Competition Ends 8th October 2024 2:13am

Describe What You do for a Living

Tyrant of Words
United States 120awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16031

Poetry Contest

But make it scary!

Describe what you do for a living but make it scary! I'm not looking for blood and guts ( though implying it will happen is okay ); I'm looking for suspense and something that makes the skin crawl. . .and me shudder!

• NEW writes ONLY
• ONE entry per Poet
•  ANY type of Form accepted, including spoken word and visual
• TASTEFUL erotica accepted but NO pump & dump or it will be removed
• The shorter the better. *

* I'd love to see a command of words that cuts chill right to the bone!

You have a month! Good luck, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 14th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 17

"The Dark and Frigid"

Below the fathoms, past light’s domain
Where sun and stars dare not remain
I stalk the deep in iron’s hold
A sentinel of secrets cold
In caverns black, where shadows writhe
In silence, waiting, I survive

The hull, it groans like mournful wails
A ghost ship lost in murky trails
The compass spins, a treacherous guide
Through trench and pit where horrors hide
The weight of eons crushes near
And whispers things no soul should hear

My breath is stale, the air is thin
A coffin’s echo trapped within
The sonar’s ping, a lonely bell
A call to beasts that swim from Hell
They prowl the depths, unseen, unknown
Where God and man have never flown

Through endless black and currents wild
I chart the path of Leviathan’s child
The thrumming pulse of engines’ beat
A hymn to those that time will eat
The ice above, a frozen lid
To lock away what must be hid

The crew, they stare with haunted eyes
For here, beneath, no hero lies
Just men adrift in iron tomb
With secrets sealed in ocean’s womb
We dive through dark, relentless dread
Where every whisper wakes the dead

Through portholes stained with algae’s creep
I glimpse the things that never sleep
They linger just beyond the hull
The shapes that pull and push and lull
They call me down to join their feast
To feed the hunger of the beast

The hull might hold, the hull might break
Each dive a gamble mortals take
For here, below, in waters cursed
The air grows thick, the thirst grows worse
The cold, it grips with icy claws
And silence rules with brutal laws

I live in fear of breaking light
Of what will surface in the night
The pressure mounts, the steel will groan
A kingdom carved from bone on bone
And in this depth, I pay my fee
Soul lost to the blackened sea

Tyrant of Words
United States 120awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16031

Way to kick us off, guys! Looking forward to reading more from entrants!

Shiloh Mello
Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 31st July 2024
Forum Posts: 9

Late Night Legal Assistant

Late nights at the law firm are never easy, but this night was different. The clock ticked past midnight, and I was still there, buried beneath mountains of case files and dusty law books. The law library was vast, echoing with the creaks and groans of an old building settling into its bones. Everyone else had gone home hours ago, but not me. The cases demanded more; they always did.

The fluorescent lights flickered, casting long, skeletal shadows across the stacks. The air was cold, too cold, and it seemed to press in around me, thick like a shroud. I was searching through ancient tomes, cases long forgotten, when I felt it—a presence. I looked up, my heart hammering in my chest, but the library was empty. Of course, it was empty.

Then, a book fell. I jumped, startled, and laughed at myself—a nervous, uneasy laugh that didn’t quite reach my lips. I walked over to the book, lying face-down on the floor, pages splayed out like a broken bird. I picked it up. It was an old case file, yellowed with age, its binding cracked and brittle. I’d never seen it before. The title read: "The Last Witness."

Suddenly, the door to the library slammed shut. I dropped the book, the sound echoing like a gunshot. I ran to the door, but it was locked. I pulled and yanked, but it wouldn’t budge. My breath quickened, a cold sweat breaking out across my forehead. I felt eyes on me—someone was watching.

Then, a whisper—soft, barely audible, like a breath against my ear: "Leave… don’t make me get Gregory."

My heart stopped. Gregory. Who was Gregory? And why did the voice sound like it knew him so well?

I spun around, but no one was there. The room felt darker, smaller, the shadows creeping closer. I could hear my own heartbeat, a frantic drumbeat in the silence. I grabbed my phone, but there was no signal. Of course, there was no signal.

Then, I saw it—a figure in the far corner, cloaked in shadow, standing perfectly still. I blinked, and it was gone. But the feeling of dread remained, the certainty that I wasn’t alone. I backed away, my hands trembling, and I bumped into a bookshelf. The books tumbled down, and as they hit the ground, the whispers grew louder, like a chorus of voices rising from the dead.

I was trapped. Trapped with something I couldn’t see, something that wanted me to feel its fear. I turned back to the door, my last hope, and there was the figure again, closer this time. I could see its eyes now, glowing with an unnatural light, staring into mine, unblinking. A cold hand gripped my shoulder, and I screamed.

And then…nothing. Just silence. The lights were steady again, the room still. The door was open, swaying gently. I ran, leaving behind the whispers, the shadows, the feeling that I had barely escaped. But as I left, I saw it: my name, scrawled in blood-red ink across "The Last Witness" file.

And I knew—I’d be back.
Written by Shilohverse (Shiloh Mello)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 120awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16031

Shilohverse, as a former paralegal for 15 years, I can deeply appreciate this offering! The final lines are chilly and leave just enough imagination to the reader! Well done!

Shiloh Mello
Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 31st July 2024
Forum Posts: 9

Ahavati said:Shilohverse, as a former paralegal for 15 years, I can deeply appreciate this offering! The final lines are chilly and leave just enough imagination to the reader! Well done!

Thank you Ahavati. I love being a legal assistant. I'm sure you were a good one.

Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 263

In the Shadows of Art History

In the shadows where time undos,
a Professor of arts, with eyes shining,
revealing secrets from a dark past
where brushes and paints hide the cold.
Frames whispering pain stories
of artists lost in an eternal torpor.
Colors that bleed, forms that scream
on each screen, souls that stir.
The room darkens, the silence is deadly.
The Professor mutters an infernal tale
of a painter who sold his soul to the devil
to create works of an ineffable terror.
Fates weave cruel destination wires
while the Furies dance in a carousel
of revenge and coldness, of hate and fear.
Bringing to life an old horror.
Students tremble, their hearts speed up,
while ghosts of old masters expect
in the shadows and figures begin to move.
The Professor smiles, ready to teach and terrify.
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Tyrant of Words
United States 120awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16031

LOL! These entries are hitting me personally, as I was once a painter too! At some point in my life I'd love to get back into it - hopefully when I finally retire in a few years! Well done, PAR!

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 20th June 2024
Forum Posts: 2


We are sorry to hear you are not
entirely satisfied with our product.
Our try before you buy policy
assures you of our speedy returns.

To arrange collection please select a date,
allowing one hour either side of your selected time
for our qualified engineers to attend.

We advise all of our customers
to have a clean, quiet space,
a supply of dry towels
a spoon
and plenty of running water available.

Please allow 24 hrs
before resuming physical activity.

Whilst your current purchase
may not have been everything you wished for
have you considered other products in our range?

An Angel’s Voice; un Coeur de Lion;
A Constitution made of Iron;
A Piercing Gaze; a Nose for Trouble;
get one free, a Chin that’s Double.

Hips that Sway; Thighs that Thunder
Hands that Pray; Hands that Wander.

Lips that Curl, that Purse and Pout;
A Belly Button, In or Out;
A Serious Mien; a Poker Face;
Private Parts for every taste.

Please note:

Our Come Hither and GTF lines continue to experience high demand.

We apologise but we no longer stock the following:
Breasts, suitable for two men walking together.
Ears, front, wild, or otherwise.
Written by O_Dee
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Tyrant of Words
United States 120awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16031

O_Dee said:

Now THAT is chilling! Thanks for entering!

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 535

Was it Him? or, Was it Not?

I work in a probation hostel and as that word implies it's residential.                      
(I live out)                      
Some of the residents are remanded here, pretrial, by the courts                      
some, who've finished their sentences, are waiting to be rehoused.                      
In other words it is a half-way house.                      
I cook the meals.                      
It's an easy job and extremely well payed and I've any amount of willing                      
labourers in my two kitchens. Two because vegetarian meals have to be                      
kept away, by law, from meat-meals. If not the residents will throw a wobbly.                      
They throw wobblies at the drop of a hat. But that's many other stories.                      
Because I'm just an ancillary worker to the judiciary I don't officially know                      
what anyone has done or is accused of doing but, walls have ears.                      
It's mixed gender staffed but only those identifying as male are sent here                      
by the courts or accepted by the probation service. It simplifies stuff.                      
In my dining room I've fed murderers, arsonists, sex-offenders and all                      
crimes in-between. Liver and onions is a favorite in the meat side and                      
I've had many repeat offenders, passing back into some desperate life                      
or back to prison, helping me in my kitchens. Peeling onions!                      
By the way the Wardens don't allow any violent offenders near me. I'm                      
a protected species. If anything happens to me they'd have to do my job                      
as best they can and that often leads to reeeal baaad, complications...                      
I can generally leave the vegetarian side of my job to my repeat offenders                      
( unofficially)                      
I had one in there recently, said he was a vegetarian and had years of                      
experience cooking vegetarian meals in prison and other institutions                
and his speciality was veg pie. He said " I've an aversion to the smell                
of meat cooking " and if I didn't mind he'd keep away from that side                
of things. All very polite and respectful. But a bit dull as if life          
had beaten him down. A big change to most of the unruly        
and boisterous residents.            
I'd just arrived and wasn't completely changed for work I was              
still wearing my rings and stuff, all unhygienic in a kitchen. I've a pearl              
wrist band like a scrunchie and as we chatted I slipped it off and put it with my stuff into my pocket. He perked up a bit as I pocketed my gear I guess he recognized the hygiene aspect of it, him being employed in kitchens an all.          
Anyhow he said his name was Todd but said folk who knew him called him Barber.  He got Barber, he said, cos he had a pair of hair-clippers he'd somehow hung on to and he'd cut people's hair down to the bone. Very useful, in cramped surroundings, I thought, like jails where head lice could become a real nuisance.                      
He's one of the older residents and really needs to be in something like                      
an old-folks home and, I guess, I must've missed lots of clues regarding                      
his past like " other institutions " and that the probation service was having great difficulty in rehousing him.                  
He wasn't with us long his P.O. got him placed in a serviced flat for old            
folks. Well, he was just an old dodderer. Perhaps he'd carve a small job    
for himself among the other old folk.    
We had a change of government and they decided to make room in the prisons for more unfortunates      
Later I read newspaper reports regarding early release of some prisoners                     
and how, lots of those released, would soon be back inside. That article,                      
repeated in lots of provincials, was fleshed out here and there with some                      
lurid banner headlines like  " Killers Slip Out With The Petty Thieves " and                      
" With this gov't Even the Nutters get Out! " They, of course, named                      
Here is just one of those names, George Arthur Reginald Todd.                      
aka Barber aka Sweeney was being released to HMP Frankland,                      
Durham, then to the Probation Service for release, under license,                      
by the Parole Board. This after spending 38 years in Broadmoor for                      
theft and murder ( he'd cut the throat of the cook for her string of pearls)          
in their employer's works-canteen then, he cooked            
and ate his victim's liver...That got him locked up in Broadmoor still,
he can slice a neat onion.
Written by Rew
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