Poetry competition CLOSED 10th February 2024 7:43am
LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
View Profile Poems by LongTubiFree

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Unexpected Love

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 761

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about a relationship that you were not expecting
I want YOU to write about a relationship that you were not expecting (doesn't have to necessarily have to be about a romantic relationship).

As always here are the rules/guidelines and I will provide an example (or two).

* 1 month
* 2 pieces/poems per writer
* minimum of 10 lines
* no limit on length
*can be old or new (no preference)
* and lastly have fun
* it will be open to a public vote in the end

Please PM me for questions, comments or concerns.

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 761

A World of Possibilities

We were nothing more than friends,
But something shifted for us that
Night. It is like being in a dark room
And then someone turns on the light.
Suddenly I see every possibility with
You and us. We do not know the ends,
Only all the beginnings and all the path
We travel on. When the flowers bloom
We cannot stop them. As we take flight
Above the scene it is like the wordsmith

In me finally stays quiet and enjoys every
Moment with you. Within your embrace
I feel safe and secure. With every kiss and
Laugh I feel more at home. Maybe we are
Just a fantasy or maybe this is life throwing
Us a chance. I will cherish every memory
With your calloused fingertips that trace
The deepest parts of me and with my hand
On your chest. I count every blessing and star
That comes my way. You are simply showing

Me I am worth it in the thousands of people
Who walk this earth every day. I am worthy
Of the love and kindness I give so freely to
Other people. You show me that the future
Is bright and full of so many possibilities.
How is it that you make this life less dull?
In a life filled with many doubts and worries
You make forget every single one. With you
I forget about all those who once knew her,
The girl I used to be. With you the infinities

Of stars do not diminish or fade away from
View. Maybe I will blink and this might all
Be over soon, but I will never forget the way
You jump-started the spark in my heart I have
Not felt for a while. I used to feel like I was
An abnormal molecule or like a small crumb
On the horizon, but although now my wall
Has come crashing down you never stray
Far from keeping me protected. I never half
My love or heart for anyone. When the applause

Died down and the curtain closed you were
Still there, more than willing to be there for me.
How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?
A friend and consistent presence that can never
Be replaced. Just like a quilt you give me warmth
And shelter. As some things feel like it is blurry
On the horizon you are clear like the waves at sea
Welcoming me back with open arms. The knife
Drops to the floor and I do not want to pull the lever
On this friendship we share. You are my forever north.

Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276

orgasm for my soul

You seem familiar  
with no criteria    
my mental state is close to a delirium    
Balance has lost its point    
All meanings are destroyed
I'm vaporized and visit an unknown asteroid    
An orgasm for my soul    
Nothing can be with you dull    
even the cold is warmer, even the half looks whole    
All I think is your face    
I know, it's the enthusiasm phase    
but I want to lick your body without a trace of disgrace    
We can't stop making love    
everything is in a lull    
affection is turned into a song reaching the highest octave    
You brought the down upside    
Transformed my heart in a stride    
laid on the shore with nature being all snowblind    
My soul will travel near you    
paint with all shades of blue    
your astral body  dwells in the warmness of my view   
Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 279


Whoever opens the door is not counting
to see the face of those who come
from behind...

Stabbed in the womb.
The insides unfurled!
Whistling wind
in the cracks…

Whoever opens the door
is not waiting
to have their face licked
by the wind.

The smell of ferns
passing under the door and
the muffled hinges
by the creaking of drying clothes.

Whoever opens the door is not thinking
to take with the door
In the face.
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16913

Crazy Day

I am crazy today
I feel like a butterfly
without the butter
or butter without the fly
I see the blue sky
from a tunnel
or is it a funnel
a burrow for my soul
to enter eternity
or is that flying over
above the coloured clouds…

I am crazy today
singing in high octave
trying to drown
this insanity in
in porous silt
I want to be an ostrich
but I can’t bear
the sounds of falling sand
I hear the distant
whispers of demand
be sane be sane be sane

I tell my friend
don’t say a word
I am damaged goods
he laughs hollowly
‘I am damaged too
look at me, hear me
I roar like a whisperer’
I fold in, silently
feeling the arms
Of insanity
Hug me….
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16913

Sits Evil

Sitting motionless
On his pee-wet bed
looking inwards
into his darkness
where swirling gibbering
voices whispers urging
pushing him further and further
in a bleakness
a terrain of desolation
in his soul
where he wanders

