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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Mercury enters the Lion's Den @ 8:51 AM, EDT this morning, 1st House, the natural home of Aries ruled by Mars representing the overall condition of our physical appearance and the first impression we make upon others. As the first house of the astrological new year, it also represents new beginnings.

Mercury is known by many monikers: Messenger of the Gods; Prince of Communication; Overseer of Travel, Patron of Merchants, and Trickster to name a few. He represents intellect, the avenue of expression, and our ability to reason.

Mercury is considered in his fall in Leo, so it's important to understand that it could have difficulty expressing our true nature. It's akin to staying in someone else's house that we're not comfortable in. We can express ourselves, but without the freedom we'd feel if we were 100% comfortable. Treading on eggshells is a good term for this transit.

And, honestly, aside from Daniel, who really feels comfortable in a lion's den? ( Not that Daniel was comfortable, but you get the point. He is the perfect example of being in his Fall and having to conform. )

As a Fixed Fire sign, Leos are powerful, courageous, and eager to conquer everything they set their minds to. Compassion and big-hardheartedness, consciousness, drive, and natural leadership are the four main characteristics of the Lion.

Their fiery energy can seem overbearing to light and airy Mercury. But you know what they say! "Fire needs air to survive." So, while this transit may be considered Mercury's "fall" - it's a breath of fresh oxygen for Leo.

The merging of these energies spells many things, but unsuccessful does not need to be one of them! If you have been considering a new health regime, now is the time to start one. With Mercury's concise abilities to reason and Leo's eagerness to conquer challenges, it's guaranteed to progress—whether you're just starting out or need a boost of fire to continue.

Also, the written word or alternative endeavors such as painting or crafting, are highly favored at this time. Leo's creative abilities, combined with Mercury's intellectual approach, guarantees a solid foundation. Through the courageous and determined energy of Leo combined with Mercury's wisdom to focus inwardly on the outward expression of visual or aesthetic pleasures, original and innovative creations are bound emerge.

All is peaceful in the house of Leo when he doesn't feel threatened. But should he feel threatened, be prepared for his negative traits to emerge, because he will stop at nothing to protect his den. This behavior could include vain competitiveness, overbearing behavior, and pretentious cruelty.

Mercury has the wisdom to navigate this house utilizing the positive aspects of Leo to further success as long as he avoids playing out the trickster archetype. Tricking a Leo can garner serious ramifications that may produce a lifelong scar.

Unless, of course, we're Daniel. And even he didn't go as far as to provoke a house he knew he didn't rule. . .regardless of how protected he was.

#art Kobayashi Noriyuki

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Rakhi roman
Lost Thinker
Joined 21st May 2024
Forum Posts: 10

Thankyou Ahavati for safeguarding against all  evils.

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15267

Moon just entered Gemini @ 11:51 AM this morning, 10th House • Void of Course: 11:43 - 11:50 AM.

Geminis are the social butterflies of the zodiac and enjoy learning a little bit about everything. Their curiosity is insatiable, which makes them brilliant scholars and conversationalists. They do prefer to keep things light and within the airy realm of creative possibilities rather than emotional depths.

With the Prince of Communication as their ruler, they are clear channels of information, sharing their findings through strong communication skills. They are quick to change, and while highly social, they're not inherently intimate.

They learn through communicating, networking, and socializing but need to guard against restlessness that leads to aloofness and lack of focus.

The Gemini Archtype is The Messenger.

Gemini, known as the Zodiac's Messenger and Storyteller, has an unquenchable desire to communicate. A Gemini can easily while away the hours in deep, intellectually stimulating discussions, always ready with a story or a lively debate. They're never dull company, thriving on conversations that go beyond the superficial and dive into the fascinating and complex.

The Storyteller archetype thrives on bringing incredible individuals together, reveling in the dynamics of their interactions. Making friends comes naturally to them, and their captivating storytelling makes it difficult not to be engrossed in every word they convey. They excel in expressing thoughts, often in a witty and endearing manner and are not ones to shy away from the spotlight.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15267

Fromelalome said:Thankyou Ahavati for safeguarding against all evils.

I want to say 'You're very welcome'; however, I don't feel I'm safeguarding against all evils ( though I've always wanted to be a superheroine ). I feel more like I'm sharing information that others can use to become more intimately in tune with themselves, and thus contribute more positively to the collective. 'Know thyself' is my philosophy and reason for answering this call.

