Poetry competition CLOSED 4th June 2021 3:36am
RUNNERS-UP: Razzerleaf and Bluevelvete

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Rhyme time

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Poetry Contest

Old school rhymers were rock stars...but today rhyming poetry is discouraged by publishers...what a crock or a bibliophile floating rock
No rules, as poetry can't function with boundaries

Well, that is a small lie...at least two lines must rhyme...

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Old school rhymers were rock stars........

Without music
sound would travel in straight lines,
the 70's would have no religion,
people would believe the crap
they put in poems.
Ska, metal, punk and mod
would be stylised
underground slam shows.

Gibson would make cherry red pens
and poets would be rock stars,
writing whole stanza's
behind their heads or
setting fire to their pencils.

Hell yeh,
fetch me my Kiss makeup.
I....wonna write n rhyme all niiight
and party eve-ry day.

Not for the comp you just made me laugh, I'll be back with my couplets

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 376

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Razzerleaf said:Old school rhymers were rock stars........

Without music
sound would travel in straight lines,
the 70's would have no religion,
people would believe the crap
they put in poems.
Ska, metal, punk and mod
would be stylised
underground slam shows.

Gibson would make cherry red pens
and poets would be rock stars,
writing whole stanza's
behind their heads or
setting fire to their pencils.

Hell yeh,
fetch me my Kiss makeup.
I....wonna write n rhyme all niiight
and party eve-ry day.

Not for the comp you just made me laugh, I'll be back with my couplets

The great poets of the 1700s and 1800s were the main entertainment for a three mile per hour world without electricity that was entirely the written or occasional spoken word...

Look forward to your rhyme

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Down the side of the sofa

You know that gap down the side of the sofa,
the one that nobody cleans,
well I got the Hoover and tried a manoeuvre,
such a sight had never been seen.

As I got too close to the cyclone host,
in a breath I was gulped away,
too big for the tube and all out of lube,
trapped in the gap I stayed,

I reached around and an old lamp I found,
Just needed a rub of the hand,
appeared this bloke, room full of smoke,
asked what would be my command?

My good sir, don’t stand and stare,
you can see the scale of my plight,
I just don’t fit in this sofa’s slit,
I demand you see me alright.

He kissed his ring then a strange thing,
started to change the game,
I dropped in the gap the size of a gnat,
to a world that couldn't be named.

A world I said so you’re not mislead,
I’ll explain what I meant by this,
I met a dust mite who in the half light,
offered me crumbs and crisps.

She held chocolate chips and lollipop sticks,
receipts and giant toe nails,
from matted hair she’d crafted a stair,
that led to a rusty steel rail.

We both climbed up but my foot got stuck,
in some cheese strung out as a web,
lurking behind her a four foot spider,
you could hear me shout as I said.

My good sir, have you seen her?
stepping out of my best running shoe,
the creature was near and I started to fear,
It was more than shoe I would lose.

My request once said was taken as read,
the man knew what was required,
with a finger click he reversed the trick,
then off to the lamp he retired.

With a spring on my head and cushions for legs,
I squeezed through the couch on return,
no sign of the man or a three wish plan,
I reflected on what I had learned.

Never again will I use unrestrained,
a vacuum that’s out of control,
nor will I dream of the gap no one cleans,
now I know what lives down that hole.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80


You felt it once,
Loved it twice.
It's on your nose,
On your tongue.
You held it once,
Held it tight.
Wouldn't let go,
Even when it broke your fingers so.

You wanted more,
Finished it all.
You grew a demand for more.
You got your supply,
to your snort.

I saw it all.
I saw you drown.
Tried to break your fall.
But you were already gone.
All my attempts couldn't get through you.
I wish you would have seen,
I've always been there for you.
Zandi, honey now You're gone.

I wish I could erase all the club's
Parties and all the pub's.
Anything that had access to drugs.
With this drug you fell in love.
You made it your high when you had fallen down.
But it struck you down and stole your crown.
You refused to quit even when it took your life.
I saw it all, I still couldn't break your fall.
Zandi, honey I miss you now you're gone.

Written by poetOftragedy
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86

I'm Still Blue

Darling, you knew that I was going to ask you to marry me
Warmth gleamed in your eyes when the night wind blew
I honestly told you how strong my love for you grew
You turned your head towards me and said, “I love you too”
Why did you pain my love-struck heart and make me blue?

