them bite and have a ball.

Let them have all the gore galore

You are here to serve up a dish

Give them a body part if you wish

They will only come out to play

If you make it succulent in it’s display

All Hollow’s Eve is the day of the event

Spare no expense, it will be a dime well spent

And if you cannot come up with a theme

Be prepared to be the one to scream

Tyrant of Words
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 72

Time For Supper

Cutting your flesh, making you wish for death
Pulverize you into a bloody pulp, slicing deep your fucking throat
Hacking you through, spewing pancreatic juice
Swirling misery, you're death, my victory
Bludgeoned, shrieking
You will suffer!
Razors slice through your skin
Eyeballs pierced with large pins
Grinding through the bone
Wishing that you were safe at home
Lungs filling with blood
Fall off the table, creating a loud thud
Slaughtered alive
Somebody hear me, I wanna die
Witness your legs hacked off for barbecue
Some of your giblets will be placed in a stew
Pieces of you placed in the freezer
Your body in shock, your having a seizure
Maggots will dine on your open wounds
Your remains will be stuffed inside a hollow tomb
Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

Hi Fia Naturie

Regarding line 5 " you are here to serve as a dish "
is that the narrator serving themselves as a dish
or what? Personally I'd like to see the narrator is
asked to " serve up a dish " preferably from a  third

Fia Naturie
Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 132

Hi Rew changed the wording. You serve up the dish. No worries.

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 543

Ah, I love you! ❤️

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 24

"Patron of Shadows"

By midnight’s veil, where time is slain
Ancient halls resound with pain
A feast prepared for darkened kin
Where flesh and soul intertwine in sin

The table long, a serpent’s spine
With blood-red wine, the grapes divine
A secret flame, unseen by eyes
Burns bright beneath the moonless skies

The guests arrive, their forms obscure
From realms where no light may endure
The angels fallen, gods unmade
With lips of dust, in silence laid

The bread they break is old as Time
A symbol veiled in shattered rhyme
And in the marrowed bones they see  
The cosmic veil’s obscurity

Beneath their gaze, the truth unwinds
Unwritten words of darker minds
The gnosis deep, the hollow creed,
Is fed upon in cryptic need

They speak in tongues of endless night
Inverted stars, forgotten light
And with each taste, the veil grows thin
The outer void, the world within

At dawn’s first breath, they fade away
To realms where only shadows pray
And leave behind the silent feast
Where matter dies, and souls are least

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