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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Pishashee said:I had the privilege of picking Dan up at the airport once and taking him to Overland Park to visit with his daughter.  
We talked about everything over coffee at KC International, and then my driving - that's when I got us lost.  
No talky during certain interchanges, you wanna wind up in Kansas City Kansas! hahaha    

It was an honor to have met him.   Thank you, Tammy, for including this.  

I told him it was a good thing that he didn't have a layover in Charlotte! We'd have ended up in NODA and not found out way out. He took that big Uber to the sky to be with Leah and Alice this time!

He won't be coming back, and I would want it no other way now that his physical suffering has passed.

Thank you for sharing, Pisha! He really cared for you. <3

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14642


There is a option through the above link to leave a public message of sympathy or remembrance.

slàn abhàile, mo chàra

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778

upon dada dying

next time I get to go the pub  
I'll have a pint for dan.  
I never met the bloke of course, but dan, I'm buying  
Written by dartford (Paul S...)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778

poet Anonymous

Somewhere Danny is in a pub having a rousing game of Paul Dartboard.

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2017
Forum Posts: 945

The Story Within A Life

some stories may tell of life
yet every life writes a story

not one of us pens from the beginning
for those lines are composed by others

we start only from the point
we chose to accept that
which belongs solely to us



and when we choose
our book
our eyes

will close
with an infectious smile

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778

HE DON'T LIVE HERE NO MORE,( ANYWAY, some say he never did).

PHOTO: Leo Durocher & Jackie Robinson, 1946
He thought he was a cloud
&dammit,            he was.)
                                            he drove his
                               brand'new            Terraplane
                                                                                       to the
              Bought greens and grits
Then he
                                   went  home,   which was no
                                                                   home       ever
                       at         all.
Did ye ever           notice          that
                                 the comforts
                                                                 of Our       world     have
                                               dried up,  
                                                                           and died (?),    or
                                           never        existed
                                                                                to begin with(?).
One hell-of-a-situation
Written by dkzksaxxas_DanielX (DadaDoggyDannyKozakSaxfn)
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Dan loved baseball, and I've been thinking of him since the season opener yesterday. Here are a few of his poems and photos commemorating the sport.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778

Our Gaming God, Live from Heaven Stadium, (ample parking available)

Pounce to
               ounce, the fatman falls
         straight out  
   the goddamned         window,  
All, like, glassy
                       shards              in adipose "tissue" flying
                                        every which way (as one would expect).
Emergency services have been summoned.
The poor slob is dis'conscious, (but no dead........)
The pavement is hard, but he didn't fall
                                                                as far as far as"could have" fallen,
                                                             if, indeed, he'd begun (the fall) from a loftier
                                                  level of space, or altitude, or soul, or attitude, or circum-
                                             stances outside of [y]Our limited realm of eXperience, herein.
There's no bloody accounting for what I think,  or what you think, what we think,what they think,  
        so how's'bout we put our digital opinion'meters away, and allow for heaven to come to earth
           in time for the neXt baseball season to begin, for maybe some'one will drive the distance to
         get us there on time, and find our seats, and settle in for nine innings of The Greatest Game
                 man-kind has ever contrived or created...........in  God's image, of course.
                                                                     Play Ball, Y'all

 Foto of: Don Lennon,(New York Giants) 1955 Topps Baseball card

Written by dkzksaxxas_DanielX (DadaDoggyDannyKozakSaxfn)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778



a     m a s
             terpiece of
                                        sum........who could'a
   I m a g I n e d
                               IT       would

'come to this'

thee room      (in the house)          

how      many       days      only    a doggie
                                              to speak to--------------
(incurable)       wearyfatigue  at   every  'normal'   gesture.

"Do you feel cheated?"                                   Actually, no.
                                                                      There's no one 'cheating'  me.
                                                                   No One pickin my pockets.......
                                                             I've lasted longer than most
                                                         who lay burdened wit this
there's no polarity of cheat/not cheat that eXists      outside of the spectrum
                                                                                       of illusion unto delusion.
        in a follied Life's Work........random rundumb  overarching Our
                                                                                            countless generations.
& again,
              in actuality         I seem to have lived
                                                    A Perfect Life...........&
                                                                    this moment, momentously
                                                                    on this Now                  IS
                                                                                  my (our)     perfect life.....

                                                                           (alonesumnities   aside)

Written by dkzksaxxas_DanielX (DadaDoggyDannyKozakSaxfn)
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Happiest of Easters to you, Leah, and Alice, Danny! Hope it's been eggstatic! You are missed, my friend.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778

The Sun Does Not Actually 'Come Up' nor 'Go Down'

Little man.......
Little [i][/iold man
Sitting on curbstone
Dazed as to what
he is and what became
of the sounds he made,
(but can make no more) as
Love jumped ship so damn
long ago that even the dry,
broken appendage stays hidden,
unmoved by any sex that will
not even tease him. And
The Heart, the bedraggled,
embattled Heart, stitched as
a beloved baseball smacked,
whacked in some forsaken
Elysian field where only
ghosts and their shadows
play the perfect game until
all the ball and strikes are called,
and sun goes down down down
and the game is 'called' because
of darkness, senses tingle wit their re'call
imperfections, and you can no longer
"the way home". Just hobble'walk in that
deep dark 'til ye can walk no more.
Leave it to those hungry, ugly birds
to be the yOur undertakers


Written by dkzksaxxas_DanielX (DadaDoggyDannyKozakSaxfn)
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Thinking about you with all your favorite players in that Field of Dreams, Dan'O!