I willingly did things for you; I even buckled your shoes
Darling, you wouldn't believe how much I miss you
I'm still blue after being without you for so many years
Though I've cried more times than I can remember,
I just can't subdue the deep feelings in my heart for you

I used to stand behind you and hold you around the waist
We'd spend many hours talking in your cosy bedroom
And we'd walk together when the grass was sprinkled with dew
Now I don't see the inner-city lady that I once knew
Your friend told you that I still loved you; darling, it's true

I fell silent for a while and you asked me, “Are you okay?”
I answered yes and then you asked me, “Are you sure?”
And you gave me a beautiful smile when I said yes
You were so enthusiastic about the portrait of you that I drew
I'll always be blue because you're not here to see me through
Written by PittinixDesigns
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262

Prolif Writ

With versatility and fluidity I keep composing prolific rhymes
Objectively and unflinchingly giving you a piece of my mind
Rare and hard to find in these times are those composing unapologetically
And doing so with a flow meticulously calculated mathematically

With the synergy of chemistry and reality as seen through my eyes
That have seen many things in the ring but I still strive to survive
Seeking to thrive with butcher knives sticking out of my back
I may not have run the gambit but dammit, I'm no new jack

There's no lack of fallen foliage or knowledge in my cerebellum
I've climbed hills and conducted rock drills during the antebellum
So I'm no dumb dumb who can't run while chewing Bubble Yum
Multifaceted and motivated to write the wrongs 'til I succumb
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86

A Sweet Girl from Rema Stole My Heart

A sweet girl from Rema stole my heart.
I met her one day at the car mart.
Her beauty was like a work of art.
She was very kind to me at the art.
How I wanted her to be my sweetheart.
The next day we went to a pie cart.
And I bought her a tasty apple tart.
Her face fell when I was ready to depart.
I lost my heart to a girl who was smart.
She had useful information to impart.
I really thought we would never part,
But she broke my heart and I fell apart.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96

Indigo Girl

You wore an indigo, let me guess
Last time I saw you was in a photo
Now all I wish to get from you is a cameo
You the one I would like to call my widow
The tenderness of your love is like that of a whitlow..

I am raising my voice to sing for you I am not using falsetto
See here my tempo is not in an allegro
To protect you I got enlisted in judo
Even though am lumbering I will walk to reach you at the gulf of Mexico
Burden of your love weight cannot be measured in kilo
Pretty girl you my love monitor
Your presence cleans me up like a janitor
Last time we met I look like an anonymous to you..
Let me down I am having an attack of a vertigo
In your absence I only remain a no show
Simple pendulum girl let me know am I a specimen to you?
Please go easy girl you are my single dose regimen..
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Apr 2021
Forum Posts: 36

Fun Fair

This ain't just another fun fair
This is as dangerous as Dangerous
To little boys in their underwear
Like Twitter when Trump was there
The Navy didn't teach me
I already knew how to swear
I still can't escape the nightmares
Flying around low to the ground
Like an inner city combat zone
I could never make it home alone
But I'm a spastic
I'll snap back like an elastic
Just like daddy
when he'd whoop my ass
Oh wait a minute son you don't have to go
No shit dad what do you want me to do
Stay here and get frost bitten in the snow
I'm telling you I've got issues
Get the DNA off the tissues
My life is a Mark Ryden painting
So just sit back but don't relax
Close your eyes and imagine
Myxomatosis bunnies dancing
Abe Lincoln in the bathtub masturbating
His hat being eating by a mannequin
Listening to Grilled Spam Sandwiches
Googling nuclear sounding methods
10 year old boys smearing
Excrements on the walls
Sniffing kickers like Spector
Cutting up body's like Dexter
I hope this is only in my head
The demons are dancing
The addiction in my stomach burning
Probably because when I was three
My day took me fur trapping
Pretty little fox hanging in the cellar
WTF where was my mother
when I was trying to poke out it's eyes
Throwing mice off the bridge alive
If only I could fly out of here
My Uncle's brother was a queer
Well that's what my dad said
But he didn't care if I went swimming
Jumping off the diving board
Into a pool of piranhas
Fatigued from all these dreams
That I've been chasing
My folks should have named me Jason
40 years old and still crying myself to sleep
Most of the times I wish
I was underground and six feet deep
I remember my cousin pissing
In his sleeping bag
when he was 10 years old
My Uncle kicking him in the ass
And throwing him into the cupboard
Because he couldn't find the bbq tongs
Why didn't anyone say, "hey time out!"
Something's not right something is wrong
Figuring everything out on your own
Just sit down you little brats
And watch Fox news
We should of had an abortion because
The best part of you ran down your Mother's leg
Good thing it was the early 90s and not 2021
I would have rounded up an arsenal of guns ammo and grenades
Man I would have taken out my school
Probably would have murdered all the wrong ones too
Yeah man that's what could have been
A roll of a dice and an opportunity
Sixteen year old facing life
Not a fucking chance
357 magnum in my hand and one shot left
The Devil's in this house
The Devil's in the house
Lizzy Borden took an axe
I'd take a shovel and bludgeon
The crossing half to death
Introduce them all the drama
My psychiatrist calls it trauma
The little boy there's nothing left

