Poetry competition CLOSED 5th June 2024 7:29pm
gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
View Profile Poems by gothicsurrealism



Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Poetry Contest

Encourage and educate us with your poetry
Just one good cancer poem per person
New submissions preferred
(unless you are certain your old one is such an undiscovered banger)

For the judges:
The winner should make the audience feel like fighting and living another day. We all like a good poem of despair or remembrance or what-have-you from time to time, but this competition is not for that.

It can be any style but it needs to be healing and strengthening art for this purpose. I thought the other cancer thread in speak-easy was so good the topic deserved a more generalized exposure, but also that other thread was understandably about much more than fighting cancer; it was deeper, dedicated to a particular treasured member and about more than just fighting on.

So this is to narrow the topic down to fighting cancer and broadening exposure. A dream come true would be finding out one day that this thread helped people save their own lives. 💖

Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 283

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

It is sad
Is it not
That those
With cancer
Are left to Rot
For the sake
Of profits
Where the children
In Pain
Being eaten
From The inside Out

What do you do
When a child
Who loves you
Begs you
To help with the pain
What do you say
To that
Beautiful face
I'm sorry
There is Nothing
I can Do
Except pray
You'll go to a better place
Except pray
My Denial
That they lie
Is not True

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 167

Chemical State of Mind

 “I don’t work, I don’t fuck only eat and rarely shit
That’s why this year I’m on my third selfish-ass bitch,
 “The life I live they truly hate it
Now grandma’s giving me an enema, because I’m constipated,

 “The chemo for the cancer is eating me alive
Couldn’t make it to the bathroom now shit is running down my thighs,
 “Embarrassed and words of comfort-I don’t want to hear it
Because my soul is hurt, sprinkled with a shattered spirit,

 “Soiled clothes on the floor, shitty rag in the sink
Asshole naked on the toilet as I start to think,
 “About some of my relatives who had this sickness
Most-I was at their bedside as the final living witness,
 “Flashing back to the other day connected to an IV
Chills creeping through my body while watching TV,
 “The hematologist nurse gives me a blanket, but I’m still cold
She has a nice fat ass to be sixty years old,  

 “Old Charlie next to me always flirts with her
But she frowns at his advances, like she got served bad liquor,
 “Listening to him talking shit puts me too sleep
I feel when my eyes close I automatically weep,

 “The constant drip is its own form of a tic-toc
A nightmare of my dreams that never stop,
 “One IV bag yellow the other bag blue
It will help with the cancer, but my healthy organs are through,

 “Hard to get comfortable when death feels like it’s creeping
Knowing my treatment is over when the IV machine starts beeping,
 “Followed by the intense pain of the needle withdrawn from my port
Definitely needed, because the chemo intake my veins couldn’t support,

 “Everytime it’s over I feel like a victim of chemical rape
But I endure with determination never to ever break,
 “Because to me giving up is like begging on your knees
And with my last breathe I will fight this deadly disease”.
Written by CasketSharpe
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Lost Thinker
Nigeria 1awards
Joined 10th Apr 2024
Forum Posts: 30

Like it is,
A life full of pain,
I don't remember when last I had hair,
My bones weak and wary,
I had to leave school,
No one to talk to,
Family just pretend it's kinda obvious too,
Missing how it use to be,
And lacking it all at once,
And all because of what,
It's not eazy to fight it,
But I have to try,
Finding the better part of it,
A quest to die,
Set me free now,
And free indeed I shall be.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Cancel Your Cancer

It’s time to cancel your cancer
and never surrender

“Studies have shown that copper
is cytotoxic to cancer cells”


Pick your poison
for the parasitic infection
we know as cancer

Sweat it out
of your pores

It dies with a high fever
So-called spontaneous remission

Don’t trust me wholly
Research William Coley

I ain’t no doctor
and neither are you

But we never like cancer
don’t let it cancel you!
Written by EdibleWords
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 219

Mother's Hushed Eyes

Passages of my childhood arise within my mother’s death gaze,  
bringing reminiscences of olden days.  
When in sadness in childhood we would speak in silent gaze.  
No mother left to envision me now, now within those quiet eyes.  
Mother, you have gone away;  
oh, dear mother let the memories rest beneath your eyelids.  
But never close your eyes!  
The imageries still dance in them as if you’re still alive!    
 While vibrancy in your quiet eyes remains, I'll save  
this voiceless reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.  
Mere images from when I was a child,  
and often when I'll be sorrow-hearted, these reflections will then give me joy;  
so, while life does remain in cycle, the memories she has protected;  
those reflections I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.    
Oh, I remember the life of my mother's glossy eyes,  
my reception of joy to her when I returned home,  
always gently did her eyelids come to a rest  
as she used to sit and wait for me to speak,  
but now are not closed, and silent;  
though they have left me for the cold of death,  
but while mute voices do persist, in those images I'll remember  
this vivid reflection I saw from a mother's hushed eyes.
Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 134

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 42

Cancer is the will of God

The judge of silence
Destroyer of realms
There's beauty in violence
Like cosmic films

The same story cycled
A desperate plea
Order and chaos
A dying tree

Microscopic armies
conquer the terrain
culture vs culture
eternal pain

Too small to see
Too big to fail
Darkness consumes life
Leaving faces pale

Light from the ashes
Where phoenix rise
While other worlds collapse
wither and dies

Enter the ether of truth and lies,
why value one life,
over another
if nothing dies?

Written by AfterSexDilemma
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

fianaturie8, ReggiePoet, PAR, mingomingus, gothicsurrealism, Grace, monovox128, dimpy, Betty, Midwest81, Rew, Honoria, Tallen, lepperochan, WillowsWhimsies, Marks, Anne-Ri999, Kinkpoet, Verdonna

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