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Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
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hese charts display data on police killings that happened from January 2013 through December 2019. The Rate of Police Killings chart displays the chances of a black person being killed by a police officer within a given state out of the total black population living within that state (Source: 2013 US

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Valeriyabeyond said:State Comparison Tool
This tool is designed to help you hold state policy-makers accountable for police violence. It uses data on police killings that have happened from January 2013 through December 2019. You can use the tool to compare U.S. states to identify which states have the highest levels of police violence. You can also see how police violence disproportionately impacts black people in many states. In doing so, we hope you will be better equipped to hold policy-makers accountable for changing the policies and practices that make their states more likely to threaten black lives. And after you've explored this tool, click here to learn which police departments bear the most responsibility for this violence.


Question: because of general population ratios how can we determine the disproportion?
I’ve heard about xenophobia in the force; I don’t doubt it.
The question is; how do we filter for population size differentials?

Just because more “white males” are killed doesn’t mean anything
unless factoring proportions to the populations.

More importantly, isn’t what matters
that someone was a psychopathic murderer with a badge?

Murder is murder.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Former President Bush, contrasting Trump approach, says protesters should be heard

“The only way to see ourselves in a true light is to listen to the voices of so many who are hurting and grieving,” Bush said in a statement. “Those who set out to silence those voices do not understand the meaning of America — or how it becomes a better place.”


poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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June 2, 2020 (Tuesday)

Last evening, the White House ordered Lafayette Square cleared of protesters so Trump could walk from the building to nearby St. John’s Episcopal Church and back, to try to override images of him hiding in the White House bunker with pictures of him walking outside. To clear the square, National Guard units attacked the peaceful protesters there with teargas, rubber bullets, and flash-bang explosives. Once the protesters had fled, the president strode across the square to the church and back, accompanied by Attorney General William Barr, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley in battle fatigues, and various advisors.

The stunt has drawn a significant backlash. Former CIA officials called out the behavior as that of a budding dictator. Gail Helt, a former CIA analyst who is now a professor of political science, told Washington Post reporter Greg Miller, “I’ve seen this kind of violence…. This is what autocrats do. This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It really does unnerve me.”

White House officials tried to escape blame for the attack on peaceful protesters by saying that the park should have been cleared hours before. Advisor Kellyanne Conway told reporters that the president did not know how law enforcement would clear the area for him to proceed.

James N. Miller, former undersecretary of defense for policy from 2012 to 2014, accused Esper of betraying his oath of office as Miller resigned from the Defense Science Board today. “Law-abiding protesters just outside the White House were dispersed using tear gas and rubber bullets — not for the sake of safety, but to clear a path for a presidential photo op,” Miller wrote. “You then accompanied President Trump in walking from the White House to St. John’s Episcopal Church for that photo…. You may not have been able to stop President Trump from directing this appalling use of force, but you could have chosen to oppose it. Instead, you visibly supported it.” He urged Esper to think about where he would draw the line.

Esper apparently already wishes he had drawn it further back than he did. He told a reporter, ““I didn’t know where I was going … I thought I was going to do two things: to see some damage and to talk to the troops.” Pentagon officials told reporters that neither Esper nor the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley knew they were going to be part of a photo-op, and did not intend to participate.

Notably, although former presidents try to stay out of the business of criticizing their successors, former President George W. Bush made a statement saying that he and Mrs. Bush “are anguished by the brutal suffocation of George Floyd and disturbed by the injustice and fear that suffocate our country.” He called for ending “systemic racism in our society,” and called out “the doctrine and habits of racial superiority.” Without explicitly criticizing Trump, he called for “empathy, and shared commitment, and bold action, and a peace rooted in justice.”

Even televangelist Pat Robertson told Trump that his response to the protests “isn’t cool.”

Some Republican leaders also objected. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, the only black Republican Senator, said “If your question is, ‘Should you use tear gas to clear a path so the president can go have a photo op,’ the answer is no.” Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska said: “There is no right to riot, no right to destroy others’ property, and no right to throw rocks at police. But there is a fundamental — a Constitutional — right to protest, and I’m against clearing out a peaceful protest for a photo op that treats the Word of God as a political prop."

They were lone voices. Other Republican leaders in Congress tried to pretend they were largely unaware of an event that has roiled the nation. Senator Mitt Romney of Utah said “I didn’t watch it closely enough to know.” Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said he “didn’t really see it.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said “I’m not going to critique other people’s performances.” Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri said he’d seen “conflicting reports” about what happened.

Still others cheered Trump on. When asked if he believed there was an abuse of power yesterday, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas said: “By the protesters, yes.” Today McConnell blocked a resolution that would have condemned the event.

Meanwhile, former Vice President Joe Biden gave his first formal public speech since the pandemic forced a halt to his campaigning in mid-March. Speaking in front of American flags at Philadelphia’s City Hall, he said “Donald Trump has turned this country into a battlefield riven by old resentments and fresh fears…. Is this who we are? Is this who we want to be? Is this what we want to pass on to our children and our grandchildren? Fear, anger, finger pointing, rather than the pursuit of happiness? Incompetence and anxiety, self-absorption, selfishness?”

"We are in a battle for the soul of this nation," Biden said. "Who we are. What we believe. And maybe most important — who we want to be."

