Poetry competition CLOSED 6th September 2023 00:56am
View Profile Poems by ConsequentialChaos
RUNNERS-UP: Bluevelvete and dimpy

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794

Thank you Kara for your entry.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 12th May 2021
Forum Posts: 31

I gave my all

Oh please! why are you so fucking blind
drowning in a sea your certainty
the cost stretching to eternity
I offered my all
you weeping as I fall
the goodbye so deeply hidden
beneath sweet words never meant to please
living was just an alternative to dying
with fears and love, I'm driven to my knees
slowly standing, I look down and smile
you'll never see my tears
you missed my heart
I am not make of clay nor blood and bone
behold the obsidian of my soul
and I just laugh
"it was never meant to be"
fuck, save me from these tired clichés
I'm busy picking up the pieces of my love
Written by APissPoorShaman (Ryszard)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794

APissPoorShaman, thank you for your entry.

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2273


You saw the signs
You felt the signs
You senced the Signs
But you didn't
Read the Signs
And now
you blame Me
For your
For not being able
To Change
Who I am
And then Change
Who I Be
With your
Childish Psychology
Temper tantrums
And the Pain you give me
And yet
You blame me
For your
Miserable Life

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2273


How many times
have you promised
how many times
have you said
as you
once again
look down
on a child
battered and beaten
laying there
on the kitchen floor
to protect a mummy
who doesn't want
to be hurt

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794

drone, than you for your entries

Fire of Insight
Morocco 1awards
Joined 9th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 3

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794

moroccanpoet, thank you for your entry

poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794

Sunderish, thank you for your participation

Strange Creature
Joined 28th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 5

That's lovely

Strange Creature
Joined 28th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 5

Menelaus on the Shores of Troy

In the realm of ancient lore, let me unfold,  
The tale of red-haired Menelaus, whose heart grew cold.  
Once a love he felt so pure, a flame that burned bright,
But alas, it turned to sorrow in the darkest night.  
Menelaus, a prince of noble blood,  
His love for Helen, like a mighty flood.  
Their union blessed, their bond divine,  
Yet fate and Gods had plans to sever the twine.  
Fair Helen, a beauty that none could ignore,  
Captivating hearts, a temptress to adore.  
But her bright eyes wandered, her heart astray,  
Towards handsome Paris, a prince who led white-armed Helen away.  
Dog-faced Menelaus, betrayed and filled with despair,  
His heartache grew, burdened beyond compare.  
A ten year war, was fought for her,  
And now he contemplates, what was it for?  
Memories of her face, divinely radiant and fresh as morning dew,  
Now haunted his dreams, tormenting him through.  
Her laughter, once sweet, now echoes his pain,  
As he envisions her with Paris, laughing in disdain.  
The betrayal, a knife through his shattered soul,  
Leaving him broken, his spirit paying the toll.  
Alone on the army camp beach, he rocks in his bed,
And he silently weeps, grieving guit for the dead.    
Oh, where could he find sweet Helen,  Goddess-woman so fair?  
In the arms of handsome Prince Paris, with his black lovelocks hair.
Written by LaurelVanderBooben
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794

LaurelVanderBooben, thank you for your entry.
Also please refrain from commenting on the competition threads.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 5th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 21

Treasure In The Sea

Oh my love why did you leave? you said you did not love the sea, as much as you love me.  
I know my love, I hold no treasures, like the seas so deep and blue.  
But oh my love, my hearts so deep, that holds my love for you.  
Come back my love, through waves so strong, and storms so black and raging.  
Come back my love, and stay with me, for so long I have been waiting.  
For if my love you won't return, I know your love is gone, and from this lighthouse I will dive, and sing a sirens song.  
My body in the deep abyss, my heart is pure as gold, for now I'm treasure of the sea, lost to you forever I'll be.
Written by Sapphirewolf
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