Poetry competition CLOSED 24th January 2024 1:28pm
View Profile Poems by Razzerleaf
RUNNERS-UP: adagio and Rew

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Sleeping in fields

The Cider threw me off my feet,
steeped before an apple sleep,
watching bats cross coastal downs,
head first goes the hedgerow clown.

The day had yawned and let me be,
crusty eyes blink morning trees,
filtered fresh behind olive blinds,
a straw hat halo that fades with time.

Pulling corn stalks I make my stand
and take a scarecrow's offered hand.
The ground turns hard with little trace
of summer ways in a winter place.

As snow takes hold blown into drifts
I see a shape as day light shifts.
A body curled against the cold,
the scarecrow whispers,

it's time, you're old.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16806

Thank you for your entry Razzerleaf

Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 69

Mankind in Dreamland

Pestered and pursued  
by unknown foes  
A topsyturvy land  
where snakes can have horns  
and cows can have fangs.  
Night'mares' where the day's stallions  
make mountains out of molehills  

A chance to witness greek mythology-like creatures for real  
For dreamland tis a place for the unreal and surreal.  
Those hair-raising scary scary dreams  
beset with horrified silent screams!  
We do try to interrupt nightmares, pinching ourselves  
With relief wake up to see there aren't any horrid elves.  
We also try to interpret dreams filled with mystery  
But gifted dream interpreters like prophet Joseph  
Are now part of biblical human history  
All in all, dreamland's fascination  
for extra-ordinary exaggeration  
and tall-tale imagination  
Where myth and legend come to life  
An amalgam of fiction or real strife  
Where assorted monsters of the mind  
reign supreme in that REM sleep of our kind.  
Yet on the other hand the wishful, wistful sweet sweet dreams  
where fantasies form mirages bordered by fanciful seams.  
Where castles in the air that humans build, float gently down to earth  
only to shoot back up unto nowhere from the awakened one's berth.  
In dreamland a pauper girl can be a princess or fairy fair  
for daydreams extend into the night and linger on there.  
A quote I took to heart and it to console all and sundry  
'that if your sweet dreams don't come true, don't you fret  
for atleast your nightmares didn't come true either,  
so just heave a sigh, by and by.  
Every night let us all just fly away and escape  
And lo behold  the extraordinary world of Dreamscape.
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16806

Thank you for your entry Zaynab

Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510

TLDR: I finally learned to dream  

Baby, dream of me tonight  
so I can stay awake  
and watch the world  
on your skin  
becuase I can't shake  
the sadness  
let me take one night  
to slide  
between the folds  
of your being as you  
dream in places  
that used to be mine,  
your dark lashes still  
on your pale cheeks  
and your chest  
warm under  
my palm,  
I want to inhale the way you  
smell of man and  
that brand of soap  
that clings to my  
mind like your hand  
clung to my waist  
all night  
and I'll be here,  
propped up  
on one elbow,  
chin on my fisted hand,  
to count the  
red hairs in your  
and say, so soft as to  
not sway you  
from your sleep,  
that I love you.  
I love you  
in ways that  
leave me shaken  
and crazed,  
and as much as  
I’m going to pretend otherwise,  
I always will  
love you  
I'll whisper to dreaming you  
the best parts of our story,  
I told you  
I loved you  
for the first time  
when you were on your long  
drive to get the donuts,  
and that was the best fucking day  
of my life    
and the last time you left me  
was the worst  
I’ll stop whispering when you stir  
and use the tip of my nail  
to drawn our names in a heart  
on your shoulder.  
and just will you  
to know you were  
true joy  
in my life,  
something new  
and good  
and for someone as  
fucked up as I am  
it made you a treasure  
worth hoarding  
worth having,  
and losing  
you let me drown alone  
so tomorrow I’ll have to hate you  
in order to get out of bed and exist  
but tonight,  
my love,  
my love,  
tonight is the last night of our life  
so I need to live in your exhale  
as if there is no tomorrow,  
because for us…  
(for us)  
But right now.  
I need to see your soft lips this last time,  
to imagine them curled around my finger,  
so you could win the  
fight over the best  
side of a Twix bar  
as you make me  
squirm with  
unfulfilled lust  
and fuck,  
I can’t look at a coffee table,  
or car,  
or the fucking stairs,  
or a hammock,  
or the couch,  
or the shower,  
or that limo you got one date night.  
(and you had to tip the driver double to not watch)  
or the goddamn floor  
without a twinge  
in my stomach,  
and lower  
my body has the outline of your  
cells embedded in my skin,  
and muscle memory is a bitch  
some days,  
and my tendons still  
scream that they want you  
that I want you  
right now I want to lean in  
and enjoy  
how you fit me …  
just right…  
just right...  
and weep silent eulogies to the way  
I loved your voice  
your face  
your smile  
the way you made me laugh  
and the way you  
(inhale. )  
and the way you  
made me love  
I’ll stay the night here  
watching you watch sheep pass,  
a small smile  
on your face,  
for a moment  
when you aren’t  
killing yourself  
to make everyone  
I’m going to stay here  
and be more in love  
than I ever will be again  
with the hero of every  
fucking story I  
cared to tell.  
Tomorrow you’ll wake  
naked, alone, with  
nothing but a damp space  
in your inner mind  
from where I use to be,  
and you’ll have the freedom  
you really need to be  
who you really are,  
and I’ll hate you  
for that.  
Because I have to.  
But I’m saving that  
for later.  
When I was young,  
I didn’t dare to dream.  
You showed me a new way.  
So tonight I’ll watch you sleep  
I’ll be alone  
for the rest of time  
in a way  
no one else  
can see  
But tonight,  
tonight, I’m going  
to learn to dream  
to really dream  
so that the only  
dream I ever have  
is you.  
Written by Betty
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Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 21st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 99

