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Coronavirus ( Covid-19) Part II

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

An excellent essay with too many excellent points to quote:

The Unraveling of America  

Anthropologist Wade Davis on how COVID-19 signals the end of the American era


poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:An excellent essay with too many excellent points to quote:

The Unraveling of America  

Anthropologist Wade Davis on how COVID-19 signals the end of the American era


I shall point out a point, for this is an excellent article that EVERYONE would benefit from reading.

Over the last months, a quip has circulated on the internet suggesting that to live in Canada today is like owning an apartment above a meth lab. Canada is no perfect place, but it has handled the COVID crisis well, notably in British Columbia, where I live. Vancouver is just three hours by road north of Seattle, where the U.S. outbreak began. Half of Vancouver’s population is Asian, and typically dozens of flights arrive each day from China and East Asia. Logically, it should have been hit very hard, but the health care system performed exceedingly well. Throughout the crisis, testing rates across Canada have been consistently five times that of the U.S. On a per capita basis, Canada has suffered half the morbidity and mortality. For every person who has died in British Columbia, 44 have perished in Massachusetts, a state with a comparable population that has reported more COVID cases than all of Canada. As of July 30th, even as rates of COVID infection and death soared across much of the United States, with 59,629 new cases reported on that day alone, hospitals in British Columbia registered a total of just five COVID patients.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Now this is taking full advantage of a situation
Someone has managed to design a t-shirt with face covering attached
It looks stylish with the mask up or down 10$
Dang those Chinese are resourceful

poet Anonymous

Antiviral used to treat cat coronavirus also works against SARS-CoV-2


"In just two months, our results have shown that the drug is effective at inhibiting viral replication in cells with SARS-CoV-2," said Joanne Lemieux, a professor of biochemistry in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

"This drug is very likely to work in humans, so we're encouraged that it will be an effective antiviral treatment for COVID-19 patients."

The drug is a protease inhibitor that interferes with the virus's ability to replicate, thus ending an infection. Proteases are key to many body functions and are common targets for drugs to treat everything from high blood pressure to cancer and HIV.

"Typically for a drug to go into clinical trials, it has to be confirmed in the lab and then tested in animal models," Lemieux said. "Because this drug has already been used to treat cats with coronavirus, and it's effective with little to no toxicity, it's already passed those stages and this allows us to move forward."

"Because of the strong data that we and others have gathered we're pursuing clinical trials for this drug as an antiviral for COVID-19."

The researchers have established a collaboration with Anivive Life Sciences, a veterinary medicine company that is developing the drug for cats, to produce the quality and quantity of drug needed for human clinical trials. Lemieux said it will likely be tested in Alberta in combination with other promising antivirals such as remdesivir, the first treatment approved for conditional use in some countries including the United States and Canada.

I hope the end result is a flu shot type of innoculation that can be used not just on people, but animals as well.

Cats and dogs, especially those with poor immune systems, don't speak up when they are ill. So by the time observable symptoms manifest, the more susceptible and less capable of fighting off infection are as good as gone.

I know from experience, having lost 5 special needs adult cats and 2 kittens within the span of 3 weeks this month. More cats outdoors were casualties. Several of the healthier cats indoors and outdoors were able to fight off the full onset of the virus within 24 to 48 hours.

It is not out of the realm of possibility that it was Covid-19, though it was most likely a more common coronavirus first introduced to the outdoor cat population by contact with a stray or other animals such as racoons and skunks sharing the same water sources. By the time it was understood what was happening after ruling out food poisoning and toxic exposure to some unknown chemical, roughly 20% of the population on my farm was wiped out.

Protease inhibitors are a class of antiviral drugs that are widely used to treat HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C. Protease inhibitors prevent viral replication by selectively binding to viral proteases and blocking proteolytic cleavage of protein precursors that are necessary for the production of infectious viral particles.

Protease inhibitors have been found in a great variety of plants, including most legumes and cereals and certain fruits (apples, bananas, pineapples and raisins) and veget- ables (cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, spinach and to- matoes)

^ Something to research if you feel the need to boost your immune system organically. ^

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

I am so sorry for the losses of your Purrrr Babies. Pets are such an integral part of our lives, and this virus has taken it's toll on them as well as humans. I sense a resolution, so feel it won't be too much longer with today's technology.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:I am so sorry for the losses of your Purrrr Babies. Pets are such an integral part of our lives, and this virus has taken it's toll on them as well as humans. I sense a resolution, so feel it won't be too much longer with today's technology.

