Poetry competition CLOSED 19th April 2024 5:42pm
Samnash (Sam Nash)
View Profile Poems by Samnash
RUNNERS-UP: Kou_Indigo and Northern_Soul


Take your Shot then Shoot

Fia Naturie
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 190

Poetry Contest

Write a poem or Short Story

In this competition you should have your drink of choice and write what comes to mind, it does not have to be alcohol. Something that puts you in a state. for instance, too much cappuccino makes me Gitty and I can write some silly things.
It is up to you. On the bottom tell us what you had to get you to that state.
First time hosting a competition.
Good luck

Fia Naturie
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 190


Isn't it funny how three words would illicit intense emotions?

I Love you
You feel it in your chest
You feel warmth
You feel a glow

I Want you
You feel it lower
You feel heat
You feel an intense desire.

I Hate you
You feel it everywhere
Like a whip
It aches

All this from a shot of Dark Rum
Written by fianaturie8 (Fia Naturie)
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Sam Nash
Dangerous Mind
United States 7awards
Joined 13th July 2021
Forum Posts: 26

Drink Up

Pull out the cork. 
Pour the champagne.
I wanna get drunk. 
Drinking you,
that’s what
I’m thirsty for.
A kiss before midnight,
that's what
I adore.
That’s why I dialed.
That's why you came.
To tuck me in bed.
To have me wet.
naked, and spread.
My pretty wings of Love,
That’s what you truly crave.
It's not the champagne,
that’s to dull the pain
to keep me insane.
So drink up.
Drink my champagne.  
Let it flow.
Once you had enough
It’s time to roll.
It’s my turn
to pop that cork.
Written by Samnash (Sam Nash)
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Sam Nash
Dangerous Mind
United States 7awards
Joined 13th July 2021
Forum Posts: 26

As I Watch

I didn't expect I'd end up in such a room all tied up to this contraption.  
We had met online and we had been talking for months now. We became very close friends from the first day. I had no idea why. Maybe it was those piercing eyes or that dark red shiny hair but she was one of the most beautiful woman I had ever met.
One day she said she wanted to talk. Actually talk. Talk like two persons speaking on the phone which was something we had never done before. Most of our conversations were restricted to online chat, exchanging picture, stories, poems and all that sort of thing, much like any normal online friends or lovers. So we started to talk and our relationship got even hotter until one day she told me she wanted to see me.
Again everything we did was as expected but a month before we did she told me not to use my hand to masturbate. It was a surprise to me when she said that. Of course I had been using my hand. Why wouldn't I not use the only release I had? I was talking to a beautiful woman and seeing her face on my computer screen. So as a normal hot blooded homo sapient I had been using my hand to jerk off like many of my ancestors did ever since they have been denied sex on this Earth. A very normal practice I might add. So when she told me not to use my hand, of course I stopped but only for a short while. I was under her spell so I tried to do everything she told me to do, only not that time. Of course I didn't tell her that.
Our first encounter was at bar. We spent a wonderful night eating, drinking, chatting, laughing, joking, cuddling and kissing. It was a wonderful night until she grabbed a bottle of Pinot, took my hand and dragged me behind her to her house.  
Now I was standing naked, with both my hands tied up to a contraption in her basement, my cock standing up like a flagpole and waiting for her to do something about it.
“You used your hand?!” I didn’t know if she was asking a question or simply stating a fact.
“I wouldn't dare,” I lied with a smirk on my face. I thought it was a joke. Oh fuck was I wrong.
“You did.” Of course she didn't believe me, “and now you are going to pay.”
“What?” I yelled out trying to get my hands out of those ropes but I couldn’t. “I swear I didn’t,” my pleads fell on deaf ears.
She didn’t say anything. She slowly removed her clothes in front of me making sure I was watching every move she was making. With each button she undid, with every slip of her pantyhose, with every release of her garter belt clips, my cock became harder and harder until I thought it was going to explode.
I wanted her to touch me but she didn’t. She just grabbed the Pinot bottle and sat on the bed resting her back on the headboard. She opened her legs wide giving me a clear sight to her pussy as she sat up drinking her wine.
“You are just going to sit there?” If my hands were free I would have strangled that slut right there.
“Yep,” she just said.  
“And how am I supposed to be paying for using my hand if you are so far away and I am all tied up here like that?” I was really curious to know her torture techniques.
With a wicked smile on her face she spelled it out, “you are just going to watch.” I didn’t realize the extent of such a torture until she began.
As she continued to drink that bottle of wine she put her hands on the entrance of her pussy and started caressing slowly. After a few minutes she increased the pace touching her clit as she moved along. From her eyes I could see she was enjoying herself. Then she inserted one finger inside moaning out of pleasure. There was a little liquid left inside the wine bottle so she poured it all over her pussy and worked the red liquid on her entrance lubricating it very very thoroughly. After that she started to insert the second finger then the third. When the fourth went inside I wanted to scream. I wanted to be the one in there not those long delicate fingers of hers. My cock was dripping ooze as I watched that amazing scene unfold in front of me.
What happened next was my breaking point. I didn’t expect that. Hell I’ve never even seen anything like it. She remove her fingers and replaced them with the bottle. That is right, the empty pinot bottle which was earlier in her mouth. This was one of the most incredible sights I have ever seen. The tip of the bottle just slid inside with ease. The area was well lubricated and dripping wet from the wine as well as her own nectars. That bottle just swam with ease inside her pussy until it went half way through.
As she used it to jerk herself off, my cock was throbbing faster than my heart.  She was using the bottle as a dildo to masturbate herself and I was standing with my hands tied up in the air unable to use them to even touch myself. Oh fuck she was cruel… As the bottle went in and out I was mimicking its movement, moving my waist as if I was physically doing the fucking myself.
When she screamed, I did. She jerked and I bucked standing up on my feet. She cried out announcing she had reached her climax but what I didn’t expect was that I too was shooting out my load in the air as my legs started shaking and my eyes became blurry from the explosion my body was experiencing.  
When I finally managed to open my eyes I saw her face inches from mine, “I didn’t give you permission to do that.” she said.
“I couldn't help myself,” squealing it out.
“I guess you are going to be punished much more severely than I thought.”
Oh fuck …. I love this woman.  
Written by Samnash (Sam Nash)
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Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 283

