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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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LunaGreyhawk said: [ . . . ]

(Card and message are from the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild)

One of my favorite decks. I own almost all her decks ( she is amazing ).

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 921

Ahavati said:

One of my favorite decks. I own almost all her decks ( she is amazing ).

This is my first deck of hers, but I can definitely see more in the future - I love the artwork and how in-depth the individual cards go!

Joshua Bond
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Palestine 41awards
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I don't know that much about astrology; I tend to be looking down and have my hands and feet in the soil of Mother Earth ... but this documentary about Grounding/Earthing seems to connect the two and makes a lot of sense to me:
Well worth a watch.

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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Forum Posts: 16402

Josh said:I don't know that much about astrology; I tend to be looking down and have my hands and feet in the soil of Mother Earth ... but this documentary about Grounding/Earthing seems to connect the two and makes a lot of sense to me:
Well worth a watch.

I LOVED that and never thought to recommend it here. Connecting to Mother Gaia is the first step in connecting with the Universe! Love begins at home.

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
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LunaGreyhawk said:

This is my first deck of hers, but I can definitely see more in the future - I love the artwork and how in-depth the individual cards go!

My first was Light Workers Oracle. It's practically worn down now. Her Quan Yin Oracle and Transmission Book is absolutely beautiful. White Light Oracle and Earth Warriors are both amazing in their messages and images. Her Mother Mary Oracle is moving and her Kali Oracle evokes the warrior spirit yet in love. She truly connects to the divine feminine and goddess essence. Particularly Tara ( outlined in her Quan Yin Transmission book ).

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16402

Aspecting the Cosmos:Tue, Nov 28, 2023: Guard our heart from our thoughts.

Happy Full Moon Ritual ( which I am about to perform! )

Today's aspects begin midmorning with a square between the Full Moon in Gemini and Lilith in Virgo. Tension between practical/mundane responsibilities and an aspiration to rebel and break free to experience Life in a different way. How can we turn that tension into cooperation and integrate both?

Early afternoon the Moon trine Venus in Libra. Personal transformation enables us to see the light in others. Midafternoon Moon sextile North Node in Aries and Trine South Node in Libra. Headway toward our goals. A gentle release of the past makes room for future desires.  

Late afternoon Moon square Neptune in Pisces. Doubt. Second-guessing. Emotional need for safety and security. Avoid the escapist urge. Choose the spiritual route and go deep within ourselves for the answers we need.

This evening the Moon opposes Mercury in Sagittarius. We may feel emotionally limited in our ability to express ourselves. Our health and wellbeing ( physically and mentally ) deserves our attention. Guard our heart from our thoughts.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 21GEM03, 6
Lilith: 21VIR23, 9
Aspect: Square
Time: 10:04 AM

Moon: 22GEM56, 4
Venus: 22LIB56, 8
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:54 PM

Moon: 24GEM11, 3
NN: 24ARI11, 7
Aspect: Sextile
SN: 24LIB11, 7
Aspect: Trine
Time: 3:11 PM

Moon: 24GEM54, 2
Neptune: 24PIS55, 11
Aspect: Square
Time: 4:29 PM

Moon: 26GEM50, 12
Mercury: 26SAG50, 6
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 8:03 PM

Image: The Watchful Heart by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #aspects #planetary #transits #moon #mercury #Gemini #Sagittarius #northnode #southnode #aries #Libra #Neptune #Pisces #Virgo #Lilith

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 921


You are wise. You know how to grow, even without knowing how you know. Like the
ancient forests, spectacular galaxies and the acorn that becomes the oak, there is a natural intelligence for growth that is beyond logic and reason. It just happens. At the deepest levels, we are governed by this force that is so palpable it literally shapes the world. At the same time, it is so invisible that sometimes we forget its presence and worry that our minds have to work everything out for life to happen and for us to be alright. We can become unnecessarily anxious about our affairs and how life will unfold.

This oracle brings the message that you are growing. You really are. Don't doubt it. Even if you don't see it yet, remember that so much is happening when the seed is still unbroken in the ground. Below the earth, it is summoning up all the might, power and force it needs to push above the top soil and burst up into the light. It is essential for anything good to happen later on!  Yet we don't see any of that. We just have to trust that things will happen when the time is right.

You are also being asked to trust in yourself. You know how to grow. Don't over think things, it won't help you. Don't worry so much, you are doing a great job in this game of life. When you trust yourself, you relax and you can heed your own wisdom, insight,  and messages much more clearly and easily.