I know and Thank You. ❤

Yes, hopefully something positive in regards to any and all viruses will result from 2020.

Lost Thinker
Joined 28th Aug 2020
Forum Posts: 88

Let's see if I can still think and speak in Ingrish like I used to.

I predicted in the February 2020, the USA was going to be a clusterf.a.q. This because,

1) They have no NHS, the test is free but to be cured, the cost goes from 1.500$ to 4.000$.
2) They had, now there are more, a population of 500.000 homeless.
3) They have about 30.000.000 of people living in poverty, they cannot afford any cure.
4) They are subversives, with a bad school education that doesn't teach them to respect the directives from the government.

This means, over 40.000.000 people will not take the test because they cannot afford the cure anyway, spreading the disease around. In March my prevision came true and it was confirmed by my friends in NY, nobody was doing the quarantine at all.

The UK was another planned disaster. They live inside an island. This saves them from the virus, but once the virus gets in there, that island becomes a prison you cannot escape. ATM the UK is leading in number of cases and deaths in Europe and the imperial college proved to be irrational and wrong. No quarantine means 6.000.000 of deaths only in the city of Londinium within 2 years. Leaked videos of sick people were released on the internet, showing the government wasn't even bringing food despite the people were sick.

Italy was going to have an high % of deaths, this is because in Italy the longevity is the highest in the world, millions are over 80 years old, they have the second best NHS system in the world, France is leading in NHS.

Germany did good, but apparently there was a trick. While in Italy you die of COVID-19 and you are counted as "dead from COVID-19", apparently in Germany, if you were diagnosed with another kind of ill, even if you die from the COVID-19, you are counted as "dead for another ill", this is apparently because the insurance.

The stats clearly show the Asian countries did the best, because they went in quarantine by January, in Europe the quarantine started in March and in America, there was no quarantine at all but riots, read point 4.

India was surprising me for having such low cases, but the stats have changed. There will be a disaster.

The second wave, I predicted it for September or in Autumn. The disease spreads like a flue so there was no doubt about a second wave. There will be no second wave in the USA because they are still at the first wave, and they will never get out from it. A vaccine will be probably ready for the next year, but by the next year the 70% of the world population will have been infected, so there might be no need.

However, some reports say you can get it more than twice. There are also 12 kinds of SARS-COVID virus related, at the beginning, the SARS-COVID-19 was split into A - B - C, from different animals, still, apparently the animals get sick from it too. Look at the case of the tigers in the zoo of NY. I suspect the personal who was feeding the tigers was sick and the virus infected the tigers and the lions who were fed infected food. The personal of the zoo is organized according to the kind of animals they have to deal with, this is why only the "big cats" were found positive.

The virus survives for 2 hours, the wind can spread it around, only masks FFP2 and FFP3 plus the mask used by surgeons have an use, the rest off the masks are for stupid people who think the virus is a fashion. The masks in plastic are useful only if you keep a distance of 3 metres.

The virus will last up to the year 2023 and it will become part of us, it's an RNA virus, killable with the soap as long you are not infected. The lipids from the soap will destroy its membrane. Apparently the virus did not mutate yet in a worse kind, but until the end of winter, nobody can say if it could become stronger. Virus do adapt and mutate to the climate. The cases in Australia however, proved the virus did not mutate at all.

It's not just a flue, it might cause damages to the lungs, and in some cases, damages to the brain have been reported.

On the political scene.

1) It served to hide the fact we have lost the war in Afghanistan, and we are losing the war in Syria.
2) USA accuses China, but China says the virus appeared in China only after the military olympics and it was brought by the USA army. Apparently any country where there are military bases from the NATO had the virus in a much higher % than the non-NATO countries.
3) Many political things are happening, the news is we are losing the war against the old commies, look at Belorussia for instance.

This virus might end the USA, apparently there are 20.000.000 of people who might become homeless and 30.000.000 have lost their jobs. All they are doing is rioting, making their situation even worse.

China and Russia are coming out from this crisis as stronger than ever.

There is no conspiracy, unless the scientist are corrupted, the virus is a mutation of the SARS, the SARS was found in the year 1960, it happened twice from the year 2000, and this seems to be another mutation.

No study ATM can say what kind of possible mutation there will be.

Some information above might not be correct, because the material is being studies and some of it has not been released.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

1337y2k said:Let's see if I can still think and speak in Ingrish like I used to.

