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Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

This is an older article ( I can't believe I found it ), but one worth reading.  It was written by a law professor.  While the stats have certainly changed, the issue has not - and that is the whole point of all of this protesting and demand for change:

18 Examples Of Racism In The Criminal Legal System

Racism may well be the biggest crime in the criminal legal system. If present trends continue, 1 of every 4 African American males born this decade can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, despite the fact that the Census Bureau reports that the U.S. is 13 percent Black, 61 percent white and 17 percent Latino.
When Brown v Board of Education was decided in 1954, about 100,000 African Americans were in prison. Now there are about 800,000 African Americans in jails and prisons: 538,000 in prisons, and over 263,000 in local jails. Black men are nearly 6 times as likely to be incarcerated as white men and Hispanic men are 2.3 times as likely, according to the Sentencing Project.
Why? Because our country has dramatically expanded our jails and prisons and there is deep racism built into every step of the criminal legal system. Some think the criminal legal system has big problems that need to be reformed. Others think the racism in the criminal legal system is helping it operate exactly as it has been designed to incarcerate as many black and brown people as possible.

Here are 18 examples of racism in parts of different stages of the system. Taken together, the racism in each of these steps accelerates the process of incarceration of African American and Latino males. Together, they demonstrate that racism may well be the biggest crime in the criminal legal system.

[ . . . ]


Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Blackwolf said:Does not say how many cops were killed by whites , versus blacks...

Does not say how many were injured by whites , versus blacks...

And don't always believe the FBI...

"Wounded Knee" , prime example

does it matter what tribe killed them??? They are dead
does it matter what tribe injured them??? They are Hurt
The problem is not race here it is tribalism which pays no heed
to colour, ethnicity, ideology or gender  for BLM and ANTIFA
They are both tribes and want to increase the level of violence,
rebellion and membership. Most members and peaceful protestors
don't know what's coming down the pike, blissfully unaware
that this is not about George Floyd the two tribes are working
to take power by violence in this Marxist takeover

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

I am all for rebellion , against unfair systems , David ,
and we in America , not you , whether in Scotland ,
England , or wherever , do not have to deal with what
we go through , here...

( though you have your own problems )

Good for BLM...good for ANTIFA !

Trump wants to increase violence , as do many Republicans...

So get real , and wake up !

Or : stay out of our country's politics...

Does not mean you can not have an opinion...

Just to me...it does not matter...with respect given...just truth

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Blackwolf said:I am all for rebellion , against unfair systems , David ,
and we in America , not you ,

Sounds like an immature point by a petulant child, like you are sticking your tongue out

Blackwolf said: whether in Scotland ,England , or wherever ,
do not have to deal with what we go through , here...

Do You know any history of Americas Relationship with the UK? Look it up! Trends that form in the USA almost immediately happen here and the fallout from riots and violence is similar There has been a long history of this from roller blades to BLM and lots either side.

Blackwolf said:( though you have your own problems )

Personal or societal?

Blackwolf said:Good for BLM...good for ANTIFA !

Well it wonderful to see that you align yourself with domestic terrorists and terrorism

[quote-487157-Blackwolf]Trump wants to increase violence , as do many Republicans...

ANTIFA and BLM started the violence I am surprised with Trumps patience in Seatle. I would have dealt with it differently (Trump hating has no place in reasonable discource)

Blackwolf said:So get real

Oh I am REAL -  something you should't really forget  

Blackwolf said:wake up !

I do not have the sill or reading and typing in my sleep, mabe you have but you are wrong I am very much awake don't forget that either

Blackwolf said: stay out of our country's politics...

Erm,....................... NO! "Only boss gives orders and you certainly aint the boss"

Blackwolf said:Does not mean you can not have an opinion...

"Get real, wake up, stay out of our country's politics" Sounds like that is exactly what you are saying - No Opinion for me unless it is in my head but I should keep my mouth shut!
Ain't gonna happen Wolfie

Blackwolf said:Just to me...it does not matter...with respect given...just truth

Being honest I see no evidence of respect coming from you. The truth that you seem to have is made up truth or your biased truth. I have been having a love affair wuth the USA for over 40 years. I have studied its history and current affairs, its wars and its charity, from shallow hollywood to the Black Panthers, from salvery to civil rights. I was a senior rights legal advisor for 19 years. So ignore this well researched mind and try to adopt a much humbler stand than strutting like a peacock

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

First things first , here , David ;

Sheesh of course you immediately think that way...

"Personal or societal?"

