Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 178
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 178
I Didnt Know Back Then Who I Would Become
Museum of Modern Art
New York City
Circa 1978
Had free admission
Part of the perks working in TV
CBS across the street
My first city corporate gig
A boring droid position
The museum saved me
Was there all the time
One day it clicked
Looking at a Rothko painting
Or maybe Pollock
I said to myself
I can do this
I want this
I became it
My love
My soul
My journey
My path
My redemption
My heart
New York City
Circa 1978
Had free admission
Part of the perks working in TV
CBS across the street
My first city corporate gig
A boring droid position
The museum saved me
Was there all the time
One day it clicked
Looking at a Rothko painting
Or maybe Pollock
I said to myself
I can do this
I want this
I became it
My love
My soul
My journey
My path
My redemption
My heart
Written by PoetSpeak
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Joined 10th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 7
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 7
I am.
I am the lonely creature you see wading through time
Stuck in the mud unable to fly
Watching as others drift effortlessly by
I am the discarded stray left in an alleyway
Chained and unable to do anything right at all
Waiting for the day that the walls surrounding me fall
Written by Livy
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Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 5th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 16
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 16
Some say I am insane, like a mad dervish spinning in the wind. Yet this cold world is draining my soul, as these words are causing the draining of my pen.
Yes I am baring my soul naked, as I go skinny dipping in my sins. Yes I bare my soul naked, as I feel the slipping of my skin.
I am every snowflake, every colorful leaf that falls, every shooting star, every insect that crawls. I am the laughter of children, the bouncing of balls.
I am the coming and the goings, I am the announcer of all.
I am the sun I am the moon. I am the summer madness, the seducer of love, the words of it's swoon.
I am every mineral that exsist in the earth. I am the breathing of this world that has given me birth. I am the life and the rhythm that flows through this verse.
I am becoming the last and the first. I am a blessing to I am, the gift and curse.
Yes I am baring my soul naked, as I go skinny dipping in my sins. Yes I bare my soul naked, as I feel the slipping of my skin.
I am every snowflake, every colorful leaf that falls, every shooting star, every insect that crawls. I am the laughter of children, the bouncing of balls.
I am the coming and the goings, I am the announcer of all.
I am the sun I am the moon. I am the summer madness, the seducer of love, the words of it's swoon.
I am every mineral that exsist in the earth. I am the breathing of this world that has given me birth. I am the life and the rhythm that flows through this verse.
I am becoming the last and the first. I am a blessing to I am, the gift and curse.
Written by darkcloud68
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Forum Posts: 891
Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891
What Were You Expecting
Morning darkness lays
its web of lamentation across
these legs, numb and cold,
aching to move.
Its become a procedure to come
back from these dreams: anxiety reaches
a pinnacle and I have to coax
myself into being.
Connecting to anything
or anyone is jarring. It sometimes feels
as though my insides
are being squeezed through a shredder.
I'm not entirely sure I've properly
learned how to love people.
Or maybe I love too much, and it's
loss I can't reckon with; so I cover myself
in a layer of razor-wire, enough
to keep me surrendered and lost
to the murky depths that my psyche
continues to live in.
Here there is no loss
no pain
its web of lamentation across
these legs, numb and cold,
aching to move.
Its become a procedure to come
back from these dreams: anxiety reaches
a pinnacle and I have to coax
myself into being.
Connecting to anything
or anyone is jarring. It sometimes feels
as though my insides
are being squeezed through a shredder.
I'm not entirely sure I've properly
learned how to love people.
Or maybe I love too much, and it's
loss I can't reckon with; so I cover myself
in a layer of razor-wire, enough
to keep me surrendered and lost
to the murky depths that my psyche
continues to live in.
Here there is no loss
no pain
Written by Eerie
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Joined 1st July 2015
Forum Posts: 543
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 543
What I'm Going to be
She tries to make it day by day
Make her life be worth more than a job with minimum wage pay.
She tries to give her all to be one day deemed as CEO status.
A boss bitch she fiends to be around all things prim and prestigious.
A woman who is just trying to make her mother proud and change her life for the better.
A woman who is a skilled combat warrior when it comes to fighting of even the toughest obstacles.
She is a revolutionary, someone who can take on being the center of controversy.
She is the one who does not mind being the hero to fend off even the toughest of adversary.
She covers herself in the cloth of God, so that means she is shielded from the souls of evil entities.
She is a product of her environment, yes
But who said she could not be a product that knows that her worth is way more than gold.
She is not a myth, no she is someone with a truth that needs to be told.
She is you, she is me, she is who the world cannot paint her out to be.
I am a dime a dozen, so there is no remake of me in existence.
I am the legend that story is never done being casted down upon generations to generations.
I am what they are afraid to discuss,
A mere force that can't be traced with the slightest of detections.
I am what I am going to be and that is the essenece of pure greatness.
Make her life be worth more than a job with minimum wage pay.
She tries to give her all to be one day deemed as CEO status.
A boss bitch she fiends to be around all things prim and prestigious.
A woman who is just trying to make her mother proud and change her life for the better.
A woman who is a skilled combat warrior when it comes to fighting of even the toughest obstacles.
She is a revolutionary, someone who can take on being the center of controversy.
