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Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Valeriyabeyond said:

If origin defines race, then we are all Africans – we are all black. No matter how fascinatingly white one’s skin is, or how classy one’s accent of English is, the fact remains, the whole of humanity comes from the land of Africa. It is the cradle of our species.”

In this work of scientific philosophy, the celebrated Scientist Abhijit Naskar makes a humanitarian attempt with his sharp insight of the molecular realm of the mind, to unite all of humanity with the thread of biological oneness. This is a treatise of biological sciences that makes humanism triumph over the primordial evil of racial discrimination.

In “We Are All Black” Naskar makes us delve deep into the neural domain of the human mind, to recognize the innate biological seeds of Racism, and empowers us to make more effective and conscientious efforts to terminate this primitive evil from the human society. We emerge from this spell-binding odyssey of science and philosophy with one sole conviction, that we are all Africans.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

JohnnyBlaze said:If anyone thinks they can convince people to view other people as being one color

I don’t need to convince. Taking a stand will do more than convince SOME people.

It will disrupt bad politics, Gandhi!

And you don't have to convince a person supporting the #BlackLivesMatter movement. They are already busy demonstrating day in and out that they are for equality.

Espionage can be stopped. Wanna shame a sneaky clan-artist?

You have to propose such ideas to actual racists and institutions that treat people unfairly based on the skin color they see, dialects they hear, and all that is associated with these such as clothing choice, hairstyle, etc.

Think like BLM. Make lip service hurt!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Ahavati said:

The beginning is accepting people for who they think they are, and asking them what THEY want for themselves without expecting them to "agree" with your personal philosophy.  Once a person feels accepted, they aren't defensive, and have more of an open mind to negotiate. It's 'Point B' and the only way to get from point A ( where we still are ) to point C ( Oneness ).

I do. But I just loved this paragraph for what it shows.🌹👍👏

I’m a socially bumbling person.

I wish you had got my idea. It would already be national headlines!🥺

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

John Galt is Black in Power

John Galt is Black in Power

Don’t disrespect
our business
and justice system!

John Galt is Black
He is from Africa
He is our police
Written by EdibleWords
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

lepperochan said:

I think there is still far too much divide to have any meaningful effect. biggest problem there is for the most part even those who actually care are fuelling it.

If I may show some examples, and I apologise in advance for using your post:

This is why #Blacklivesmatter so much: if #Blacklivesmatter then #NativeAmerican/Alaskan/Hawain/Pacificislanderlivesmatter, Asianlivesmatter and #Hispanic/Latinolivesmatter, THEN #Alllivesmatter because we're unified.

you've created a scale of rights (albeit inadvertently)  blacks first, then natives, Alaskans, etc down to latino at the bottom.

It's only a scale if you choose to see it ( and of course present it as though it was my "inadvertent" intent ) as such. Next time I'll alphabetize and post a disclaimer. How is that?

more than that though. this:

Until the majority of races unite, then there can be no major reform in the country

seems to be a common misconception among people that every white American is blessed or privileged because of his skin tone. and that white people treat other white people with upmost respect and dignity

that the middle aged white American is the enemy of diversity.

I never stated either. I implied that I am privileged because I ( or my children ) don't have to wake up and worry if I am going to get pulled over, falsely accused, or killed because of my skin color.  Middle-aged white men wield the political power in this country.  They historically have, and still do; but, that is slowly changing because awareness.

[wasn't it middle aged white Americans who waged war on slavery in the first place, and thereafter when blacks hadn't a hope of representing themselves. didn't they give their lives in the hundreds of thousands to try secure freedom for them]

Yes; it was. But what middle-aged white president was shot by another white man for leading the charge? How many decades later did blacks get the vote? An abolitionist victory declared only that all men were free; not equal. We're still fighting that battle.

if you (the people) are serios about waging war on the establishment to force change, then I believe you should first recognize who you are fighting. so far not many people have

We're fighting those who wield the political power. America's inequality is shameful and perverse, not to mention growing. I happen to believe that power is controlled by middle-aged + white men and their wealth.

It's easier to get caught up in a bogus race war. like there are no black chief of police, or black governors, Congress men/ women, millionaires, billionaires,  Hollywood stars who've ALL worked to keep the people down

The race war is not bogus; it's very real and history documents it.  Saying it's bogus is just another white male diverting from its reality. Also, not one person in this thread ( that I recall ) has claimed there are no black governors, et al. Not one. Not even in any article I've posted is that being claimed. Hell we had a black president, so you're touching on the past.  