Of course societal...stop thinking in those terms...

"Sounds like an immature point by a petulant child, like you are sticking your tongue out"

Sounds like you just don't like rebellion...many of us in America are rebels...

Think of how this country started...

"Trends that form in the USA almost immediately happen here and the fallout from riots and violence is similar"

So we are trendsetters...good for us !

About time the rest of the world got balls !

Disagree with you , as far as BLM , and ANTIFA

And Trump is a part of this thread and discussion...

He is the cause of a lot of the violence...

"Erm,....................... NO! "Only boss gives orders and you certainly aint the boss" "

Context , David , and quote me correctly...my whole quote , not part ;

So get real , and wake up !

Or : stay out of our country's politics...

"Sounds like that is exactly what you are saying -
No Opinion for me unless it is in my head but I
should keep my mouth shut!"

I am a firm believer one should deal with their own country ,
and their country's problems , not any other country...

Yet *that* is *my* belief...may not be yours...

"shallow hollywood"

Opinion , as most of you posting is...not real , just opinion...

Just like your strutting like a peacock , calling me that...

You can study only what is reported , or written , and pick and choose
what you believe , from a distance...does not mean what is reported or
written is truth...just what you want to believe is truth , from a distance ,
not a certified reality , as you are not living in it...

That is what you refuse to get...you are just buying into spoon fed politics...

Long distance imagination , based on those you choose to read , watch ,
or believe...and *that* is what your reality is based on...pick and choose
reality...not the reality most of us here , experience...;)

P.S. I do teach , and work with , a very ancient Tradition

Melek Taus (Kurdish: مەلیک تاووس ,Tawusê Melek‎),[1][2] also spelled Malik Tous, translated in English as Peacock Angel, is one of the central figures of Yazidi religion

So truthfully , I have no problem with peacocks...

Just pompous , human ones , which you continually
show yourself to be...I liked you more when you were
writing your fun poetry...you were a happier being !

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

I need no spoon-feeding my research is deep, hard work and serious - what you experience in your state may indeed be not true for the next man, my research covers sources of the widest viewpoints all claiming truth, many people claim it few actually speak it or even know it.
I am amazed that you think you can speak for most Americans - actually you can only speak for yourself - there is a difference

"And Trump is a part of this thread and discussion." Mindless trump hatng adds nothing at all to reasoned debate, it's a mental illness.

"I am a firm believer one should deal with their own country ,
and their country's problems , not any other country..."

Souds a bit racist to me or at the very least bigoted. for that reason I could never agree with your belief

So Hollywood is not shallow???WTF! Hollywood has a long history of rape, marital abuse, infidelity, drug abuse, child abuse, sex, lies and videotape, Jesus man take a good hard look at it!

"pick and choose
reality...not the reality most of us here, experience...;)"

Only because you are constantly being lied to, given a cookie or a gadget and told to Shut up, reality is passing you buy but with reality it will pass you by until it targets and bites you - it is coming

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Mindful Trump hating , David...very mindful...he is a complete lying , bully , insulting asshole...

I can speak for many here in America...

I am in touch with many , I listen , I watch , and all you have to do is watch *many* views
and stations in America , to see even Republicans and top military officials coming out
against Trump , and for freedom in *our* country...

Calling me racist or bigoted because I believe a country should deal with it's own problems
only serves to show what kind of person you are choosing to be...one who sticks their nose
into another country's business...America has done that , and Americans , as well...

And *those* are ones I despise for it here...please do not exemplify that yourself...


Hollywood is a city...

It has many parts , poor to rich...( gee , did you not know that? )

If you mean the elite rich in Hollywood , there are many types...

Some , I might agree with , some not...

I have some *very*  good friends in Hollywood , who I have taught...

Truly great , and caring , human beings...

And yes , there are others...but it is as individual , as anywhere else in
any place that has wealth and those without...have you *ever* been
there , or do you just believe books , or television , or internet ?

I have been there many times...from elite mansions , to broken down
homes , to Dick Gregory's old wheatgrass , and smoothie shack , in the
early eighties...

Some things good...many things

Some bad...many things

Just like London...

( "Hollywood has a long history of rape, marital abuse, infidelity, drug abuse, child abuse, sex, lies and videotape"...like London )

What you imagine , I imagine differently...as well , I live here...

In the *real* reality...

