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Is the World Safe for Conversation Anymore?

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

drone said:the best we can do is stand fast in our beliefs
so it is said
But where is the belief in a better way of living

I believe in having personal, autonomous freedom and that will never be realized so long as government exists. A better way of living would be every individual choosing what it right for themselves, as opposed to government telling us what is best for us and then creating arbitrary laws to prosecute us for breaking the laws they deem necessary for “our protection”. A better way of living would be for the ordinary citizen to take a stand against the abuses that occur, by whatever means necessary; because hash tagging on Facebook and Twitter #Savethechildren isn’t actually doing anything to save children. It’s just a way for the average person to feel that they’ve supported a cause without actually having to step out of their every day comfort zone. I’ll admit that I’ve sat in that corner more than once. But I’ve also been in the streets protesting. I’ve refused to give my money to businesses and organizations that turn a blind eye to child (and human) trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children.
When I say the best we can do is stand fast in our beliefs, what I mean is, when the powers that be come knocking on our doors, will you go willingly or will you refuse, no matter the consequence.
Because it’s coming.
A friend of mine believes that voting is an act of aggression and after really exploring that statement, I wholeheartedly agree.

We may be reading the same book, but I think we might be on different pages. Thanks for your thoughts. You have some good points.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

There are two conversations currently happening in America. The first is a chat of free speech, free press and suffrage, toward individualism. The second is an echo chamber of mental and social slaves on the democrat plantation. Which conversation are you involved in?

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 99

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

Extremists are evil. Be it of the communist variety or the capitalist.
Live in a collective aka as part of a society? There's an 'automatic' give and take. Don't like it? Go solo.  Peace.

Thought Provoker
Australia 3awards
Joined 28th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 256

Sorry I must have pressed the wrong button. This is in response to runaway-mind train’s post on two conversational groups.

Mmmm, do you really believe that?

I’m no expert on the United States but I did visit your country about three years ago and I encountered a myriad of political views. There were a couple of things that I found really interesting. The first was that the second anyone discovered I was Australian they really opened up to me. It was like we had a special kinship as though we were long lost cousins. The second thing was how quickly conversations turned political. In Australia our political parties are centre right and centre left without much to distinguish them. So most Australians lump all politicians into the same “pack of bastards” or have no interest in politics at all.

At any rate I was there during the time Brett Kavanaugh was in the media. I met people who were strongly pro-Trump, strongly anti-Trump, but mostly people somewhere in the middle. Some I met didn’t like Trump but thought he was doing a good job managing the economy (bearing in mind this was before the Covid disaster hit) or that he was the lesser of two evils compared with Hillary. The point is no two people seemed to have the same opinion. I certainly didn’t see any evidence of two major factions amongst regular people.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

runaway-mindtrain said:There are two conversations currently happening in America. The first is a chat of free speech, free press and suffrage, toward individualism. The second is an echo chamber of mental and social slaves on the democrat plantation. Which conversation are you involved in?

who are you addressing?

poet Anonymous

Is the World Safe for Converatives Anymore?

Perhaps Mike Pence can answer that during the Impeachment trial in progress.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

JohnnyBlaze said:Is the World Safe for Converatives Anymore?

Perhaps Mike Pence can answer that during the Impeachment trial in progress.

Is the world safe for conversation, was the question. Like here, on the forums.

Obviously, we’ve been primed with props. The one in this post has been played with publicly for months.

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

cold_fusion said:


Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

EdibleWords said:How can a felon
a rapist mobster
become president


Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

SatInUGal said:


Being rich doesn’t make a rapist-mobster-felon.
Harris believes JB’s accusers.

And yeah, there have been others, like Bill Clinton.

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

EdibleWords said:

Being rich doesn’t make a rapist-mobster-felon.
Harris believes JB’s accusers.

And yeah, there have been others, like Bill Clinton.

There are far more credible claims of sexual assault against Trump (including by his own admission) than there have ever been against Biden, Trump, or any other American president.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17525

Which reminds me . . .

SatInUGal said:

There are far more credible claims of sexual assault against Trump (including by his own admission) than there have ever been against Biden, Trump, or any other American president.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

SatInUGal said:

There are far more credible claims of sexual assault against Trump (including by his own admission) than there have ever been against Biden, Trump, or any other American president.

Just stating it is just opinion. Why would I believe it without evidence? I’ve seen Biden sniffing kids and women. I’ve never seen what you described.

As to your claims about other presidents, do you feel safe detailing their transgressions, or are you just up for opining?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:Which reminds me . . .

Oh, hi.

You seem pretty comfortable talking. Most liberals are.

However, the claims you depict seem spurious to me. For one, I saw Trump win the popular vote and more counties than Biden, before the tampering kicked in.

And when I say tampering, I mean ballots unlawfully counted and recounted in buildings without poll watchers - that supposedly were closed. Among other things.

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