Related submission no longer exists.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

The Wine of Love

- The Wine of Love -

What is the most sublime and fair, of all the varied nectar of the gods?
Some claim it be the ambrosia sweet that only celestial lips hath tasted.
Oh so false the claims of such glory as this, for I hath tasted far greater,
In glory and in sweetness, in immortality to last in my heart eternally!
There is a wine far better to the taste, and which leaves me in wonder.
Shall I speak fair of what I mean, and praise the lips of a certain lady?
Which on meeting mine were sweeter than any honey mead not wasted.
There art experiences of beauty and love which make the heart aflutter,
In bliss and in enchantment, in pleasing moments that endure infinitely!
There is no wine far better, to the taste, either of the heavens or under.

I hath sat at divine tables, with fellowship of those undying and grand,
And savored there the delicacies that no mortal could fathom in dream.
Cauldrons of plenty, cornucopias of everlasting splendor, all mundane,
Compared to a single kiss, savored well and remembered for all time...
The gods may keep their culinary delights, my taste is for other flavors.
So many things people crave; drinks, beverages and fruits of the land,
In every variety that could make one's mind come nigh unto a scream!
And some crave pleasure itself, just as others find their delight in pain,
Whilst the poetically inclined seek to enhance pleasure with a rhyme...
To woo the hearts of maidens fair, and gain of a lady's coveted favors.

Such seduction of the senses, as I hath employed to win love's smiles,
That my lips might taste the wine for which my craving is insatiable...
To stain my lips red as blood with my addiction to a moment of bliss!
Love is a drug, it is a drink, it is a kiss and an embrace of hot warmth,
All who live, are in need of such diversion from reality's discomforts.
In my pursuit of such, I hath surrendered happily to a maiden's wiles,
A certain maid of such charm that I can only call her incomparable...
For in such forms, the purest angels walk, and sometimes a goddess.
Love is immeasurable, it is perfect, it is beyond even all time's length,
It is for me the only thing that counters the awfulness of life's tumults.

