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Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
Poetry Contest Description
Dinsmore was weirder than usual.....
Mods, need 18 plus on this please...
"Great Expectations"
Give me his side
Give me hers
Im going for all out Dickens Great Expectations, in YOUR WORDS!
Give your short version of this in poetic form that yall know I love
"Great Expectations"
Give me his side
Give me hers
Im going for all out Dickens Great Expectations, in YOUR WORDS!
Give your short version of this in poetic form that yall know I love
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 918
Miss Havisham (revisited).
Like most women, if not all women,
Miss Havisham was looking
For a long term relationship.
She was looking for Love.
She was looking for marriage.
A spinster, left alone after a tragic event,
Her entire family lost at sea.
Yet hope came along in the person
Of the dashing cavalry captain Herbert Dinsmore.
Tall, handsome, and no fool when the scent of money
Was in the air,
It was at a ball organized by the wife of his friend
Captain Moon that he met the tall and somewhat skinny
Miss Havisham.
He knew all the moves and, after some reticences
She let herself be courted - discreetly.
Ha, but she found that she loved the attention.
He invited himself over and
She did not deny him entry
He also found entry to her heart
And found entry to her bedroom.
There was serious talk of marriage
Plans were made
A date was set.
But on the morning of that faithful day
Captain Dinsmore had another appointment
With Destiny.
He had lost a lot of money gambling
Had also insulted the wrong people.
Thus the duel at dawn.
The bullet hit him in the heart.
The bad news hit her even harder
She never recovered from the shock
And to this day she roams the vast halls
Of her spacious residence and moans
In silence.
Miss Havisham was looking
For a long term relationship.
She was looking for Love.
She was looking for marriage.
A spinster, left alone after a tragic event,
Her entire family lost at sea.
Yet hope came along in the person
Of the dashing cavalry captain Herbert Dinsmore.
Tall, handsome, and no fool when the scent of money
Was in the air,
It was at a ball organized by the wife of his friend
Captain Moon that he met the tall and somewhat skinny
Miss Havisham.
He knew all the moves and, after some reticences
She let herself be courted - discreetly.
Ha, but she found that she loved the attention.
He invited himself over and
She did not deny him entry
He also found entry to her heart
And found entry to her bedroom.
There was serious talk of marriage
Plans were made
A date was set.
But on the morning of that faithful day
Captain Dinsmore had another appointment
With Destiny.
He had lost a lot of money gambling
Had also insulted the wrong people.
Thus the duel at dawn.
The bullet hit him in the heart.
The bad news hit her even harder
She never recovered from the shock
And to this day she roams the vast halls
Of her spacious residence and moans
In silence.
Written by robert43041
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Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
I totally love this! Thanks, rob! <3 Awesome kick off!
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

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Forum Posts: 127
Thought Provoker
Joined 24th May 2022
Forum Posts: 127
To Him, Losers Are Expendable
Hugging my father felt like
grabbing a wild animal
honed muscles
tensioned as steel cables
smell of beer, whiskey, cigarettes
and blood
beneath cheap cologne
the sound of my heart
against my chest when we touched
because love was metal-laced-adrenaline
split-lipped and training
to be acknowledged
it meant a car crash of
my brother’s teeth against
the honed steel of my knuckles
the blaring horn of his anger because
I was stronger and he couldn’t
break the grip on his wrist
the winner was applauded
like Pavlov’s dogs we would be at it
still remember the time his knee split my nose
and instead of crying I screamed
all of my hate at him
smashed into him with
side of
the head
till he was concussed
my father raised my hand in victory
while my brother lay on the floor
the bitter blow
of winning meant he had to lose….
