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Why do the trump haters get to have all the say??

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 801

Josh said:

Those who believe they are doing "as commanded by God" have committed some atrocious acts during religion's long and sordid history. So also have plenty of psychotic atheists, but that does not let off the hook those who claim to know what's what regarding their attempts to defend God against the infidel.

Yes, far more murderous atheists in the 20th century than Bible thumpers....But, in fact, it was the U.S constitution that envoked the divine law that suppression of the individual was the great crime of humankind history in the very first paragraph. Thus, I will amend my statement and defer to the genius of the founding fathers, whose contribution of those great documents that enshrined ultimate liberty, which inturn, influenced the world.  Even the noted communist Ho Chi Men copied almost verbatim our U.S. constitution for Vietnam but only found financial support for his revolution from socialists.

On a more current note. The Supreme Court, in following that document, are probably going to over turn the unconstitutional abuse of piece of sh*t democrat Nazis in the Biden regime's DOJ that have imprisoned Trump supporters for being Trump supporters and nothing else.  Like all Nazis, they lie about reality to eliminate opposition...

Supreme Court to free 1000s of J6th political prisoners...

It is that type of corruption I call out whether it is commanded by God or myself....

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

Josh said:

Those who believe they are doing "as commanded by God" have committed some atrocious acts during religion's long and sordid history. So also have plenty of psychotic atheists, but that does not let off the hook those who claim to know what's what regarding their attempts to defend God against the infidel.

You cannot be serious?

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1813

runaway-mindtrain said:

Yes, far more murderous atheists in the 20th century than Bible thumpers....But, in fact, it was the U.S constitution that envoked the divine law that suppression of the individual was the great crime of humankind history in the very first paragraph. Thus, I will amend my statement and defer to the genius of the founding fathers, whose contribution of those great documents that enshrined ultimate liberty, which inturn, influenced the world.  Even the noted communist Ho Chi Men copied almost verbatim our U.S. constitution for Vietnam but only found financial support for his revolution from socialists.

On a more current note. The Supreme Court, in following that document, are probably going to over turn the unconstitutional abuse of piece of sh*t democrat Nazis in the Biden regime's DOJ that have imprisoned Trump supporters for being Trump supporters and nothing else.  Like all Nazis, they lie about reality to eliminate opposition...

Supreme Court to free 1000s of J6th political prisoners...

It is that type of corruption I call out whether it is commanded by God or myself....

Thank you for taking God out of the equation. I am all for the right to self-determination and to live life free of undue interference by governments who set themselves up to lord it over us and tell what to do with our lives, whether they be left or right, theocracies or whateverisms. The answer to it all is massive decentralisation of power.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2995

Josh said:

Thank you for taking God out of the equation. I am all for the right to self-determination and to live life free of undue interference by governments who set themselves up to lord it over us and tell what to do with our lives, whether they be left or right, theocracies or whateverisms. The answer to it all is massive decentralisation of power.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 801

Josh said:

Thank you for taking God out of the equation. I am all for the right to self-determination and to live life free of undue interference by governments who set themselves up to lord it over us and tell what to do with our lives, whether they be left or right, theocracies or whateverisms. The answer to it all is massive decentralisation of power.

Actually I differed to the founding fathers that stated, "endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights" but I must agree to your statement about government elected and appointed individuals deeming to control citizens lives instead of being servants to the citizenry.  The decentralization of powers was accomplished in America with the "separation of power" into three branches and the congress of representatives having oversight of those powers thus giving the voting electorate the power of self governance.  You might agree with me that the subversion of that establishment chain of command by covert forces to sideline individual rights and sidechain authority is the great cancer in America....The uni-party made up of Jim Crow Democrats and fake Rino Republicans have allowed such subversion of the edicts of the masses for a small group of authoritarians behind the scenes...The people must root out corrupt figures. This has not been done in a timely fashion in the U.S. ...How about your country? Do you find your leadership have maintained a dutiful action of resistance to malevolent forces or are they submitting to these decievers more than not?

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 801

Josh said:

Those who believe they are doing "as commanded by God" have committed some atrocious acts during religion's long and sordid history. So also have plenty of psychotic atheists, but that does not let off the hook those who claim to know what's what regarding their attempts to defend God against the infidel.

Infidel is exactly the term used by demonic worshipping terrorists that claim divine revelation while conjuring the infernal region. As with false prophets in all religions that lead their flock to damnation with lies mixed in koolade dogma. You know them by their fruits, as Jesus said, and we see that corruptted fruit as much today as ever...

I call out Jim Crows that censor speech and arrest political opposition.  I am quite sure Jim Crows listen to the devil...

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

Thanks for bringin my thread back to me, I kinda lost it. LOL  MAGA BITCHES!

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

Wheres our leader and his buddy, Harris....they are both MIA...why?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2995

mysteriouslady said:Wheres our leader and his buddy, Harris....they are both MIA...why?

Does kamala and co have any actual policies, or is it all trump bad project 2025?

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1629

Carpe_Noctem said:

Does kamala and co have any actual policies, or is it all trump bad project 2025?

When you're leading in the polls the last thing you want to talk about is politics (see quote above).
However, policy-wise, the link below gives the likely direction of travel for a Harris administration:



Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 801


When you're leading in the polls the last thing you want to talk about is politics (see quote above).
However, policy-wise, the link below gives the likely direction of travel for a Harris administration:



Leading in fake polls but that manufactured honeymoon period is over. Trump is ahead even with their manipulating. Rasmussen always had Trump in the iead. As if polls even matter...

Now what must the slave party do. Arrest more citizens and journalists, put Trump in prison or kill him and his VP. Last week Trump's plane had an emergency landing. This week the door flys open on Vance's plane mid flight.

My country is under occupation by Jim Crow authoritarian traitors and has been for 4 years.

Time for political discussion is over.
Now is the time for treason tribunals and the gallows...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2995

runaway-mindtrain said:[quote-587726-ajay]

When you're leading in the polls the last thing you want to talk about is politics (see quote above).
However, policy-wise, the link below gives the likely direction of travel for a Harris administration:



Leading in fake polls but that manufactured honeymoon period is over. Trump is ahead even with their manipulating. Rasmussen always had Trump in the iead. As if polls even matter...

Now what must the slave party do. Arrest more citizens and journalists, put Trump in prison or kill him and his VP. Last week Trump's plane had an emergency landing. This week the door flys open on Vance's plane mid flight.

My country is under occupation by Jim Crow authoritarian traitors and has been for 4 years.

Time for political discussion is over.
Now is the time for treason tribunals and the gallows...

Here in kier stalins UKthings are heating up

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2995

ajay said:

When you're leading in the polls the last thing you want to talk about is politics (see quote above).
However, policy-wise, the link below gives the likely direction of travel for a Harris administration:



So no ACTUAL policies then. Just more of the same . Running the country into the ground.  Same goes in the UK

Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14540

Fun fact:

Both Kamala and Vance have roots in Ireland, both within 20 kilometres from o e another's

Kamala comes from a wealthy (Scot) protestant slave merchant in NI who was feircly opposed to an end to the trade. Eventually went to Jamaica, had "relations" with a slave..


Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 801

Carpe_Noctem said:

Here in kier stalins UKthings are heating up

I see such and worry for England

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