He remembers his wife
so beautiful
so pliant in his arms
so peaceful
he remembers the darkness
engulfing his eyes
as he looks at her
feels the knife in his hands
he slashes away the darkness
and his wife lay in his arms
in small shivery pieces

He remembers his baby
with pretty curly hair
looking at him so trustingly
he loves her so
he cuddles her
closes his eyes
and brings her over to his darkness
he looks down
his baby is headless
in his arms
her head on the fence spike

He remembers
he looks at their accusing eyes
in his desolate land
he walks towards them
they never wait
they never stop
they keep on swirling in the mist
crying out their sorrow
wailing their accusation;
he sits on his pee-wet bed
drool trickling from his slack mouth.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Dec 2023
Forum Posts: 20

Animal Instincts

We embarked on a hiking venture,
Each with our designated dates to adventure.

In the woods, our eyes found a connection,
A feeling of being mates, a shared affection.

A raw instinct ablaze within our gaze,
You smiled with care, igniting a fiery phase.

The moment arrived, a decision made,
Asking our dates to proceed, a quiet cascade.

With a handful remaining in the forest's hold,
A solitary stroll, a story yet to unfold.

You led the way through the jungle's terrain,
In the quiet shade, a moment to sustain.

You turned around, nerves in the air,
Nervousness aside, a connection we both share.

No words exchanged, a silent retreat,
You pulled my hair, passion at its seat.

A kiss deep and strong, a fiery affair,
Exploring realms, an intimate layer.

As your hands ventured, I felt your warmth,
Bodies intertwined, emotions in a swarm.

Attempting to touch, met with a denial,
Unspoken terms, a passion in exile.

A tight slap as my hands pressed through,
Realization struck, compliance in view.

Naked and bare, in the jungle's embrace,
A wild rendezvous, a passionate chase.

Our juices mingled, a primal feast,
Nibbling and devouring, a hunger increased.

Conjugal delight reached its fruition,
Dressed in silence, an unspoken mission.

Walking back as the sun was setting,
The orange hue, our secret forgetting.

In the fading light, her face revealed,
A feeling of love, an emotion concealed.

As everyone returned, paths did part,
A glance not returned, a broken heart.

Yet, deep within, a truth remains,
We were true beasts that day, no words to explain.

Perhaps, like the animal kingdom, in a primal ballet,
Mating without words, a raw connection on display.
Written by PleasingDragon
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 545

I do Love Rhyme   (an unexpected love)

I do love rhyme the way it curves    
words like star's mass makes spacetime swerve    
photons, switching bright light round bends    
so tis with poem's rhyme sense sends    
lines round with great verve not like terse    
grumpy prose's dead end line words    
pretending measured tread could serve    
instead of rhyme, man's ancient friend?    
I do love rhyme.    
From before time as woman birthed    
man's tribe her heartbeat's music served    
to sooth savage breasts until penned    
in mind with dance, song, in the end    
man learned from women how to verse,    
I do love rhyme...
Written by Rew
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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

Long ways from home

Sometimes I feel like I'm crazy
trying to explain why I do the things I do
my explanations come out cheap and lazy
but you always seem to pull me through
to a higher highway of thinking
the road is a thousand miles long
and it's got me feeling like a ship sinking
but I know our magnet feeling is strong
pulling me into a place I've never known
a place so safe and secure
peace so deep, I feel it in my bone
no time or place for either to be demure
laying it all out on the altar for all to see
you aren't my usual type by far
but you made my heart to be wild and free
as I fall for you, like so many stars.
Written by LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510

I could be a better boyfriend than him

The bed thumps rhythmically  
beneath you while you
make a grocery list
and notice the weird
water stain by the  
edge of the ceiling fan
the pace increases so
you stifle a halfassed moan and  
tilt your pelvis and  
is this  
is this…
and you wait until the shower
starts before you  
grimly knock one out
with fingers or vibes,
and the fantasy is always
someone’s skin who
isn’t quite real enough to taste…
To taste.
To taste  
The way  
The way you taste yourself in
my mouth,
and for the first time
realize you’re  
a delicacy
And oh, beautiful,
the way you taste
with my forearm against your
pelvis while you wantonly
writhe against me,
basking in your fucking
feminine power  
As. You. Should.
tastes like a sweat-soaked
lullaby wrenched from  
your delicate throat
And you revel in
your come on my face,
your fingers in my long hair,
your soft breasts arching up
against my skin
which is  
I don’t care if you shaved
your legs,
or want to just  
cuddle, and be sad,
and watch
I don’t give a flying shit
about your insecurities
your body issues.
Because you are a goddess.