This oracle comes with particular guidance. You have a big destiny this lifetime and much to experience. Sometimes you make the error of judging something that is unpleasant as negative or a mistake. It isn't. It's just part of your great hunger for experience. It doesn't mean you have to have a lot of it, but when you do, don't shame yourself for it. Simply, let it be. Maybe it's just fertiliser for your next step on the path! It's all part of your life process and it's all a sign of growth.

This oracle is also telling you not to resist any points of instability in your life. This even applies to your most treasured relationships or creative projects. That instability is just a growing pain because more consciousness, more love and more light wants to infiltrate and pervade all parts of your life. The instability is not a sign of sickness, but of growth. So don't fret. Instead choose to flow and grow.

Close your eyes and relax for a moment. Breathe in and out. Let your awareness drift away from worries and day-to-day matters and settle instead on the feeling of warmth inside your body.  Then slowly imagine, sense, feel or perceive that you have an acorn in your hand. You are standing in nature as sunrise breaks, flooding the horizon with colour and light.

As you hold the acorn up to the light of the rising sun, something magical happens. Out of the acorn, a hologram shines forth. It is a blueprint of this entire being that is yet to be.

You see an acorn in that hologram, but you also see a marvellous oak tree. You see the wildlife that will support and be supported by that tree, the ecosystem of which it is a part.  You see yourself holding the acorn up to the rising sun. You see seasons demarcated as rings of time within the trunk of the tree.  You see the passing lives of many people that enjoy the oak tree, through its long life.

Place the acorn down on the ground as the sun continues to rise. Imagine, if you will, kneeling and touching your forehead lightly to the earth in reverence for the genius of growth. That same genius lives within you.

In your own time, open your eyes and go about your day. You have completed your healing process.

(Card and message are from the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck by Alana Fairchild.)

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16402

Aspecting the Cosmos: Wed, Nov 29, 2023: It's time to step out of the comfortable bubble and invoke the future we want.

Early morning the Moon in Cancer inconjunct Mars in Sagittarius. Balance between what we need and what we want can be attained by following our intuition and patience. Midmorning Moon trine Pallas in Scorpio. Domestic focus, seasonal, friends, goals, strategic planning. Focus on health and work.

Just after lunch, Venus in Libra conjuncts the South Node in Libra and opposes the North Node in Aries. There's a temptation to become complacent in old patterns that take us nowhere. While these patterns are familiar and feel "safe", they squelch growth. Twenty minutes later the Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter in Taurus. This is going to provide us a true opportunity for expansion through increased ambition.

It's time to step out of the comfortable bubble and grow.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EST ):

Moon: 03CAN40, 8
Mars: 03SAG40, 1
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 8:43 AM

Moon: 04CAN24, 7
Pallas: 04SCO24, 11
Aspect: Trine
Time: 10:05 AM

Venus: 24LIB04, 9
South Node: 24LIB4, 9
Aspect: Conjunction
North Node: 24ARI04, 3
Aspect: Opposition'
Time: 12:16 PM

Sun: 07SAG13, 10
Jupiter: 07TAU13, 3
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 12:37 PM

Image: Invocation by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #aspects #planetary #transits

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 921

If the Dogs Come Circling Round

In this moment, despite any difficulty, chaos, turbulence, or incongruency in your life, trust that you are protected and divinely directed. Your soul brought you here to experience life on Earth, which is messy and mortal, disruptive and unruly. That immortal soul of yours is here for an experience, and even when things are difficult, it can never be harmed. That Self is always safe, always connected to Source and all of Life, and is happiest channeling the quickening energy of good, as are most people.

It's your choices that will determine your personal experience of your circumstances.
How will you respond to life now? Can you be true to your values, to your dream, even if not everyone else agrees? You are surrounded by so many loyal friends and well-wishers who want the best for you. Do not give your energy to those who would deny you, including your own critical voice that tells you you are not enough, don't have what it takes, are not perfect, etc.
It's okay if you're not for everyone—why would you even want to be?

So, if the Dogs come circling round, it's time to stay close to those you love and who return that love, close to those who believe in you. Open your heart, forgive the others, and step into your magic and Light. You will not be betrayed. You are so loved and supported.

That's all that matters now.

(Card and message are from the Dream Weaver’s Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid.)

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Our Hair and its Spiritual Significance

Many cultures, particularly the Native American, believe our hair symbolizes strength, identity, and power. Believing that our hair connects us to the spiritual realm, these cultures teach that hair allows us to receive guidance and messages from the divine; thus, disposing of it properly has been a vital component so as not to disrupt guidance or messages from the spiritual realm. It is believed that neglecting to dispose of our hair properly can signify a loss of guidance, protection, and prosperity.

