Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd November 2021 3:45pm
robert43041 (Viking)
View Profile Poems by robert43041


Color Specification

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 15th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 6

Poetry Contest

Write a freeform poem about your favorite color.
Be specific with shades! I'd love to read your submissions.
Suggestive content is fine, but nothing entirely explicit please!

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

As Pure As Sure As Azure Blue

The ink in my veins like a trip of the brain runs as pure as azure blue,
The blood from my pen flows dense like my Zen and as sure as I do.
Like smoke I just blew the mirror will skew when visions become impaired,
There I’ll stake claim and name the blue flame for the love I have declared.
By my own admission I’m not a magician, I’m just a lover of the word,
But blue is the color that’s hot under my collar that totally gets me stirred.
It’s the shade that describes and gives out the vibes and puts me in the mood,
I fancy the soft hue like feelings just flew then flow with fine attitude.
Just like the ocean it’s deep with emotion and paints the most beautiful sky,
In the prettiest swirl for the entire world in azure blue I wish I could dye.
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2145

Soft Shades Of Blue

Sketch the canvas of my melanin aura with soft shades of blue
Sacred in its concealment I await, the phase of the moon, in its allurement, it calls  
You reach to touch the blankness of me  
The essence of my mind you crave    
Thoughts of fulfillment to collide the reality of you wanting  
The destiny of you having, needing  
An artist playing a Curator inside the nakedness of my wonder  
Bring forth the true colors of me as your heart so appeases  
Through the reflection of your eyes, feel me, through the enticement of your hands, touch me
Tenderize your brushstrokes as you slowly outline my form rooted in nature  
The perfection of my curves, delicately takes the form upon the canvass of your imagination  
A precision of passion in generating with a fervent purpose    
Mighty palms, grasp in the vow of desires within  
In the balance of holding onto, your palate of colors, finesse your wishes in haste
Oops, a splash spills onto your framework  
Blending it unto your masterful work of art, ecstasy and rapture of the painting illuminates its décor  
Inching back, glancing over every detail of love, admire it, as if touching the reality of fate  
Upon the easel of your eyes, the hue of me I grace    
Eyes the colored swatch of stormy clouds drawing you to edge of my lyrical element  
My lips, bespeak of whispered promises comforted my gentle touch  
The realm of my mouth, you long to feel    
Taste the wetness of my tongue bonding, falling to the lust for which it speaks  
Outlining my core with hieroglyphics of ancient amulets    
Bestowed upon the prose of your imagination  
Shades of passion you draw upon the window of my soul, you’ve graciously unlocked  
Penciled inside, wisps of emotions, a darker, softer hue of sentiments I beseech    
Focused, and now in view  
An unmasked facsimile of me... cherished in the progress of the making  
Divinity displayed from the spectacle of your hands  
A composed likeness imagined upon completion by the depth of your heart  
A hue of femininity stepping off the crusade of your dreams    
As you scribble your signature upon your moment in time, Soft Shades Of Blue
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Emerald green

My favorite color.
Of emerald green
I do not see shades
It is not affected
By sun or moon
Nor by spleen
Or sad moods.
Oh, perhaps by
 A shade
Of Charmeuse
With a shiny front
And dull back,
Otherwise it is simply
Elegant and royal
A color by itself
For a dress  it serves
To impress
Though I like the
Added touch
Of white collar and cuffs.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

monochromatic me

melancholia flirts
by peeking

certain choice pieces
are strewn about

s c a t t e r e d



kind of a willing
random absence

flashes of festering

wishes left silent
while a haggard heart
choice ignores
most attempts

heavy is this act
of maintaining

a cocoon-like
where alone
proper function

perfecting the niche

>>of solitude<<

a shadowy harbor
colors filter out,
slowing breaths
draining of
vibrant impact

grey power
imbues it's hue



Written by Bluevelvete
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poet Anonymous

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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

AspergerPoet56, nutbuster, Whyme, lepperochan, Insiderew, wallyroo92, Phantom2426, Dragonnora, cold_fusion, Marks, Honoria, SageRoyale, MadameLavender

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2145

Ahh... that beautiful color of Mother Nature...who can ever go wrong with the tranquil color of green, Congratulations Robert43041 (Viking) on such an engaging entry and the win..., as the other entries who took the time to participate

I bow to the host, SageRoyale for hosting this wonderful competition


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