Poetry competition CLOSED 25th August 2024 4:09pm
View Profile Poems by ExercisingDemons
RUNNER-UP: fianaturie8

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Alice in Wonderland

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 37

Tea Time

Tea for Time!
Not for the blind.
Rich in eloquence.
Alice lost in her mind.  
A world she once knew,
Now unwinds.
Square and compass.
With a little sass.
Round and round,
The angled past.
Tea for Time!
Is this math?
Take a cup and make it last.
Repetition so divine.
Inside this lovely god of time.
Cronos loves his little Alice.
Locked inside her perfect palace.
Loonies make her lose her mind.
There is no brick road she can find.
Emerald city, nowhere in sight.
All her thoughts, high as a kite.
Hallucinating; Losing time.
Spirals starting to unwind.
Mathematical is the grind.
Hurry before she's left behind.  
Running from the crazies now.
This palace is a crazy house!
Escape back to her boring tree.
Forget that was reality.
The compass is still on a square.  
Time still loops; leaves you scared.
The crazies laughing as they stare.
Waiting for you not to care.
Alice had a cup of tea.
Not ready for reality.  
Ran back to her solemn mind.
Doesn't want to know,
Tea is Time.
Written by AfterSexDilemma
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Chere R Sarver
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 27th June 2022
Forum Posts: 105

Absolutely loved the flow of your ink !!! This a poem I'll always keep !!! Thank you again

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 37

Wow thank you

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 4th June 2024
Forum Posts: 7

What if wonderland

was the underbelly
of the world alice
thought they knew
the rabbit hole  
being the spine
they fell through,
alice watches  
a pocketwatch
ticking inside
their ribcage
as tea slowly
pumps around
their blue china  
thread veins,
further down
alice greets
a posse of
flower buds
that bloom slowly  
singing golden  
afternoon in  
their stomach,
spinning around  
as their blue and  
white clothes  
puff inside  
and out  
chesire cat  
greets alice  
mirroring their  
kidneys with  
his infamous
wink and a  
after the fade
of mirroing smiles
alice spirals into  
pelvic matter
watching clouds  
rise up in strange  
letters and riddles  
as caterpillar  
weaves his pipe  
in shapes and  
questions alice
cannot seem  
to fathom,  
entering their
boiling room
of a bladder
alice floats  
past steam
coming from
a parade of
weird sized
teapots &
dancing on
an oversized
table made  
up of three,
we meet again
dear Alice says
Mad Hatter  
you look a  
little different
than before  
the March  
Hare yells
snoozes away
in the tiniest  
teacup with
no care in
the world,
I must have
been made up  
from all of this
not that I expect  
anybody to get
this nonsense
because all
this nonsense
is actually me,
you are all living  
singing and  
dancing in  
every part
of me
Written by xthan
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Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 60

Thank you for entering

Thought Provoker
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 60

Thank you for entering

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5679

Clouds Of My Childhood

I sometimes walk these fields
and remember--
the clouds
how they were back then
full of promises, shifting
into things
that looked alive.

They were the stuff of stories--
Queens and hares
queer, silly things
yet somehow arresting
with a flicker of worry.

So many things
brewing slowly
so it almost seemed
like it was supposed to be that way.

I giggled.
We all giggled
at the tales he told--
down, down
the rabbit hole
to lands conjured
in the most strange of imaginations.

The clouds still hang in the sky
flowing, morphing
into whatever is needed at the time--
a hand of comfort
when he photographed my sister
and I, as child beggar
with suggestion in my eyes and hands.

I do not wish to be Alice, anymore.

Yet she is me
and I am her
only older and wiser
and a tiny bit of dread
in my belly
should the Mad Hatter return
and try to offer me tea
once more.
Written by MadameLavender
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1843

Down the Rabbit Hole

Oh no! she fell down another rabbit hole    
     That gentle old soul    
But this time a malice has taken control    
It’s like watching a bad acid trip but with arsenic    
     Like arson and shit    
          Or arse on a stick    
And the arsenal of poison has taken it’s toll    
She fell into void of false fairytales and slurs    
     Illusions of grandeur    
          Sure that it’s pure    
Conjured in the mind of some saboteur    
Now it spreads like wildfire    
And as other souls spiral down the chambers    
     Of echoes and lies    
          Mesmerized by the tide    
Lost amidst whispers in danger    
It’s something she now comes to admire    
It’s insane    
     Thinking that this new fire and flame    
Has her woke    
     Seeing past the mirrors and smoke    
          But it’s a perilous game    
She’s being cut by shattered sharp shards of glass    
Unknowingly bleeding out in the shadows    
     Raging along with others    
          In the pit when all of it smothers    
When they too are hemorrhaging fast and en masse    
Indoctrinated by this wave    
     Of false relays    
          And cliches    
               They behave like newly enslaved pea brains    
Preaching it as if it’s gospel truth    
And the proof is something that looks like a spoof    
     From the onion news    
          Just to get views    
When in fact something else has taken over the reins    
It’s low and uncouth    
And when she comes out of the hole    
She’s covered in dirt    
     All over her shirt    
         All over her skirt    
With a new set of beliefs and misleading creed    
Then no matter what everyone says    
     To convince her otherwise    
          About the ties and the lies    
None of us can do anything but just watch her bleed
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16792

Just Alice

the colours swirls in that garden
where Alice so curious wandered
parting flowers that sang and sway
she saw the most curious display
a table set with cups teapots that screamed
three creatures in silvery beams
laughed and cackled so loudly
even as Alice approached boldly
come join us for tea
the Mad Hatter said with glee
rubbing his hands on a pot
trying to clear a bloody spot
Alice stared and gasped with fright
for on the table was the queen's head
with her crown still on it so tight
her eyes filled with rage stared
Alice screamed and ran way
bumped into the Cheshire cat
who laughed at her and faded away
Alice fell again and met a rat  
then she rode on the fat rat
who sent her home and fled
Alice was tremendously traumatised
and went away for a long holiday
now she lives in a big house
with a hundred occupants
she sings lullabies to a mouse
and watch the moon on bright nights
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Lost Thinker
Joined 16th Aug 2024
Forum Posts: 1

Malice, At Last

Dark Embrace
Poise and grace
I hide my cuts
With cotton and lace.

Dead, I'm in trouble
Playing the double
I shall rebuild my crown
And kingdom from rubble!

Judgement presides
The law abides
The High Court says
No taking sides!

I am dead
As the Red Queen said,
She stole my throne
Off with her head!

Guileless wraith
Losing my faith
Darkness consumes
Nothing she saith

Descend to the fire
Trapped in the mire
Alone when we know
The situation is dire.

Ending my tale
Tearing the veil
Unleashing hell
On the world I avail

Soon they will see
She smiles with malice
Licking blood from her fingers
She is finally Alice.
Written by LunaDahlia
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 263

Alice after Alice

cat over wall
moonlight over the cat
night that is already a fact
Alice grows up alone
Alice doesn't see the cat
Alice travels by jet
Alice eats vegetables
Alice hates meat
even more cat meat
Alice doesn't drink tea
doesn't even wear hats
lives on the streets
her body on the moon
Alice doesn't live now
Alice never dates
has wrinkles
lost faith
Alice is alone
like a cat
who laughs
suspended in light
laughing in the moonlight
forgotten bottle
sleeping in a bar
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