Martha Raddatz of ABC News illustrated that question tonight in a photograph of soldiers standing on the steps of Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

~ Heather Cox Richardson

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
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I saw this while i was at work, its just unbelievable.. the audacity.
But November is just around the corner and he will be dethroned.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570

Layla said:I saw this while i was at work, its just unbelievable.. the audacity.
But November is just around the corner and he will be dethroned.

Right, Vote.  Meanwhile. . .

NZ Police keep the peace - say no to 'Armed Response Teams'

[ . . . ]The Police have referred to the aftermath of the horrific March 15 Mosque Terror Attacks saying they must be prepared to operate in a different context. Yet after March 15 across Aotearoa we saw people in community vigils singing waiata together for comfort, flowers being laid outside Mosques, and aroha being shown in so many ways including changing some laws. These actions showed us countering terror by strengthening our social connection. In these moments we showed our humanity and that in our communities we all wish to thrive. Looking forward, many of us see our communities are at their best as places of home, of connection, and of coming together. They’re where we develop our sense of belonging.

Putting more police with guns on the streets won’t protect communities or help us feel safe.
[ . . . ]


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570

This is a man of honor and integrity. His letter is important. I know there are more like him in our government, and hope they will follow his lead.

'I wish you the best': US military adviser resigns after Trump's controversial photo op at church

A Department of Defense adviser has resigned, effective immediately, from the military's science board, citing what he believed to be a violation of conduct from Secretary of Defense Mark Esper.

In his resignation letter to Esper, which was obtained by The Washington Post, James Miller Jr., who served as the US undersecretary of defense for policy from 2012 to 2014, recalled that he swore an oath of office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States" and "to bear true faith and allegiance to the same," similar to what the defense secretary had done before he took office.

"On Monday, June 1, 2020, I believe that you violated that oath," Miller wrote to Esper.

[ . . . ]


poet Anonymous

Washington, 6/1/20

What numbness will I be
when angry swelling subsides?
I cannot grieve for the sting;
I cannot raise my tongue in hopeful song—

My sweat is a parted sea parody:
Moses crossing, unpursued
in great self-symbolism.

Such is the sorrow of nature, beaten out;
a god-hand, lobbed to break the pooling instinct—
leaving us with little left to call ourselves.

We watch him bear the bible
like a cross along the path—
as if to pave chaos
and usher freedom to slaves.

Arriving alone at derelict sanctuary
Looking back, pleased, upon his works.
Written by hgnichols (Harry Nichols)
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poet Anonymous



ignorant: "All lives matter"
as racist defense



Yeah, I can see how
anti-fascism looks like
terrorism to you



An entity's state
when the stupid has begun
to metastasize
Written by SatInUGal (Kumar)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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Warner Bros. makes ‘Just Mercy’ free to rent for ‘systemic racism’ education

The 2019 film “Just Mercy,” which chronicles courtroom struggles against racial injustice and mass incarceration, will be made free on digital platforms throughout June in the wake of George Floyd’s death, Warner Bros. said Tuesday.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
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Tennessee National Guardsmen put down their shields during peaceful rally at state capitol

In a powerful moment, the Tennessee National Guard laid down their shields at the invitation of community activist Justin Jones.

"We want to invite these law enforcement, these troopers to lay down your swords and shields and join us," Jones said. The guards, who were standing in a line in front of the capitol, put their shields on the ground as the crowd cheered.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570

SatInUGal said:

Did you not catch the part where so-called ANTIFA tweets that all your alt-right folks were freaking out about were traced back to white supremacists? It's been all over the news that boogaloo bois are pulling shit.

White nationalist group posing as antifa called for violence on Twitter

Other misinformation and misleading claims spread across Twitter on Sunday night and into Monday related to the protests.

A Twitter account claiming to belong to a national “antifa” organization and pushing violent rhetoric related to ongoing protests has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa, according to a Twitter spokesperson.

The spokesperson said the account violated the company's platform manipulation and spam policy, specifically the creation of fake accounts. Twitter suspended the account after a tweet that incited violence.

As protests were taking place in multiple states across the U.S. Sunday night, the newly created account, @ANTIFA_US, tweeted, “Tonight’s the night, Comrades,” with a brown raised fist emoji and “Tonight we say 'F--- The City' and we move into the residential areas... the white hoods.... and we take what's ours …”

This isn’t the first time Twitter has taken action against fake accounts engaged in hateful conduct linked to Identity Evropa, according to the spokesperson.


Identity Evropa, rebranded as American Identity Movement in March 2019, is an American neo-Nazi and white supremacist organization established in March 2016. The group is identified as a white supremacist organization by the Anti-Defamation League and is designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.

poet Anonymous

^ #RealFactsMatter ^

Kids, always do your homework.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570

JohnnyBlaze said:^ #RealFactsMatter ^

Kids, always do your homework.

Education matters and makes a massive difference: it KILLS ignorance. The below is from a long-time friend who couldn't understand the difference between #Blacklivesmatter and all
lives matter.

Tammy [. . .]  I believe we should treat everyone the way we want to be treated. George Floyd's murder tears at my heart. How a human being could treat another with such disregard for his life should anger us all--it does me. I would do anything in my power to give my boys a better world, one filled with peace and harmony, not hate and anger. I'm slowly understanding the difference between Black Lives and All Lives matter. Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks. Thanks for suggesting 13th, it was inspiring.

~ Charles [last name withheld ]

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