Poetry competition CLOSED 13th June 2020 1:28am
View Profile Poems by Thetravelingfairy
RUNNER-UP: Jermainesplain

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Broken Hearts

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 56

From the Ground Up

As I gaze into your dull lifeless eyes
I can't help but smile through the tears I cry
For surely now you are in a better place
Then you were at the start of these horrid days
And even though you are so far away
Let's pretend the stars are ours for today
For when the morning comes and dawn awakes
I'll be alone with the rain's chorus on my windowpane.
But falling was never something that I grew up with
Through courage kept my head above those myths
That someday we would fade to nothing
If life was ever gracious enough to be trusting
Reminders how there can be no silhouette
For those fleeting spirits of the dead
They said down was all I ever grew
Maybe I'll start up with the absence of you.
Written by _victoria_ (Wusk)
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 56


I'm a mess
A complex and troubled soul -  
Not to be dramatic,
Not to be theatric
But life has taken its toll
Complications of the heart
Temptations of the flesh
I'm not one to share
Even less, one to confess,
Yet I live a life of contradiction -  
My Yin and Yang have conspired against me
For I have myself shackled
Yet, all I want to do is be free
I'm a mess
Too many wants
Too many haunts
The question in my head doesn't end,
"Can a broken heart ever mend?"
Written by _victoria_ (Wusk)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2324


i almost wrote You into my journal
professing eternal love    
putting on alert my heart  
Gratitude universe above  
i almost penned You into my journal
adopting lyrical You
from the start
side-steppin' all trepidation
my eyes no longer blue
i almost etched You into my journal  
a muse who I love (no kiss & telling)  
reciprocal syllables of the same  
carved our aortal flames  
into our Tree of Life  
@ our trysting place  
i almost spilled myself into You  
(& into my daily journal)  
Last night on an astral plane  
we consummated our ink  
a pledge to one another  
eternal spiritual everything  
i almost wrote us into my journal
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2324

Unrequited  Quiet

Your forgiveness is now what I pray,
For in telling You to take it slow
I may have led You on to pine away,
Hoping for the day I would know
What You’re heart tells You today.

But my heart tells me a different thing
And my dreams dream not of You.
No matter how long the bell rings
No knockout will follow-through.

I’m going now to focus on my craft
And learn more from the Trees;
In empathic solitude I’ll laugh
Communing with zen mysteries.

In closing,
I’d still love to be Your friend
And grow and build this bond
But if it’s too much to wend
And interact perhaps we should
Move along.
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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Joseph mcmanus
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 13th May 2020
Forum Posts: 15

I would vote for this one.  The idea of starting...ground up.  And the imagery is vivid.  I thought I saw a few places where you could have omitted a word, still keeping the meaning intact    so far, you seem to be the best writer....out of everyone...I've seen here, but I've only been here a couple weeks.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


“Define Blue Haiku”
Remember the day when you
Broke my heart in two?
Written by snugglebuck
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Not to be considered an entry.  Just a contribution for the joy of participation

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

All Alone

My lonely

My empty

Silence rules
My home

Like a

Still I hope
For love
Written by snugglebuck
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Not to be considered an entry.  Just a contribution for the joy of participation.

Tasia Arlene
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 6th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 1

Tea Over Koffee

A peculiar event
To be spilling tea over a cup of coffee  
About someone I genuinely thought loved me  
Waking up to nicotine and echoing vacancy  
Exhaling my mind to reveal your twisted ride  
Sticking around during your highest tide  
Disregarding your flaws and seeing to your core  
Passion, spark, and fire  
The sweetest and saddest crier  
Turning out to only be there to keep me warm  
I thought decency was uniform  
Winter is crippling and lonely  
My heart and I were over feeling numb  
My fingertips on your skin after conversation and too much rum  
Then the sun peaked and made me run for shelter  
I did everything in my power to make you feel better  
Asking the cards and still playing the fool  
Time is a concept that doesn’t cost money but change is meant to be spent  
So they say, fate is for the things that are meant  
Giving so much, being your window and your pain  
I know I don’t smoke, I can explain  
Once I’m clenching another boge  
My glass is running low but I can’t bare another substance  
To your well that I kept pouring  
Wishing you well in your darkness and mourning  
I’ll consider this closure for now darling  
Life without love is defeating  
But, love without life is depleting  
Another thing on the list to start grieving  
I hope you don’t ruin another care sitter  
I can’t tell whose drink is tasting more bitter
Written by tasia_arlene (Tasia Arlene)
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Stoney223, Frustrated_prole, Marks, XiaoLong, LilDragonFly, Phantom2426, FromTheAsh, ReggiePoet, glfinding, eswaller, MalcolmJThePoet, Yummy101, Kinkpoet, Jade-Pandora, socksscareme, Austin_Flank, nutbuster, 0UTPUT_a_AURA, TCLilly, Jermainesplain, AspergerPoet56, aladinson75, lepperochan, Layla, da_poetic-edifier, Poems4me, Bluevelvete, Ahavati, dejure, admin

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2324

WooHoo - Thetravelingfairy -- congrats!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15913

Congratulations, TravelingFairy Person! Well-deserved win!

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