What they have expressed is a need for reform and for their voices to not only be heard, but that they be counted equally in regards to power in this country.

for 10 years the most influential person in the world was black. yet here we are still...

No; here you are.  

a divided house cannot succeed

my point exactly

Everybody needs everybody.

Happy I could oblige.

There is an excellent book I would recommend:

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

JohnnyBlaze said:


She is GREAT! Make sure you watch her other "How to's"!

poet Anonymous

Ahavati, could you possibly recommend any books on how to debate issues in an Internet forum without cherry picking and perpetuating the words of other people out of context?

Thank you in advance.

lepperochan said:seems to be a common misconception among people that every white American is blessed or privileged because of his skin tone. and that white people treat other white people with upmost respect and dignity

that the middle aged white American is the enemy of diversity.

Maybe in some bizarro alternate universe ......

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

JohnnyBlaze said:Ahavati, could you possibly recommend any books on how to debate issues in an Internet forum without cherry picking and perpetuating the words of other people out of context?

Thank you in advance.

Debating to Win Arguments: The Elements of Debating and How to Counter Arguments With Ease Using Logic, including a chapter on  "The difference between Fact and Opinion".


Edit: Unfortunately, it doesn't contain a chapter on how to recognize outside influence hiding in the background attempting to keep their own shit smelling like a rose.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14617

We're fighting those who wield the political power. America's inequality is shameful and perverse, not to mention growing. I happen to believe that power is controlled by middle-aged + white men and their wealth.

with respect, lady. you're fighting nothing. by your own accounts you barely leave the comfort of your home. it would appear the sum of your protest is to get in front of your computer, start a discussion thread then use it to post news articles which support your narrative. the establishment must be shaking like a leaf.

go protest with the people then preach to others.

six weeks ago you felt the American flag encompassed ALL the american people. that Amerca had "changed dramatically" and that black men EVEN had a vote..

that was before all this went viral. strikes me your thoughts change when things become popular. theres a name for people like that, and it's not nice :

Lep said  "I dont think much has changed, the native population are still being oppressed and victimized by successive administrations, especially when it come to oil and oil pipelines ie profit."

AV replied "Then you're ignorant of American history if you think much hasn't changed. As in women can now vote, work, own land. Blacks can vote, work, own land, etc."

How many white people died marching with the blacks during the Civil Rights movement?  How many men were beaten along with  the suffragettes during their movement?

See, that's America. Despite what happens on a political level, there are those willing to fight to the death for others less fortunate against the atrocities that is the machine.

3rd May  ...edited 5 times

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

lepperochan said:We're fighting those who wield the political power. America's inequality is shameful and perverse, not to mention growing. I happen to believe that power is controlled by middle-aged + white men and their wealth.

with respect, lady. you're fighting nothing. by your own accounts you barely leave the comfort of your home. it would appear the sum of your protest is to get in front of your computer, start a discussion thread then use it to post news articles which support your narrative. the establishment must be shaking like a leaf.

go protest with the people then preach to others.

six weeks ago you felt the American flag encompassed ALL the american people. that Amerca had "changed dramatically" and that black men EVEN had a vote..

that was before all this went viral. strikes me your thoughts change when things become popular. theres a name for people like that, and it's not nice :

Lep said  "I dont think much has changed, the native population are still being oppressed and victimized by successive administrations, especially when it come to oil and oil pipelines ie profit."

AV replied "Then you're ignorant of American history if you think much hasn't changed. As in women can now vote, work, own land. Blacks can vote, work, own land, etc."

How many white people died marching with the blacks during the Civil Rights movement?  How many men were beaten along with  the suffragettes during their movement?

See, that's America. Despite what happens on a political level, there are those willing to fight to the death for others less fortunate against the atrocities that is the machine.

3rd May  ...edited 5 times

I just got an education. 🧐

Great points, lep

I’m not saying I haven’t seen great points from Ahavati, but there’s a bit of a trance (groupthink) that our biology is weak towards

Think of her as an ied victim. And get your medic hat on.

poet Anonymous

lepperochan said:We're fighting those who wield the political power. America's inequality is shameful and perverse, not to mention growing. I happen to believe that power is controlled by middle-aged + white men and their wealth.

with respect, lady. you're fighting nothing. by your own accounts you barely leave the comfort of your home. it would appear the sum of your protest is to get in front of your computer, start a discussion thread then use it to post news articles which support your narrative. the establishment must be shaking like a leaf.

go protest with the people then preach to others.

six weeks ago you felt the American flag encompassed ALL the american people. that Amerca had "changed dramatically" and that black men EVEN had a vote..

that was before all this went viral. strikes me your thoughts change when things become popular. theres a name for people like that, and it's not nice :

Lep said  "I dont think much has changed, the native population are still being oppressed and victimized by successive administrations, especially when it come to oil and oil pipelines ie profit."