According to Brianna Holt, hair tells a life story. Growing long hair is a custom for some Native tribes. For some tribes, long hair equates to strength. In others, it signifies power and virility. Long hair is also seen by some to be an act of rebellion against the colonized world and a representation of Indigenous pride.

In other cultures, hair is considered sacred and is not to be cut or removed unless for specific reasons, such as mourning or initiation ceremonies. When disposing of spiritual hair, it is essential to do so respectfully, either by burying it in the ground or the sea, or by burning it with intention and gratitude.

For those of us on the spiritual journey, proper disposal of hair is a key component in maintaining a strong spiritual connection and receiving the benefits of spiritual guidance. I collect my hair daily from my brush and store it in a small container until each Full Moon. Then I place it in my burn bowl around my wish paper with written intentions, loose sage, and herbs. Once burned I offer the ashes to the Full Moon and recite my intentions. It's always been my belief that any burnt offering's smoke rises to the heavens with our intentions.

But it doesn't have to be burned. It can be buried, donated to spiritual practitioners or institutions, or even placed in a river. Follow your intuition about what feels right to you.

Keeping in line with my Native American heritage, I keep my hair very long and only trim it quarterly on the New Cardinal Moons. However, there were times I would grow my hair waist length just to donate to institutions who make wigs for cancer patients. To be honest, donating didn't feel right to me, despite doing something that would help another. It was the cutting process, not the donation. The last time I donated was about 8-9 years ago. I decided then it would be my last time. Thus, burning feels right for me.

Many civilizations assign specific meaning to disposing of spiritual hair, such as releasing negativity or giving prayers to ancestors. Hindus bury their hair in holy places, Christians believe burning it symbolizes rebirth, and Buddhists offer their hair as a gift to the deities. The Chinese Taoist tradition considers cutting a person’s hair as symbolic completion of life cycles, and thus stores it with respect.

In Voodoo culture, long and lustrous hair represents vitality; hence they are removed during mourning periods or major life-changing events and offered to deities alongside gifts symbolizing aspects of life celebration. This practice connects worshipers with their ancestors’ spirits from whom they seek guidance.

It's even believed that you can keep your chakras clear and your energy flowing by avoiding spiritual blockages like bad haircuts and toxic people. It is believed by all cultures that to "flush" our hair or "dumpster" it causes natural imbalances to both nature and our self.

In whatever way you choose to dispose of your hair, let it bring peace and balance into your life the way it has mine. Try it by beginning now. Collect your hair daily from your brush and store it. Then during December's Full Cold Moon, offer it in whatever way you are led. Pay attention to how it makes you feel.

In my case, it's much warmer and definitely lighter.

Sources: https://www.insider.com/what-hair-signifies-in-native-american-culture-2022-11; The Spruce

#inspiritualservice #hair #hairdisposal #ritual #ceremony #burning

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16402

Aspecting the Cosmos: Thu, Nov 30, 2023: “You are enough. You are loved. Be and do.” ~ Hildegard de Bingen

There are only three applying aspects today; however, two are karmic, the first beginning at 8:10 AM when the Moon in Cancer sesquiquadrate Saturn in Pisces. The second occurs midmorning between Moon in Cancer and Ceres in Sagittarius.  I've posted this back in July; however, I have new followers so think it's worth reposting:


This aspect is widely known amongst many astrologers as one of friction, which is not necessarily a negative connotation. After all, even the bible says that iron sharpens iron; it's the very friction that hones the metal.

I've done quite a bit of reading and intuitively agree with those astrologers who claim it's karmic-related and contains deeper meaning. If you have any knowledge of cosmobiology, you'd know that this aspect is considered much more important than credited.

Running as an undercurrent versus a flood of influence, the sesquiquadrate can be suppressed by choice; however, this strengthens the challenge over time.  Just as Pluto's effect is felt over time, so, too, is this aspect's influence. Yes, we can easily suppress its influence; however, it won't last.

As I've mentioned before, the German astrologer Thomas Ring refers to sesquiquadrates as a "tear in the structure".  If this aspect is within the same element ( air or earth ) it would be much easier to manage. The first is within the water element ( Cancer/Pisces ); however, the waters are far from calm and could indicate a tumultuous emotional undercurrent. The second is water/fire ( Cancer/Sagittarius ). That means things could get steamy midmorning.

Another I read was by astrologer Dane Rudhyar: "Where we find only an isolated sesquiquadrate aspect linking two planets, the usual indication is that the relationship is heavy with the residue of past activity (loaded with the ghosts of unlived experiences).

