Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd March 2024 1:20pm
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Poem of the Month - March 2024

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

Poetry is Cheating

I once had an ex who told me writing poetry was cheating.
In the same breath, he'd tell me that words were merely words.
That we shouldn't hold onto them so tightly.

Yo-yo opinions of a manchild who'd be the first to call you contradictory.
But naturally, I would be in the wrong simply because my words were capable of making him feel something.

Because reading those words I'd spill late at night onto a takeout napkin
made him realize what true love really looked like.
And that he could never measure up.

Insecure dilusions deep enough to drown his demons, but yet somehow never quite deep enough to find the truth.
That it was always him who was the problem.

I envy those who know not of psychological warfare and words that pierce like poisoned arrows.
Those who've never tippy-toed over eggs shells as if breaking them somehow meant something big.

It was always too much to spend my days feeling worthless and empty.
So, I finally just agreed, "okay, maybe Poetry is cheating."

And let him take away another piece of me.
Written by CeeCee-Elaine (Nugz)
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Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

Of Cabbages and Things

Cabbages: A cruciform vegetable
cultivated from the wild mustard plant,
which breeds more greens for the dinning table
cooked world-wide, Occident to the Levant.
Found in literature, valued as a write,
Pliny, George Orwell and Charlie Bucket's
cabbagy meals, supped by poverties light,
dreaming the while of a Golden Ticket...
To lift his family from poverty
just like socialists of this real world would
but ragged-trousered-philanthropists see
to it that gangsters rule, the neighborhoods.  
Other gangsters eye the Gaza strip and, like!
And marvel at its worth if locals, took a hike...
Written by Rew
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Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

Tribute to Callie, A Friend Lost Too Soon

In tender bloom, she graced this world,  
Each day the gift of love unfurled.  
For Callie, her name a tender song,  
In hearts and minds, her memory strong.  
A husband's love, a child's tender gaze,  
Bear witness to her life's enduring blaze.  
Though parted now, we feel her near,  
In laughter's echo, in each falling tear.  
She loved with passion, fierce and free,  
Embracing life with unrestrained decree.  
And though her journey has reached its end,  
Her legacy, undying, will transcend.  
For Callie’s beauty in form and soul,  
Through loves and loss, she made life whole.  
Though tears may fall, and hearts may ache,  
Her memory lives in her lovers’ wake.  
Rest now, dear Callie, in eternal peace,  
Where sorrows fade, and burdens cease.  
In fields of spring, where dreams still bloom,  
Your light so kind still fills this room.
Written by Nizana (Lauryn)
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Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

