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Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

just found this 😂

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
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Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Forget that!
Meditate with this woman


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17333

anna_grin said:just found this 😂

LMAO! Makes me wonder which sauce it is!

rabbitquest said:Forget that!
Meditate with this woman


That was beautiful. I wonder how many maestros are seeking her out?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17333

SUNDAY FUNDAY! Pick a card ( the Rune will add an extra element of message to it ) and I'll return with your messages in a few hours! xo

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:SUNDAY FUNDAY! Pick a card ( the Rune will add an extra element of message to it ) and I'll return with your messages in a few hours! xo

The Universe told me to pick all 3 today!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17333

Here's your reveal! Share your insights with me if you so feel led!


From the Earth Warrior's deck:

No 9. BLESSING OF KUMU - No good thing shall be withheld

Kumu is the Hawaiian term for teacher and source of wisdom. The Universe is the great Kumu. When we trust in the Universe, we come to understand certainn truths, including the realisation that we don't hae to be limited to what we logically know.

The Universe wants to express its creativity, healing and brilliance through you. It does not want to be limited to repeating what has already been. Newness needs to burst through you into startling expressions of abdunant life. You are guided into unknown territory, guided to go beyond theat which you have known yourself and your world ro be, so that something original and necessary can bee brought to life. The Universe knows all that you are in need of so that you can best attain your destiny. All shall be provided for you. Expand your faith to allow for the greater workings.

Sounds easy, doesn't it? We all know it's not. However, as one of my greatest mentors, Abraham, says, "If you can just imagine the emotion of already having what you desire, then the Universe will match that energy." And they are right. However, getting to that emotion can be tricky, so I'm going to share a little tip called 'Pivoting' that will undoubtedly help you.

Whenever you have a negative thought or feeling, you can be guaranteed that you're not in alignment with the source of your destiny, which is joy and wellness throughout this experience. So how do you stop unwanted feelings or thoughts? You don't. Such feelings and thoughts are a natural part of your experience and provide the necessary contrast so that you clearly know what it is you do not want in your experience. You allow the feelings and thoughts to arrive, then simply say ( aloud or in thought ); "This is not what I want. What do I want?"

The moment you begin asking yourself what it is you want, it will be impossible for you to be focused on what you do not want. Therefore, by repeating "What do I want" you automatically engage your inner guidance system to focus on what you want. Say what you want aloud. Journal it. Write a poem. Whatever. You will experience the dissipation of bad thoughts or feelings.

RUNE: 3rd Aet - Heaven Family-WATER

Emotions, Psychic, Feminine, Dreams, Intuition. If you experience escaping, temptation, greed, and acting against your consciouse, you are NOT in alignment. Practice the above exercise under Oracle No. 9.

No 25. ALOHA KE AKUA - Blessings of the Surpreme Being

Aloha Ke Akua. The Divine is Love. The Supreme Beinng from which all of life emanates manifests a blessing for you. The realm of the heart is love's temple. When you enter the heart, you gain access to the Great One and to the 'mana', the power authority, grace and magnetism to manifest your divine destiny. Trust in what is meant for you. Surrender doubt and disconnection in favor of love and respect for the Great One, and you shall live your true destiny with joy in your heart.

Heh! Don't you love how this card played right in with the former? Trust is so easy to say and advise, but when it comes to our own personal experiences, it's a completely different matter altogether, isn't it? Once we've been rejected, betrayed, humiliated, abandoned, or violated, our nature is to defend ourself to prevent future hurt. Sometimes, with the slightest trigger or doubt, an inner alarm system fortifies the walls of safety and comfort whenever they begin to crack with trust.

There are absolutely times we need to maintain our guard, particularly with strangers; however, that guard should not mean distrust which thickens the walls of our castle because of our history. Whether we realize it or not, fortification of such ends up confining us behind so thick a wall that it will take years to pick through it ( or a miracle, one ).  

There is a way you can open to trust while maintaining your balance, and it's through discernment and intuition. Begin connecting to your heart by meditating at least two minutes a day. Seriously, quiet your mind by counting your breath : In - Out; In - Out.
When you feel comfortable, then go for five minutes a day,and so on. If you're thoughts wonder, and they will, return to your breath. Being still is paying attetion to yourself. Do you give yourself as much time and attention as you do listening to others?

