Poetry competition CLOSED 16th January 2012 1:51am
Grace (IDryad)
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RUNNERS-UP: OctoberArts and Public_Enemy

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End Of Year Thoughts

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Meaganiscreative said:This is beautiful. Reminiscent of Milton's Paradise Lost. I just joined up and it's refreshing to see so many wordsmiths together in one place. Writers tend to be so lonely and self-deprecating.

yeah plenty of writers here megan , check out some of my stuff if you like

Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 2nd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 7

Word . -\/

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 7

New Years Eve

Times keep flowing without knowing that in a few more hours it will have devoured another year, shedding a tear for the ones who aren't here to bring in the year with a cheer one of lifes mishaps that perhaps is something good one day maybe ill be able to say that I understood the reasons behind lifes doings for now I have to continue pursuing the meaning to this turbulent life glad to be alive another day just something that I felt I needed to say, what a year this has been filled with its ups and downs that are guaranteed to come back around in the year that follows I see it as another chance to get a new perspective on this demented life which ferments the most beautiful things out of the agony that it stings into all of us thats something we can all share, true happiness is achieved once your are able to find it inside it doesn't reside in material objects nope it rejects those feeling in a day or two that kind of happiness is never true, I can finally say that ive walked down the aisle with my diploma making my parents smile finally done out an about into society trying to figure out what to do with my time aside from writing rhymes pick a profession so I won't fall a victim to the recession gotta stay one step ahead so these bills don't overflow my head, crossed a lot of things of my list made plenty of new friends, got plenty of laughs from the years trends picked up a couple of habits while I tried to lay some to rest, but its a bit hard at times trying to progress when the problems constantly linger an infest another year to do right an resist the temptation from becoming the destination to go when I simply just don't know it doesnt judge right from wrong it eases my mind with each toke takes me away as I let out the smoke brings a feeling of hope ive learned to cope I've picked up the pen to ease my mind when I feel confined an feel the need to define the fucked up thoughts that go through my mind sad to say that plenty of friends headed the opposite way in a whole different direction this year was far from being anywhere near perfection it was pretty memorable though plenty of memories were made they will always remain storing them somewhere throughout my brain hopefully this year to come will be just as great the next year at this exact time this will be the great debate if I'm still here if not oh well I guess at least I had fun this year

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

jimi_o said:New Years Eve

Times keep flowing without knowing that in a few more hours it will have devoured another year, shedding a tear for the ones who aren't here to bring in the year with a cheer one of lifes mishaps that perhaps is something good one day maybe ill be able to say that I understood the reasons behind lifes doings for now I have to continue pursuing the meaning to this turbulent life glad to be alive another day just something that I felt I needed to say, what a year this has been filled with its ups and downs that are guaranteed to come back around in the year that follows I see it as another chance to get a new perspective on this demented life which ferments the most beautiful things out of the agony that it stings into all of us thats something we can all share, true happiness is achieved once your are able to find it inside it doesn't reside in material objects nope it rejects those feeling in a day or two that kind of happiness is never true, I can finally say that ive walked down the aisle with my diploma making my parents smile finally done out an about into society trying to figure out what to do with my time aside from writing rhymes pick a profession so I won't fall a victim to the recession gotta stay one step ahead so these bills don't overflow my head, crossed a lot of things of my list made plenty of new friends, got plenty of laughs from the years trends picked up a couple of habits while I tried to lay some to rest, but its a bit hard at times trying to progress when the problems constantly linger an infest another year to do right an resist the temptation from becoming the destination to go when I simply just don't know it doesnt judge right from wrong it eases my mind with each toke takes me away as I let out the smoke brings a feeling of hope ive learned to cope I've picked up the pen to ease my mind when I feel confined an feel the need to define the fucked up thoughts that go through my mind sad to say that plenty of friends headed the opposite way in a whole different direction this year was far from being anywhere near perfection it was pretty memorable though plenty of memories were made they will always remain storing them somewhere throughout my brain hopefully this year to come will be just as great the next year at this exact time this will be the great debate if I'm still here if not oh well I guess at least I had fun this year

Very interesting indeed yeah and you do what you feel makes it right as that's your perogative and thanks for sharing your thoughts dude , and also I like the hendrix way of spelling your name , my eldest son is called Charli hence the I on the end as of Jimi ha ha nice one and good write