The Celebration Of Femineity  

I was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductors can't say; I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a passenger.  
Harriet Tubman
I am a little late; however, the celebration continues for the creation of us women given unto man as a gift from the Almighty Creator.  
In the midst of my femininity, I had my Annual gynecological with fasting lab, I had a dental cleaning, no cavities, my gums are still healthy and not receding.  
What is meant when you say Woman’s International Day to me.  
In the regard to the elements and the force of Mother Nature, whom I bow under the guidance of her elements found within my ordained sacred temple under the skies.  
Bequeathed years onto the soil under a sideral moon, the gift of my womb, blessed to bear greater nations, the beneficent of my heart to bear the fourscore of my lineage’s wounds in truth, my mind to always seek, preach, or as my Grann will say, teach, and, my soul, until my rebirth, on this planet earth, I shall heal, it was written upon the old Negro scrolls preordained,  manifested upon generation after generation, presided by my Grann, witnessed as a I was raised as she stood on fertile soil and that day I was  commenced, by the Father (The Sky) The Son (The Universe) The Afterlife (By the Blood of The Ankh).  
In the rite of my culture passage the silhouette of my soul was given back to the Heavens, my vessel unto the cradle of my parent’s arms I rested, to succeed whence forth in love and as a Creole woman of Hebrew descendants, we are taught from birth to claim, honor, and celebrate our womanly existence as birthed.  
As I celebrate the livelihood of my soulful presence, in giving bowing to all woman and the various walks of life we make our live less complicated, we work to bring peace and prosperity to our homes, we rise our children to make sure they are educated, sheltered and we praise them with love, and understanding.  
Whatever your profession is, thank you for whatever your do to tighten that woven in life, or someone needs what your do, maybe someone depends on what you have, no matter what you give you, or  offer it should always be given with gratitude, you are the reflection of your actions, so be slow to anger and more quicker to inhale and exhale.  
 In the ideology of Western Medicine /Science and as a professional member under its Board-Certified Credentials I stand.  
I deal with conceptual facts, the genetical composition of anatomy and physiology, the contractual of the DNA and its molecular breakdown of the chromosomes of the human body in general, then the spiritual ideology, which, within my West African lineage  and religion, and my ancestors, we invest in the customary of the human nature of a genetic man and his lifetime companionship with a female, as they cleave as one and the laws of sacredness of its union and how it pertains to human behavior, the cohabitation of its ordained unity shall, and it will always be honored… among all its universal privileges.  
I will always speak on the path of my own enlightenment as I would think everyone else would as well, and in the field of my dreams.  
I suppose being an advocate of Breast Cancer, Homelessness, and I was reared since infancy on a strict vegan lifestyle, home schooled until entry into college.  
I listened to I have to condone some of the components found in Western Medicine toxins, I listened to your president during his televised state union address, and I was hoping he had spoken more on this boarder crises, and why these immigrants who are inflexing our cities and are not required to get those three shots most Americans received during the pandemic, only now we face a new epidemic, unvaccinated and illegal immigrants.  
These are medications that doctors are prescribing to members of society to sustain lifestyle to alter the mRNA cellular enzymes.  
Evolution and Natural Occurrence  
[i]Ancient Molecule: mRNA is not a recent invention from laboratories; it has existed for billions of years.  
Origins: Scientists believe that RNA (including mRNA) predates DNA and was present in the earliest life forms.  
Ubiquity: Every cell in your body naturally contains mRNA, emphasizing its fundamental role in cellular processes. /i] (cite online 3-1-24-SKC)  
Synthetic medication/injective unethical mediations and that consists of metabolic steroids for endurance, you are damaging the structure of the DNA, and woman this is definitely a no no, the side effects along are damaging to the female reproductive organs, the heart, the brain, and it alters the Endocrine system. I wanted to briefly elaborate one of the concerns that was a culprit to millions voluntarily resigning during COVID- regarding why so many of my Nurses refused to accept that Covid 19 injection.  
I am medically exempt due to religion purposes.  
As for me, that is why I write these informative medical journals to let you know you have choices, maybe you now are more attuned to seek addition help, or knowledge to me is power, and for you ladies and for you men, to give you the important benefits to take care of yourself.  
Therefore, please rely on healthy food choices, fruits, vegetables, lower your alcohol intake, and exercise in moderation, if you smoke, yes, I know is a hard habit to discontinue, just take one day at a time, and ask your physician for maybe some nicotine patches, my blessing for that habit, or any addiction anyone may have.  
Just know there are professionals who are available to triage your care and privacy should never be a deterrence, you can now see a physician/mental counselor, online including myself.  
That is what this New York Running Coach keep that Creole Candy in a healthy state of existence, thank you Allah, I do not take any medications under any circumstances buy design or by unethical choices, no vaccinations.  
I believe in Western medication for the sole purpose to better the quality of life for anyone's.  
The less medications digested by the body, there better it can function at its highest peak, excel in endurance. Eat to live and live well and  if all possible, stay clear of medications that has to change the structure of your DNA, from the original destined path, if that is to happen, or if it must occur, then it is time to think of holistic measurement, my preferred choice when it pertains to the management of patient overall healthcare, in addition, and by the creed of my oath, I stand on my Hippocratic Oath by faith to healing, heart, mind, and body that it may be deemed upon its reliance to inspire, or to defer any subjection without malice intent of being bias or sounding obtuse.  
I know we all will have stories to tell, or advise, Hopefully, in the process, may I inspire anyone or give you comfort to stay on your own journey and have faith.  
The elements and the beautiful force of nature is where the magnificent capabilities of my intellect flourishes, it gives credence to my existence, it is the pathway to the ascension of my Crown Charka (Third Eye-Pineal Gland).  
This in that new year, we are in the third month of the new year, and we are due to spring forward.  
I have been spiritually fasting to release harbored energy bestowing it back into the cradle of Mother Nature.  
There is no greater feeling that could ever be prepared to have the freedom of your mind, without its control, you have already lost yourself.  
Inhale and exhale, once more time, please, and slower, reread and try again…  
As I draw the breath of humanity, may I always inhale spiritual and intellectual wisdom, as I exhale back, so that it will always circulate, the masses with knowledge, as I bow to give my heart in the serenity from earth, and peace from Phoenix fires, in the rising it shall rebirth.  

