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* The Meditation Room *

poet Anonymous

The Universe told me in a Valentine that I was Number One!

Oh ... wait ... that was the card it picked for me .....

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17225

So is that a One;  or, wait. . .no?

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:So is that a One;  or, wait. . .no?

Yes, I am wearing a Onesie today.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17225

JohnnyBlaze said:

Yes, I am wearing a Onesie today.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17225

And here is your reveal! Share your insights publicly or privately if so led! <3

1. Snowflake Obsidian differs from Obsidian due to inclusions of the white mineral, Cristobalite; thus, its name.

Location: North and South America, as well as small localities in Africa and Asia.

Associations: Root and Third Eye Chakras
Planets: Earth
Astrology: Virgo
Element: Earth

Snowflake Obsidian is known for balance ( particularly in work ) purification, and grounding properties.  When our Root and/or Third Eye Chakras are activated, Snowflake Obsidian intensifies our psychic and past life capacities.

Snowflake Obsidian is a portal to the past in hopes you recognize where you've been and thus enhance your knowledge and awareness.  Such information is revealed to you as solutions to current challenges, as well as a tool for breaking negative patterns that prevent you from spiritually evolving.  It is one of the oldest stones ever worked with and can strengthen the mind to connect to your spirit guides.

2. Turquoise is actually a copper aluminum mineral that garners its name from Pierre turquoise ( Turkish stone ), and was heavily traded between Europe and Asia.

Location: Worldwide, though the majority originates from Southwestern U.S. Beads dating back to around 5000 B.C. were discovered in Iran, and the earliest known Egyptian use was around 3200 B.C.

Associations: Throat Chakra
Planets: Venus & Neptune
Astrological: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces
Element: Storm

Native Americans believed that Turquoise aided in truth-seeking ( often called journeying ) and opened the mind up to infinite universal offerings. It was used for jewelry, amulets, and even weapons. It contributes to an individual's communication skills by opening the voice. This is particularly helpful for those who are shy or suffer from anxiety.

It's also known as a stone of wholeness and balance ( physical and emotional ), evoking peace and calm when needed. It's the oldest used stone in human history, and is known to restore an emotional depletion resulting from daily stress. If you're seeking knowledge and wisdom, work with Turquois to enhance your spiritual journey.

3. Tiger Eye: Quartz mineral

Location: South Africa, India, Burma, Australia, China, and Brazil.

Associations: Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root Chakra
Planets: Sun
Astrological: Leo & Capricorn
Element: Fire & Earth

If you want to access your inner strength, work with Tiger Eye.  This strength can be applied in many aspects of your life: determination, creativity, focus, and so forth; however, it has also been associated with  minor “obsessions” in regards to the energetic side. Traditionally, this can be attributed to pure desire being directly channeled from the solar plexus chakra. Take not of those around you who may begin to act differently. Once you have activated your strength and focused your desires, your persona will alter, thus creating a somewhat uncomfortable feeling with others regarding their own path in life. This is typically where others may attempt to thwart ( consciously or subconsciously from fear ) your growth. This can create insecurity issues and abandonment of desires. Keeping this in mind when working with Tiger Eye will enable you to see the bigger picture regarding any changes ( subtle or not ) of those surrounding you. This will keep you focused on the object of your true desire.

Anyone who has truly worked with Tiger Eye will find themselves clearing out the old: material possessions as well as people. Some of these relationships can extend back to childhood; however, when they no longer serve our purpose, then they can hinder it if they are stagnant with refusal of growth. This is a normal experience for those awakening to a higher spiritual purpose. Try not to take anything personally from those you are moving away from. Do not shoulder guilt for walking your own path, but remember, we all evolve in our own time. Eventually they will understand when they, too, must part with something that is hindering them from their higher purpose.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:And here is your reveal! Share your insights publicly or privately if so led! <3

1. Snowflake Obsidian differs from Obsidian due to inclusions of the white mineral, Cristobalite; thus, its name.

Location: North and South America, as well as small localities in Africa and Asia.

Associations: Root and Third Eye Chakras
Planets: Earth
Astrology: Virgo
Element: Earth

Snowflake Obsidian is known for balance ( particularly in work ) purification, and grounding properties.  When our Root and/or Third Eye Chakras are activated, Snowflake Obsidian intensifies our psychic and past life capacities.

Snowflake Obsidian is a portal to the past in hopes you recognize where you've been and thus enhance your knowledge and awareness.  Such information is revealed to you as solutions to current challenges, as well as a tool for breaking negative patterns that prevent you from spiritually evolving.  It is one of the oldest stones ever worked with and can strengthen the mind to connect to your spirit guides.

Snowflake LOL!

Seriously, this is an interesting draw. I tend to overlook many things in the past because I get wrapped up in the conditions of the moment and what those conditions could be. I have to contemplate this; perhaps spend more time examining where I've been in this life.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17225

JohnnyBlaze said:

Snowflake LOL!

Seriously, this is an interesting draw. I tend to overlook many things in the past because I get wrapped up in the conditions of the moment and what those conditions could be. I have to contemplate this; perhaps spend more time examining where I've been in this life.