Until you hone your discernment and intuition about how to open up in an emotionally non-defensive way to the experiences which define contrast in our lives, you will continue to thicken your wall. You deserve yourself. Yourself deserves you.

Rune: 2nd Aet, Warrior Family-HAIL

Upheavals, risks, delays, shadows.

Well, fortunately we are now in the waning shadow of Mercury Retrograde, so if you have been experiencing the above in any way, it should be easing for you. Also, what we perceive as negative often times are messages to get our attention. They will keep getting our attention until we pay ourself some attention.

No 35. MAMA QUILA - Mandala of the Moon
I, the Lunar Mother, bring you my Mandala of the Moon to manifest through the Law of magnetic attraction. My mandala is the sacred portal through which your dreams, intentions and visions shall pass into the wholeness of being, from the realm of inspiration into the world of form on earth. There is no need for doubt or concern, for een the appearance of delay signifies that the divine feminine mystery is at work, with timing unfolding according to a highter, loving wisdom. TRUST that what is falling away is meant to be, whilst you have faith in new divine works being born.

Ha! There's that word, TRUST again! You can't make this stuff up sometimes. Learn to trust yourself, your intuition, your discernment, and you will be able to trust without the remodeling the thickness of your walls each time you're trigged. Ancestral healing is warranted here; meditation is a perfect opportunity to allow that connection to fuse and heal. Practice the meditation exercise in Card 2 above in order to hone your practice of learning to trust yourself and your decisions in the world.

Rune: 2nd Aet - Warrior Family -JERA:

HARVEST, legalities, reward, peace, commitment.

Trust this last Rune - the work of sowing is always worth the Harvest! xo

Have a great week, everyone! xo


Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

i picked the middle one again i am so blessed

poet Anonymous

BLESSING OF KUMU is certainly a reminder I need more practice at experiencing the emotional dimensions of what I want.

ALOHA KE AKUA speaks of my need to connect more with the Universe through the above.

MAMA QUILA says to me to the opportunity is there to make decisions for myself. A tree with many branches can be climbed in various ways. I want to climb in the manner of my choosing, so I keep asking for the tree.


Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

I love Alain de Botton's work, his books and "The School of Life" Philosophy site. This is a great clip. If you want to know anything about philosophy...the ups and downs of life...I highly recommend. The School of Life. This clip made me think of how going to Mars is going to save the planet Earth...sarcasm intended lol.
🙏 Harry


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17333

anna and Johnny, I am happy your picks resonated with you. xo

badmalthus said:I love Alain de Botton's work, his books and "The School of Life" Philosophy site. This is a great clip. If you want to know anything about philosophy...the ups and downs of life...I highly recommend. The School of Life. This clip made me think of how going to Mars is going to save the planet Earth...sarcasm intended lol.
🙏 Harry


Harry, that was very enlightening. Perhaps the 'Reptilian' species so often referred to as manipulating the world is actually human.

Thank you for sharing.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17333

⭑*•̩̩͙⊱•••• Daily Oracle ••••̩̩͙⊰•*⭑

Let's do some Moonology today: 2nd Q Waxing: Cancer. It's a wonderful day to wear white and burn hyssop! Cancer is a very emotional sign ( water ) and often dwells in nostalgia and sentiment. She's very sensitive and contains many moods, which is why she has a shell to retreat into. If you're feeling a bit sentimental or nostaligic, the moon is influencing your waters, just as she does the oceans of the planet.

It's okay to retreat and take a break away from the world. It's okay to feel emotional and moody right now. A Cancer's preference is the comfort of her home. Perhaps it's a good time to lay low and turn into yourself today.

While the Moon moved into Cancer around 10:53 PM last night. Today's Moonology draw is Full Moon in Taurus. Remember, regardless of what card you draw ( whether it's in conjunction with the current moon phase or not ) the message is applicable now.

"Your dreams need a practical plan."

Sometimes you can weave a bit of magic, and sometimes you need to be practical—and sometimes you need to balance both. This card suggests that this is where you are now. You need to use the laws of attraction to draw in what you want ( by imagining it, expecting it, welcoming it ) but you need to balance that with taking down-to-earth steps toward your goals. This isn't about wishing on the Moon and hoping for the best; it's about making something like a list of bullet points which lead to the creation of your dream.  If you're concerned or asking about money, this card heralds a change of financial fortunes depending on both your past actions and what you're expectig and therefore actually attracting.