Your body has no issues,  
other than the fact
it’s not grinding  
against mine.
I do the fucking dishes,
and I give the clit  
the best seat in the house
and I think
are fucking perfect
the way we fucking are.
the way we fucking are.
So dig your nails
into my strong shoulders,
and lose yourself  
against my soft mouth,
as I slip two
slim fingers inside you
and growl
in a soft southern lilt
how fucking hot
you make me;
how fucking wet  
you are;

You are
with the lights on.
I slide down your body
like it’s a fair ride, and  
I revel in the  
way it moves me.
And the bed doesn’t  
have a rhythm,
(there’s no rhythm,
no ceiling stain, and I already  
ordered groceries.)
The only sounds of  
are those  
of your toes curling
in the sheets;
of your cry  
of release,
my name
on your  
ragged breath
Written by Betty
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Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510

Reese — that guy is an ass

I’m leaned against    
a vending machine,    
arms crossed against      
my chest,      
toying with my hair,    
peeking up at    
you between my lashes,    
And you’re leaned in    
one hand propped      
against the machine,    
while the other hand    
offers me    
a peanut butter cup.    
I fumble with the plastic,    
peel the paper off the cup,    
hold one up for you      
and you take the whole    
thing in one bite    
and I forget to breathe at    
the feel of your      
sensuous mouth    
on my fingers.    
Swallowing hard,    
I almost drop the    
package as my    
shaking hands      
fish the second      
Reese’s cup out    
head bowed to hide    
stained cheeks    
I push out the soft center    
and joke about      
the chocolate ring    
being the perfect    
size for your    
I look up.      
Make eye contact.    
You jaw is tight      
as you lean    
in slow    
to write your    
name in my mouth.    
And love…    
your lips are so    
sweet that    
my fingers      
dig into your shirt ,
leaving the    
stain of my hand  
on the left side    
of your chest,  
as your free hand    
drops the wrapper    
and gently      
Written by Betty
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Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 361

Vitruvian Lady

She had beauty, strength, and utility,    
As much as any temple built of stone    
And by her caress my passion had grown    
Into...concupiscent palpability...    
Which she knew to be hers to supervise    
In all manner of Sybarite conduct    
Whereby she might be gloriously fucked,    
By quantities that came as a surprise!      
A surprise she stated was rather sweet    
After she "fixed my little red wagon"    
Like a pirate drains an ale flagon      
Without missing an orgiastic beat,    
As an Aphrodisian votary...    
In the heady days of nineteen eighty three!  
Written by MidnightSonneteer
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Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 361

Shopping in 1988

A chap strolled into Vancouver Mall
for there was the love into which he would fall.
He met her in the frame shop
and what he saw made his jaw drop...
since her frame was the finest of all.
Written by MidnightSonneteer
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Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 276

Mercury retrogate II

Where  is the source of that affection?
Why do I perceive you as authentic love?
Is that our passion reincarnation
or am I constructing what I really want?
What is exactly this thing that you're feeling
and how much close to what we call real?
I fell for your energy the moment it spoke to me
and went like "you know me, I've always been here"
So what is the matter with our material
Who is responsible of this tender pull
Our distance appears phony and linear
but I'm scared to death of being the fool
Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Dec 2023
Forum Posts: 20

First love

In childhood's days, so sweet and mild,  
A furry friend entered, love compiled.  
Soft fur rubbing, gentle licks in a trance,  
Expressions of love, a furry dance.  
Learned to love profusely, a gentle guide,  
From this creature's musings, love did abide.  
She grew me into a person so true,  
Taught to love back, no matter what ensue.  
As I grew, love lingered, steadfast and true,  
Yet, others filled my time, a different view.  
The beautiful soul persistently sought,  
With huffs, saying, "Where are you? I miss you," she brought.  
I'd return, hold her, cuddle, and adore,  
But growing up meant seeking more.  
One day I returned, from play I came,  
No eager greeting, it wasn't the same.  
She left this world, a love divine,  
A godly memory, forever mine.  
Now at the door, tears gently fall,  
Hoping she'll return, hear my heart's call.
Written by PleasingDragon
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