I predicted in the February 2020, the USA was going to be a clusterf.a.q. This because,

1) They have no NHS, the test is free but to be cured, the cost goes from 1.500$ to 4.000$.
2) They had, now there are more, a population of 500.000 homeless.
3) They have about 30.000.000 of people living in poverty, they cannot afford any cure.
4) They are subversives, with a bad school education that doesn't teach them to respect the directives from the government.

This means, over 40.000.000 people will not take the test because they cannot afford the cure anyway, spreading the disease around. In March my prevision came true and it was confirmed by my friends in NY, nobody was doing the quarantine at all.

The UK was another planned disaster. They live inside an island. This saves them from the virus, but once the virus gets in there, that island becomes a prison you cannot escape. ATM the UK is leading in number of cases and deaths in Europe and the imperial college proved to be irrational and wrong. No quarantine means 6.000.000 of deaths only in the city of Londinium within 2 years. Leaked videos of sick people were released on the internet, showing the government wasn't even bringing food despite the people were sick.

Italy was going to have an high % of deaths, this is because in Italy the longevity is the highest in the world, millions are over 80 years old, they have the second best NHS system in the world, France is leading in NHS.

Germany did good, but apparently there was a trick. While in Italy you die of COVID-19 and you are counted as "dead from COVID-19", apparently in Germany, if you were diagnosed with another kind of ill, even if you die from the COVID-19, you are counted as "dead for another ill", this is apparently because the insurance.

The stats clearly show the Asian countries did the best, because they went in quarantine by January, in Europe the quarantine started in March and in America, there was no quarantine at all but riots, read point 4.

India was surprising me for having such low cases, but the stats have changed. There will be a disaster.
.No study ATM can say what kind of possible mutation there will be.

Some information above might not be correct, because the material is being studies and some of it has not been released.

Good points made here and predictions as well I especially like your disclaimer at the end since this thread likes to have your words backed by factual  links

I believe, what we face today is a problem we have never seen before.
The history of us,  as human beings has not been challenged by anything  like this Pandemic. I say this because of the state in which the world has progressed sets this situation apart from any other flu, or HIV or AIDS
The way we travel and socialize is unprecedented  
It's not that the Virus or disease itself is that deadly (which it can be for some) More is involved than our health.  It's the  characteristics of what our daily lives have become.  The effect it has on what we once called our normal lives  
Civilizations have fallen,  we know this  if we give any creedence to history.  
If everything that we perceive  to have happened in the past,  has happened.  
If these points in history that are relevant to human kind were magnified,   to their grandest scale,  they would not match what we as humans, are facing today.
The entire world is affected, not clusters or  pockets,  of cultures but  every human being.
Throughout our history
as we experienced growth and death,  
as we continue to evolve things naturally become bigger in their own magnitude.
Today,  as humans who encounter life changing situations we are no different than these experiences.  
Relationally as these things grow in magnitude as do we,  as they continue to get worse humans get progressively worse at dealing with each other in a kind way.
It may appear that we band together in crisis hat appearance is the focal point of what they want us to see.
Small glimpse taken from a larger picture.

Humans have tried to kill eachother continuously throughout history
War after war for political gain with  
human as collateral damage
Weapons deadlier,  nukes made to kill as many as they  can at once .
Destruction,  dictatorship,  political unrest  each occurance  has only affected a portion of humanity
Pockets of annihilation never on a global scale like this .No one can escape this no one can isolate themselves from the cause and effect.
We ( someone) has  succeeded  to jeopardize the lives of  every human on  the planet  
The effects of this situation are  far reaching in it's scope of destruction a myriad of issues befall us now which can all be deadly  
Our food sources,  our medical system  mental health issues,  our economy,  
How can we say we  will overcome?  We don't know how, we don't have the blueprint for this type of thing.
This is a brand new baby and we don't have the experience. We can take pieces of success from what we know of our past and try to mold it into a place but until we are able to agree on the same desired outcome it won't work
Unfortunately it seems, although it is not what I support is a
new hierarchy and someone is showing himself to be capable to a decision and that is  
(Vladimir Putin)
The elite began the course of destruction with the manipulation of the financial market 2003  
Their plan to dominate has taken a bad turn they were not able to follow through. They cannot lead without a puppet.
We are building from scratch

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

JohnnyBlaze said:Antiviral used to treat cat coronavirus also works against SARS-CoV-2


^ Something to research if you feel the need to boost your immune system organically. ^

My heart goes out to you I am so very sorry for your loss it's devestating

I posted somewhere in tge very beginning of this pandemic about how my Springer Spaniels in the early nineties had cantracted the Corona Virus one was a survivor and one unfortunately had died
I held him (Sampson) while he dies his saliva all over me . Whatever kept it from mutating then is researchable. Why did my female (Delilah) survive without no lingering effects? The antibodies they gave her on the second day of her symptoms CURED her but had no effect on her brother
That is very important information I feel could help.  
FYI my dogs came from South Carolina from the bloodline of Millie Bush
Outrageously expensive
Sad to see Sampson die so young at 6 months although Delilah lived to be 13 yrs.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

"They are subversives, with a bad school education that doesn't teach them to respect the directives from the government."