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

I agree, BW. I don't give a damn how much you read or study history. Until you actually live it and experience it daily you really don't know.  I prepared for the mission field for YEARS ( including college ). And no amount of reading, studying, talking to missionaries, or seeing actual photos prepared me for what I experienced in a third-world country;  no amount.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572


Thank you , Ahavati...

Agreed...experience in person , is awakening always...

Not always pleasant

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Here are some interesting findings from Blacks Law Dictionary In reference to the words 'people' and 'color' or "people of color"

Black's Law Dictionary (5th edition) defines the word color using these exact words: "An appearance, semblance, or simulacrum, as distinguished from that which is real. A prima facie or apparent right. Hence, a deceptive appearance; a plausible, assumed exterior, concealing a lack of reality; a disguise or pretext." 

The definition for People or person from the Blacks Law Dictionary is
"In the imaginary world of legal fiction – and all commerce is legal fiction, a “person” is always an artificial “legal person” of one kind or another legally generated. means an actor in a drama not real or a mask or appearance 

People of color or a person of color has never been seen as a real person 
Blacks have never been recognized as real people 

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

The answer to the question - "Are black and white colors?"  - is one of the most debated issues about color. Ask a scientist and you'll get a reply based on physics: “Black is not a color, white is a color.” Ask an artist or a child with crayons and you'll get another: “Black is a color, white is not a color.” (Maybe!)



Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

I'm A 73-Year-Old Black Woman. Here's How I've Kept Hope Alive For A Better Future.

Witnessing recent police violence and racial strife swallowing our cities and towns, I’ve been tempted to cave into feeling like we’ve all been duped by the so-called promise of America. Once more in history, reactionary white supremacists and their allies have risen to crush African American aspirations.

With all of my accomplishments, I’m still compelled at times to feel tired and hopeless. I have both a master’s degree in public health and a doctorate in political science from the University of California, Berkeley. I’m retired from a great professional career in public health and foreign policy. And yet, I’m still tempted to discount not only my own personal accomplishments, but at times those of my people and the nation under the crushing weight of hatred. It has taken a long time — over a century and a half — for a Civil War and social activism to get us where we are.

Because of that continuous agitation, I can still muster some hope.

[ . . . ]


Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1863

EdibleWords said:Rapes are happening in the happy zone and can’t be addressed.

Do I need to contact #blacklivesmatter myself?

Who wants to crash a party with me?

I am the one you want to stand with.

Corrie Ten Boom’s father invented this NOT ME!
He wanted everybody to wear David’s Star.

Time to do it again.
Save the black nation.


I am black

I read Corrie Ten Boom's story decades ago - and her father was right about the principle of undermining the "divide-and-rule" principle that out lords & masters have thrived on for centuries. A mass united stand against abusive authoritarianism seems a viable (or maybe the only viable) way to get structural change for the better. Meanwhile, unreported, another 2% of global wealth has shifted upwards in the last 3 months to the 0.001% elite whilst everyone has been distracted by Covid/BLM etc.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17252

Josh said:

I read Corrie Ten Boom's story decades ago - and her father was right about the principle of undermining the "divide-and-rule" principle that out lords & masters have thrived on for centuries. A mass united stand against abusive authoritarianism seems a viable (or maybe the only viable) way to get structural change for the better. Meanwhile, unreported, another 2% of global wealth has shifted upwards in the last 3 months to the 0.001% elite whilst everyone has been distracted by Covid/BLM etc.

Distracted? What are we supposed to do? Ignore the imbalance and deaths? You don't think the global protests are a mass united stand against abusive authoritarianism, police brutality, and an unjust legal system?

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

David_Macleod said:In 2018

153 officers killed in the line of duty

Cops injured 18,005 in the line of duty

Cop Suicides comitted 172

In 2019:

unarmed black killed by cops 9

unarmed whites killed by cops 19

Does and news agency report on that? Free speech is not given to cops, it is down to others to report these figures

(Figures source at FBI site)


These facts are not important to white liberals, man...They manufacture a narrative, cherry pick info to manipulate to support their propaganda and then tell minorities what to say and how to be angry. Nothing was said about black death by anyone on the left a month ago....But now they REALLY care about black people. Conservative sites talk constantly about shootings and minorities dying in big cities. Over 50 people died in Chicago over memorial day weekend. One was a 5 year old black girl shot standing next to her dad ....White leftist media coverage...ZERO...It can not be used for political fodder thus it is ignored. Leftist only care about info they can use for their "holier than thou" agenda which conveniently occurs every election year. The last time white controlled social media pushed BLM into the spotlight was.....wait for it... summer of 2016

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