Poetry competition CLOSED 24th January 2024 2:43am
View Profile Poems by eswaller
RUNNER-UP: ceffs

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A love that wrecked you

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 11th Apr 2023
Forum Posts: 7

Poetry Contest

Lets write about one love that wrecked us last year. One more poem to put them behind us, and to move onto an amazing year with no weight on our shoulders. Let it out!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16882


art thou in meander
beloved, beneath the silver moon
boon to Hecate
nay, slave  
in darkness dine
and I deprived of thee
hath thou courted him
with thy taunt
for scytheman be not spurned
after thy simper of need
thou sealeth thy doom
in death, yea, the yoke
of destiny  
or hath thou scorned my love
thine eyes turned  
away from mine teary countenance
for I Jealous of strange attention,  
swiftly hath forsaken thee
and turned once more
to behold thee  
into the mist of time
with thine own sword
shalt I chant thee
into being, beloved
for death return no souls
grip they tight  
with hardy talons
struggle now, but thou shalt not rise
O death shalt I sing to thee
with this dagger
to be with my beloved
mine breath grows cold
wherefore art thou...
the night draweth nigh.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 293

burning us down

I'm torn between begging you not to let me fade
...from your heart...your mind...
...immortalizing me like a permanent engraving
an irreplaceable moment in your existence
...and throwing rocks into the engine of your memory
sabotage its capability to retain...maintain
making us merely a flaming blip on the radar
flash fire...dumpster fire...whatever
there's nothing gritty about me
you know that...count on it
I'm soft & pliable...so fucking compliant
but we shredded a few sheets
broke fragile mementos with our recklessness
...mostly my will to fight
...my equilibrium
...my inner fire
guess that's what ignited our loins
set us aflame with self-destructive tendencies
but here we are
staring across the inferno at who we used to be
I'm building walls & you're doing your best to drag me back
into the lava flow we arrogantly set loose
simply by me...
...loving you
Written by WillowsWhimsies
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Thought Provoker
Norway 5awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 199

Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 271

True love is not afraid.

My love, why do you give me this pain?
away so alone and hard
why do you leave me waiting for you
in slow and insecure worship?

My love, why do you disappear
when I need you most
for madness that consumes me
between the world of the dead and the living?

My love, why do you leave me
So wrapped up in my own vices
breathing in memory your acrid perfume?

My love, why do you insist on not coming?
when the leaves have already fallen from so much autumn
when I don't know where else to go
when what I have left is the infinity of sleep?

My love, why do you make me burn
so slowly in your fire
sail lost and without a hand at the helm
plunge headlong into the groaning mud?
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Dec 2023
Forum Posts: 20

The Final Flight to Freedom

Silent through the years  
Like a giving tree  
You kept cutting branches  
Shredding me by decree  
Quiet as harmless rock  
Sitting by your side  
You kept smashing your hammer  
Cracking my core inside  
Heart blossomed like a flower  
So many times sitting beside
Hoping you would hold me tender  
But got plucked and discarded aside  
Finally, I became a bird  
In this heartless nest  
You tried to severe my wings  
But I soared and flew away, for the best.  
I forgive you for all    
That you have done    
My soul is free of you    
Finally my freedom has come  
Open blue sky with sweet release  
The light has touched me I am finally at peace .....
Written by PleasingDragon
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Creg Effs
Lost Thinker
Joined 1st Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 1

Ready For Love

I was ready for love
but I guess love wasn't ready
for me
or it wasn't my time yet.

I was ready to be committed
I wanted a happy life
with a house full of children
but it wasn't my time yet.

When I said I do
I wanted it to be forever,
not apart.

My heart was full.
I felt complete with you in my life.

As I look back
my heart asks, why
I was ready for love,
but love wasn't ready for me.
Written by ceffs (Creg Effs)
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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

The last tear

Look closely into my eyes
and see at last, the happiness tells no lies
my heart no longer aches or throbs
waiting for you to emerge from the fog.
See how my smile finally has reemerged
after all the worry has been purged,
yes you now hear my laugh all over the room
and hear my deep sighs of peace in my tomb.
Like the proverbial zombie I rise
wiping death from my eyes,
yes, look now my friend at my hands
free of any binding bands
no longer being wrung with fret
or being beaten against the pillow so wet.
Yes, I do miss you, and I still feel pain
but now it's a drip rather than a rain
look deep into my soul and you'll see
the last tear drop has been set free
Written by LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

Love as a One-Way Street

We were like embers in the night sky
Burning bright only for us to see, but
How is it that our signals got tangled?
In hindsight you were the wrong guy
For I wanted to get you out of the rut
You were stuck in while you handled
Me like a dynamite stick… too damn
Cautious and shut down a possibility
To rekindle what we lost in the fire.
You wanted to move on as I slammed
The door closed. I take no responsibility
For your happiness as I have no desire
To love someone who stopped loving
Me in return. You got your wish for
Me to stop trying. You may think this
Was all a game or that I was bluffing
Or that I was trying to even the score,
But the truth is that you lost and missed
Every chance. Our love was like a one-
Way street. I had to walk away with my
Head held high and with my love you
Destroyed because even with the sun
In my generous heart I could never try
To hurt yours that remains forever blue.
Written by eswaller
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 156