This is an absolutely bullshit statement , and extremely insulting to the "people"

Some of us are extremely educated...actually a very large percentage are ;

As well , we speak up for what we believe , and we are smart enough
to see where government is wrong , and if they are violent , we do
not sit there like stupid little robots , we react , sometimes violently
sometimes not...

Government , is rarely correct...it is a system dual in it's construct ,
with both chaos and order at the helm , and many times needs to
be put in it's place , and members , and leaders chastised...

It would be wise for you to make no judgements , if you do not
live here , perceive the reality on a daily basis , and that is quite
a large piece of land you would have to slowly travel and reside
in to "grok" what kind of population we truly are...

Be more respectful of our population...many of us do not care
for lies , criticism of foreigners , or misinformed individuals
making incorrect statements...

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Why don't both of you quit fussing over numbers and just put on your commie face mask like the globalist health dictatorship demands... 2019 , 2017, or 1917's numbers can be inserted into this argument. Why bother trying to convince yourself or others that there are VIRUSES a foot? It doesn't matter. Whatever the numbers or the excuse...Sheep will do as they are told. The wankers over at the WHO have already stated, "this will not go away, we will never go back to normal" Medical tyranny was used by the Bolsheviki, Maoist and ESPECIALLY the Nazis to control their populations. We have arrived in the New Order. You will always have a mask, and soon, to buy or sell will require verification of the APPROVED medicine and RNA chip inserted Vaccine. .....Go back to sleep. You are on your knees begging to be controlled in every aspect of your life, while bitching on how much we must submit. If there was only one death plus a year of propaganda it would be enough for most people to bend over for the doctorial assfuck. The numbers do not matter. Good thing though, heart and lung disease numbers, that are usually high, are WAY down this year. Apparently, the Kung flu cures those afflictions. While you are looking for numbers to support your medical tyranny. Try looking at those diseases in comparison to last year or the year before that...However, it doesn't matter what you find because most of the world is now under control. You will submit too. Your future is slavery, no matter what. Write your poems and accept your bondage. You begged for it, regardless....

Lost Thinker
Joined 28th Aug 2020
Forum Posts: 88

Blackwolf said:"They are subversives, with a bad school education that doesn't teach them to respect the directives from the government."

This is an absolutely bullshit statement , and extremely insulting to the "people"

Some of us are extremely educated...actually a very large percentage are ;

Some of you are extremely educated, absolute true, else I would not have friends from the USA.

But where else in the world have you seen protesters holding firearms, dropping racist comments, shooting people dead for saying "all lives matter", refusing to stay in quarantine because "it's an hoax", setting on fire a police station and pillaging shops?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

runaway-mindtrain said:[ . . .]Why bother trying to convince yourself or others that there are VIRUSES a foot? It doesn't matter.[ . . . ]

You are, undoubtedly, one of the most disrespectful individuals I have ever met in my life. Do you know how many people have died from covid? I've had family members AND friends with covid, and it almost killed them. I have friends who have lost friends and family members to covid.

The only person I see in this thread implying we all stick our heads in the sand is YOU, by denying this virus doesn't exist. I truly pray you lose no one to its effects, because hoping for the opposite would make me too much like you.

And I'd rather die first.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

1337y2k said:

But where else in the world have you seen protesters holding firearms, dropping racist comments, shooting people dead for saying "all lives matter", refusing to stay in quarantine because "it's an hoax", setting on fire a police station and pillaging shops?


Italy has certainly had a history...not necessarily with Covid ...

Yet they have had their problems...and their own solutions ;

Stregheria / M'Fayoh ( later Ma Fia , or Mafia )...

Yes , I am a teacher , and practitioner...

What do you think would happen
if someone brought it into Sicily ?


Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

The comments by Runaway are bold even if there is nothing to back them up Runaway can be
a bit of an egoist when he speaks but he is always passionate. The "new order" existence he speaks of is happening it's been in the works for a very long time . New monetary system new normal the slavery through face coverings
But, Runaway many many lives have been affected by the "too real" virus and many more with the lingering effects that are virtually altering our DNA  

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