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Official DU NaPoWriMo 2021 Discussion

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787

Still another day closer;
Don't wait and be a loser.
The hotter the battle
The keener the throttle.

Grab your seat right now:
It's a sweet ride, anyhow!


poet Anonymous

Don't be cruel / to a heart that's true

~ Elvish Presely

There ain't gonna be any singing in the rain this year, nor tap dancing with the likes of Gene Kelly.

What you will hear instead are the drums of war and the sound of 10,000 spear handles being pounded against the ground. An army of Gobnobins , Porks and Interhet Trolls are waiting outside your fortress walls. Will you hide within some barricaded cave deep within the mountainside?

Or will you stand with your Fellowship and WRITE!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17619

LOL! Looks like it's GanJosh's lucky day!

poet Anonymous

Now, our rules differ from the typically NaPoWriMo.

Typical states that you wake up and spend the day crafting a single poem into a finished product that you record as your entry.

Ours states that the writing doesn't have to end. Beginning April 1st, you could write 10 poems, post 1, and have your next 9 days covered. April 2nd, you could write 10 more. And 10 more on April 3rd. 3 posted + 27 waiting to be  posted = 30.

In a few days, you could be finished, and ride out the rest of the challenge stress free.

Or, you could continue writing if you felt so moved to.

From my own personal experience during NaPo 2017, you can write as many as 150 poems during the month of April. I did so with 5 accounts and earned 5 seperate tropheees.

While the goal is to write 30 substantial poems, the challenge will open you up to the prospect of writing so much more than you have ever imagined.

Our Fellowship so far!

01.R CST - JohnnyBlaze - Onalaska, WI, USA
02.R EST - Ahavati - Cherokee, NC, USA
03.R EST - LunaGreyhawk - Raleigh, NC, USA
04.R EST - Eerie - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
05.R GMT - AspergerPoet - Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
06.R PST - SatinUGal - San Rafael, California, USA
07.R EST - marina2020 - Bristol, RI, USA
08.R EST - DaisyGrace - Lexington, Kentucky, USA
09.R GMT - razzerleaf - Derbyshire, England, UK
10.R PHT (GMT+8) - Summerrain75 - Philippines
11.N BST - InNomine - Glasgow, Scotland, UK
12.R GMT - Josh - Beiras de Nord, Portugal
13.R PST - wallyroo92 - Bakersfield, CA
14.R EST - cabcool - St James, Jamaica
15.R PST - cloventongue89 - Aurora, Colorado, USA
16.N PST - Valeriayah - Needles, CA, USA
17.N EST - Zazzles - Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA
18.R CST - Gahddess_Worship - Spring, Texas, USA
19.R MST - Kinkpoet - Charleston, Arizona, USA
20.R GMT - Viddax - Hampshire, UK
21.R EST -  PoetsRevenge - Boston, MA, USA
22.R EST - da_poetic-edifier - Columbia, MD, USA
23.N EST - Honoria - New York City, NY, USA
24.R EST - Sex_on_the_Joe - West Haven, Ct
25.R PST - Misfitpoet89 - Tracy, CA, USA
26.R GMT - Fiftysevenhours - Inverness, Scotland, UK
27.R. AST - brokentitanium - Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
28.R. GMT - nomoth - Sheffield, England, UK
29.R PST - Thetravelingfairy - San Diego, CA, USA
30.R. GMT - Brokenpoet2020 - London, England, UK

R = Returning
N = Newcomer

Tyrant of Words
Canada 12awards
Joined 18th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1234

HAHAHAHA   150 poems???
or you could extract 50 words' worth of blood and tears at 11:59pm every day for 30 days and collapse at the end in a heap of exhaustion.... 😳

poet Anonymous

brokentitanium said:HAHAHAHA   150 poems???
or you could extract 50 words' worth of blood and tears at 11:59pm every day for 30 days and collapse at the end in a heap of exhaustion.... 😳

Ha! if only i could stopl It was May and June before I throttled down to a normal level.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Time is running out! Get registered today!

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17619

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

We will miss you, RiAN! But completely understand. You have to do what's best for you. xo

poet Anonymous

✔ Checklist

_____ make sure all the locks on the doors are secure.

_____ write out Last Will & Testament should you not return.

_____ ensure there is enough food and water for Fido while gone during the entire month of April on quest.

_____ pack lots of carrots for Donkeys

_____ Mosquito spray for when travelling through marshes

_____ Flea spray in general for the Dwarves

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 31st Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 50

Having read the NaPo 2021 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is London, England  located in Time Zone GMT.

Soooo happy to be back 💃🏽

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1399

Brokenpoet2020 said:
Having read the NaPo 2021 Rules & Guidelines, I'm in!
My location is London, England  located in Time Zone GMT.

Soooo happy to be back 💃🏽

Wooooo Hoooooo!!!

welcome to the fellowship!

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 31st Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 50

Thank you Daisy! To Mordor and beyond..

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17619

And 30 it still is! Welcome back, Brokenpoet2020.

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1877

Don't worry, don't be apoplectic
get NaPo-flexic.
Move those dialectic poetic muscles for 30 days
wordify your orectic desires
juxtapose synectic verbology --
each line can be catalectic
only 50 unique words (it's a walk-over)
and it'll be fine
you'll finish with an acatalectic flourish.

5 days to sign up for NaPo 2021 (you know it makes sense)

I, Ganjosh, have spoken.

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