She is the one who does not mind being the hero to fend off even the toughest of adversary.
She covers herself in the cloth of God, so that means she is shielded from the souls of evil entities.
She is a product of her environment, yes
But who said she could not be a product that knows that her worth is way more than gold.
She is not a myth, no she is someone with a truth that needs to be told.
She is you, she is me, she is who the world cannot paint her out to be.
I am a dime a dozen, so there is no remake of me in existence.
I am the legend that story is never done being casted down upon generations to generations.
I am what they are afraid to discuss,
A mere force that can't be traced with the slightest of detections.
I am what I am going to be and that is the essenece of pure greatness.
Written by LibraSoul96
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Simply Me
Some might say I come from the earth
Or my mother’s womb, but I am something
More than skin and bones. Some might
Say I am a daughter or a friend or a sister,
But I am worth far more than the hearth
You lay your feet at. I am the one sculpting
Words so people sleep better late at night.
I am the bright sun in the middle of winter.
So be careful for what you wish for when
You say you want to be just like me as
I can be a daydream or your single worst
Nightmare. I am the changes in the wind.
To the world I am the writer with the pen
And the power. I am the flower in the glass
Vase that keeps growing, despite its thirst.
I am me; someone who is not hard to find.
Or my mother’s womb, but I am something
More than skin and bones. Some might
Say I am a daughter or a friend or a sister,
But I am worth far more than the hearth
You lay your feet at. I am the one sculpting
Words so people sleep better late at night.
I am the bright sun in the middle of winter.
So be careful for what you wish for when
You say you want to be just like me as
I can be a daydream or your single worst
Nightmare. I am the changes in the wind.
To the world I am the writer with the pen
And the power. I am the flower in the glass
Vase that keeps growing, despite its thirst.
I am me; someone who is not hard to find.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 28th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 43
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 43
asking for forgiveness
I wonder therefore I am a dreamer
I am a dreamer therefore I create
I create therefore I am an artist
I am an artist therefore I am curious
I am curious therefore I have questions
I have questions therefore I am a seeker
I am a seeker therefore I am a hunter
I am a hunter therefore i must exercise
I exercise therefore I am physical
I am physical and have been given much
I have been given much therefore I donate
I donate therefore I am a giver
I am a giver because I love people
I love people therefore I have desires
I have desire therefore therefore I must discipline
I must discipline therefore I pray
I pray therefore I am a believer
I am a believer therefore I have faith
I have faith therefore I worship God
I worship God therefore I am thankful
I am thankful therefore I am content
I am content therefore I love
I love therefore I am loved
I am loved therefore I am humbled
I am humbled therefore my eyes have been opened
My eyes have been opened therefore I see I have sinned
I have sinned therefore I am a sinner
I am a sinner therefore I need to be saved
I need to be saved or I will not be redeemed
I will not be redeemed therefore I seek Jesus Christ for redemption
I seek Jesus Christ for redemption therefore I believe Christ died for my sins
I believe Christ died for my sins therefore I pray for forgiveness
I pray for forgiveness....
I am a dreamer therefore I create
I create therefore I am an artist
I am an artist therefore I am curious
I am curious therefore I have questions
I have questions therefore I am a seeker
I am a seeker therefore I am a hunter
I am a hunter therefore i must exercise
I exercise therefore I am physical
I am physical and have been given much
I have been given much therefore I donate
I donate therefore I am a giver
I am a giver because I love people
I love people therefore I have desires
I have desire therefore therefore I must discipline
I must discipline therefore I pray
I pray therefore I am a believer
I am a believer therefore I have faith
I have faith therefore I worship God
I worship God therefore I am thankful
I am thankful therefore I am content
I am content therefore I love
I love therefore I am loved
I am loved therefore I am humbled
I am humbled therefore my eyes have been opened
My eyes have been opened therefore I see I have sinned
I have sinned therefore I am a sinner
I am a sinner therefore I need to be saved
I need to be saved or I will not be redeemed
I will not be redeemed therefore I seek Jesus Christ for redemption
I seek Jesus Christ for redemption therefore I believe Christ died for my sins
I believe Christ died for my sins therefore I pray for forgiveness
I pray for forgiveness....
Written by TIG
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Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 491
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 491
Let the lexicon of my existence
Be a nonstop string of superlatives,
To tilt against the rebuking chance gives,
With their gillyflowers of recompense
Packed in the finery of tailored words
Since at least I have the gift of the gab;
A late talent I could not quickly grab...
Like literacy for lazy goatherds.
Thus upon a volta, I turned, and throve,
And realized that all along I had
Brain storms as noble as Sir Galahad
In the armamentarium alcove
Notoriously difficult to scan;
That onetime melancholy mind...of man!
Be a nonstop string of superlatives,
To tilt against the rebuking chance gives,
With their gillyflowers of recompense
Packed in the finery of tailored words
Since at least I have the gift of the gab;
A late talent I could not quickly grab...
Like literacy for lazy goatherds.
Thus upon a volta, I turned, and throve,
And realized that all along I had
Brain storms as noble as Sir Galahad
In the armamentarium alcove
Notoriously difficult to scan;
That onetime melancholy mind...of man!
Written by MidnightSonneteer
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