"In other words, there was a confrontation (opposition aspect) from which the person shrank; this failure to establish a real relationship produced certain negative results —perhaps regrets and a sense of frustration, remorse and a sense of guilt."

When we view these two sesquiquadrates we see the first as one of deep emotions and intuition in the Cancer's 4th house of security, and Scorpio's 8th house of regeneration. Here we can rise as a phoenix from the past. Using our voice not to overpower another, but to learn to speak our truth in love. With the Teacher involved, this will be a lesson not soon forgotten.

The second between the Moon in Cancer and Ceres in Sag is about releasing our fear and accepting a situation as it is. This is indicated by the 12th house, a house of endings and subconscious. And subconsciously we know what we need to release, just as Ceres came to release her daughter Persephone to Hades for half the year. The 7th house is one of cooperation and relationships. It highlights our cooperativeness or lack of.

We weren't born to be complacent but to expand.

The final aspect today is the inconjunct between Mars in Sag and Vesta in Cancer ( lots of fire/water energy today ). That 7th house reiterates cooperation and face-to-face relationships, while the 2nd house turns to values and substance.

With Vesta fanning our inner flame of Truth, superficial isn't going to cut it with this aspect. Being honest with ourselves and others about what we want and setting boundaries goes a long way to accomplishing what we truly desire.

For whomever you truly are, “You are enough. You are loved. Be and do.” ~ Hildegard de Bingen

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time of Perfection ( EST ):

Moon: 16CAN06, 8
Saturn: 01PIS06, 4
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 8:10 AM

Moon: 17CAN18, 7
Ceres: 01SAG18, 12
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 10:29 AM

Mars: 04SAG39, 7
Vesta: 04CAN39, 2
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 5:59 PM

Image: Hildegard de Bingen by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 921

When the Storm Spirits Play

You're being asked to surrender your need to control outer circumstances, which is based on a desire to feel more certain, avoid confrontation, or resist change. This card signifies a time to trust that this chaos, this disorder, this turbulence that has shown up in your life is temporary but important. You're now able to let go of what is unnecessary or that which you've resisted releasing.

Consider how clear the air is after a storm, how dead branches are pruned from trees, and how potent seeds are scattered so new life can sprout in new soil. Even if you find yourself in conflict now, there is a gift in this. It invites you to see things from alternative perspectives and provides you with a lot of valuable information.  New, important possibilities arise from the chaos at hand.

For now, the highest good for you is to remain in the center of the storm. Meditate and be mindful of your reactions, as you don't yet have all the information needed to make an authentic choice. Watch and wait. There is a divine reordering at the root of this chaos.  Listen deeply for the epiphany rising to greet you, and you will know the gifts this experience holds for you.

When the Storm Spirits play, amazing things are stirred up through this divine change for the highest good of all! Remember you are a weaver of dreams too; even if you must pivot, even if the threads of your destiny get frayed, the pattern you set will be breathtaking.

(Card and message are from the Dream Weaver’s Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid.)

Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16402

More on the Israeli/Hamas/Hezbollah situation.

Back in October I wrote an essay about the astrological implications of the Israeli/Hamas conflict.  I wrote when the asteroid Israel moved from Libra into Scorpio on October 26, conflict could escalate. The asteroid Israel represents persecution, attacks, and homeland. Under Libra there were negotiations and attempts to communicate toward amicable resolutions to no avail. Scorpionic energy is polar opposite.

Deeply aware, penetrating, determined and passionate, Scorpio invited Israel into the shadowy depth of its psyche where it had the choice between a balanced insight laced with compassion and understanding; or a vengeful, overbearing, and often violent actions.

I think we all saw how it went.

But I've been keeping my eye on Pallas, the Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare, who entered Scorpio on November 19 @ 4:01 AM.  

Pallas is the goddess of wisdom and self-defense. Her symbol is the wise owl, and she is in charge of defending herself and those important to her. She is never the aggressor, but she defends herself and those she loves. She is in essence the warrior queen and philosopher. Anytime we come up with a reason or a theory as to why we want to live our lives a certain way, we are exercising our philosophical side. This is where Pallas comes in.

Pallas entering Scorpio is an opportunity to utilize strategic wisdom and feminine energy to facilitate change.

We use our wisdom when we need to, and if we have to do battle against someone or something, the wiser we are, the more likely we are of achieving success. The fact that Pallas does not take the part of the aggressor or the bully should give us the encouraging knowledge that she can be trusted.

