Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd April 2024 12:09pm
View Profile Poems by Northern_Soul


Forestry fae faring

Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 282

Poetry Contest

rekindle with the forests

Once upon a forest, once upon a tree. There are those who live a side line life. Those who have crossed the edges, who have dared to step out of the box and have created a sustainable way of living. Swedish artist, writer and poet Maria Westerberg lives a life among trees in her small cabin.

I found the video very enriching. Note that Sweden has much more forest and is more connected to the spirit of forest. Witchcraft still exists there, more so than in Norway. Though this competition isnt about witchcraft, its about the forest and what it means to you, to us as humans.

Create your piece as a forest , please look at the video its about 18 minutes in length.


New poems only
one per poet
title your works
minumum of 70 word
Im not that picky so if your poem has 72 words thats ok with me
No extreme messages, no erotic poems
one month


bright blessings


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17111

Totumolong, the Little People

when our world was young
and spirits dance and play
and nature's essence holds sway
we lived around its prismatic light

hand in hand existing
waterfalls thundered
and rainbows were born
among its sprays

Totumolong a pretty sight
slim girth a foot in height
they lived where the moss were
where ferns wrapped rocks

harmony with the spirits
breathing in air invigorating
sipping spring water, pure and clear
we lived with understanding of nature

mountaintops where the water flows
to the valleys and meadows
each cascade poetry recited
with Totumolong, ancient folks

alas as the bulldozers roared
the little ones vanished to other realms
we turned away when the bell rung
and genuflected to a new God
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359


Willows in the wind
bringing ancestral voices...
We learn to listen,
we teach ourselves to be silent.  

Birds sing the song of the ground,
a river of flames crosses the hearts.  
The juice of life sprouting
in the fruits of the air.  

The body submerges in the waters
of eternal universal return.  
Me inside the forest
that is the forest inside me.
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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 604

The Green & Blue Rivers (rewilding the mind)

I named forests ' Green Rivers,' place of great peace            
the green's kin, Blue, brings peace in sight of that blue            
of rivers and lakes, blue oceans, the green seas,              
silvered with mental healthy air found in their view.              
Our forests rooted out of mind ages ago              
they erased our forests, whittled down the woods,              
and lumbered us with electricities fierce glow              
as memories of woodsmoke fade from neighborhoods...              
But there's a little forest left in some folk's mind              
they can find forests down the green lanes and tracks,              
among the hedgerows where forest foods, unrefined,              
can be found and, Oh God, peace, supermarkets lack...              
You cannot live on such in my small food Isles              
But, the aroma of wild garlic springs, huge smiles.              
 I've translated ' Forestry fae faring ' to " forests for living  "
Unfortunately some of us don't have a forest but, I can dream
Written by Rew
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Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 282

Thank you all who have contributed to this competition so far!

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6084

Hymn to Trees

Black boots leave a bus  
as I watch it trundle off
into English dust
I pass through a kissing gate
walk past the orchard full
of Beltane blossom
up a dirt track towards
a meadow full of buttercups
and red clover.
There she stands
Bella, my oak tree
on her own in the midst
of a lone field
she who stands with ribbons
tied into her spindles
markers of every prayer
every thought
every wish ever uttered.
I sit here sometimes
crouching to reach a crawl-space
formed between dry ground  
and her branches
a hidden nest where I light incense,
read cloth-covered books  
full of ancient knowledge
calling out to all I know of this land
and I write
and craft
and whittle
taking nothing without permission,
making nothing without care.
When I am desperate, I seek out Bella
my shelter, my holy place
because this world is full of temples
built of gold and stone
but so few are made of leaves
so few anchor us to the purity  
of placing one foot in front of another
hearing the audible grind of that iron gate
and finding refuge from the grind
in some silent universe
some sentient form

Written by Northern_Soul
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Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 282

Well, what can I say....CONGRATS Missy,  this poem reads like a whirlwind spoken through the voice of a tree, in this case the Oak. Deeply sensed the druidic honoring of the tree. Tree as sacred cloth. Made me think of the old trees in Sweden. These are not Oaks though but spruce as spruce is the common tree here in Scandinavia.
Rew, you did a great verse here, I liked all the images and lines. I would like to send you greetings from all the trees here. May you smell pine needles while reading this.
Paulo, you just have a magic original pen, one that shape shifts every poem you write what ever the topic
honerable mention
Grace, too bad there are not more options for runner up. Your poem made me think of the Annuvian elves
these usually can be seen as or in clouds and skies

thank you all for joining
bright blessings

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6084

aww, with gratitude 🥰

Congrats to all x

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