All my creations and now trademarks under my hand and just from basic items from my brownstone.  
I bow to the generation of the women within my lineage, who I stand upon the principalities of the root of our spiritual mantras to honor our Kings, our Queens, and the generational uprising of our seed.  
A little history behind my interest embroidery/sewing began when I was in college, please take into consideration the embracing and sentiment took root in West Africa from the intricate detailing of my great Grann's mother.  
I knitted scarves when I was in college and sold them for five dollars and, I did pretty good, I began placing decorations on them, beautiful memories.  
As you reflect back on your life, at this pivotal moment, ask yourself, has it gotten just a tad easier, bearable for, if that hindrance is still there just keep chiseling, keep chiseling, medical science is great, if you are waiting on test results have faith in the unknow, the medical field always cares with compassion, and you still shine, just remember through smile and my universal prayers are always with my words you read, that is all I have to give you.  
Yesterday, marked International Women’s Day, and that day held such high esteem to be counted among the segregated society of being a woman by the spiritual creation of my Heavenly Father’s hand.  
I launch my clothing line, I have been wanting to live this dream for so long, and each creation is one of a kind, and the sweet peart is, I box it as gift, a thong, the shirt, and an autographed poem that will go with shirt.  
Just remember, everyone will always want something of someone when they see potential in you.  
I sell all my items on the Dark Web, I do believe I have spoken on using the Dark Web as a means navigate to your own glory, if you do get into the Dark Web, I will say log on with caution and remain on with true intent.  
Don’t ever allow to be scammed, by anyone, and yes, there are internet scammers everywhere, if you are fortunate to access the Dark Web.  
The Dark Web cannot be accessed by your regular search engine. You must instill its encrypted website.  
Yes, I know you can utilize Facebook, Tik-Toc, do they sell items or Instagram, I am not for sure for that particular site.  
I am a female entrepreneur and I like to day trade those bitcoins, in lieu of that ladies there are so many opportunities to make positive cash on the Dark Web.  
I am the Martha Stewart of the Dark Web, I sell everything, and Japanese investors, they buy, they buy, and then they buy, and the coverage and exchange of funds is secure.  
I will suggest you build a reputable website that can accept PayPal or any major credit card for incoming and outgoing financial transactions.  
I have my thong man, who adores the scent of my unwashed thong to calm his fetish he has been a loyal buying client for years off and on, and I never wear the same pair of panties/thong twice, write a poem about any subject matter, have an enticing prop, drawing the eyes in, instant money.  
If you do not know the Dark Web is an avenue of limitless possibilities and by it being such a complicated undocumented to ease into you set your own castle, and whatever riches you sell, barter, or trade, make it always double the worth, keep a safe accountability of all taxes,  then you have my shoe man, who downloads the pictures of my stilettos, then my Another K Production mini-productions, someone in Singapore buys those, yet, I still retain the rights.  
Ladies let me give you an encouraging scenario.  
Say you are a new female poetess to DUP, and your poem is the hype, you have posted it on every poetry site, and it has gotten countless humbling reviews.  
Freeze right there.  
My soft rose petals are read  
Tender kisses under a moonlight blown to you  
My essence tasting as warm honey dew  
Pull down my red lacy thong  
Sniff my scent all day long  
There is cash in those four-line ladies  
The Dark Web  
If this was my scenario, I will take the beautiful erotic poem and capitalize the  
Allow my soft words to entice the heart a the handsome Adonis  
Sniff our night of passion in reminisce  
Close your eyes as you sniff the sweetness of my supple skin  
Taste me in your mind  
As my flavor still lingers upon your lips  
Roses, I laid my back upon when I made love  
My wet thong and most of those men want to sniff the essence  
And a bottle of half used honey  
Asking price  
These are established clients.  
Sometimes you must keep the story going private buyers like explicit items with their pomes.  
Adding more mental enticing scenarios  
I was up to $325.00.  
I cannot show you the final poem because it is copyrighted by me and he owns it, and to protect his privacy.  
Make sure you copyright, registered, or trademark your works prior to posting, you will see some A-listers, under alias, until...  
My main goal is to advise you ladies for the ones who have deferred talents, maybe you are older, retired, maybe your passion now can be utilized as a second income.  
I will be advertising my creations, I have just made three thus far, I am just placing a toe in the water to see if I can submerge the rebirth of my soul into this newly founded dream, then from there, it gets sold as it on the Dark Web.  
The shirt above has already been bid on, make sure when you package your items for shipping, it is wise to practice some form of privacy to protect your place of residence.  
I would suggest maybe a P.O. Box.  
This sexy creation was created utilizing a pair of my sanitized velvet drapes precisely cut utilizing a pattern for a bustier, then bringing my creation into play with my Singer Heavy Duty Sewing machine.  
This material once draped beautifully in my solarium for years, in contrast you have the tan sheer panel, and the gold tieback.  
There you have it, a little determination, and faith, you can move your own mountains.  
As our souls orbit this beautiful 3-D dimension, in the sanctuary of your meditation may you find me in the enlightenment of the Bay Hound Phases where words of love will guide you and keep you rooted in the quietude of your Ohm moments.  
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 348