The God of War, Mars, left Scorpio for Sagittarius on November 24 @ 5:15 AM, five days after Pallas entered the sign. The moment Pallas entered Scorpio, negotiations between sides increased, and four days later, as Mars was on the anaretic degree of Scorpio preparing to transit into Sagittarius, a cease-fire agreement was reached, and hostages were exchanged. As of today, the IDF and Hamas confirmed that the truce was extended for a seventh day.

With Mars now in Sagittarius, and Pallas in Scorpio with Israel, we've seen and will continue to see a change in strategy from all out physical annihilation ( Mars ) to mental negotiation ( Pallas ). Next week, December 04, Venus, the Goddess of beauty and affection will enter Scorpio. With all this feminine energy balancing out Scorpio's intensity, headway can be made toward a lasting solution between Israel and Palestine. But they have to want to work toward that goal.

As a matter of fact, these two goddesses will perfect and conjunct @ 10°08' Scorpio on the 13th of December in the 2nd House. The emphasis of their energy: Affection/Sense of Value and Wisdom/Warfare will be amplified in the house of gain/loss, and personal liberty.

But before that, on December 10, there will be a conjunction between the Moon and Israel in Scorpio @4:45 PM ( EST ) in the 6th House. Thus, the energy of emotions/domestic urge and persecution/attacks will be emphasized. The Moon symbolizes what we need, emotion, intuition, and domesticity. It also represents the feminine principle. Israel represents attacks, be it the aggressor who attacks or defender who defends against attacks, and domestic homeland.

The sixth house represents duty and substance. Here work and health are closely related, I imagine even more so with military personnel engaged in this conflict, as it also represents all conditions affecting our health.

There's something being worked out here toward homeland, domesticity, and emotional peak. With Pallas and Venus entering their conjunction just three days later, combined with the feminine principle of the moon, the power of the divine feminine is truly going to be highlighted. Hopefully a miracle will occur to restore balance to the Middle east by mid-December.

We'll see, won't we? It's not up to us, Is it? It's up to Israel and Hamas—and all the innocents in-between them.

Image: Pallas Athena by Lee

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Tyrant of Words
United States 122awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Fri, Dec 01, 2023: We work our way through the day's challenges toward domestic balance tonight.

Early morning the Moon in Cancer oppose Pluto in Capricorn. Opportunity for regeneration of an old project or idea. We may have champaign taste but a beer pocketbook. How can we reconcile what we want with what we can afford so as not to enter debt?

Late morning the Moon, now in Leo, inconjunct Mercury in Capricorn. Our reasoning ability or communication feels limited. A relationship/s may seem strained, especially in light of our inability to articulate how we feel or what we want. Actions can demonstrate our intent.

Early afternoon the Moon inconjunct Saturn in Pisces. We are ready to go, but it's time to get practical about our goals as well as our health. A cautious, methodical approach instead of impulsive actions can serve us.

Late afternoon the Moon trine Ceres in Sagittarius. Lovely emotional flow of release and acceptance. In acceptance of what is lieth peace. We are ready to flow with the current of events. Later tonight the Moon trine Mars in Sagittarius. We're ready to go! It's time to have some creative fun! Romance is in the air for couples. Singles enjoy a sacred bath and glass of wine! Domestic harmony.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Time ( EST ):

Moon: 28CAN31, 8
Pluto: 28CAP31, 2
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 8:06 AM

Moon: 00LEO04, 7
Mercury: 00CAP04, 12
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 11:09 AM

Moon: 01LEO09, 6
Saturn: 01PIS09, 1
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 1:17 PM

Moon: 02LEO51, 3
Ceres: 01SAG51, 7
Aspect: Trine
Time: 4:35 PM

Moon: 05LEO29, 1
Mars: 05SAG29, 5
Aspect: Trine
Time: 9:47 PM

Image: Ekstasis by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #aspects #planetary #transits #Moon #Mars #Pluto #Mercury #Ceres #Saturn

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 921

All the Willows Know Your Name

t's such a beautiful feeling to know that you
are truly seen by another or by a whole community. When you are known, accepted, and witnessed by others, you have a wonderful sense of connection and communication. You feel the grounded safety of belonging.

These are the kinds of relationships present in your life now, and they provide you with plenty of room to grow. This sense of connection rises from a space of transparency, honesty, trust, and radical self-acceptance. You naturally invite others to see you as you see yourself, in the fullness of your expression. When you shine, it comes from a true desire to share, and that is compelling and attractive to others who can appreciate you.

Know that right now you are seen, witnessed, respected, appreciated, and accepted. You don't have to look for approval, for you already have it. Remember that you shine on behalf of the Divine! And isn't it amazing that all the Willows know your name? Doesn't that feel good?

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