Poetry competition CLOSED 4th June 2021 6:58pm
View Profile Poems by Razzerleaf


It causes me to see and in sight, Heal - in a way

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2343

Poetry Contest

spill emotion after listening to this music.........interested in YOUR interpretation
this piece is among my most favorite
and i am interested on YOUR interpretive musings

For me,
for the most part and every now and thens
it is healing
it is hope
it is something more
and it is

New or Old spills OK
and collabs OK
and nothing on the table is restricted
The link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6_Bsdy9KfU

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

African plains (Best seats in the house)

The Kings and Queens  
announce their presence  
chasing away the days heat,  
colossal sandstone thrones  
tower over vast grass lands  
sparse with weathered trees,  
stretched out in darkening shades  
of light straw to stained beige.  

As the bright red brush stroke  
washes onto the horizon,  
returning birds give voice  
to the cooler air of nightfall.  
Ripe fruit and folded leaves  
pull on warm silhouette's  
while the sky hangs  
from their branches, dressed  
in fading gold ribbons.  
The night is clearing its throat,  
practicing lines that will reach  
beyond the curvature of the earth  
I follow the usherettes torch  
and take my seat beneath a billion stars,  
ready to watch the second performance.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2343

oooooooooo!!  exquisitely wording in this gorgeous submission, Razzerleaf -- i thank You for Your spill

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 104

Morning glory

Morning glory..  
Mourning my glory..    
Falling from the Burj storey..                      
What would happen to this bag of bones in a human body?          
I compose this for the symphony..            
 To console my vainglory..                            
Lost in my train of thoughts struggling to turn pages..                            
Like the sages gone for ages..          
By Morning glory..    
Am Mourning my glory..        

So by Morning glory..
Am mourning in glory..   
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Danny Dyck Giesbrecht
Lost Thinker
Joined 14th May 2021
Forum Posts: 8

Emotional toxicity

These toxic emotions burn through every vein.

Hurt and depression such a familiar pain.

We barely survived left with little of our sanity.

Our beating lust hangs us with thread desperation attached to calamity.

Doomed from the start questioning if love felt was here.

So I peer in hearts past as stains turn to rust and all faith turns to fear.

This emotional prison took me to depths of despair.

I starved for honest loyalty but the heartfelt left me bare.

These tears that are shed are for the bonds that we hold.

What we had I know now was lust because of the resentment that we mold.

I know where there is love resentment can not live.

All those years of playing pretend we just tried to take and never to give.

Communication is everything no matter how sinister the truth.

And each lie that we told has taken years off our youth.

If we want freedom from this labyrinth because its deception is so vast.

You must conquer it with compassion and forgiveness from all the demons of the past.

It's much harder than it sounds for most it takes many lifetimes to complete this feat.

Until they love unconditionally they will find each lifetime burdened with pain anger and deceit.

So listen to me closely and ill give you life's hardest secret to bliss and perfection.

Its love, forgiveness, and compassion the first and final steps in the right direction.


Written by Sage_6_paths_light (Danny Dyck Giesbrecht)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

what sort of king ?

 Ultimate, the visions that a leader lends
always to give not take away
the heavy crown, its reach extends
a coronation just to radiate

Soft the fall of honeyed rain
calm exercise of black and white
to bring the good from all profane
to calm the tempest, kill the blight

A heart carved with a trusty sword
foresight with the hammers fall
kind granite that cant be deterred
soft touch that has the wherewithal

The throne that holds a great regard
the way to catch the lightning ball
to capture hearts like flighted birds
to heed the crowd if they implore

A sage like soft melodies in echoed halls
composed to fit upon the stool
for kingdom however large or small
to feed when there was nowt but gruel
Written by slipalong
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Tina Delaney
Lost Thinker
Joined 14th May 2020
Forum Posts: 2

Life goes on

The hands are shook and the prayers are said.
I sit alone here on your bed.
Why you left I'll never know
But some will say God called you home
The hole you left there's no denying
Can't hold back the tears or I can't stop crying
The blood stained sheets still on your bed
Where you raised a pistol to your head
The reason why I’ll never know
The love you lost and so much more
Your wife your kids are now alone
To carry on we have no choice, to never hear you loving voice
The pain I feel you will never know  
Until someday we meet again
Some time from now to see your face
But for now our world must carry on
Must walk the dog and do school run
They say time will heal Im not so sure
To never see you walk through our front door
It's time for me to go now to  
You made your choice to pack it in
Your delt your card and exited the ring
Goodbye for now I’ll write you soon  
It’s all I have your gone for good
Written by Tina2020 (Tina Delaney)
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Fire of Insight
Joined 7th Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 7


In waves of sound that carry with it mixed emotions
Taking you on a journey floating on waves that travel afar
Now is not the time for disputes quarreling over uncertain matters
There needs to be a pattern culminating in change for the better
In striving for tomorrow far different from yesterday
To be able to live in sustainable harmony today
Carrying the expansiveness of thought unmasked with pretense
Never attempting to manipulate the truth with alternative facts
But making an opportunity to perform
A place that is of service to inform
Now in the pursuit of liberty
There needs to be a life of dignity
In humans we find both villains and heroes
Those that we want to destroy and others leave in hallowed stature
Honouring by commissioning statues
Only time will tell as power struggles bring new leaders into position
Who will be at the receiving end of the love and hatred
From those followers chanting and screaming their names
Written by Laluma
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Well done to everyone for the great work you all produced I have really enjoyed reading all the different takes on the theme. Thank you for selecting my poem Tallen and for the inspiration. Best R

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