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Trumps Indictment: Historical and Future Implications IV

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 17th June 2024
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Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

You should wish him a quick end, it's more than he deserves.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd May 2022
Forum Posts: 155

Now, now, WormBoy, we have to take a higher view when it comes to these things. Low vibrations keep us from taking that next step as a species. What Biden 'deserves' is not up to you & I. I remember when Bush the Greater passed on, one of the greatest supervillains of our lifetime but actually celebrating his death didn't sit well with me. David Rockefeller, too. Difficult as it is, we must develop empathy for evil. Just another one of God's creations, yes? Another game piece on the board, doing their part? Sympathy for the devil, if you will. I don't wish pain & death on Biden or Trump or any partisan entity, nor do I get my headspace wrapped up in low vibrational conflicts, like flat earth vs round earth or whether or not baby-eating lizard people run the entertainment industry. My own truth community is as equally compromised as any leftist or Trumper, and don't let us convince you otherwise lol. The whole truth movement has become just another military intelligence op.

Here in the West, and I can really only speak for the U.S., the human race is being harvested by the right/left paradigm. It will take some time to get to the synthesis part. Right now, all people like me can do is watch thesis vs antithesis. The only thing I am absolutely certain of, is that there is no party of "good guys" vs a party of "bad guys". Reality just don't work that way. We truthers been preaching this idea of 'kayfabe' for YEARS now. Since at least 2016 for me. The idea that politics and pro wrestling are like siblings is actually much older. Back when Trump got elected in 2016 people would get seriously upset with me for even shyly mentioning kayfabe lol. I have a long memory and we remember that time well, how our ideas about conspiracies were viciously ridiculed. I was told more than once that I should be jailed and worse for not voting, and I was also told that NONE of these things we see happen in the news were fake. People were so adamant and angry about events NOT being fake! So, you can imagine how very VERY happy I am to see this concept make its way into the collective consciousness! Even if the left is stealing our material now. I'm not mad about that, I'm glad! The right has been stealing from us for nigh on a decade haha. To that I say: welcome aboard! There's nothing wrong with conspiracy theories. Right now they are making the world go 'round and keeping the lights on. I have to ask: what would the media do without their cash cow Trump? What will be the new business model for CNN, Fox or MSNBC? There would be a significant void without him, no? It's all they talk about and has been for years! They would all go bankrupt without the bread & circus politics has become.

Kayfabe, yes! Now we're on the right track!! At least, the way I see it. I might be wrong. I'm certainly not trying to lead anyone. I'm suspicious of anyone who seeks power &/or influence.

Just so everyone knows, I'm only here to occasionally speak my piece. Used to do it all the time on FB but I'm shadow-banned straight to hell on social media LOL. That's ok, though, frankly I'd rather be here with fellow writers and creatives anyway. When I make these posts, I am not communicating to any particular person, speaking to the "left" and the "right" as generalized entities. I don't have any intention to ridicule or jab at anyone. It's really not my place to do so anyway....I am definitely NOT the smartest person in the room here, and I just want all you dear readers to know that I fully embrace my limited knowledge on many subjects.  


Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16024


Thank you, Mr President.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2995

A blind retard could have seen that coming.
The senile pedophile stands down. Guess he can shot him shelf in the comfort of home now.

The theatre for the masses continues

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16024

President Biden has now endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris: "Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year."

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 282

Ahavati said:President Biden has now endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris: "Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year."

I wanted her in the first place.

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16024

MidnightSonneteer said:

I wanted her in the first place.


Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 282

Ahavati said:


I may frame that photo:)

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16024

MidnightSonneteer said:

I may frame that photo:)

I don't know how I feel or what to say at this point regarding his decision. The numbness hasn't worn off yet. But NOTHING would thrill me more than to see a woman president. Especially one of ethnic diversity as Kamala is. She would turn this country around.

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16024

What does Project 2025 mean for military veterans?

Project 2025's proposals for the VA calls for changes to veteran healthcare eligibility and disability claims.

Project 2025, a policy guide that could be the blueprint for a second Donald Trump term, would revamp the Department of Veterans of Affairs with proposals to increase privatization, narrow the eligibility criteria for health benefits and replace civil service-style employees with political appointees in its ranks.


Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16024

I hope throughout all these changes that we haven't forgotten Project 2025:

Project 2025’s plan for the US military

Project 2025 would reduce the number of generals while increasing the size of the Army, ban transgender service members and restore troops separated over COVID-19 vaccinations.

Project 2025, a series of policy recommendations for the next Republican president facilitated by the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank, has moved to the center stage of the U.S. presidential election. The plan’s authors include dozens of conservatives from the first Trump administration, while it has been assailed by Democrats.


Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
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Woman president? Lovely!

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16024

Rew said:Woman president? Lovely!

It would be, yes. The patriarchy has had its day and made a total mess of things. It's time for women to step into their rightful place.

Meanwhile - we mustn't forget about Project 2025, ESPECIALLY for our Veterans:

Opinion: Project 2025 would slash veterans’ hard-earned benefits  

The tenants of Project 2025, written by former and possibly future Trump administration officials, would overhaul the VA at the expense of veterans.


Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 282

Ahavati said:

It would be, yes. The patriarchy has had its day and made a total mess of things. It's time for women to step into their rightful place.

Meanwhile - we mustn't forget about Project 2025, ESPECIALLY for our Veterans:

Opinion: Project 2025 would slash veterans’ hard-earned benefits  

The tenants of Project 2025, written by former and possibly future Trump administration officials, would overhaul the VA at the expense of veterans.


As much as I can't stand the military...the world's biggest trauma factory, I think that veterans ought to get their due benefits, and I think those benefits ought to apply to all workers at risk of death and dismemberment. It's beyond weird how many old ex-military dudes want to poop in their own boot for The Donald. Just goes to show how much cerebral damage gets done by The War Department.

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