LMAO! I know! I choked on coffee when you chose that number!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

lmao@ "i am polite"

the only one of those stones i have is from my things getting mixed up with someone elses in the ward. of course i thought it was a message and took the items. and that's tigers eye

there was also a blue stone necklace but i dont think its turquoise, its a lot darker.

all in all looks like i have a lot of work to do x

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17225

anna_grin said:lmao@ "i am polite"

the only one of those stones i have is from my things getting mixed up with someone elses in the ward. of course i thought it was a message and took the items. and that's tigers eye

there was also a blue stone necklace but i dont think its turquoise, its a lot darker.

all in all looks like i have a lot of work to do x

Knowing what work needs done is an invaluable tool of knowledge.

Gosh that blue stone could be any number of stones: lapis lazuli, blue agate, blue onyx, labradorite ( if there's a translucent glow ); I would have to see it. All blue stones represent the throat chakra ( communication ); therefore, a necklace of them is perfect.

Been puttering around with some herbs this morning so thought I'd pull from the Herbiary.

DAISY "Be Yourself"

Daisy comes from a HUGE family, including Chamomile, Echinacea, Boneset Elecampane, Feverfew, and Milk Thistle ( to name a few ), and the latter or some of our greatest healers. Daisy is the ost common of Medicines for healing a bruise and quiet inflammation ( although nothing like her cousin, Arnica Montana ( which aI have a beautiful photo of ).

Daisy reminds us that loving ourself as we are is the best Medicine possible.


Daisy makes us feel good; causes us to smile, answers questions, becomes jewelry, teas, tinctures, and so much more. She is effective because she is happy. We, too, are much more effective and efficiant when happy with ourself. Perfectionism is a disease eating away at our well being everytime we judge ourselves by the way we look, how we act, the way we cook, and so forth.

An interestimg exercise is to view yourself through different eyes to develop empathy toward yourself. Find a photo when you were young and decorate it with daisies. It doesn't have to be real ones. It can be stickers, markers, doodles, whatever. Whenever you feel like you're not enough ( good enough, rich enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough, and so on. . . ) pull out your photo, absorb Daisy's easy self-acceptance, and shine it into your heart.

I mean seriously, look how cute you are as a kid! WHO ON EARTH could be mean to you?!

Developing such self-empathy will move your toward your truth much quicker and easier. You'll stop comparing yourself to others's looks, intelligence, ambition, and so forth. You'll accept with grace who you are and become your authentic self through such grace as you afford yourself.

Happy Week Week!

Moon is in Aries and Mercury is in retrograde! Watch your communication aspect! xo

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

a i think it’s lapis lazuli, it’s got what looks like fools gold flecks in it. it also doesn’t have a chain so I’ll have to mcgyver something to wear it x

acc the items i acquired through the system are very interesting, if i take a picture would you tell me what you see?

poet Anonymous

You also don't want to compare yourself to yourself in terms of what you've been able to accomplish. It's one thing to say, I've done XYZ before -  no excuses, I can certainly do that again. It's another to thing to say, I should be keeping up with the pace I already set. Runners need to walk in between bouts of running or you'll burn yourselves out.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17225

anna_grin said:a i think it’s lapis lazuli, it’s got what looks like fools gold flecks in it. it also doesn’t have a chain so I’ll have to mcgyver something to wear it x

acc the items i acquired through the system are very interesting, if i take a picture would you tell me what you see?

Sure; you have my email addy. xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17225

JohnnyBlaze said:You also don't want to compare yourself to yourself in terms of what you've been able to accomplish. It's one thing to say, I've done XYZ before -  no excuses, I can certainly do that again. It's another to thing to say, I should be keeping up with the pace I already set. Runners need to walk in between bouts of running or you'll burn yourselves out.


Yep. Too true. xo

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

aye sent x

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17225

♥*♡∞:。.。DAILY ORACLE 。.。:∞♡*♥

Pulling from Earth Warriors

No 7. LINA

What Must Be, Shall Be

You have beautiful dreams and inspired, bold ambitions. You are guided to believe that they are a natural expression of your soul, something that is meant to be. Life will support you in the xpression of those dreams and ambitions, even in the moments where it seems to be struggle, rather than support, that you are experiencing. The process for transformation into full maturity involves learning how to grow through light and through darkness back to the light again. You will always find  your way back to the light. Have faith in yourself and what must be. Dedicate yourself to what you lvoe without hesitation.

If you are experiencing loss or chage, have faith. Sometimes things happen that seem to be working against us. It is only later that they show themselves to have been valuable ways by which we aquired the greater faith, courage and deterinationn that were necessary to the fulfilment of our purpose. Know that your destiny is unfolding, and you are movign through circumstances that are ultiately going to help you become your soul in fullness and splendour. Keep going. Everything happening in your life is helping you to fulfil your devine potential. Know that any darkness will give way to light.

Also, what I am being led to intuitively add is that there are those who would attempt to stop you from shining or attaining your goals by undermining your self-confidence, or intimidation tactics. You have two choices in such circumstances: to focus on them or focus on your dreams. My father told me once that when running a race ( not that the attainment of your dreams is  a race . . . ) you could stop and argue with the hecklers; or, you could keep running. The former will guarantee you lose the race, while the latter provides you an opportunity to win.

Keep that in mind around those attempting to divert your attention with such tactics.

Namaste for a beautiful day! xo

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