Why seek a forgetfulness in the oblivious liquid poured from a bottle,
When I can instead find a paradise to remember in a perfect moment?
I pick my poison, and it illuminates my senses with a thousand joys...
Until the moment transcends reality, bringing me unto a true heaven!
Into each life, I take with me the memories of such everlasting things.
There is no other wine for me, save the wine of love without trouble,
Which makes my very spirit to soar on wings beyond the firmament.
I pick my pleasure, and it enhances my delight as it opens my eyes...
To countless possibilities, a reminder, of all for which I hath striven!
In the flesh and beyond, it is a wonder for which one's very soul sings.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6085

Hymn to the Maiden

There are fields in the mind      
endless fields stained in gold      
where I’d lay in the harvest,      
stalks erect beneath the sun      
listening to the gentle chatter        
of seeds shivering in their husks.      
Anglia grew wheat, and hops      
and rapeseed. Settlements      
built on boggy fens and        
Roman rule        
and so I’d lay gazing at the sky      
dreaming of coins and rings      
and treasures laying dormant      
inches below the soil, thinking        
of dinosaur bones that regularly        
appeared in eroding coastal cliffs      
fantasising of giants I believed      
lived in the centre of mounds,      
curled and sleeping, waiting      
to be found.        
Our village was maddening      
in the sense that there was        
nothing to do, except learn      
how to smoke at twelve      
and drink bottles around fires      
four years later.      
When Sammy got her licence,      
we had the whole world        
at our fingertips. Yet we still      
drove to the fields, albeit        
on the outskirts, because      
we knew them, and they        
knew us in return.        
So we stoked our flames,      
smoked cheap rolling tobacco,      
drank our awful beer.        
There are fields in the mind.        
Fields that stretch out into eternity      
as far as the eye can see,      
but it’s never the eye that thanks      
the memory      
it’s always the sound of grain      
rustling in the breeze. The sense      
of a deep, foreboding Earth,      
and our communion of terrible wine      
where we christened our birth.        
Written by Northern_Soul
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(Missy DeMeanour
Copious amounts of tea
1.5 hours of sleep
4yrs 10mths sober)

Fia Naturie
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 190

Thank you for entering

Fia Naturie
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 190

Thank you for entering..

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 311

Russian roulette

17 of 30

it's never been my immediate go-to
drowning my emotions in the contents of a bottle
not much point...
when it takes so little to knock me on my ass
& when I do...it's equal odds...
it might distance me from the haunting...
...or it could cause me to wallow
no way to be sure
I load that weapon with a single shot
take my chances & spin the chamber
just on the off chance I might escape the pain
then reel off toward whichever death it leads me
if...even for a minute...there's any hope to be free...
in my opinion...it's worth the risk
to not hear his voice wrapping its fist around my reasoning
strangling any sense of clarity
& not relive the ache & fear that followed
2 years of fucking perfection
then this...crazy mess
if I can even momentarily forget...
...I'm on it
pass me the ammo & hand me a drink
send memory into blissful darkness
...but only as long as it takes
just until the gashes seal & scars fade
no witnesses here but my conscience
I'll take it from there...
...maybe tomorrow
Written by WillowsWhimsies
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359


A season in hell
does not enable anyone
for that dream vacation
in Paradise...

forgive me, but
my Vodka, when
is not in circulation
in my organism
it's very quiet
in the freezer...

Drugs for what?
The truth is so harsh
in the morning, as much as
it was before falling asleep.
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 26th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 10


Memories suffocate my mind,
Bliss when Mom was alive,
The sickly amount of sugar,
Along with the citric tinge on my lips,
A reminder of things that'll never dissipate.

Lemonade makes me nostalgic.
Written by Aquatic-Vehicle (Lexiloo)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 23rd Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 8

Waste(d) waters

Gently, as the river flows,
Crystal clear hydration like a dream of light.
But it has secret poison that is also clear as glass as it flows intwined
So I pull out my canteen,
On this hiking excursion.
and I filter the dreams.
As I gasp from my thirst again.
Gotta keep my head clear.
And my freshwater too.
So I lie down to rest on my journey.
Slowly falling asleep safe and sound for now.
Until I thirst again.
Written by I_was_rare_once (RareFaction)
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