AV replied "Then you're ignorant of American history if you think much hasn't changed. As in women can now vote, work, own land. Blacks can vote, work, own land, etc."

How many white people died marching with the blacks during the Civil Rights movement?  How many men were beaten along with  the suffragettes during their movement?

See, that's America. Despite what happens on a political level, there are those willing to fight to the death for others less fortunate against the atrocities that is the machine.

3rd May  ...edited 5 times

Aside from aggregating information for those interested, she's actually voicing poetry and opinions that align with a cause, informing  others reading that she supports and stands with them - and it's not just at DUP, but through other social media.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

lepperochan said:We're fighting those who wield the political power. America's inequality is shameful and perverse, not to mention growing. I happen to believe that power is controlled by middle-aged + white men and their wealth.

with respect, lady. you're fighting nothing. by your own accounts you barely leave the comfort of your home. it would appear the sum of your protest is to get in front of your computer, start a discussion thread then use it to post news articles which support your narrative. the establishment must be shaking like a leaf.

go protest with the people then preach to others.

six weeks ago you felt the American flag encompassed ALL the american people. that Amerca had "changed dramatically" and that black men EVEN had a vote..

that was before all this went viral. strikes me your thoughts change when things become popular. theres a name for people like that, and it's not nice :

Lep said  "I dont think much has changed, the native population are still being oppressed and victimized by successive administrations, especially when it come to oil and oil pipelines ie profit."

AV replied "Then you're ignorant of American history if you think much hasn't changed. As in women can now vote, work, own land. Blacks can vote, work, own land, etc."

How many white people died marching with the blacks during the Civil Rights movement?  How many men were beaten along with  the suffragettes during their movement?

See, that's America. Despite what happens on a political level, there are those willing to fight to the death for others less fortunate against the atrocities that is the machine.

3rd May  ...edited 5 times

Only five times?! Yes; I suffer from dyslexia ( which I have never attempted to conceal ).  My thoughts get ahead of my words many times, so I return to edit.  

Craic, your attempts to discredit me are so lame. Seriously. The American flag ( despite its abhorrent history ) is the national flag of the American people. That is a fact. It does represent the American people whether we like it or not. Just like our current president is the President of the United States, whether we like it or not. That is another fact.

Your continual beratement of America contributes to nothing.  It HAS changed dramatically over the years because of wars, protests, and demonstrations. That is yet another fact.

You can deny none of these facts.

Erm. . . I am 60 years old and in a very high-risk category for covid-19. So, yes, I am confined. And I'm pretty sure most here were.  However, do not confuse that with no power, Craic. To do so would be foolish. I mean look at the very influence helicoptering here behind the scenes. . .like we don't know. . .

Edit: P.S. I'll probably edit this a few times.

Disclaimer: Referring to a poster's attempt as lame is not the same as calling a poster lame.  Just say'n.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

JohnnyBlaze said:

Aside from aggregating information for those interested, she's actually voicing poetry and opinions that align with a cause, informing  others reading that she supports and stands with them - and it's not just at DUP, but through other social media.

I believe that’s a better defense than I gave her. And honest. 🕊
You are cool. 💎

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

Only five times?! Yes; I suffer from dyslexia ( which I have never attempted to conceal ).  My thoughts get ahead of my words many times, so I return to edit.  

Craic, your attempts to discredit me are so lame. Seriously. The American flag ( despite its abhorrent history ) is the national flag of the American people. That is a fact. It does represent the American people whether we like it or not. Just like our current president is the President of the United States, whether we like it or not. That is another fact.

Your continual beratement of American contributes to nothing.  It HAS changed dramatically over the years because of wars, protests, and demonstrations. That is yet another fact.

You can deny none of these facts.

Erm. . . I am 60 years old and in a very high-risk category for covid-19. So, yes, I am confined. And I'm pretty sure most here were.  However, do not confuse that with no power, Craic. To do so would be foolish.

Edit: P.S. I'll probably edit this a few times.

And it's getting beyond obvious and tiresome.

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