as the last drink settles
my brother screams abuse
spittle raining on my passive face
No one understood
why he was attacking me
I knew
I was taught
to celebrate his pain
grabbing a wild animal
honed muscles
tensioned as steel cables
smell of beer, whiskey, cigarettes
and blood
beneath cheap cologne
the sound of my heart
against my chest when we touched
because love was metal-laced-adrenaline
split-lipped and training
to be acknowledged
it meant a car crash of
my brother’s teeth against
the honed steel of my knuckles
the blaring horn of his anger because
I was stronger and he couldn’t
break the grip on his wrist
the winner was applauded
like Pavlov’s dogs we would be at it
still remember the time his knee split my nose
and instead of crying I screamed
all of my hate at him
smashed into him with
side of
the head
till he was concussed
my father raised my hand in victory
while my brother lay on the floor
the bitter blow
of winning meant he had to lose….
as the last drink settles
my brother screams abuse
spittle raining on my passive face
No one understood
why he was attacking me
I knew
I was taught
to celebrate his pain
Written by Nevermindthegaps
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Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
Nevermind, this is fab! Love it Thank you for the indulgence! <3 Keep em comin yall!
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1896
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1896
If Only
If only love was true to life like a story in the pages of a novel
How many of us would have stood the test of time?
Which of us would still hold on to a dream
Even as innocence is lost
Hoping against hope
When the cards we’re dealt are not the ones we want
If only our devotion to a childhood love was like the chapters of a book
Would our story be as good
No –
As Great
As we come of age
Committed in the heart of hearts
Even when misfortunes set us back
They shaped us and helped us grow
If only the twists and turns of life read like the episodes of a chronicle
Would our stories be just as fantastic
Some of us had it bad
Some of you have been through worse
But you held on to dear life and well, now have a tale to tell
If only the goals I once schemed and dreamed and chased
Escaped me and were lost in the past
I’d still be feeling the wrath of unrequited love
Shortsighted by the fervor that fuels the soul
Blind sighted by the things that fate threw at us
I’d be in a different path
But only if
Written by wallyroo92
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Forum Posts: 3066
Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3066
Opioids and Mutilation
That was your game
at least it was when we met
Downing morphine like it was going out of fashion and you the trend setting queen
Slow release tablets
white lightning chasers with a nibbled kebab for company
A certain stench masked behind Mr muscle
Almost as if someone had opened the door a tiny crack as if to summon death
Those tastes
rationed out on the end of tiny spoons
Just enough to numb the tiny pricks
but nowhere close to kill the pain
Head spinning from the oncoming freight train migraine
Rolled me over so as not to asphyxiate
floating away
Janis kissed your forehead
whispered it's gonna be OK
Vanished quickly like a ghosts gust
passes the room
When you thought unconsciousness
had claimed me
You casually downed
enough for a month's supply
Rang the doctor that morning
had more delivered to the door that evening
Why are you waiting around to die?
You even suckled that bottle right up
to our daughters birth
Stabbed me deep
Ran off and left dying
Guess you found something to live for
Written by Carpe_Noctem
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Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
Sorry I was MIA for a while. life happens. I will re~read these and pick my winner soon! love you all for your additions! <3
DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.
Thank you to the following members for voting:
AspergerPoet56, monovox128, Phantom2426, nutbuster, Marks, Miss_Haides, paperstains, Northern_Soul, zinnzinn, Joseph-Zenieh, lepperochan, S-m-sawyer, MadameLavender, Nevermindthegaps, Tallen
Thank you to the following members for voting:
AspergerPoet56, monovox128, Phantom2426, nutbuster, Marks, Miss_Haides, paperstains, Northern_Soul, zinnzinn, Joseph-Zenieh, lepperochan, S-m-sawyer, MadameLavender, Nevermindthegaps, Tallen
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
admin said:The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.
Thank you to the following members for voting:
sorry there was a reality emergency. thanks for al that indulged. again, my apologies
Thank you to the following members for voting:
sorry there was a reality emergency. thanks for al that indulged. again, my apologies
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1896
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1896
Sorry, I'm a little late getting to this. Work has been extremely busy and catching up with all my reads and comments has been a challenge. With that said, I want to thank everyone who voted. There are certainly great writes and I feel honored to walk away with the trophy. Thank you ML for hosting this wonderful comp for a such a great book.