Take me out to the ballgame . . .
Take me out to the crowd . . .


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778

Just like In Emily's House

shuttered     in   this
                  h o u s e,    I feels a'like       dearest
Cardiac cripple I be here. EXcuse if i'yam'bean  some kinda bummer.
Y'know, puttin'  o u t          them      Bad Vibes
                                                             Negative Energy
                                                               shit like that.
Well well well.......this house is my brother's house. Not Emily's.
                                                                               (Aye can vouch for that, kids!).
So, so, so....Did I tell ye, Em never showed up to hang out.
    Seems i've achieved irredeemable loneliness in this house.
At least I've achieved something (like nothing) in this Flo'rid'an
                                                                    fucking flowering fantazmic
                                                              theme-park for the "old and infirm.
Isn't it a bloody, groovy, Happy Day, y'alls?
     All You Need Is Love
                                                                         ( da tah tadada)


2020dkzk[s] poomomatics\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Written by dkzksaxxas_DanielX (DadaDoggyDannyKozakSaxfn)
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So I've been thinking about you all week, my friend. And I get this notification that there is a new submission for Emily Dickinson ( because I am the curator of that page ); and when I click to review it. . .thinking it was just a member hash-tagging, this was waiting for me.

Thanks for hearing me, Buddy. xo

Fire of Insight
Philippines 7awards
Joined 27th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 38


I lost my wings tin years ago, Now I rootin' in the dust.
But sometines the westerly win blows. And I can see the sea horizon.
That's a day of the carnivel. I can wear my dress an hat.
I can paint my face in garish colours. The music'll make me laff.

I'll take your hand, stranger. I think it'll be alright.
You haven't danced in a long lone time. Well neither I.
I got no shoes you got no shirt. What is there to lose?
Just hold me tight and let's dance. Let's just one last dance.

So did I tell you stranger? 'Bout my old man?
Don't look at me like that. I just wanna salsa.
You got arms to hold me. I kinda need that stranger.
You got soul and swing. I just got my old man.

But I'm no duffer, love. You're no babbler either.
We got those waves rollin. And the win's mighty whistlin.
Seabirds got the fugue. Like some yillow fever.
Sands got the groove. We just got too much, stranger.

But I won't be 'round for the last round. No happy endin.
I'll hear the echo of the roarin sea. What can we do, love?
Now press me those lips lemme feel the real thing once. Once more.
Before the dust takes me back. Stranger, just kiss me.

For the mighty man with the fife.
absintheWritten by absinthe
Published 11th Mar 2014

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778

Quoth tha DaDa, evermore

metaphorical metafours
for ( some reason)  
confuscian twilight  
                                         again ?  
A Universal(ly)  
                  twinkle wink o me eye  
                               while darkness (dis)appears  
                                              wit all this  
                                                             finality ,  
                                               then mornin’ rise’n  
                                         as if nothing (no thing)  
                        into the sum of my  
                          shortened life-  
               time being almost over  
         from being anything a’tall  
(The light being too bright to remember the stars  
ye wished upon ( up up and on) )  

 a dreaming replica   (of my chyld),  
         more than this  
                       to be           seen a'gin,  
when aye'm finally gone  
poets a'griev(anced) for such unhappy’daze  
   (      of      )  

we'll see.  
we'll see.  
(Won't wee?)  

how sincere  
  aye(eye) I say ,    

Quoth tha DaDa  
                      evermore ,  
that be. . .  


Daniel Kozak  
dkzksaxxas_DanielX (DadaDoggyDannyKozakSaxfn)  

Danny is the reason I am here. We met in a poetry group on facebook well over five years ago. I saw one of his posts and was mesmerized by his break from conventional vocabulary as well as form.  He will always be one of my favorite poets here on DU.  He is an iconic legend whose style will remain unmatched in the poetic community.  

He is currently battling cancer and heart disease, and I cannot imagine DU without him.   Much Love, Danny.


Written 14 Jun, 2019.

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1817


You are legend here at the deepunderground.
Your poetry was unique as well as your talent, beautiful… Daniel, will be deeply missed around here and in the word. Farewell my friend I hope you rest in peace your fellow poet and friend
Jackie ♥️

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17778

Thank you for honoring him, Zazzles. His birthday is coming up the 16th of this month. I would love if people could remember him then. xo

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