Written by Breedlove
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96

Eternal Jungle

Hustle! hear me hustle..    
In my castle it takes to hustle..    
My castle is once a jungle..    
I love you..    
I love you ma..    
I love you mama.    
If I remain as humble I will stumble in royal rumble..    
I gotta go on hustle assuming am not a noble..    
Am rogue with all my troubles landing me in so much struggle..    
The feeling is just crazy as they crown me king of eternal jungle..    
Verse 1    
My jungle is a castle where we live where we do all sort of the things that we ardor..    
On the streets in the course of a day light..      
What a view and a sight on my sight just afar me.. my palace fantasy a beauty..    
Pardon me for the fact that away far I walked thanks to you now I'm back with the badge of commando..    
Deliberate when I rule and you see me as one who dictate in Lesotho..    
When am gone I was out overseas many things that I saw quite differ from the things that we do in my castle..    
Sometimes we do what they do from afar us..    
Coz at times what they do in the castle don't differ from the things that we do in Kosovo..    
We abide by the rules in the day time..    
We enforce all the laws on the streets in the course of a daylight..    
Then we break all the rules that we set by the night fall..    
Like the ships that we clear for to sail in the harbour.. or the pass that we sign to receive all the narcos..    
Still yet we maintain and uphold in honour of the kingdom.. that i run coast to coast with apostles..    
Next time you see me around when am out for a roll call.. turning my head side by side up and down like a robot.. I don't barricade on the sides am in love with the masses.. free way it is I will pass in my convoy..    
If I remain as humble I will stumble in royal rumble..    
I gotta go on hustle by assuming am not a noble..    
Am rogue with all my troubles landing me in so much struggle..    
The feeling is just crazy as they crown me king of eternal jungle..    
Verse 2    
In my kingdom we do what we called united..    
Our haven is safe like they do Eldorado..    
Presenting myself as emperor;    
Let me know all my downside you know that I don't know..    
Let me save you and shield you with my armor..    
My troops are so brave like spartans they will fight to the end with glory I wanna feel how they feel in a war zone..    
They dubbed me the lost conqueror..      
Coz we hang on, we bung in the lounge we don't fumble..  
We this steely resolve on our grips we won't crumble..    
We got wrestlers of a Sumo..    
We roll all the dice in Casinos..    
We keep on hitting on the lottos..    
Putting our aim on the Jack pots..    
We hustle we hitch and we hiked up..    
We dug on the mines in the modor..    
We thrive and we crave in a dead zone..    
Fall no we don't in a loop hole..    
Resilience we show when we face up..    
Legends we be as we go down..    
If I remain as humble I will stumble in royal rumble..    
I gotta go on hustle by assuming am not a noble..    
Am rogue with all my troubles landing me in so much struggle..    
This feeling is so crazy as they crown me king of eternal jungle..    
Hopeful! leave me hopeful..    
Hustle! I wanna hustle..    
Hustle! oh please let me hustle..    
In my castle all it takes is hustle...    
I'll rise from eternal jungle..
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 45

Music is My Medicine

Music is my medicine
The whole world makes sense when I sing
Feel the rhythm, feel the beat
Time to get up and move your feet.

Start the day with a bangin' tune
Keep it playing til the afternoon
A funky chorus with a catchy rhyme
Just hope I sing the words on time

In the car, out for a drive
The melody makes me feel alive
Turn it up, make it loud
Sing it out, and sing it proud

Music is my medicine
The whole world makes sense when I sing
Feel the rhythm, feel the beat
Time to get up and move your feet

I always like to put a record on
And when I do I dance and rock along
Something fast, or something slow
Music helps me when I'm feeling low

Hear the drums, hear the bass
The noise is blasting all over the place
Listen up, it's plain to see
Music's the only drug for me

Music is my medicine
The whole world makes sense when I sing
Feel the rhythm, feel the beat
Time to get up and move your feet
Written by Adzy
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Thought Provoker
Canada 3awards
Joined 24th Apr 2021
Forum Posts: 42

Cake-up at Break-up

Donuts, dipped and sprinkled in milk, white and dark
puff pastries and croissants filled with hazelnut bark
burying the pain of each caustic remark,
the pinch of your words remains your bloody trademark.

Mint ice-cream left out for a minute or two,
whipping cream straight from the nozzle will do.
When I’m choking my tears back I don’t want to chew
these feelings entrapped in a foamy home brew.

Spaghetti and bagels - please - with lox and smoked ham.
Biscuits with butter and strawberry jam.
The finest of flavours post ‘shipping demise
stuffing down all of your arrogant lies!

I’m swimming in Malbec drunk on gluten and grief
with the innocence of a newborn, the precision of a thief.
The cupboards now empty less some ketchup and crumb
My stomach distended; my memories, numb.

The kitchen so ransacked portrays what is true
I’m through five days of sorrow, six without you.
One day you’ll regret how and when you withdrew
I’ll be here

baking batches of burnt bread for you.
Written by ursa
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