But you're very welcome to note it from your perspective. It's perfectly acceptable. xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15267

#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Jul 03, 2024 EDT: Healthy boundaries are not castle walls designed to keep others out. They're invisible fences of intuition which alert us to a trespassing belief.

OOB Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Midafternoon the OOB Moon in Gemini inconjunct Ceres Rx in Capricorn:  Unpredictable and restless/airy emotions may have our head in higher clouds of thought, but an adjustment is required in order to recognize a pattern of denial.  It may be something we don't want to but proves vital if we sit with it.

Tonight, the OOB Moon in Gemini square Juno in Virgo square Saturn Rx in Pisces: Expect potential discord in a committed relationship. Don't be too nitpicky or flippant.    Maintain healthy boundaries of belief so as not to doubt our own self-worth.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:   http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Alexander Jerochin

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Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15267

Dark OOB Moon in Cancer begins tomorrow evening ( Thu ) @ 6:57 PM thru 6:57 PM Fri, when the New Moon in Cancer perfects • No Void of Course Time to note.  

OOB Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

My last post discussed Hekate as a beneficial energy to induce during this lunar phase. This month I'd like to discuss the Goddess Kali.

The goddess Kali represents the essence of Mother Nature, embodying the ideal energy for your ritual ceremony on the Dark Moon in Cancer. She is at once creative, nurturing, and consuming, yet always loving and kind.

She is commonly known as Kali Maa, which means, "the dark mother." Before the existence of creation or the celestial bodies, there was only darkness. It is from this darkness that all of creation emerged.

Kali's dark visage symbolizes the primordial darkness from which everything originated, making her energy perfect for this Dark Moon preceding the emergence of the waxing Crescent Moon.

According to Hindu text, the Goddess Kali first appeared in the original Atharva Veda written 1200 BCE & then in Upanishads as “the dark blue tongue of Agni", the God of fire & then in several Puranas as Lord Shiva’s consort.

She is mentioned in the Mahabharata, as a female figure, who carries away the spirits of slain warriors and animals, destroys evil forces in order to protect the innocent, is the benevolent mother who protects her children from misfortunes, is identified as the supreme mother of the universe, the most powerful form of Shiva’s Shakti & one who bestows moksha or liberation.

Some sects even regard her as the Absolute Reality.

Call upon her energy for our Dark Moon ceremony to surround and protect us from negative or misfortunate energy with a mantra such as:

"Om Krim Kalikaye Namaha", a powerful invocation that includes the sacred sound "Om" representing the universe, "Krim" representing the goddess's energy, "Kalikaye" referring to Kali, and "Namaha" meaning "I bow to you". Some say this mantra can bless people with health, wealth, and goodwill.

As these intentions are intimate, so too is the energy summoned for support: God, the Great Spirit, Universe, Angels, the goddess Kali, Hekate, or your Spirit Team - all energies from love spring from the Source, enveloping you in its protective Love.

#art Goddess Kali by Tammy Cantrell

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #hekate #hecate #darkmoon #triplegoddess #moon #ritual #moonritual

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15267

#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, July 04, 2024:  Happy Happy Independence Day 2024 to the United States of America! With the Dark Moon followed by the New Moon in Cancer, the skies will be FABULOUS for fireworks over the next few nights!

OOB Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles  

Moon enters Cancer: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

New Moon in Cancer: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Late afternoon the OOB Moon in Gemini sextile Hygieia in Aries square Neptune Rx in Pisces: With Neptune freshly in retrograde, there's a somewhat lazy vibe permeating the atmosphere. Don't allow a bump in the road to dampen your spirit. Emotions are unpredictable and compromise called for.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  

Moon: 29GEM40, 8
Hygieia: 29ARI40, 6
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 4:43 PM

OOB Moon: 29GEM55, 8
Neptune: 29PIS55, 5
Aspect: Square
Time: 4:43 PM

#art Jungsuk  Lee

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #zodiac #horoscope #horoscope2024 #horoscopedaily #horoscopetoday #planetary #aspects #PlanetaryAspects

Tyrant of Words
United States 118awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15267

Moon enters Cancer this afternoon @ 4:51 PM EDT • Void of Course - 4:44 - 4:51 PM EDT.

Governed by the Moon, this Nurturing, Divine Mother archetype embodies nurturing energy that both gives and needs gentleness.


#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #Moon #Cancer #moonincancer

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