Ashes and Ghosts

miles to go, so many miles
I look down at the broken road
my shoes tattered and worn through  
like my soul
need to rest, just for a moment
a little time to remember
the life and love I once knew
I wish I could forget
a wisp of smoke through the trees
the faint smell of burnt embers
fading slowly away
taking with it our future
cold sun faintly outlined
in an ashen sky, ever colder
moves slowly towards the west
closing another day
the last day?
maybe that would be best
this life has lost its meaning
given way to bitterness
dark forms like ghosts
moving through the shadows
skittish and untrusting
alone in their own private hell
a wasted world brought low
by those bent on destruction
for their own gain
feeding on our fears
no one left to care now
no more kings
and no one left to rule
just ashes and ghosts
Written by Phoenix_Risen
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Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 21st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 99


Sweet dreams I wish for in my dark times
But I never find my way
Darker visions seek me in my weakness  
Tearing at me shredding me
I long for love and tenderness
And yet I only tread the darkest paths  
Into the swirling depths I fall
All is dark and full of pain
Let my heart Fall away  
May my life be redeemed
There is no order to this place
Visions pass before me unresolved
Waking mind is parsed and scattered  
Sleeping mind finds order in the chaos
Are these things real
It seems so in this place
Darkness my love I crave thee
Rescue me from this harsh reality
I bleed the insane I crave the mundane
A slave am I to the the otherworld
What is the real
How many lives do we really live
Written by Phoenix_Risen
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16806

Thank you Betty and Phoenix for participating.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Dec 2023
Forum Posts: 20

Dream House

I dream to construct a dwelling fair,
With my own two hands, in nature's lair.
In a jungle's heart, midst mountains grand,
Where clouds alight, like soft dreams land.
Amidst the wild, where creatures play,
No malice, vengeance, just innocence sway.
To live in harmony, with nature's sound,
A tranquil abode where peace is found.
I yearn to reside, seek and explore,
In this haven of mine, my very core.
Grow my being, let enlightenment unfold,
In the arms of nature, where stories are told.
If life's true goal is to find sweet peace,
From external and internal bees' cease.
Then nestled within the whispering trees,
True tranquility and serenity seize.
Written by PleasingDragon
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16806

Thank you Pleasingdragon for your entry

Tyrant of Words
United States 19awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 83

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16806

Thank you for your entry Her.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 24th Aug 2020
Forum Posts: 3

A Dream

Last night I had a dream
And You were there ,
asked your friends about me,
 I over heard
we kissed passionately then
This is when it got weird

Everyone was talking shit
I wanted to disappear
And stress and the strain caused the pain
That's dwelling inside my a chest
I looked up ,took a breath
You acted like you didn't care. See ?
Then what happened next even surprised me
I moved slowly across the floor headed to the door
And I started to run out
I didn't stop I just kept running

Yea I just kept running

It was like a weight off my shoulders
My heart grew colder
I didn't care
It was like nothing ever mattered
A clean slate ,
A portrait in oil paints
That has come to life , with one thing on my mind
Wanted to make you my wife !
But now it's all menial
Everything is pointless
Like a bowl of milk with no cerial
No one will ever want us
We will all die alone
With our names inscribed on our tombstones
But this was only a dream
Can anyone tell me what it means ?
Written by u53l355 (Grifta)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16806

u53l355, thank you for your entry.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Ought to —Spoken Word

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