Creampie Lies

     "From the get go to him women are that leftover meal
So, there is no misunderstanding or a catch 22 about the deal,
      "Forever the side biscuit and never the chicken
A candidate for cervix destruction and her nasty ass lickin,

      "Not even on the level of Church's, KFC or Popeyes
Because the only nourishment given is hard dick and bullshit lies,
      "Some say that's fucked up, evil and cruel
But he refuses to be another woman's fool,

      "Never again he will be that simp ass motherfucker
His ex-wife fucked that up when he caught her with his mother,
      "Caught the ho's pussy lip-locked on his lunch break
Trust and love in all women that day, became goddamn fake,

      "The relationship he's in now just isn't gonna last
Before Easter roll around, she'll be packing her bags,
      "Calling him all kinds of motherfuckas and screaming he ain't shit
But the wet memory will always remain of her pussy washing his dick,

      "If she keeps his number and decides to call
The conversation will only be about getting her panties to fall,
      "Or pulling them musty motherfuckas to the side
Making that back arch as he gives her the slow slide,

      "If she gets emotional-fuck it, he will always feel fine
Because the bitch would be dropped like a snitch dropping a dime,
      "Later it will not be no talking about getting back together
Just time for the heartbroken pussy bitch to disappear like bad weather,

      "His friends say he acts this way because of the hurt
That's why the forcefield around his heart is putting in lifetime work,
      "Electrified with pain inflicting 'I don't give a fuck' shock
The same as a dog bumper tied and dragged around the block,

      "So, to all cheating ho's he doesn't care if they have a man at home
It's they're shit show while she pushes out his cum on that porcelain throne,
      "Afterwards fold that toilet paper and wipe between those thighs
Pull that handle and flush away her creampie lies".
Written by CasketSharpe
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Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510

Enola Gay

I hurl myself at you
like a fucking aerial bomber      
on a kamikaze mission,    
uncaring in the moment      
if we both blow the fuck up    
I drag you to the ground    
against your lips as we      
kneel and our noses mash    
as my sobs spill past      
my lashes    
We’re in a hero pose    
as the shrapnel rains on us,    
I hit your pecs with the meaty    
parts of my fists      
with each strike    
and you try to take    
me in your arms and      
whisper shhhh against      
my head but not this time.    
There isn’t any fucking comfort    
past the taste of you soaked    
in my regret    
The heavy shadow over our head    
turns and I watch saltwater    
stain my lap    
as you hold my hands,    
hold my heart,    
and say beautifully    
scarred things      
past the syncopation      
of my deaf ears    
There’s no rage, no fear just    
the best parts of us walking    
away with my blessing      
forever this time    
Fucking. No!    
I can’t. I can’t. You’re fucking      
everything good, and dark and      
passionate and insane and you can      
talk me down from a 30 foot ledge    
and how can you go after everything      
and how can I let you?      
Please. No.      
(Please. )    
I wrench my hands from yours      
and pull you to me,    
needing something      
my hands shake    
under your shirt,    
and I crawl into your lap    
somehow crying harder    
as your skin      
presses against      
Your hands wind      
into my scalp.    
Your mouth takes mine,      
and the heavy shadow    
turns slowly and aims true      
The last ordinance,    
the one that’s going    
to take us out      
flares into view    
My head falls back      
as you lick pain from    
my throat and I      
as the sky      
lights up in      
atomic white    
and the last      
breath I take    
before it      
flashes our      
shadow to the ground    
has a molecule of your exhale    
to hold forever    
and it’s enough…    
it’s enough      
And it’s never enough.  
Written by Betty
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Mike Will
Strange Creature
Joined 7th Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 4

Love is a big task. Love can ruin you.

Mike Will
Strange Creature
Joined 7th Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 4

This is brilliant and so imaginative.

Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

The Black Widow Kind

The Cannibal Manable  
My Willy's heart attack occurred at only ninety-five  
though three electric shocks and one quick valve repair or two  
plus half a dozen heart transplants kept Willy half alive    
to daily undergo the knife on every new code blue --  
while I, a total nervous wreck, soared straight to Gay Paree  
to chill and shop a bit before I jetted off to Rome  
to shop and chill a bit before I yachted to Capri  
to chill and shop and tan a bit before I rushed back home --  
since each brief honeymoon of mine, in running smooth on course,
huge assets brings -- with yet a pool boy hung like one huge horse.  
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 21st June 2013
Forum Posts: 534


I gave him another chance
Why did I even give him a second glance?
Why didn't I walk away?
Laugh at the lies he had to say
I finally let myself love him again,
I opened my heart and let him back in
I said the words I was scared to say
That I loved him more than the light of day
I finally told him how much he meant to me
And then he decided to set me free
He said wanted time to be sure we were right
And that night he we had our first fight
And instead of letting me explain my side
He cut me off every time I tried
Twisting my words to make me sound hurtful
Twisting my thoughts to make me look spiteful
And when we finally had a real talk about it all
He once again made me feel so insanely small
Because he told me he was falling for another person
He was growing so close with this woman
I told him he needed to choose,
He could have her, but he knew what he would lose
He gave up a chance to rebuild his life
Rebuild his family with his son and I
Why did I give him another chance?
For him to just throw us away like trash?
Written by sweetdevil (CortneyB)
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