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Would You Rather II

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2326

Rew said:" would you rather live homeless 'or' live of the Gov't and others' vs stealing?"
Perhaps your " or " should be " and "

Being homeless is the most awful
and deplorable condition for any
human being to endure. So if there
is an ' and ' in the above I would live
off the Gov't and others OR I would
steal to provide a home for me and

One of the Greek philosophers states:
that a country which doesn't look after
its citizens is evil. If a country does not
provide a home a shelter for its people
it is evil.

Would you rather eat when hungry
or wait for a meal time?

i lived as a homeless person for damn near 4 yrs and would still live off the kindness of strangers and Orgs than the gov't

i'd rather eat hungry if it meant others might eat better

Would YOU give up a bed in a shelter to a Mum and 2 kids or KNOW You're gonna have to try to survive the streets AGAIN another night?

poet Anonymous

Indie said:

Dance, my singing sounds like someone dying.

Would you rather do karaoke or open mic?

Karaoke. I love it.

Would you rather listen to rap or rock?

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 545

I think that some soothing classical
stuff would suffice, for me,  nowadays.
But I do like Elvis's Sun records....wow.

Would you rather wash your own car
or take it to the car wash? If you don't
drive would you rather wash your own
windows or pay someone to do 'em?

poet Anonymous

I don’t drive. And I’d have to pay somebody to do them. I can’t climb ladders. 🫢

Would you rather give money to a homeless person or give food?

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 30th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 891

Give food.

Would you rather swim in a pool or swim in the sea?

poet Anonymous

The sea.

Would you rather eat sweet chilli or hot chilli?

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 30th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 891

Hot chilli marginally wins.

Would you rather chop vegetables by hand or use a gadget to get the job done?

poet Anonymous

Nothing wrong with a good old fashioned knife.

Would you rather sing or dance?

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 30th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 891

In public? Dance. In private? Sing.

Would you rather take lots of meditation or try natural therapies? I'm talking about minor ailments not major illnesses.

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

Too_hot69 said:In public? Dance. In private? Sing.

Would you rather take lots of meditation or try natural therapies? I'm talking about minor ailments not major illnesses.

The latter

Same question

poet Anonymous

Natural where I can. But I’m aware natural doesn’t cure kidney failure. If you know what I mean.

Would you rather swim in the ocean or swim in a pool?

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

The latter please

Same question

poet Anonymous

The ocean

Would you rather drink tea or coffee?

Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273

Coffee. Black.

Would you rather die by asphyxiation or immolation?

poet Anonymous


Would you rather learn to write with your feet or with your mouth?

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