A Butterfly Kiss

Such are the whims of the night birds calling
hear them sing as the darkness in falling
homage to the souls with mournful ado
guides of the forest we all must walk through

Silently slipping we drift into night
swirling in circles we dance with delight
shadows from moonlight arising on high
cast in the brightness caressing the sky

Swift is the season that calls us all home
rest in the garden no longer alone
puzzled by pieces still just out of place
somehow a smile is still found on your face

Step in the warmth of a shining new sun
drink of the waters from rivers that run
into an ocean of blessings and bliss
closing your eyes for a butterfly kiss

Written by Thor_Azine
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 311

A Poet's Power

We stitch thoughts that become fabrics of emotions...
cloaked in poetic apparel
from tailor-made experiences
with the sweat of our pen’s brow
We labor hard, in scorching fields of ink
collecting melted vowels and consonants...
metamorphosis of words,
burning relevance into the
and souls of our audiences

We disrobe on paper and strip on stage
wearing only words
exposing our inkwell for all to witness
as poetry flows through our veins
revealing personal secrets and battles scars
coaxing us to pen our victories in beautiful bold fonts,
so others can see that giving up, is not an option.

We are strength,
and inspirations; in words
We arm ourselves with lethal words
release them through our poetry
creating abstract art; painting belief on despair’s canvas
with the brush of a poet’s soul
molding words of motivation
stirring passion and evoking intimacy
with ballpoint pens that drip fantasies
Our words can be powerful....
and weapons of change
Unbeknownst to us,
we have become oracles for readers and listeners
who sit in quiet calm to read our words…
or listen attentively to the vibrations of emotions in our voice.

We touch so many....
with simple words


Written by RainC_Tara (rain1courtel)
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Billy_Snagg, Drieks, Elixir_1758, MidnightSonneteer, Kii_Ahn, monovox128, eroseternal, brokentitanium, lepperochan, dimpy, JiltedJohnny, Vision_of_insanity, Anne-Ri999, monkeyman, Her, PAR, wallyroo92, deadwolf, Marks, SonderNinja, cold_fusion, mel44, Sappho, Grace, Razzerleaf, LostViking, flowergirl, Phantom2426, Aquatic-Vehicle

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 348

Congratulations Thor. Brilliant poem!

Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 135

Congrats Thor!

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 168

Good work. Proud of you. Keep it flowing.

Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 19th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 31

Thank you for all the support!

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 11th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 16

Congratulations! I enjoyed participating and always learn from the other writers.

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