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 7

Haha thanks man someone was bound to catch it u know gotta pay homage to Hendrix

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Yeah my all time hero ha ha

Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

Burying my burdon at midnight

Velvet ropes
Decended as the curtains closed in on you

Then the cage doors went down
The Marquis suffocated your selfish self

The gates were then locked
We were all urged away

As the dinomite was set alight;
To wish you away

Goodbye my enemies,
Goodbye my Scars

2010 was bliss; compared to you and curse
2011 you nearly killed me

And the greatest love ofwhich I found
Now as they watch you die

I'll be sleeping like a baby
Didn't care to count you down

We'll all go silent in this city
As we turn a blind eye

And we bid you farewell
You wont catch us speaking of you

As if you were forgotten
As if we could forget you

God knows that we all want to
But I'm burying my burdon at midnight..

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Not a good year then llamalicious , but a good poem all the same

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 21st Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 82

A Gum(ful) Year End

you coalesced
into my timeline
in the last hour
of an over-brimmed

gentle eyes that
melted away the details
of your hard face

a fellow nomad
freezing, weathering  this
that edges us closer
to the scaffold -

a Precious moment
shared by two
souls that had wandered
continents to meet, celebrate
with man-made Stars
pray they guide the twelfth
newborn of this millenia
smoothly to replace the old

the scent of tobacco engulfed
this drunken mirth spiked
with remnants of burnt wood,
we stand deafened to the noise brewed by
the first cries, laughter and songs -
the departed’s adieus

to make space for the new
to make space
for revived hopes
strengthened wills
dreams more vivid
even if it were for
a few spirit doused spells
where the world seems
less heavy, less bleak

where a simple act as sharing gum
just for a magical second -
appears more bountiful
filling us both with a touch of

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

I love the way you have done this it's so comparative to things  like scaffold and the contrasting with the eyes and face , very well

Twisted Dreamer
South Africa
Joined 6th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 35

I hope the world ends this year.. seriously it would be sooo amazing and adrenaline-ish XD :D

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Ravenheart-Tanika said:I hope the world ends this year.. seriously it would be sooo amazing and adrenaline-ish XD :D

yeah it would but then it's death , not cool

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

Three hundred and sixty five days
Flow like waters through  specified ways
Thesame game
Thesame play
Dreams dreamt
Dreams unreached
Physically poor
Mentally rich
As I sit in blissful peace
In the last night of the year
I look back
Behind my back
Is the troubles of the struggle
But life itself is a gift
So Im convinced
Im still here for a reason
As I match into the new year
My focus never shift

poet Anonymous

Bonfire .

The end of twenty–eleven          
was upon us.        
Craig and I        
sat in the bush,          
on the farm        
we had a truck-load        
of wood,        
he'd been collecting        
all year.        
lit our fire            
it started to burn.        
We added logs        
with each new log -        
their movement, rapid.        
I was only into my          
second whisky.        
Staring into          
the blue-flame-haze        
massaged my mind        
into a trance-like-state.        
I wondered…        
if a fire gets hot enough        
to liquefy the sand          
beneath it?        
I wondered…        
if Jessica        
will start talking        
in the next month        
or two?        
The tenth hour arrived,        
clouds gathered quickly        
developed into        
a pyrotechnical        
I was in awe        
of what the universe        
sends with rain.          
We sat staring          
at lightning        
at fire        
at our dreams        
at our realities        
at our          
We discussed possible        
plumbing systems        
above the clouds        
it would need          
24 inch galvanized pipe        
32 inch shower roses        
and electric ball valves.        
The storm stopped.        
We were soaked        
our fire was          
almost redundant        
but we had          
savoured every minute.        
the skies          
lit up with          
that BANG.        
The human race        
was attempting to compete        
with their own        
Need I tell you, who won?        
Or do you have the image        
of the first          
at twelve-twenty,          
in the morning        
nestled in the forefront        
of your mind?      
Authors Note:      
Reference to "Highveld" is a part of South Africa, where the farm is.
The area is renowned for it's spectacular lightning & thunder storms.  

Written by AliP

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Yes Dusty , you're still here and that's the main thing my friend , good stuff

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