Attune to the Moon

Write down ten things that you know are wonderful about you.

Additional Information

• Laziness could explain your current situation. If so, change that and own it!

• Chasing money doesn't work—you need to chanse a dream.

• Jealousy or envy create negative energy and attract negativity.

• More exercise is called for.

Lastly, The Full Moon in Taurus is a time to get back to earth, to get grounded, to work through any negative feelings you've been dealing with and to find a balance between being passionate and being overly intense. Money issues may come to a head at the time of the Full Moon in Taurus, but you can take this card as a sign to pay more attention to your cash flow no matter when it is drawn.

This card plays perfectly into the sensitive Moon in Cancer. It's a GREAT time to stay home, or stay low and re-evaluate your goals. Are you doing all you can to achieve them? Are you balancing dreams with action?

Something to think about.

Have a great day all!

⭑*•̩̩͙⊱•••• ♥ ••••̩̩͙⊰•*⭑

Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

Ahavati said:anna and Johnny, I am happy your picks resonated with you. xo

Harry, that was very enlightening. Perhaps the 'Reptilian' species so often referred to as manipulating the world is actually human.

Thank you for sharing.

Yes Tam...I'm a Misanthrope so the manipulation of the world is "human". Something that each and everyone of us contributes to...we are all responsible for the failings of this world...of course, some more than others. I personally don't hire slaves or damage the environment due to the mining of the lithium that runs batteries for mobile phones...cars...computers...but I am responsible for owning them. What makes a misanthrope a "true" misanthrope, is that we don't pick out any individual as such...we look at all human beings. Certainly there are individuals who one can look at and say that they definately symbolize the worst in us...Trump...Putin...those who go out of their way to deliberately inflict pain and suffering on others...those who are in charge of the social institutions that help create culture as such...the modern ethical structures that now dominate our world.
Professor David Cooper writes about the treatment of animals as being the guide  to the cruelty that we humans are capable of in his wonderful book, "Animals and Misanthropy". Misanthropes like myself ..Zhuangzi...Confucius...Kurt Vonnegut...Shakespeare...Twain...Swift...Kafka etc etc...is that all our human failings are now deeply entrenched into our lives, they are ubiquitous and more often than not, they are quite obvious...we humans are quite open about our failings, we just deny them...all of us. Most of us just want to blame eveyone else for those failings...or as Dr. Ian Kidd says, we don't like looking into the mirror. Kind of like why we Australians are quite happy to bring our Islander nations people to this country to pick our fruit...why Sweden brings ten thousand poor workers from Thailand every year to pick berries....Germany gets the poor from Poland etc to pick their asparagus each year....why all of us are happy that Chinese factory workers, mainly women, assemble our phones and computers...it helps the capitalist system by keeping things fairly cheap...even my beloved Levis, apart from certain "high end" produts are now  made overseas in a number of developing countries, such as India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Indonesia, due to the availability of cheap labor and raw materials. One only has to look at the money that is currently spent on weapons and this stupid need to fly to Mars and beyond while half the world struggles to maintain even a simple lifestyle, let alone the life that I'm lucky enough to indulge in.
Dr Kidd rightly points out, as a philosopher, that Philosophical Misanthropy needs to be taught at all Universities...naturally, I agree with him...we have to get over our own ridiculous belief about our "human self-importance".
If you get a chance Tam, I highly recommend Cooper's book...and Dr Kidd's youtube talks. Take care my friend and keep putting pen to paper.
With much peace and love...Harry

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:While the Moon moved into Cancer around 10:53 PM last night. Today's Moonology draw is Full Moon in Taurus. Remember, regardless of what card you draw ( whether it's in conjunction with the current moon phase or not ) the message is applicable now.

"Your dreams need a practical plan."

Definitely something to contemplate, but I'm not quite sure how to apply the advice at the present.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17333

Thank you, Harry! If it's one thing Scooby-Doo taught us all, it's that the monsters were always human. I found that an interesting observation. I will put that book on my RL ( a mile long now ), and search out the vids. Thank you for your thoughts and recommendations, my friend.

You take care out there! <3

Johnny, baby steps will always get you where you're going! xo

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